• 10/05/2005 (1:51:39 pm)
  • Dan Wills

Best TV show this weekend….

TV Review by Dan Wills
Don't believe the hype. WWE Homecoming had a lot of things on it, but did it really deliver? TNA Wrestling had an action-filled start on Spike TV, but did anyone new really get over?
OVW, the WWE developmental territory which tapes TV every Wednesday (and airs every Saturday Night) produced the best TV this weekend. That should be no surprise, since they've been building these programs for weeks and weeks now.
This week's TV show featured the official turn of Bobby Lashley, the next step in the Matt Cappotelli vs Johnny Jeter (and Mr. Kennedy) feud, and the third installment of Ken Doane vs Brent Albright. It was absolutely Paul Heyman's best OVW show to date, and in my opinion was the best TV show this weekend.
I know a lot of people will doubt that a low budget studio wrestling show can pull that off, but as your Olympic Hero would say, "it's true, it's true." As noted previously, OVW is now offering it's TV shows in monthly DVD's. Check out www.ovwrestling.com. Especially if you're writing a wrestling TV show.
OK, here's the show.
We open with highlights from last week's TV show of the Johnny Jeter OVW Title defense against Daniel Puder. We see Puder put the Key Lock on Mr. Kennedy and then get superkicked by Jeter. After pinning Puder, Jeter calls for the chair, and Kennedy obliges. A beatdown is sure to follow, but The Riggs Brothers run into the ring. A brief brawl ensues, with Jeter and Kennedy getting rid of the Riggs Brothers, but then Matt Cappotelli, on crutches, comes into the ring. He faces off with Jeter, to a tremendous pop. Kennedy tries to attack Cappotelli, who then breaks the crutch over Kennedy's back. Jeter attacks Cappotelli's leg.
Dean Hill and Al Snow are at the announce desk and tell us tonight will be "Doane Albright III" and we go straight to Maria Kannelis, the WWE Monday Night Raw Diva at a press conference being held live at the WB.
Maria is at the press conference, and cameras are going off like crazy. Maria is wearing this super sexy low cut dress like J-Lo at the awards ceremony a few years ago. Maria introduces Matt Cappotelli to a huge pop. Cappotelli does an amazing promo here, talking about being injured and how much the fans mean to him. He says he's coming back to get revenge on Jeter and take the OVW Title away from Jeter. Cappotelli is then blindsided with a superkick out of nowhere from someone, who then steps in the picture and it's Jeter! Jeter starts beating Cappotelli violently with the OVW Title belt. Mr. Ken Kennedy runs in and announces "the winner of the very first ever press conference podium match is Johnny Jeter! Jeeeee-ter!"
Jeter smiles and makes an "oh golly" expression and you can see Cappotelli's blood all over Jeter's hand and shirt. This was a really powerful angle and the crowd ate it up.
In the first match of the TV show, Aaron "The Idol" Stevens pinned Seth Skyfire in a match totally dominated by Skyfire. Afterwards, Stevens's valets Beth Phoenix and Shelly propped up Skyfire and Stevens was going to hit another Idolizer DDT, but Chris Cage jumped in the ring and started brawling with The Idol. Beth and Shelly hit a double low blow, and down went Cage. But Alexis Laree, wearing a neckbrace after being Idolized last week, slid into the ring, only to be stopped by Beth and Shelly. They attempted a double suplex on Alexis, but she reversed it into a Double  DDT and then Cage through The Idol out of the ring. Cage and Alexis Laree stood tall as this feud continues.
Maria updates us from the press conference, where Matt Cappotelli has refused to go to the hospital, but Maria is interrupted by Jeter and Kennedy. This is a great heel promo by Kennedy.
Backstage, Kenny "Starmaker" Bolin has an important announcement. Bolin Services makes so much money on Bobby Lashley, everyone needs to get along with him. Dean Visk starts screaming about how tonight is the night Ken Doane takes on Brent Albright for the third time. They bill it as Doane-Albright III. Visk screams hysterically, "after you beat Brent Albright, I'm gonna give you a great big hug." Doane waved off the hug, so Visk starts hugging Soazay and whipping her from side to side.  Bobby Lashley walked in the dressing room. Visk walked up to Lashley and screamed, "now we're friends!"  He then hollered buddies, amigos, and keemosabees.  Doane said, "It's time for the TV Title match!" Bolin, Soazay, and Visk all went to the ring, but Doane stopped Lashley and said, "You need to watch my match from here in my dressing room, sitting with my bags. Because I'm a Wrestlemania Moment waiting to happen, and you'll go down in history as Ken Doane's BITCH!" Doane then walked to the ring for the match. Lashley was burning with rage. This was simple and great.

OVW TV Champion Ken Doane went to a 20 minute time limit draw with Brent Albright in the Doane-Albright III match. Albright challenged Doane to go to Sudden Death, since the bell ringing saved Doane from the crowbar, which Albright had locked in. So we get 5 more minutes, and this time Albright starts hitting the German Suplexes, but in the spot of the night, Doane reverses a German Suplex into an RKO. Doane covers Albright, but the bell saved Albright this time. Albright challenged Doane to finish the job, so we go to double overtime. They fight it out. I should have pointed out that Albright's eys is still taped up, selling the eye injury from Mike Mondo raking his eye almost a month ago. They are fighting in the middle of the ring, and the bell rings. They keep fighting, so other referees come out and pull them apart.

Albright says, "let's keep going." But Doane says, "I'm just getting started, but how many chances can you have in one night?" Doane then says, "I'll defend my title, but not against you. I'll defend my title against anyone but you!" The crowd goes nuts. They want it. They know it's coming. It's what they want.

Bobby Lashley comes out to the pop of the night. Lashley comes in the ring and the place is going absolutely nuts. Lashley tells Doane, "you don't have to fight me. You can fight Albright. I mean, the man challenged you. Are you a man or a pussy?"  Everyone is standing going crazy. Lashley says, "You fight Albright, I'll leave you alone. You don't fight him, then you fight me!" Bolin grabs the mic and says, "I forbid you to do this! I am your manager!" Lashley takes the mic back and fires Kenny Bolin. Another huge pop. Dean Visk attacks Lashley, and breaks the TV Title trophy over Lashley's back. Lashley gets back up and spears Doane. Both Doane and Visk have pieces of the broken TV Title trophy and just do a vicious beatdown on Lashley. Albright tries to get involved but is assaulted too. Lashley and Albright are both face down unconscious in the ring and Doane and Visk stand over them and raise their hands.


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