• 02/04/2008 (7:09:50 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


HE's BACK !!!
Heyman Hustle will launch exclusively on The Sun Online on February 18th
IT’S the news his fans around the globe have been waiting for – and today Paul Heyman announces his brand new project.
Check out the first commercial:
Also why Paul left the WWE....
The Heyman Hustle: "Our goal is to break ground in the wireless/broadband and digital/mobile platforms, which get so much attention from the entertainment industry right now because its unchartered turf and no-one has been able to figure out what the future holds on this constantly evolving concept.  We want to peel back the layers of celebrity and we’re going to demonstrate that larger-than-life personalities are not only found on television and the movies.  We’re going to find the extraordinary in the ordinary and find the ordinary in the extraordinary.  So, we’re just diving in as deep as we can go and trying to be the leaders of the exploration of this new universe.  So, we’re content providers in a brand new, exploding, and already rapidly changing field."

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