• 10/02/2005 (10:44:22 pm)
  • Larry Goodman

Overall, a thumbs up show. The first half was especially strong. No titles changed hands but there was a major heel turn…..

NWA Anarchy was back at the NWA Arena in Cornelia last night.

Overall, a thumbs up show. The first half was especially strong. No titles changed hands but there was a major heel turn.

Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson and Nemesis) entered the ring,
nooses in hand. The UAS love continues to flow in Cornelia. Jackson
said Alabama Attitude would be swinging at Fright Night (on 10/29).
Fans broke out a "Hang the Crackers" chant. Jackson predicted that
Nemesis would leave tonight's main event as the new NWA Anarchy
Heavyweight Champion. Jackson was channeling Thunderbolt Patterson as
he expressed his hopes that Jeff G. Bailey would get involved in the

(1) Jay Fury beat Hayden Young in 5:11. Strong opener. Young's
work looked really crisp. He had a good match against Masada in his
first Wildside appearance last year. Definitely a guy to consider for
a regular spot. Snug back and forth chain to open. Fury hit a
slingshot legdrop with Young crotched on the middle turnbuckle. Young
capped off a series of stiff kicks to the ribs with an enzuigiri for a
near fall. Young hit a wicked hangman neckbreaker off the middle rope
for another near fall. Young tried a frogsplash variation of a swanton
bomb. Nobody home. Fury dropped Young on his head with a brainbuster.
Fury caught Young with a roll up to score the pinfall. 

Andrew Alexander entered the ring with Stryknyn. Alexander was toting
a huge trophy. "A squared" explained that he missed the last Anarchy
show because he was busy winning a world wide Karaoke competition.
Alexander said he was going use his success in music business to climb
the ranks in Anarchy (like John Cena in reverse). Alexander said he
didn't want to face Tank and Iceberg. He wanted some real wrestlers.
That lead to…

(2) Cru Jones & Ken Westbrooks beat Andrew Alexander & Stryknyn in
Jones and Westbrooks make a good team and they're getting
over. This was a match with a lot of good ideas but not all of them
were well executed on the heel side. Westbrooks popped the crowd with
a knockdown bitch slap on Alexander. He used a german suplex on
Stryknyn for a near fall. Stryknyn botched Jones' gorilla press spot.
Westbrooks hit a pair of gutwrench suplexes. Stryknyn was dead weight
anytime the faces tried to take him off his feet. Jones left nothing
to chance with a hanging vertical suplex. Jones leveled Stryknyn with
a major league lariat. The heat on Westbrooks left a lot to be
desired. Westbrooks hooked the ropes on Alexander's dropkick attempt
and went for a jackknife pin. But Georgia's bargain basement answer to
Christian cut off his comeback. Stryknyn took a monkey flip where he
was lucky not to break his neck. Stryknyn blocked a second monkey flip
with an assist from Alexander and dropped an elbow on Westbrooks.
Alexander threw some pansy ass gutshots. Westbrooks hit a nice capture
belly to belly suplex to set up the hot tag. Alexander spun around to
get the timing in synch to take Jones'  lariat. Nice. Jones cleaned
house. Jones' attempt at the Monster Blitz was foiled by Strkynyn.
Westbrooks pulled Stryknyn out and destroyed him with a belly to belly
suplex on the floor. Jones and Westbrooks hit a
backbreaker/neckbreaker combo to pin Alexander.     

(3) Krazy K & Dexter Poindexter beat Seth Delay & "Precious"
Patrick Bentley in 10:17.
Fun match. K and Poindexter controlled
the first five minutes. The crowd popped when Poindexter tagged in.
His nerd gimmick is a riot. It's the total package right down to the
pocket protector. Poindexter wandered from corner to corner oblivious
to what was going on behind him. Delay and Bentley took turns charging
at Poindexter, who would move at the last split second allowing them
to eat the turnbuckle. Great timing. The punchline was Bentley
clotheslining Delay. K did a People's Fountain Elbow and a cradle
neckbreaker. Poindexter did an around-the-world baseball slide and a
slingshot senton. But Poindexter took a chest bump into the buckles
and PBB caught him on the rebound with a backbreaker. Heat on
Poindexter. Bentley's offense keeps improving. Poindexter hit a cool
neckbreaker. The crowd clapped for a tag. They got it. K's offense was
stellar. Enzuigiri to the back of Bentley's head. Full nelson stunner
on Delay. Double flatliner on Bentley and Delay saved. Delay knocked
Poindexter out of the ring with a flying elbow. Delay had K pinned
with the Overnite Sensation. Bentley told Delay that he was the legal
man. An argument ensued. K put Bentley in an airplane spin. Delay ran
into one of the blades, so to speak. K turned it into a rack drop
backbreaker to pin Bentley.

(4) Onyx beat Todd Sexton via submission in 9:15. Sexton's
entrance faked everyone out. Gabriel's entrance music played and the
Archangel appeared to run down the ramp. But when the lights came on,
it was Sexton in Gabriel's gear under a wig. Onyx looked more jacked
than he did just two weeks ago. Onyx wouldn't sell Sexton's wrestling
holds. He just smiled. Sexton had the gall to do muscle poses. Onyx
exploded on a leapfrog and decked Sexton with a shoulder block. Onyx
powerslammed Sexton for a two count. Onyx blocked Sexton's whip
attempt and reversed it. Sexton bumped to the floor. Onyx caught
Sexton on a dive off the apron. Onyx was ready to launch Sexton into
the post, but Sexton reversed it. Sexton hit a double axe off the
apron. Back inside, Onyx powered out of Sexton's cover. Sexton
couldn't get Onyx up for a slam. Sexton softened Onyx up and hit an
STO for a near fall. Sexton applied a front facelock. Onyx crotched
him on the top rope and gave him a painful ride. Comeback time. Onyx
with a standing spinebuster slam for a near fall. Onyx went for a
gorilla press. Sexton countered with a triangle choke. Onyx broke it
with a powerbomb into the turnbuckles. Onyx executed the gorilla press
bigtime. Onyx got the Jamaica City Dream. Sexton used knees to the
head to break the hold. Onyx reapplied the hold. Sexton cried uncle.
The "submission master" taps again. Sexton did a masterful job of
getting across the power and strength of Onyx.  

(5) Azrael versus Slim J was a no contest (3:23). The Slimster
was like a pitbull with the side headlock. He for sure throws great
looking punches and chops for such a small guy. J scored near falls
with a push up dropkick and a huracanrana. Azrael turned J's climbing
headlock takeover attempt into a devastating middle rope sitout
faceplant. Azrael was about to deliver a cutthroat piledriver when
Brandon P hit the ring. Speedy Nelson called for the bell. 

Tank made his way into the ring. Azrael showed fear. Tank wheeled
around and gave P the chokebreaker. Iceberg came down the ramp like
the true King of the Jungle. Iceberg confronted Tank. Then he
enveloped J with the Ground Zero Splash. Tank gave P another
chokebreaker. The refs surrounded the ring and admonished the bad
guys, but they were neither brave enough nor stupid enough to get in
the ring. Azrael was getting ready to stab J with his random weapon of
the week. As if to say, "Allow me," Iceberg interceded with another
Ground Zero Splash. Tank choked P with his belt. Azrael, Tank and
Iceberg raised their hands like a psycho version of The Three
Musketeers. Azrael put coins over J's eyelids. They folded P's arms
across his chest. I shudder to think about the sadistic acts this
group will inflict on their opponents.

(6) Alabama Attitude (Adam Roberts & T. C. Carnage) defeated Sweet
Dreams & Wolfman to retain the NWA Anarchy tag titles in 11:02.

The low point of the show. Whoever booked this to go more than seven
minutes should be shot. Wolfman was weak link here. I believe this was
Dreams' first trip to Cornelia since Wildside closed down. His dancing
entrance was still pretty over. Dreams did his dancing elbow drop in
on Roberts. Dreams and Wolfman used a stunner/Russian legsweep combo
on Carnage. The Alabamians got heat on Wolfman. Robert killed Wolfman
dead with a lariat. Roberts ducked an enzuigiri and applied a bow and
arrow. Attitude switched without tagging. Fans didn't seem to care if
Wolfman made the comeback or not. Wolfman was able to block Roberts'
finisher and hit an atomic drop. Dreams came in hot. Dreams and
Carnage tumbled over the top. Wolfman botched a reverse roll up
finish. Wolfman cried about his tights being pulled. 

(7) Jeff Lewis pinned Vordell Walker in 6:48 to retain the Anarchy
TV Title.
Walker's Anarchy debut. Walker has a legit MMA
background and there's no question about his athletic ability. Lewis
was wearing these sparkly leg embellishments that didn't work at all.
Fans were yelling him to paint his face (like Ultimate Warrior).
Walker sent Lewis scampering out of the ring with a slap on the ass
and barked ala Rick Steiner. Walker smacked Lewis around. Lewis tried
to fly. Walker caught him with an inverted atomic drop and turned him
inside out with a lariat. A nice back and forth exchange built to an
overhead belly to belly suplex by Lewis. Lewis applied a cravate.
Walker sold a vertical suplex like his back was broken. Walker came
back with a german suplex and an enzuigiri for near falls. Walker went
for a twisting dive and Lewis rolled through with a fistful of tights.

(8) Nick Halen beat Skeeter Frost in Chairs Legal match (9:50).
These are two sick f###s. This was their last match for awhile, as
both are taking time off. They went out with a bang. The downside is
that chairshots aren't going to mean a whole lot in this building for
awhile. Fans wasted no time breaking out the "Nick's a midget" chant
on Halen, who stand about 5-5. A chair was placed in the middle of the
ring. Neither guy was able to gain possession. It turned into a tug of
war and the chair went flying out of the ring. Frost took over. The
crowd was way into Frost's offense. Fans chanted "toss the midget."
Frost obliged. Halen turned the tide with a uranage backbreaker. Halen
wedged the chair between the turnbuckles. Halen went for a whip but
Frost reversed it. Sick sound effect as Halen's back slammed into the
chair. Frost laid the chair on top of Halen and did a moonsault. They
shared the misery as the ref's count reached five. Frost covered and
Halen kicked out. Fans chanted "hardcore midget." Frost sold an arm
injury. He swung the chair with one arm. Halen ducked it and hit a
fisherman suplex. Halen hit a divorce court off the ropes on the bad
arm. Halen fired the chair into the head of the defenseless Skeeter. A
huge lump blew up on Frost's forehead. Halen cost Frost more precious
brain cells with another brutal chairshot to score the 1-2-3.

Halen gloated over his victory. Unbeknownst to Halen, Frost was rising
from the dead. Frost laced Halen's head with a chairshot. Halen went
down like a ton of bricks. Fans called for one more. Frost did it. At
least Halen got his hands up this time. Halen refused help from
officials and crawled up the ramp on his hands and knees.               

(9) Mikal Adryan (with Jeff G. Bailey) beat Nemesis (with Shadow
Jackson) to retain the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title in 9:18.

Adryan tried to intimidate Nemesis. It didn't work. Nemesis responded
with an ungodly series of chops to the chest and back that sounded
like explosions. Adryan's chest was instantly turned into hamburger
meat, just a mass of ugly purple welts. Nemesis handprints were
clearly visible on Adryan's back. Jackson chased Bailey around the
ring. Bailey crawled through the ring to escape. Nemesis got
distracted. Adryan capitalized with the Mafia Kick. Adryan gave
Nemesis a double underhook suplex into turnbuckles that was borderline
sick. Adryan's fallaway slam might have set a distance record for the
move. Bailey interfered and got away before Jackson could grab him.
After a powerbomb and a top rope lariat, Adryan said Nemesis was done.
Nemesis rallied with a Samoan drop. Alabama Attitude appeared on the
ramp. They didn't see Onyx behind them. Onyx gave AA a meeting of the
minds. Adryan tried for Assisted Suicide but Nemesis countered with a
roll up. Bailey interfered to prevent Speedy Nelson from making the
three count. Jackson decked Bailey. Nemesis got distracted AGAIN and
Adryan hit the Assisted Suicide to retain the title. Not a bad match
but faces didn't look real smart, and that's not good.  

NOTES: Attendance was 90…Thomas Simpson, Bill Behrens and Rainman were
all backstage. Behrens will remain under contract to WWE through the
end of 2005…Matches announced for 10/15 include Lewis vs. P for the TV
Title, J vs. Iceberg, Fury vs. Azrael, Jones & Westbrooks vs. Delay &
Bentley, Sexton vs. Antonio Scorpio Jr. (from Canada)…The 10/15 PWE
show in Canton is headlined by Iceberg vs. Murder One in a barbed wire
match. That should be a grisly affair.


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