- 07/28/2005 (10:49:56 pm)
- Jimmy
Jimmy reviews Smackdown!
Smackdown openingWe're in Rochester, New York with our hosts Michael Cole and Tazz.
We start with Teddy in the ring. He prepares to announce the SummerSlam Main Event before JBL interrupts. He of course feels that he should be in the SS Main Event. Teedy disagrees, but JBL says it was in his contract that he gets the first shot at Batista. Teedy makes JBL vs. Undertaker for #1 contendership tonight. Gee, wonder whose going over there?
Christian and Orlando Jordan (with taped upper body) vs. Booker T and Chris Benoit
3/4 of the men in this match are great talents, and yet the other 1/4 is the one who is US Champion. Sorry, but this match is way too long for play by play. The heels dominate up until the first commercial, and then it's back and fourth until Benoit gets the hot tag and suplexes everybody. Booker and Christian go to the outside and Benoit hooks in the Crossface. Christian has a chance to break it up, but doesn't, and Orlando taps. Match was solid enough, but way too long. ***
Backstage, Animal convinces Heidenreich to shave his head into a mohawk.
Great American Bash Encore Promo.
Rey/Eddie video.
We're informed Eddie contractually can't reveal the secret. That's sure a ripoff.
LOD 2005 vs. Chris Hamrick and Chuck Steely
Animal powerslam and then the Doomsday Device finishes for our champions. DUD
Backstage, MNM and Melina introduce their publicist, who is hot but has a big fake thing on her face.
Backstage, Dominick plays PSP and Rey won't tell him the secret.
Boogeyman vignette
Rey Mysterio and Dominick come out and thank the fans for their support, and Eddie interrupts. Eddie tells us he will tell us the secret anyway, even though he lost the match. He begins to tell it, and tells us Rey isn't his father, and that he is. Dominick runs out through the crowd, and Rey follows. Eddie reads us the story saying that when he split up from his wife he had a lot of sex with women, and that he took a baby named Dominick and gave it to Rey because Rey couldn't get the job done with his wife.
Melina with Jillian vs. Torrie Wilson with Candice Michelle
Melina dominates to start, but Torrie fights back, but Melina gets the pin with her feet on the ropes. I don't care. DUD
SummerSlam ad
William Regal vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
Just as they begin, the Mexicools interrupt and give the announcers some drinks. Then they beat up S2H and Regal and make a mess. Well, that was pointless.
RAW rebound of Carlito beating Cena.
JBL with Orlando Jordan vs. Undertaker for #1 contendership
JBL also has taped ribs. We go to a commercial before we begin.
Some guy agreed to shave both sides of his face with two different blades. What a doofus.
We join the match in progress with Taker getting a shoulder block. He tries another, but JBL blocks. Taker drop toeholds JBL and works the ribs. This goes on for a while. He gets that legdrop on the ring apron. That gets 2. Orlando gets involved, and Taker boots him down, but JBL gets the Clothesline from Hell and Taker falls to the outside as we go to commercial. We return with JBL slamming Taker on the table, and Orlando rolls him back in for a JBL 2 count. Taker fights back though, getting the Old School. He goes for the Chokeslam, but JBL lowblows him as Orlando distracts the ref. JBL gets a DDT for 2. JBL goes to the Cobra Clutch. Taker powers out and sits up. Slugfest and Taker gets the flying clothesline. Snakes Eyes. Big Boot and Legdrop gets 2, brother. Taker boots JBL and the ref gets wiped. Orlando gets a chair to the skull from Taker, and a Last Ride but JBL stops that. JBL grabs a chair, and nails Taker with it. This gets 2. Taker sits up, and gets a running DDT. Taker gets the Chokeslam, and the ref gets knocked out again. Tombstone, but there's no referee. Orton runs in, RKO, and that gets the pin for JBL. Boo. **1/2
Overall Thoughts: Not a bad show, better than RAW atleast. I only wish more JBL vs. Batista wasn't in our future, but here we are.