• 05/27/2006 (11:57:48 am)
  • Dory Funk, Jr.


Funk's Corner - Support Your Troops - Hardcore Summer Night

The card has been finalized for the Funking Conservatory's !BANG! TV production of Support Your Troops III - Hardcore Summer Night May 28th. Show time is 7:00pm at the Funking Conservatory in Ocala, Florida 2200 NE 36th Avenue. Tickets are $12 purchased in advance through PayPal or credit card at our website - You can also call 352-895-4658 for ticket information.

Referee Claudia "The Claw" Reiff

Former NWA Champion vs Former ECW Champion

Dory Funk Jr. vs Sabu

Funking Conservatory Heavyweight Championship Match

Johnny Magnum (Champion) vs Lonnie Valdez. Lonnie is Colorado Centennial State Heavyweight Champion and Saga Heavyweight Champion.

Hard Core Heavyweight Championship Match

Jon Davis (Champion) vs Blain Rage

International Heavyweight Championship Match

Colby Myers vs Darnell Andre Davis

European Heavyweight Championship

Richard Alexander "The Great" vs Sage Hilton

!BANG! TV Championship Match

Freddie Neal Jr. vs Lonnie Valdez

Video of Sheik, Butcher, Dory and Terry Funk, Dory Funk Jr., Johnny Magnum, Lonnie Valdez, Sage Hilton, Richard Alexander "The Great", Claudia "The Claw" Reiff, Jon Davis, Blain Rage, and photos of all others are available at our website at www.dory-funk.comn

Tickets to the show are $12 if purchased in advance $15 at the door. Advance Tickets can be purchased on our website through PayPal or credit card. You can also call 352-895-4658 for ticket information.

Dory Funk Jr. - Coach of the Funking Conservatory


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