• 10/15/2005 (3:35:46 am)
  • Jimmy

Jimmy reviews SMACKDOWN! for 10/15

The Power is back apparently. Nobody told me it left to begin with. Why am I always left out of these chain emails?

No Mercy clips followed by the Smackdown opening.

We’re joined by the Ortons, with Randy sporting a nice nWo parody shirt with RKO instead. He talks about killing Undertaker, like it’s something worth bragging about. Who hasn’t killed Undertaker in the last 15 years? Hell, even Kama Mustafa nearly did it. Randy claims he wants the title, at which point Eddie Guerrero comes out. They argue about who should get a title shot with Batista, and the Champ comes out at this point. Not Champ Bailey, but rather Batista, who has quietly had the title for 6 months now. Batista suggests Orton vs. Guerrero for tonight. Entertaining opening segment.

Buy single syllable body sprays and hot women will kill each other to get near your member.

Eddie vs. Orton is officially announced.

Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan for the United States title
Why Orlando continues to get these title shots is a gapping plot hole no one can quite explain. I guess Benoit keeps accepting his challenges, but wouldn’t Teddy Long at some point figure “This guy sucks, no more title shots for him”? Orlando controls to start, and Benoit nearly gets the crossface a few times but Orlando manages to escape. Orlando rams him into the steps. Back in Orlando gets 2. Orlando chops and gets an abdominal stretch. Benoit escapes, and gets the triple germans. Crossface is blocked, but the sharpshooter isn’t and Orlando taps. *½

Backstage, Sharmell bitches to Teddy about Booker not getting title shots.

Apparently the McMahon’s being evil bosses is a new era. Someone should point out it’s the same era from 7 years ago.

William Regal, Paul Birchill, Joey Mercury, and Johnny Nitro with Melina vs. Animal, Heidenreich, Psicosis, and Super Crazy
Pier 8 brawl to start. Mexicools have recently turned face and not told anybody. Mercury and Psi go at it, and flying clothesline gets 2 for Psicosis. Melina distracts Psicosis, and Christy distracts Mercury. Nitro cheap shot leads to a Mercury clothesline. The heels take turns beating on Psicosis. Birchill clothesline gets 2. Hawk gets the hot tag and cleans house along with Heidenreich with clotheslines and powerslams. Doomsday Device gets countered, but Super Crazy manages to tag in and moonsaults Mercury for the pin. Suddenly two identical Charlie Haas  looking guys come in and beat up the Mexicools. Match was fun. **¼

Peep Show time with Stacy Kiebler as the guest. Apparently she was doing something with Jennifer Anniston’s boyfriend. Jillian comes out before Stacy can talk and says about how she can be her publicist for the scandal. Stacy disses her face and slaps her when Jillian tries to slap her.

Christian vs. JBL vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Booker T for US Title #1 contendership
Booker and JBL start, and Booker gets a back body drop. Rey comes in and bombs away JBL for 2. Christian gets taken out by Rey but gets dropped flat down by JBL. JBL gets the fallaway slam on Christian, but Booker missile dropkicks him out. Booker gets 2 on Christian. Christian thumbs the eye and tosses Booker over onto JBL. Christian gets a gutbuster on Rey and beats him around the ring. Face first suplex gets 2 for Christian. Rey hurrincanranas Christian for 2 and JBL neckbreakers Rey as we go to commercial. We return with Rey reversing a JBL fallaway slam into a DDT and all guys are down. Rey covers JBL for 2, broken up by Christian. Christian gets 2 on JBL. JBL shoulder blocks Christian down, and suplexes him for 2. Clothesline from Hell is prevented by Rey and Booker, and Booker sends JBL into the steps. Booker forearms Christian and gets the Jack Brisco rollup for 2. Scissors Kick misses, and Christian gets the inverted DDT for 2. Rey drops the dime for 2 on Booker. Clothesline from Hell on Christian. Rey rollup gets 2 on JBL. Booker kicks JBL down, and is going to get 619ed, but Sharmell grabs Rey’s leg and Booker gets the Scissors Kick for the pin. Fun match. ***
Backstage, Booker T and Sharmell talk about next week and Benoit comes in and tries to tell Booker how Rey got screwed before they send him out with Booker still none the wiser.

Ken Kennedy vs. ?
Kennedy claims everybody’s too afraid to face him, and that’s that.

RAW rebound or whatever they call it is JR getting fired, slow motion low blow and all.

I’m calling it now, Batista vs. Manute Bol at Survivor Series.

Bobby Lashley vs. Nunzio
Lashley belly to belly suplexes Nunzio. Somewhat botched press slam to the outside, and Vito cheap shots, but gets knocked out by Lashley. Lashley gets an inverted backbreaker, rams Nunzio into Vito on the apron, and gets the Dominator for the pin. This served it’s purpose, but I’d like to see this amateur wrestler show some technical skills. ½*

Backstage, Palmer Cannon introduces Teddy Long to the Boogeyman. He sings and laughs. Kinda creepy.

Randy Orton vs. Eddie Guerrero
Lockup draws a stalemate. Eddie dropkick gets 2. Randy pokes the eye and backdrop suplexes for 2. Randy goes to the side headlock, and Eddie rolls over for 2, but Randy holds onto it. Eddie gets his own thumb to the eye and chokes Orton. Uppercut gets 2. Suplex by Eddie but he misses a charge and Orton dropkicks Eddie to the outside as we goto commercial. We return with Orton chinlocking Eddie, of course. That backbreaker Orton does gets 2. Orton tosses Eddie outside and they exchange head rams to the announcers table. Back in Orton gets 2. Sleeper by Orton and Eddie's hand drops twice, and the comeback draws a near silent response. Eddie gets the 3 amigos and goes the Frog Splash. He boots Cowboy down, but gets pushed off by him for the DQ. Ortons beatdown Eddie, and Batista saves. Teddy Long comes down and announces Eddie and Batista vs. Ortons next week. Paint by the numbers stuff. **

Overall Thoughts: Not a bad Smackdown. Nothing overwhelming, and nothing completely horrible. Call it decent.

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