• 02/04/2008 (2:34:10 pm)
  • Press Release


ONLY 9 SPOTS LEFT!!!!! After that there will be a waiting list.  Must act now to reserve your spot!!!
Anyone that is attending the seminar and needs directions to the training center.  Directions have been post at

The Global Wrestling Alliance proudly brings you World Wrestling Entertainment's head trainer Al Snow. Al will be conducting a wrestling seminar on Sunday, March 9th at the GWA Training Center located in Lima, OH.

This seminar is open to any trained professional wrestler who is serious about making this a full time career. Al will focus on in-ring wrestling with seminar participants. He will also speak to the athletes in attendance on ring psychology and answer any questions that you may have. Here is your chance to participate and learn from the man that WWE trusts to train their future superstars.

Snow's other duties for WWE also include scouting for fresh talent to be recommended for taking part in WWE work outs at area events or even to be signed to WWE developmental deals. For more information go to or  You can also email them [email protected]  or [email protected].  You may also phone a reservation at 419-204-0134 or 419-230-4879. There are only a limited amount of spots available.

The cost for this training seminar is $50 and a light meal will also be included. The training center is located in Lima, Ohio at 1098 E. Eureka St. 45804. Training seminar will start between 4 and 5 pm.( we should have an exact time as Al's travel plans are solidified). Please be there 1 hour prior to fill out the paper work and pay your fee.

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