• 02/07/2006 (6:21:55 am)
  • Eric Hall

Plus lots more on OVW TV..

by Eric Hall of Louisville, Kentucky
The deck continued to get shuffled as OVW presented another interested hour of television this weekend on the WB in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky. The WWE developmental system's television show was taped last Wednesday night at the Davis Arena  (4400 Sheperdsville Road, Louisville Kentucky). An overflow crowd witnessed a very newsworthy show, and the tv viewers got to see things that didn't air to the live crowd on Wednesday night. Here's a rundown of the entire show.
The show opened up with a video package on last week's storyline between C.M. Punk and Brent Albright. This has been the top feud in OVW for a while now. Last week, Punk turned down The Spirit Squad's ridiculous offer of making Punk "the back up boy" for the Squad. Yeah, that fits Punk's image. A male cheerleader! Albright accepted a tag team challenge from The Highlanders for a tag team Tap Out Match. Albright and Punk both figured they'd make The Highlanders tap out, and then use the tv time remaining to fight each other. Punk made one of the Highlanders tap out, but then The Spirit Squad jumped into the ring. Punk grabbed a UFC hold on Nick Nemeth, but then the other four members of the Squad attacked Punk. Albright cleared the ring with a chair. They agreed to team against the Spirit Squad, even though the odds are 5 against 2, and then fight each other. Punk offered a handshake, but once again dissed Albright. Punk ended the show (and this video package) by saying "even when we're on the same side, you still get Punk'd!"
The OVW music open aired.
Dean Hill and Al Snow opened the tv show and promoted tonight's 5 on 2 match, then went straight to the ring for a promo by Kasey James. You should know Kasey does a really good "old school" gimmick, better than Deuce and Domino and Cherry in my opinion. Kasey did a funny promo comparing Memphis to Louisville, and said he was Fearless Kasey James and didn't fear The Boogeyman. Well, of course that means Boogeyman came out and destroyed Kasey in no time flat. A tree slam, some worms, and The Boogeyman scores the victory via pin fall. Very entertaining while it lasted.
Backstage, WWE Diva Maria Kanellis interviewed Punk, who laughingly asked what would happen if you take 5 cheerleaders and lock them in a room with a guy who looks like him. Albright walked into the picture and stated he's going to clear the ring of the Spirit Squad, and then he'll be all alone with Punk, and finally, Albright will be able to say, "you got Punk'd!"
After a commercial break, we come back to Seth Skyfire (with his partner Chet The Jet in his corner) against Chris Cage (with The Miz in his corner). We get another edition of MizTV, where the Miz makes a good point. Miz states that Cage was wrong last week in attacking Skyfire's leg with a chair, but Chet and Skyfire are no angels either, because they came to ringside during The Miz's match. That's taboo. So Miz proposes that Chet and himself let Cage and Skyfire settle it, without any interference. Uh uh. Not meant to be. As the match went on, Skyfire was selling his leg that was attacked last week by Cage. Skyfire hit a lot of one legged moves, but couldn't score the victory because of his injuries. Best match of the night. Chet goes to throw in the towel (which was a Matt Cappotelli shirt,in a nice touch, but Cage throws it back in Chet's face, so then Chet attacks Cage. Miz comes in and brawls with Chet  (and they were very careful to make sure you knew Miz didn't see Chet throw in the towel. or Cage throw it back), and after being flung around by Chet, Miz stopped the attack on his own partner (who is the only heel out of the four) by knocking out Chet with Chet's own tag team title belt. This is an interesting babyface feud.
OK, now we go backstage to find Paul Heyman's favorite new character, Osama Rodriguez Alejandro, doing a special segment for the Spanish speaking version of OVW television. There's a Spanish speaking version? Anyway, this was funny live, and even funnier on television. Carlito may be cool, but Osama is the funniest character in wrestling right now.
I wish OVW posted videos on their website ( because this was an all time classic.  Osama hyped up that he had a guest, and then said "here he is!" and yet there was no guest. Osama started looking for the "big dummy bendejo" and finally found him. It was WWE's own (and OVW's former star) Eugene! Osama kept calling him "dummy" and "stupid," and then kept calling him "bendejo" the entire time. There was a great moment with Roberto Dawber, a bottle of Binaca, and Eugene slapping Dawber.  A challenge was made, and we went to break knowing Eugene was going to wrestle Dawber. As he was leaving, Eugene stole Osama's cigar, and Osama said, "hey you big dummy, that's my gimmick!"
After a commercial, we come back to find Eugene in the Big Wick's Pizza Party Zone. Osama and Dawber are in the ring, and Osama said, "Now no one will ever take you seriously." Eugene comes in the ring. Dawber jumps Eugene and rips up Eugene's teddy bear! Eugene beats up Dawber and gets the pinfall. Eugene dances.
Backstage, we see  a live interview that was exclusive for OVW television viewers, in that live, we never saw it. We see The Highlanders, with a picture of a sheep behind them. One says, "that match wasn't half bad!" Then the other Highlander says, "no, it was ALL bad!" They laugh, but then Osama and Dawber come crashing backstage. Osama is furious, wanting to know why Dawber keeps losing. Dawber says, "it all started when I said Hi I Am Robbie Dawber." Then one of the Highlanders slapped Dawber! Then the other. Now it's a slapfest. Osama takes the camera man off to the side and says, "this is so embarrassing. Next week, I'll make sure this never happens again." While Dawber and The Highlanders fight in the background, Osama promises next week to bring to OVW, "a Cuban Missle Crisis!"
We take another commercial break.
OVW airs Elijah Burke doing his promo about Matt Cappotelli in edited form, with the screen saying "Earlier Tonight." Elijah did an amazing promo here, I guess Heyman and Danny Davis wanted to keep some of it between the live crowd and the promotion. What aired was excellent. Elijah's match with Pat Buck didn't air, but the point was to update viewers on Cappotelli.
After the Elijah promo, we go "live" to the OVW desk, where Al Snow gave the best promo of his career. Al talked about training Matt in Tough Enough, and how proud he is of Cappotelli. Al said "some of you may be wondering why Cappotelli is still the OVW Champion," and then said "until we find out what we're dealing with, Matt Cappotelli will remain champion." Snow then talked about how being a champion is more than having great matches and putting butts in seats. Snow praised Cappotelli. This was absolutely priceless.
When the February shows come out on DVD and videotape, this promo alone is worth the price. It was real, it was emotional, it was from the heart, it was a shoot, and it was great.
We take a commercial break.
Aaron "The Idol" Stevens (accompanied, as always, by Beth and Shelly) came out and did a promo about last week's Pajama Party. The Idol is very good on the mic. In a good two segment match, Idol retained the OVW TV Title against Danny Inferno. It was played up big how these two were long time rivals. At the end, Paul Birchall came out, and was going to tombstone Shelly on the floor. But he looked down, and in a pretty risque moment, decided he liked what he was looking at (she's upside down), and threw her over his shoulder and left with her. Idol screamed from the ring, but Inferno school boyed him and almost got the pin. Inferno came close, but Idol hit The Idolizer for the pinfall victory, and then took off for the back with Beth, looking for Shelly.
Again, in a tv exclusive not shown to the live crowd, we see The Spirit Squad getting ready for their 5 on 2 match vs Punk and Albright.
The last commercial break of the evening airs, and we're ready for our main event.
The Spirit Squad is in the ring, doing a cheer. They're going to beat up Punk and Albright.
Al Snow says Punk and Albright will "dismantle" the Squad. Albright comes out, followed by Punk. They get in the ring. The Spirit Squad is lined up on the apron. Then it happens.
Albright is so crazed about wanting to get back at Punk that he turned on Punk before the match and allowed the Spirit Squad to attack Punk. After a quick 5-on-1 beatdown, Albright got the Spirit Squad to leave the ring so Albright and Punk would be alone in the squared circle, and Albright gloated on the mic that after all these months, he finally got his due. After all these months, Albright proved he's the better wrestler still, and tonight, "You got Punked!"
Albright was a babyface, but Punk was more popular playing the anti-babyface role. Albright kept beating Punk, but Punk kept Punking Out Albright. So this story is just beginning. I didn't think Albright would turn heel on Punk, but watching back over the past few weeks, I see the set up for it.
We'll see where they go from here. OVW tapes another hour of television this Wednesday Night at The Davis Arena in the warehouse district, 4400 Sheperdsville Road, Louisville, Kentucky. Directions are available on
The Albright turn will be the big story in the upcoming weeks, as will whatever happens with Matt Cappotelli. Our best wishes go out to the OVW Champion. Osama had a lot of air time this week, and was great the whole time. His promo with Eugene was an all time classic. But Al Snow's promo was a once in a lifetime deal. It was so sincere, it's worth going out of your way to see. His real feelings about his protege Matt Cappotelli came through, and you can see it in his eyes, which were filled with tears. If you can, make sure you see that promo.

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