RAW REPORT 10/3/05
- 10/04/2005 (12:43:06 am)
- Jimmy
Jimmy reviews RAW HOMECOMING
RAW OpeningOur hosts are Jim Ross, Jonathan Coachman, and Jerry Lawler.
We’re joined by Mick Foley, who talks about USA Network and does the cheap pop. Than Roddy Piper comes out of the Pipers Pit. Piper plugs Mick’s book, and asks Mick when he’s going to come back. The Ortons interrupts and Randy disses both of them. Piper attacks but Orton takes care of both of them with RKO’s. Boo.
Backstage, Bischoff and Teddy talk.
Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels in a 30 minute Iron Man Match
Brawling to start.. Shawn chops Kurt, and gets a neck breaker for 2. They go to the outside and Shawn controls there but they go back in the ring. Axe Handle off the top gets 2 for Shawn. Shawn goes to the sleeper, and some more stalling stuff goes on as Kurt goes to the reverse chinlock. Shawn fights out, getting a face buster and sending Kurt to the floor. Baseball slide misses and Kurt Angle Slam’s HBK on the outside. He rolls back in and so does Shawn and Kurt gets 2 off of it. Kurt power bombs Shawn into the turnbuckle for 2. They go up top and Angle gets the pop-up Angle Slam for the first fall to go up 1-0 with 21 minutes left as we go to commercial. We return with Kurt chin locking Shawn. Shawn fights back but hit’s the post shoulder first. Kurt gets a German Suplex for 2. Kurt whips Shawn into the turnbuckle with intensity. Angle Slam is reversed to a rollup, reversed to the Ankle Lock, reversed to a rollup for 3 for Shawn to tie it up 1-1. Another rollup gets 2 for HBK. Kurt goes to a body scissors and rubs his forearm in Shawn’s face. Shawn fights out by biting. Suplexes blocked into a Shawn rollup for 2, which is reversed into the Ankle Lock. Shawn tries to fight out but Angle goes to the heel hook and that causes a tapout putting Kurt up 2-1 and we go to commercial. We return and Shawn gets the ~FLYING BURRITO~ on Kurt. Inverted Atomic Drop and Shawn gets the Big Flying Elbow. Sweet Chin Music follows to tie things up 2-2 with 4:30 left. Shawn flair flops and gets Angle Slammed for 2. Another Angle Slam is countered into a tornado DDT and both guys are out. Shawn gets 2 off of it. Some more chops commence. Moonsault press off the top is countered into the Ankle Lock by Kurt. Shawn tries to get out, but Kurt puts in the heel hook. Shawn breaks free though. Sweet Chin Music but the time expires for a draw. Shawn wants Sudden Death but Kurt walks away. Match was good but there was too much resting and nothing can touch their WrestleMania match. ***¼
We learn HHH and Flair vs. Masters and Carlito is tonight.
We give it up for Kevin Von Erich
Backstage, Vince and Eric talk and Vince refuses to make the match no-DQ. Eric feels Vince only keeps him around to embarrass him. It’s funny because it’s true.
Vince comes out and talks about beating down Austin and such with video evidence., getting dates wrong all abound. Austin interrupts to a big pop. He remembers things differently and shows some clips of him beating up Vince while he and Vince talk about them while watching them. Vince tries to leave, and Austin stuns him. Shane McMahon(!) comes out , and Austin stuns him. Stephanie comes out, and she tastes a stunner also. Linda comes out and wants an apology to the McMahon’s .
Backstage, Vince promises that somebody’s going to get fired because of his family getting fired.
Edge vs. Matt Hardy in a Loser Leaves RAW Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Long enough stipulations? Edge takes down Matt from out of nowhere and tries to climb the ladder but that doesn’t go well. Matt gets the Side Effect. Matt squeezes Edge in-between the ladder. Edge drop toe holds Matt into the ladder. Edge suplexes Matt on the ladder also. He axe handles Matt off the ladder. He goes to flapjack Matt but Matt gets on the ladder and tries to climb but Edge stops that. Twist of Fate reversed and Matt goes headfirst into a ladder. Matt suplex is reversed into a front suplex by Edge onto the ladder. Edge climbs and almost gets the briefcase but Matt shoves him off and Edge ends up shoving Matt off as we go to commercial. We return with a table also out. Matt rams Edge with the ladder over the railing, and he cross bodies Edge in the crowd off of it. Lita jumps on Matt’s back but Matt slams her down. He goes to power bomb her through the table but Edge hits him with a kendo stick to stop that. Edge splashes Matt through the table. Nice. Edge climbs the ladder back in but Matt comes back in and Twist of Fate’s Edge off of another ladder. Matt goes up but Lita kendo sticks him to stop. Matt gets it but Lita moves the ladder and Edge pushes him off onto the ropes and Edge gets the briefcase for the win. Isn’t the face usually supposed to win the blow off match? ***½
Backstage, Matt gets led out by security, the poor dope.
Backstage, Trish and Ashley talk about things, and Mae tries to strip for Hacksaw, Superfly, and the Million Dollar Man.
Backstage, Maria interview Ric Flair.
Carlito and Chris Masters vs. Ric Flair and Triple H
Triple H and Ric double chop Carlito and the same for Masters and we go to commercial. We return with Carlito spitting an apple in Flair’s face, and locking in the Figure 4, which HHH breaks up. Flair fights back with chops but gets spinebustered. Flair throws Carlito off the top but flops down before he can make the tag. Heh. Masterlock is prevented by a low blow behind the ref’s back and HHH gets the hot tag and he cleans house. Spinebusters on Carlito and Masters. Hunter goes out and gets the sledgehammer. He goes to rearrange Masters’ face but Carlito prevents it. Pedigree on Carlito finishes after Flair saves HHH from a hammer shot from Masters. Afterwards Triple H hits Ric with the sledgehammer. Never saw that one coming. He beats on Ric for a while, bloodying him up good. *½
Backstage, Triple H keeps dragging Ric around and beating him up.
All of the legends are in the ring and Dusty has the mic. Rob Conway interrupts calling them old and such, and Dusty flip, flop, and flies on Conway, Von Erich Claw from Kevin, and the Superfly Splash from Snuka.
Candice, Torrie and Victoria vs. Ashley and Trish Stratus in a Bra and Panties Match
Everyone loses their shirts quickly except Trish. Stratusphere on Victoria who gets stripped down to B&P’s. Then Candice, and then Torrie. DUD, but it served it’s purpose.
Backstage, Bischoff points out Vinnie Mac’s not here anymore so Kurt can come down to the ring with him tonight.
Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, and Batista vs. JBL, Christian, and Eddie Guerrero
Eric interrupts before the match can start and turns off the lights on them to stop the potential and goes to commercial.
Mean Gene introduces Hulk Hogan. Hogan wants Austin in the ring. That’s about it.
John Cena vs. Eric Bischoff w/ Kurt Angle for the WWE Title
Eric goes for a kick but Cena catches his leg and punches him down. Forearm by Cena. Angle get involved and distracts Cena allowing Bischoff to get some kicks in. Slam and 5 Knuckle Shuffle by Cena. Angle comes in the Angle Slam is reversed to an FU which is blocked by a low blow by Eric for 2. Kurt misses a chairshot and hits himself, and Cena the FU finishes. DUD.
Teddy Long comes out and the Smackdown guys attack Cena, Angle, and Bischoff. RAW guys save.
Overall thoughts:
Good, but the last half really dropped off. Here's to a good run on USA.