• 12/18/2006 (2:53:51 pm)
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SHOW #42







12/116 NWA Anarchy Report

By: Larry Goodman

For NWA Anarchy’s final show leading to Season’s Beatings, the booking braintrust in Cornelia boldly went where it had never gone before. For some major shows, they have been guilty of peaking too soon or giving the fans too much. Neither was the case this time around.

It takes guts to book a show with only three matches. That, and supreme confidence in your storylines and the talking ability of the performers. The risk was richly rewarded, as Anarchy goes into their holiday extravaganza with main event momentum surrounding no less than four matches.

The most newsworthy item was the United States and NWA Arena debut of the Mikael Judas character. With 6 months of main-eventing in Puerto Rico under his belt, Judas is on entirely different level from the former Mikal Adryan that left Anarchy. It's an awesome gimmick, a fully-realized monster gothic priest. There was never a question when it came to size and athletic ability, and he’s added defintion and power. Judas is scheduled to return to IWA in January. I won't be surprised if TNA or WWE has him under contract before that ever comes to pass.

With the addition of Judas and “International Superstar” Jimmy Rave to A. J. Styles’ first match for NWA Anarchy (his first match in the state of Georgia since March 2005?), Season’s Beatings has the most starpower of any Anarchy show to date.

The festivities opened with a Wrestle Vision segment. Mikki Free as he entered the building. Free told Anarchy owner Jerry Palmer that he was without his partner, Jason Justice. Free asked Palmer to join him for a discussion with Urban Assault Squad. Free told UAS he wanted settle it one-on-one. “I know how they do,” said Free. Nemesis took exception to that comment. Palmer ordered them to stick to the facts. Palmer booked a match with one member of UAS in the ring, while the other member would have to stay in the back.

(1) Jeremy Vain won the Bill Behrens Special, a 14 Mega Rumble to determine A. J. Styles’ opponent at Season’s Beatings (30:27). Austin Creed started it out with Shatter. A new wrestler being added to the mix at 2 minute intervals. Creed hit the Monte Fisto (James Brown splits haymaker) as Brodie Chase was introduced as contestant number three. Chase and Shatter beat on Creed, but they couldn’t get along, and Creed mounted a comeback. Creed’s partner, Hayden Young entered the match with an amazing springboard double lariat. The trajectory was such that he almost split his wig on the landing. Shatter was the first to go at 4:45. Creed and Young worked over Chase. Adam Roberts was next. Creed greeted him with a bulldog. The babyface team resumed control, but Roberts and Chase turned the tables on an attempted Irish whip sandwich. Chase drove Creed off the apron with a boot to the face at 7:53. Adrian Hawkins was entrant number six. Jeremy Vain was number seven. The pace slowed here, as they focused solely on trying to dump guys out. Logical but not very entertaining. Chase backdropped a charging Young over the top at 11:44. It was three heels against Hawkins. T. C. Carnage was next in. Carnage hit a fallaway slam on Vain. Roberts begged Carnage for his stinking life and eliminated himself to avoid the wrath of his former partner at 12:36. Jason Blackman was next with Roberts spurring him on. The bleacher dwellers popped when babyface Hawkins was eliminated at 14:43. Carnage held the heels at bay, one against three. A reinforcement came in the form of entrant number seven, T. J. Mack. Vain escaped from Mack’s 619. Vain stayed out of harm’s way at ringside. Brandon Phoenix was next. Vain liked those odds and rejoined the action to make it 4 on 2. Roberts came out to taunt Carnage. Blackman capitalized by dumping Carnage at 19:15. That left T. J. against four heels. Chase tried to light a fire under Phoenix. “Krazy K” Kirby Mack was next. Team Macktion sprung into action with some cool double teams. Patrick Bentley was contestant number 12. Bentley put Blackman over the top with a lariat at 22:30 to even up the odds. Macktion hit a tandem neckbreaker on Phoenix. T. J. saved his brother from elimination. Chad Parham was the final participant. Fans started a “Chad’s a f#ggot” chant. Parham choked K with his shirt. Bentley eliminated Phoenix with a lariat at 25:05 and did that ever look weak. Parham DESTROYED T. J with a jumping piledriver and dumped his limp body over the top rope at 25:28. K hit his springboard snap kick on Vain. Parham landed the chop of the night on Bentley. K went for his headstand on the top turnbuckle, and Parham met him with a dropkick to the face for the most spectacular elimination of the match at 27:27.

It was down to Parham, Vain, and Bentley. The heels doubled on Bentley. Fans chanted “Chad’s my hero”, when Parham hit a 15 count stalling suplex. Bentley came back with a tornado DDT on Parham, clipping Vain with a kick in the process. Bentley laid out both heels, Parham with the spring action kick and Vain with the Full Articulation (wheelbarrow snap victory roll), so it looks like they have big plans for him.

Match had a great swerve finish. The timing was spot on. Based on previous events, most fans (including me) expected Parham to win. Parham tried to toss Bentley out. Bentley skinned the cat. Parham moved in for the kill, but Bentley ducked and clotheslined Parham over the top. Vain immediately snuck up behind Bentley and dumped him over. T

Parham was fixing to throw a fit. He called out Palmer. As the video package played, Parham complained that he had already seen it 100 times. Parham demanded to be put in the main event at Season’s Beatings. Palmer asked Parham what more did he want? After all, he drew the last number in the Rumble. Palmer offered Parham the main event slot at Season’s Beatings and a and sweetened the pot with a guaranteed title shot. Parham was still whining but he accepted. Todd Sexton hit the ring. Sexton teased a piledriver on Parham. Parham ran like hell. The crowd popped for the announcement of Parham vs. Sexton at Season’s Beatings. Sexton’s first appearance in front of the fans since taking a sick piledriver from Parham at Fright Night got a great response.

Slim J came out and cut the promo of his life to open the second hour. Knocked it out of the freaking park. It made me want to see the match, and that’s what it’s all about, right? His promo was doubly impressive because he hasn’t done much live mic work. J said that after Salvatore Rinauro busted him open with a champagne bottle and made him bleed, it was on at Season’s Beatings.

A video from Rinauro was shown on the big screen. This was Rinauro at his egomaniacal best. Rinauro said it was nothing personal against J. Rinauro gave his version of Anarchy history. Rinauro said all hope was lost for wrestling in Cornelia when the doors closed on NWA Wildside, and he was the one man that did something. Rinauro said it was he that reopened the building so guys could train. He was the one that found Jerry Palmer and said, “Here’s pro wrestling, now you can do something with your life.” Rinauro said Anarchy was all because of him and yet, he gets no respect. Rinauro said there would be no more BS, because he deserved respect. Rinauro said if wasn’t at ROH (FIP actually) he would beat J down.

J said Rinauro was just jealous. A fan yelled something about ROH. J fired back that he got to ROH before Rinauro (true). Said that Sal was in his shadows. J promised to break Rinauro. “You’re going to get an example of what I am, and what I’ve been through.” J said it became personal to him when Rinauro when he hit him with the bottle and came for his NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title belt. “What you did is commit career suicide, BUHHH-STER.”

(2) Ace Rockwell beat Truitt Fields to retain the NWA Anarchy TV Title in 10:48. Rockwell got his usual phenomenal pop. Rockwell smacked Fields in the head to make him lose his cool and caught him with a pair of arm drags. Rockwell sent Fields over the top with a lariat and threw in a little lucha sizzle. Fields responded with his power gam, a double underhook suplex for two and a snap suplex into a guillotine choke. Fans wasted no time getting behind Ace. Fields dedicated a basement dropkick to an “old lady” Rockwell rooter in the first row. Fields was getting a “steroid freak” chant. It’s been a while (WCW days?) since that one was used in Cornelia. Fields felled Rockwell with a Stinger splash of sorts. Both men down on mid air collision of high crossbodies. Rockwell did his mean face and made the comeback. But Rockwell missed on a Stinger splash of his own. Fields hit a Tazzplex for a long two count. The finish saw Rockwell fly from the top. Fields moved but Rockwell was able to land on his feet and catch his unsuspecting opponent with the Aces High.

Eddie Rich announced Rockwell vs. Jimmy Rave for Season’s Beatings.

(3) Mikki Free beat Shadow Jackson in 6:18. It was the first time I had seen Free in a singles match, and it was better than expected. The crowd treated it as babyface vs. babyface, with cheers for both men and not much negativity towards either one. Clean breaks to open. Free tried to use strength to make Jackson his b#tch. Jackson answered with a powerslam for a two count. Free ran away from Jackson’s bionic elbow. Jackson nailed Free with one, two, make that three bionic elbows. Free bailed out to unscramble his brains. Free mounted a comeback. Free hit a bigtime power move where he blocked a vertical suplex and countered with a body slam. Free worked on Jackson’s back. Free hit the Pounce. Just as Jackson rallied with a spinebuster, Nemesis came crawling down the ramp with blood dripping from his forehead. A fan surmised that Justice was in the building after all. Referee Harold James got distracted. Free clocked Jackson with a chain for the 1-2-3. Jackson was also busted open and left laying. Cool. Justice Served asks for fair and square and double crosses UAS, thus answering the question of who are the true heels in this thing.

UAS weren’t about to let a few lumps and little blood get in the way of addressing their fans. Jackson said he had hoped they could settle their difference with Justice Served like men. “That’s what Anarchy is all about, right?” Jackson said he knew Scottie Wrenn was there (that’s what he called him). Jackson said UAS wanted Justice Served in Helen anyway they could get them. Nemesis said that Justice Served had tested their G for the last time. Palmer said the situation called for a special referee that will not and shall not be pushed around, and that referee would be JERRY PALMER at Season’s Beatings. More good stuff.

Jeff G. Bailey entered the ring with Jeff Lewis and Onyx. Bailey said that “parasitic punk” Dan Wilson was riding high, because he had done what nobody had ever done by embarrassing the NWA Elite and leaving them laying. Bailey challenged the Rejects to try it again. Wilson lead Tempers and Azrael came out to do battle with the Elite. Tank ran in to swing the odds in the Rejects favor. The lights went out…

The crowd popped when Judas appeared on the the big screen. Judas entered the ring. Judas gave Tempers the most devastating chokeslam in Anarchy history and sprayed red mist in Azrael’s face. Bailey said the Elite would destroy every last Reject Wilson could scrape up. Judas gave Azrael the Crucifijo, a Border Toss Caribbean Style that looked every bit as brutal as Hotstuff’s. Judas stabbed Tank’s forehead with a sharp instrument. The blood was flowing like a river. Wilson and the Reject were laid to waste. Bailey said the Rejects were doomed. “Death is imprinted upon you like an invisible birthmark.” Judas blasted Tempers and Azrael with chairshots. “Get Dan!” ordered Bailey. The Poodles were shreeking. It looked like Judas was going to crush Wilson skull legit, when Bailey called it off. “Who’s your God now, boy? I just saved you life.” Bailey told Wilson to kiss his ring. Bailey said that “scum sucking shaved egg” Iceberg would get his the next time. Judas gave Tempers the Crucifijo. Bailey growled about how beautiful the blood was. Bailey said it would be so easy to kill the Rejects here and now, but he wanted them to show up in Helen. Bailey’s parting words pretty well summed it up. “The NWA Elite, the most violent spectacle since the Christians were fed to the lions.”

NOTES: Attendance was 125…The lineup for 12/30 Season’s Beatings at the Remember When Theater in Helen stacks up as follows: Sexton vs. Parham, J vs. Rinauro for the heavyweight title, Styles vs. Vain, Wilson’s Rejects vs. Bailey’s Elite, UAS vs. Justice Served for the tag titles with Palmer as special ref , Rockwell vs. Rave for the TV title, and a Tag Team Turmoil featuring Team Macktion, Young & Creed, Chase & Phoenix, Delay & Bentley, Blackman & Roberts and Hawkins & Carnage …Former NWA Wildside star, Jason Cross defeated Vordell Walker and A. J. Steele to become the first Dropkick Pro Wrestling champion on 12/9 in Macon…Steven Prazak subbed for John Johnson on color commentary…Blackman retained the APW championship over Jackson at their Christmas Chaos show on 12/9. The tag match with Palmer & Free vs. Kevin Duncan & Rick Michaels with the ownership of NWA Anarchy and APW at stake ended as a double pin, so the issue won’t be resolved until their next show on 1/12. Rockwell retained the NWA Anarchy TV Title in a three-way over Hawkins and Tempers. Former Anarchy ref, Ryan Michaels defeated Corporal Punishment to claim the vacant Southern States Title...My unoffical 2006 Best Dressed in NWA Anarchy award goes to Team Macktion for their matching pinstriped suits...Best wishes to Onyx's wife on her recovery. She came out of the inring mishap prior to Fright Night with a foot that was dislocated and broken in three places. It didn't even look like a foot in the photos from the hospital.

SATURDAY 12-30-06










NWA Anarchy TV Report
Episode 41
December 11, 2006

This report along with television reports for NECW, Stampede, NWA Virginia (which usually delivers quality wrestling), Vanguard Championship Wrestling and some DVDs are up at A full length of the November 25 show in Edison, NJ is available at

WRESTLING: (n.) ’res-ling A sport of contest in which two individuals face off in unarmed combat.
ANARCHY: (n.) an-ar-key (1) A state of lawlessness due to absence of authority. (2) A complete lack of order.
What happens when you mix the two together? NWA-Anarchy!

- The show begins with a replay of the finals to the Mysterious Benefactor Tournament. The Devil’s Rejects defeated Slim J & Ace Rockwell, who earlier eliminated the NWA Elite (Jeff Lewis & Chad Parham), to win the tournament and retain the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Titles.

- This week’s episode of Anarchy will feature an interview from DAN WILSON~! Also, Chad Parham gets a shot at Slim J.

1. “Awesome” Austin Creed & Hayden Young vs. Brett Thunder & Adryan Hawkins.
THE MATCH: Anarchy reminds me so much of the territorial days and this match is no exception. This reminds me of one those face versus face tags that used to occur on UWF TV back in the day. No, and I’m not talking about Hermie Sadler either, I’m talking about Bill Watts, bitch! As expected, this match featured lots of back and forth action. The match ends when Creed outwrestles Hawkins to score the pinfall victory. That event alone was like EF Hutton talking because it left John Johnson speechless. Both teams celebrate afterwards.
WINNER: Creed & Young.
COMMENTS: The match wrestled at a real fast paced and featured some sloppy moments, but served its purpose of a decent opening and warm up match for this week’s program.

2. Shaun Tempers w/the Devil’s Rejects vs. Windwalker.
THE MATCH: Obviously, John Johnson knows nothing about American Indians because he says they can’t be offended when they don’t even own TV’s. Does he even realize that the Seminole Indians just bought out the Hard Rock Café? LOL! That is why good color commentators like Johnson rule. After a horribly botched clothesline, Tempers spends the next few minutes dismantling Windwalker. The crowd starts a “Reject’s suck” and the man with thumbtacks in his shoes mounts a comeback. Unfortunately for the Windwalker, the comeback is short circuited with a springboard moonsault gone awry. Tempers immediately stalks and kills his prey with a tigerdriver.
WINNER: Tempers.
COMMENTS: The match featured a few ugly spots, but served its purpose make the Reject’s look powerful. Dan Wilson’s postmatch tirade was great as usual.

- Dan Wilson demands the Rejects to remove this week’s enhancement ex-cra-mant from the ring. Wilson goes on another FIVE STAR TIRADE that I will not paraphrase this week. Why can’t your lazy ass just download and watch the damn show for once? Go to to download it. After watching the interview, do what Billy the Hon would say, bow down and worship Dan Wilson, BITCH!

3. #1 Contender’s match: Slim J vs. Chad Parham
THE MATCH: Chad Parham hates showoffs. Chad Parham hates wrestlers who show him up. Slim J fits both of those categories and therefore hates Slim J. Hell; Chad Parham hates everyone, including Superman, the man who owns a pair of Chad Parham boxers. As expected, Parham shows disdain towards Slim J. Slim J responds by decking him. Slim J maintains the advantage by managing to slap on a headlock from a variety of different methods as NWA Anarchy Jeff Lewis observes. Slim J leaps from the top rope, but Parham sends him flying to the mat. Parham goes Steven Regal on Slim J’s ass by cinching a butterfly lock and landing an arsenal of knees. Parham finishes the combination off with a butterfly suplex for a two count. After a commercial break, the crowd exchanges dueling chants for Chad and J. Parham hoists J for a delayed vertical suplex, but Slim J fights out of it in midair and turns into it a pinning predicament. Parham becomes infuriated and makes sure he gets the job done with a normal vertical suplex. Parham makes the cover, but J kicks out at two. Parham turns his attention to the champ, which allows J to ambush him. J unleashes a series of kicks that staggers Parham for a near fall. Remember, close only counts in hand shoes and horse grenades. J continues to assault Parham. Parham momentarily stuns J and lands a top rope double stomp to the back. Parham makes the cover, but J kicks out. Parham is befuddled. Parham goes for another cover, but K kicks out at two. Parham tosses his elbow pad aside in frustration and J catches him off being lackadaisical by slapping on the Roach Clip. The crowd demands for Parham to tap, but he rolls through to the ropes to force the break. Lewis decides it’s time to get a close up view of the action. Well, a close up view is what he gets when trips up J in the ropes. J turns his attention to Lewis. Todd Sexton decides to head out and eject Lewis from the premises as Parham back suplexes J. Parham decides to do the same thing and becomes distracted by Sexton. J decides to return the favor and rolls up Parham for the victory.
WINNER: Slim J and the right to face Jeff Lewis at Fright Night 2006.
COMMENTS: This was a good match that told a good story. This sets up another chapter in the never-ending in the Lewis/Slim J feud. But, what about Chad Parham, when is he going to win a singles match? The Sexton/Parham has been booked pretty good and is an example of what is missing from the major leagues of pro wrestling.

4. TEXAS TORNADO TABLES MATCH TOURNAMENT: Jason Blackman & Jeremy V vs. Justice Served (Mikki Free & Jason Justice)
STIPULATION: The winners of the tournament will receive a title shot in a table match for the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Titles.
THE MATCH: Justice Service asks the crowd do they want tables and the crowd responds by demanding them. Justice Served spends the opening moments by demolishing the heel contingent. V sends Justice to the floor and begins to work over Free’s knee. Free gets ties to the Tree of Woe where V & Blackman work over his knee. After a commercial break, Free plants V with a power slam, but continues to sell his knee. JS sets up to put V through a table, but Blackman saves his partner by tackling him. The faces destroy Blackman. Justice manhandles and posts V. This prompts the Rejects to head out, but the referee escorts them away, except for of course, Dominous. Dominous heads in and chokeslams Justice through a table, which allows V & Blackman to win the match. You know, I thought the referee can’t call what he can’t see. Johnson celebrates as the show goes off the air.
COMMENTS: Typically, the referee can’t call what he can’t see and if he didn’t see Justice put through a table, then he can’t give V & Blackman the victory. As par for the course in Anarchy, the interference occurred at the right moment, but the ending wasn’t good.

- OVERALL: This week’s episode is worth the download because it features a great match between Slim J and Chad Parham and the typical Five-Star Dan Wilson interview. The foundation for the Fright Night ’06 was set up nicely and next week’s show should serve as a good lead in.


NWA ME results Friday 12-9-06 


Match 1


Alan Cabrera     vs.     "The Syndicate Crew" DeAngelo w/ LA Player, Psycho Medic & Karnage


Cabrera was in for a long, hard fight.  Even though the match was scheduled as singles competition, it was 4-on-1 w/ "The Syndicate Crew" at ringside.  DeAngelo punched Cabrera then tossed him to the floor.  Psycho Medic measured him for a right fist to the forehead then threw him back to the ring.  DeAngelo followed up with a suplex and a chin lock.  Cabrera was able to duck a clothesline.  Both men fell to the mat after a double clothesline.  Alan Cabrera fought back by kicking DeAngelo in the ribs and then planted him with a DDT.  Cabrera went for the pin.  LA and Karnage called for the ref.  Psycho Medic jumped into the ring, smacked Cabrera with a kindo stick, and moved DeAngelo to cover Cabrera.  Your winner in 6:10 was DeAngelo.  Once Cabrera was able to stand up, he said he wanted revenge later tonight.  He guaranteed he would return with a partner to face "The Syndicate Crew".


Match 2


 "Outlaw" Lee Condry        vs.      "Nerdy White Boy" Jay Jacobs


The crowd laughed at the "Nerdy White Boy" when he fell getting into the ring.  Jacobs wanted them to stop but he did not get his wish.  After locking up, Condry backed Jacobs into the corner and began with many vicious chops.  Jay Jacobs tried to retaliate on Lee Condry with a few chops of his own.  Condry then laughed since the ‘nerd’s" chops wasn’t having any effect on Condry’s chest.  Condry reversed Jacobs, raised his shirt and showed how to really chop an opponent’s chest and back.  Jacobs was red all over.  He was beaten down and out of breath.  Jay Jacobs had had enough of the famous Condry chops.  "Outlaw" Lee Condry won via pin fall in 6:08.


Match 3


Shady Grady     vs.     Mr. "Mean" Mike Woods


The veteran wanted to prove to Shady Grady why he was known as ‘mean" Mike.  Woods nailed Shady Grady repeatedly in the gut with some stiff kicks.  When Grady was able to get up, Woods raked his back.  The more the fans cheered for Grady, the more mean and more mad Woods became.  Mike Woods popped Grady in the head with a high knee.  Woods hit him with an elbow.  He tried again but missed.  Shady Grady punched Woods then tossed him to the corner.  Mike Woods came back and ducked Grady’s clothesline.  Woods planted Shady Grady with a guillotine clothesline and scored the win in 7:15.


Match 4


"The Syndicate Crew" Psycho Medic & Karnage w/ LA Player & DeAngelo
White Trash & GQ


White trash was thrown out of the ring.  The ref witnessed LA Player and DeAngelo hitting him so they were barred from ringside.  As the referee was making them leave, Psycho Medic low blowed GQ.  Both men tagged out.  White Trash had the advantage and chopped Karnage (AKA "Whopper") three times then suplexed him.  Trash was warmed up and now wanted to fight Medic ( AKA "Milk Dud").  he threw Karnage to his own corner to tag in Milk Dud.  As soon as he entered the ring he was surprised with an arm drag.  One Medic restructured his train of thought he was able to catch Trash with a scoop slam.  GQ came to help his partner.  Medic gave him a low blow and flung him to the floor.  The ref was checking on GQ.  Medic held Trash in front of him and Karnage grabbed the baseball bat.  Trash was able to duck which caused Whopper to hit Milk Dud smack dab in the head.  Once again Milk Dud was pinned in the center of the ring, but was still a champion since the belts were not on the line.  White Trash and GQ reminded "The Syndicate Crew" that was their second win over them.  Then, they announced they wanted a title shot!!  "The Syndicate Crew"  denied their request.  Medic was fussing at Karnage for hitting him with the bat and causing them to lose the match.  Karnage apologized.  "The Syndicate Crew" made up since they were still the reigning champs.


Match 5


2-Bit w/ Stunning Stacy     vs.     The Phantom


2-Bit worked over the knee of The Phantom to keep him grounded due to the size advantage the Phantom had.  2-Bit twisted his knee and wrapped it around the ropes to pop the knee out of place.  The Phantom tried to fight back but was in tremendous pain.  When The Phantom was able to make it to his feet to attack 2-bit, he was caught in "A Bit of Reality".  2-Bit won in 5:06 by pin fall.


Match 6


Steve-O & Alan Cabrera
"The Syndicate Crew" LA Player & DeAngelo w/Psycho Medic & Karnage


Cabrera found his friend, Steve-O, who agreed to be his partner.  Steve-O has battled many times against "The Syndicate Crew".  The ref ordered Psycho Medic and Karnage to go back to the locker rooms so this match would be 2-on-2.  They were frustrated at the decision.  Steve-O chased them with a chair and they left.  Shortly afterwards, they came thru the front door and then made their way to the front row.  Promoter, Mike Porter questioned them and found out they had bought two tickets.  They were legally allowed back at ringside.  LA Player and DeAngelo were glad the other members were able to watch their backs closely.  Player hit Steve-O with the Fall Away Slam and The Players Ball.  DeAngelo was choking Steve-O then super kicked him.  Steve-O was fighting back and giving LA Player 10 right hand punches that the crowd had asked him to do.  Steve-O was not able to recuperate from the low blow from LA Player.  DeAngelo made the cover as Player kept Cabrera out of the way from the ref’s count.  The fans shouted "Chicken! Chicken!" since "The Syndicate Crew" fled the ring after the cheating win in 5:18.  LA Player and DeAngelo returned to the ring to prove how brave they are to the fans.  Alan Cabrera and Steve-O punched them as soon as they entered the ring.  "The Syndicate Crew" ran back out of the ring and to the locker room.


Match 7


NWA Mid-America Heavyweight Championship


"Outlaw" Lee Condry (Challenger)
"Mr. Impact" J T Quest w/ Xstacy (Champion)


Lee wanted to do anything he could to get the belt around his waist since he had another shot.  Each time that Condry was taking control in the match, JT would either poke him in the eyes or roll out of the ring for a break.  JT had to rethink his strategy.  He began to work over the back of Condry then tossed Lee out to the concrete floor and made him land on his back.  Xstacy was able to kick Condry a few times.  JT Quest then put Condry in a Boston Crab. Lee was once again fighting back.  Quest did what he had to do to retain the gold.  He was able to get Lee Condry on the mat and pin him in 13:11 without the referee spotting his feet on the ropes.  "Mr. Impact" is still the NWA Mid-American Heavyweight Champion.

NWA ME results for Sat 12-10-06 in Columbia, TN 


Match 1


 2-Bit w/ Stunning Stacy     vs.     Jason X


2-Bit went to work on the arm of Jason X at the start of the match.  Jason X was making a come back.  However, as he went for two elbow drops, he missed them both.  2-Bit was able to roll up Jason X for the win in 3:27.


Match 2


Antonio     vs.      "Nerdy White Boy" Jay Jacobs


Jay Jacobs started working on Antonio’s leg with a half Boston crab.  Then, he started kicking his leg to make it even weaker.  Antonio was fighting back. Jacobs did not like the strength that Antonio found.  Jay Jacobs hit Antonio from behind with his book to keep him down.  Jacobs was able to steal the victory in 6:49.


Match 3


Michael Berry & Shady Grady     vs.     John O'Malley & Keesman


This was a good tag team match.  Berry & Grady was working good together.  They were taking it to O'Malley & Keesman.  O’Malley & Keesman regrouped.  They threw Grady out of the ring.  Keesman was holding Berry so O'Malley could come off the ropes with a clothesline. Berry ducked and he hit his partner instead. Berry capitalized by rolling up O'Malley for the win in 13:12.


Match 4


Brandon Stone & Johnny Gunnz   
Manga w/ Miss Opium & "Impact, Inc." Michael White w/ Broadway Rose


Manga and White started the match off with a fast pace.  They doubled teamed Stone.  White tried to get a quick pin but Stone would not stay down.  Manga was tagged back in and continued to beating on Brandon Stone.  Gunnz was finally able to get the tag from Stone but immediately received a kick to the stomach from White.  Michael White jumped off the ropes for a huge leg drop only to land flat on his back side since Gunnz was able to roll out of the way.  Gunnz and Stone took full control over the match and was able to pin Manga in 8:42.  Michael White stormed into the ring with a pair of nun chucks attacking Gunnz.  Brandon Stone was able to save Gunnz before any permanent damage was caused by White.


Match 5


"Prototype" Bobby Surge     vs.     Cody Whitehead w/The Avenger


Cody started as soon as the bell rang.  He caught Bobby with two leg drops on his neck.  Whitehead then tossed Surge out of the ring.  Apparently, Cody had something up his sleeve.  As he had the ref’s attention, a masked man ran in the front door and assaulted Surge.  Cody then tried to finish off Bobby with a backdrop.  Bobby reversed with a sunset flip.  Whitehead grabbed an object from his pants and nailed Surge.  The referee seen Whitehead and called for the bell in 2:39.  Bobby Surge is now 3 for 3 due to DQ.


Match 6


"HNIC" Apollo &  JB Thunder
"The Syndicate Crew" LA Player, Psycho Medic, DeAngelo & Karnage


"HNIC" was in control at the start of the match.  DeAngelo took over after he hit JB with a devastating low blow.  "The Syndicate Crew" were up to their usual tricks by having all four men swapping in and out of the ring.  "HNIC" were holding their own even though they were outnumbered.  Apollo and Thunder had "The Syndicate Crew" beat until "Nerdy White Boy" Jay Jacobs came to ringside and hit JB Thunder in the back with his book.  Jacobs is doing all he can to be the next member of the crew.  His interference caused "The Syndicate Crew" the match.  Your winner by DQ, "HNIC".


Match 7


"Outlaw" Lee Condry   
NWA Mid-America Heavyweight Champion "Mr. Impact" J T Quest w/ Xstacy


Both contestants were evenly match.  Each man had an opportunity to get the win.  Unfortunately for Condry, it was a non title match.  Quest would not give Lee another title shot tonight.  The lumberjacks were other NWA ME superstars.  There was as much fighting outside the ring as there was in the ring.  The referee lost total control of this match and ruled it a NO CONTEST!!


Match 8


"Wildside" Chris Champion     vs.     Mr. "Mean" Mike Woods


Champion and Woods are well experienced in the ring.  They have respect for each other but are bitter enemies.  Over the years, they have carried a feud.  Tonight, they meet again.  Champion was making Woods "mean" since he continued to fight back.  In the end, Woods had seen enough and wanted to demolish Champion.  Woods was DQ’d for using a foreign object to knock out the "Wildside" man.  Your winner in 7:48 was Chris Champion. 


NWA ME in Smyrna, Tn 12/14/06 Results 




"Nerdy White Boy" Jay Jacobs      vs.     Shady Grady


"NWBJJ" went for an arm bar but Shady Grady reversed and threw him into the ropes. They both started running the ropes. Shady slid out of the ring and set down at ring side and watched with the fans "NWBJJ" keep running the ropes and all most fall out out the ring.  The fans laughed at Jacobs.  Shady was getting the best of "NWBJJ" when Psycho Medic and DeAngelo came out and distracted the referee.  "NWBJJ" hit Shady Grady with his book for the win in 4:51.




"The Syndicate Crew" L.A. Player
"American Nightmare" Johnny Demento


L.A. Player started off with a fist to the mid-section. He threw Johnny Demento into the corner for a big splash, but Johnny move out of the way. Johnny goes for a splash of his own and a pin. Psycho Medic in to break up the pin. Johnny was holding his own. Every time he got the upper hand, the Crew would break it up. Johnny had L.A. Player going down when Psycho Medic got on the side of the ring. The referee came over to make him get down. Then, L.A. Player pulled out a chain and hit Johnny Demento. The referee turned to see L.A. Player on top for the pin at 4:59. The referee raised L.A. Player’s arm and a chain fell out. The referee reversed the decision; your winner by D.Q. Johnny Demento.




K. C. Krucible      vs.     2-Bit w/ Stunning Stacy


K.C. jumped 2-Bit before the bell rang.  2-Bit was able to fight his way back.  K.C. started taking short cuts by choking 2-Bit.  K.C. was working over 2-Bit choking and kicking him why he was on the mat.  K.C. went for 2 pins but 2-Bit was able to kick out each time. 2-Bit tried for a leg drop off the top rope. K.C. was able to move out of the way.  2-Bit then back dropped  K.C. and goes for the pin, but K.C. put his leg on the rope to stop the count.  2-Bit turned to say something to Stunning Stacy when he was caught off guard since K.C. rolled up 2-Bit by holding the ropes and got the win in 6:21 by pin fall.

 Continue on Page 2


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