- 07/13/2006 (2:04:55 pm)
- Dory Funk, Jr
Funk's Corner - Fighting Heart Award Presented to Jimmy Hart on !BANG! TV
The Funking Conservatory Fighting Heart Award is not an award for performance, even though some fine performers have been given the Fighting Heart Award.
The Fighting Heart Award is for those that make the best of their "God given talent."
With the inception of the Funking Conservatory, the Fighting Heart Award continues.
Distinguished recipients of the Fighting Heart Award include, Osamu Nishimura, Li'l Wahoo McDaniel, Jack Brisco, Japan's Seiji Sakaguchi, England's Reece Royal, Bob Ryder, Terry Taylor, Claudia, "The Claw" Reiff, Rob Van Dam, Ocala, City Attorney, Jimmy Gooding, Johnny Magnum, and Vince McMahon.
At the Funking Conservatory, We have a person deserving of the Fighting Heart Award for Athletics, Outstanding performance in film, TV, Stage and for his gifts to the music world for a generation of young people. Jimmy Hart has given his all for many young performers who have a career and direction in life, Myself and Marti included. With this in mind, we present to Jimmy Hart the Funking Conservatory Fighting Heart Award.
You can see the presentation and hear Jimmy Hart's acceptance speech at
www.dory-funk.com.At the Funking Conservatory with only three weeks of training, you can make an appearance on our !BANG! TV show now online 24/7 emanating from our website at
www.dory-funk.com.For information on our training program, call 352-895-4658 or E-mail
[email protected].