• 04/13/2011 (1:39:15 pm)
  • Bob Mulrenin

Thanks to Devin
WWE returns to the Westchester County Center in White Plains, New York on Sunday, July 24th, 2011 at 7 PM.
Bossier City, LA will host a TNA Live! event on Saturday, June 4 at the CenturyTel Center at 7:30pm. Tickets go on sale Friday, April 22 at and charge by phone at 800-745-3000. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the CenturyTel Center box office. Fans that purchase a $50 ticket will receive a special meet and greet with TNA Superstars at 5:30pm (Redeemable with ticket the day of the show). Military personnel receive $5 off select tickets with valid military ID at the box office. Appearing live and in person will be Mr. Anderson, “King of the Mountain” Jeff Jarrett, Beer Money, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero, “The Monster” Abyss, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe and more.
Alexandria, LA will host a TNA Live! event on Friday, June 3 at the Rapides Parish Coliseum at 7:30pm. Tickets go on sale Friday, April 22 at and charge by phone at 318-442-9581. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the Rapides Parish Coliseum box office. Fans that purchase a $50 ticket will receive a special meet and greet with TNA Superstars at 5:30pm (Redeemable with ticket the night of the show). Military personnel receive $5 off select tickets with valid military ID at the box office. Appearing live and in person will be Mr. Anderson, “King of the Mountain” Jeff Jarrett, Beer Money, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero, “The Monster” Abyss, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe and more
Thanks to Mike Informer
This week, well-known wrestling trainer Kevin Knight joins Brady Hicks IN THE ROOM to talk about his IWF Wrestling school, some of its past students, and his current, most high-profile student: The Jersey Shore's Angelina Pivarnick. What does Knight think of Angelina and her true dedication to becoming a full-time wrestler? Tune in to find out. All that, plus, Brady and Kevin McElvaney talk Edge's possible retirement, WrestleMania fallout regarding Trish Stratus, and TNA/"Network" nonsense. Best wishes for DJ to get some sleep and come back refreshed!
For a direct link to the show:

On How Serious Angelina Is:
She said she wants to give it a serious go and do some training the proper way and do more than one or two handsprings like Snookie did. I'm sure Snookie's training consisted entirely of a few small things to help get her through what she had to do at WrestleMania. Maybe one day, [Angelina] will be able to do a really good singles matchon her own.

On How Angelina Is Coming Along:
She's been training here for about two weeks, and usually in that time you get a pretty good idea - and this goes for the guys in the school too - if a person is going to make it. She has proven she's not afraid to hit that mat, to take bumps. She wasn't afraid to get in there and mix it up and get tossed around. And I believe her only previous athletic experience was playing softball. She never did gymnastics or anything like that. When a lot of the women come to the school they are like, "Wait a minute, I have to fall down?" But with her that wasn't a problem, and that was good.

On Angelina's Wrestling Knowledge:
Obviously it's helpful for a trainee to be a fan not just of wrestling, but of the business as a whole. You have to understand about the falls and the takedowns, what is in the business and how the business works, and how to best connect to an audience for the enterainment aspect of it. The more of a fan you are of the business, the better off you are. As for Angelina, I don't know how much she has been a fan of wrestling in the past, but I know she is a HUGE fan of the current product, and that is great to see.

On Angelina's REAL Personality (vs. TV Persona):
I guess it was good that I've never seen her on that show. I've seen all the commercials and the hype for it and the clips and the controversy, but I had no pre-conceived notion of what to expect. I've heard things about her personally but I have not had any complaints at all. From the beginning she just fit right in and was very down to earth and willing to learn. She fit in right away and every body liked her. That's very important because professional wrestling is about working together to convince the audience about what they're seeing. She's been fine. She's fit right in and blended right in and not acted like she was any type of "celebrity."

On the Importance of Looking the Part:
I think it's been detrimental to the business when people look on TV and see a guy like CM Punk, who doesn't necessarily live in the weight room. I'm not taking anything away from CM Punk, it's just that there is only one CM Punk. It's like every football team, there is that one fighting guy who is 5'6", but he is the rare exception. People think "I could go and do that." But, no you can't. That's what hurts the wrestling business. That's what makes our school different. We try to find guys who look the part. That's what wrestling needs to be. That's important.

All that, plus Kevin Knight checks in with his thoughts on training men such as TNA's Robbie E and WWE's Darren Young, the state of the current business, the need for more real, legitimate wrestling trainers, and information about his upcoming clinic with WWE's Tom Pritchard. More information is available at
All that, plus new podcasts: an IN THE ROOM special with "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, Carny Knowledge with Matt Borne welcoming Shawn Waltman, and new editions of Minding The Business, What's Wrong With Wrestling, WrestleDope Radio LIVEThe Shoot Club, and Classic PPV Review and Wrasslin' Roundup, both looking back at WrestleMania. Plus, extensive commentary of Edge's believed retirement, coverage on WWE's name change, information on The Jersey Shore's Angelina training to wrestle, and thoughts on Scott Hall.
Weekly Show Lineup
(lineup subject to change)
--Fazoo Crew with Matt Borne (Monday, 9 PM EST)
--IN THE ROOM with Brady Hicks (Tuesday, 9 PM EST)
--Minding The Business (Wednesday, 9 PM EST)
--What's Wrong With Wrestling (Thursday, 9 PM EST)
--Classic PPV Review (Friday, 9 PM EST)
--Wrasslin' Roundup with TWP's Matt Roberts (Saturday, 9 PM EST)
--WrestleDope Radio LIVE (Sunday, 4 PM EST LIVE VIDEOCAST)
Last night on R.A.W. Radio, a twitter fan of the program, @AndrewTMartin, called in to express his concern over his safety after he tweeted an anti-John Cena tweet that was re-tweeted by Cena. Since the RT, Martin claims that he has been bombarded with negativity by members of CeNation, and called into the program to describe almost getting beat up by a Cena fan. He now pleads for forgiveness and wants this to be rectified.

Thought I'd pass it along, it's pretty interesting - the phone call is in our podcast here -

R.A.W. Radio
With Arda Ocal and Jimmy Korderas
Mondays, 11:05pm - midnight EST
theScore on SIRIUS 98
Part #1 on my article that covers Continental Wrestling Federation can be archived @

Eddie Gilbert’s booking stint in CWF would be short lived [5 months]. Eddie did provide entertaining TV that was a hybrid between Mid South/Memphis. He presented new story lines, fresh talent, & compelling feuds. Unfortunately a plethora of conflicts would erupt between the owner & Eddie that would lead to his departure.

The start of the problems occurred when Eddie ruptured a disc that was causing him nerve damage on his shoulder and neck. Unfortunately Eddie booked himself as the top heel. On his last TV taping he laid the ground work for an eventual baby face turn.

Eddie would disclose his injury & vowed to win the CWF title tournament on his own. Heyman would do an interview on the show showing disgust about Eddie’s injuries & putting his loyalty towards Dirty White Boy to win the tournament. During the interview with “The Dangerous Alliance” consisting of Dirty White Boy, Ken Wayne, & Nightmare Freddy [Doug Gilbert under a mask], Nightmare Freddy would walk away in disgust when Heyman used the analogy of shooting a race horse with a broken leg in comparison to Eddie’s injuries. Plus Jerry Stubbs would ask Paul for Eddie’s spot.

The seeds for writing Eddie out with his legitimate injury & having him return as a babyface against Heyman was already planted. That could have been accomplished with Paul Heyman & Eddie having an eventual blow up & somebody finally lays Eddie out. Eddie could have continued to book on the sidelines with an eventual return against Heyman & whomever he was managing. Heyman could had been utilized in the same manor that Jimmy Hart was used in Memphis or Bobby Heenan in AWA by bringing a rotation of top heels to feud with the baby faces while Eddie was out.

There were so many variables that caused the eventual blow up with Eddie Gilbert & management. I imagine there must have been similar situations that lead to the departures of the revolving door of bookers in Bob Armstrong, Bill Dundee, & Robert Fuller who would book after Eddie left for the NWA.

During Eddie’s injury [which was legitimate], he took an outside booking for Central States. This turned in to a big blow up with the CWF office, since Eddie should not have been taking a booking if injured. I agree with CWF on that point.  

A major blow up was the pay roll. Eddie handled pay roll & would dip in to his own pocket to give money to some of the undercard wrestlers. Eddie would blame himself if the house was down, since he was the booker & in the top mix. Several of the wrestlers had their pay cut that spawned a confrontation with Eddie VS. Management.

The booking started getting second guessed, which showed a lack of faith by the owner. Since he’s paying the bills, I can see him wanting to be hands on with the decision making. This would cause several bookers to leave out of frustration that proceeded after Eddie Gilbert.

The CWF promotion got too ambitious in over expanding before they got their core cities to be profitable. CWF would eventually pick up the Eastern Tennessee, USA Promotion owned by Ron Fuller that was doing poorly. Plus they would add such cities like Pensacola, Tallahassee, Ocala, Florida, Jackson, MS, Biloxi, MS, Gainesville, GA, Little Rock, AK alongside with Chattanooga, Knoxville, & other cities in Tennessee. The promotion needed to get their house in order before a major expansion with a booker, solid crew, & by airing the TV for 12 weeks before running in new markets.

CWF had problems with the pay roll. By adding more cities would result in hiring more wrestlers. CWF wanted to have a crew of 14 wrestlers that would be divided up for two shows per night. Having such a small roster would lead to every worker being on TV for every episode. The end result is you make the talent stale that much faster & why pay to see somebody if they will be on TV every week for free?

CWF used the same regulars that had gotten stale at times; Eddie wanted to bring in new talent. Outside workers like Brian Pillman, Jerry Lawler, Tommy Rich, Terry Gordy, Bob Orton, Bam Bam Bigelow in theory could be helpful additions between their Japan commitments & indy dates. Plus you needed more wrestlers if the business model was to run 2 shows per night.

By the time that “The Road To Birmingham” was completed, Eddie was no longer working for CWF. Unfortunately Eddie couldn't have the satisfaction of seeing the culmination of the big angles & matches peek for a show that he spent months building. The house would draw over $12,000 when the initial projections were a $7,000 house. Many of the wrestlers that were aligned with Eddie would end up finishing up with CWF out of loyalty & being caught up in politics.

I recently saw the CWF TV that Bob Armstrong booked. The TV was very enjoyable. Bob’s booking relied more on the baby faces vanquishing the heels, which was a contrast to Eddie booking the heels to have heat. One can argue on which booking style is the best, but I always subscribe to the theory that people will pay to see the baby face try to gain retribution against the heel.

Bob would abruptly leave after 5 months with himself & Brad Armstrong in a main event feud with Dirty White Boy & Jerry Stubbs. I would imagine it was under the same circumstances that Eddie had previously endured.

Bill Dundee would have some level of success in booking in 1989. Ironically he only lasted 5 months as the booker [notice a pattern?]. Bill would use outsiders like Jim Cornette & The Midnight Express [on their brief hiatus from NWA] , Ricky Morton, & Kerry Von Erich would be used as a outside attraction for some of his bigger shows.

After Bill Dundee as the booker, the company went back to being booked by Robert Fuller [the booker before Eddie]. Unfortunately the company finally closed up shop in 1990. Parts of the territory would be reopened in 1992 by Jim Cornette when he promoted Smoky Mountain Wrestling from 1991-1995 with some of the long time talent that had wrestled in the South Eastern territory days.

If anybody wants to watch CWF, I suggest visiting this site @ & look up continental in the search engine.


Principles of Design Productions is proud to present the return of Maryland Championship Wrestling's Rage TV. Rage TV brings back old school studio wrestling with a twist. Mark Bray calls the play by play while Duane "Gillberg" Gill provides the color commentary. M.C.W. Rage TV airs every week on Tuesday night at 8pm. Check out for more information.

The first 2 episodes can be found at these locations:

Maryland Championship Wrestling: We are Maryland Wrestling
King of Trios 2011: Watch the live KOT Pre-Show stream for FREE on Friday!
    The weekend of April 15, 16 and 17th will see 48 wrestlers converge on the former ECW Arena in South Philadelphia for the monstrous King of Trios 2011! It's the biggest weekend in independent wrestling, and we have fans coming from 32 states and 12 different countries coming (so far) to be part of it! If you can't join us live though, you can enjoy a slice of the excitement as it happens, because we'll be streaming LIVE from the former ECW Arena on Friday night, April 15th!  
    Be sure to bookmark our free Ustream channel:
    Join Dr. Keith Lipinski, Steve "The Turtle" Weiner and the stars of CHIKARA as we get ready to roll out King of Trios 2011 with our "Pre-Show-A-Go-Go," live on April 15th.
Dont  forget to preorder your photos for LOTR 12...

You save 1.00 per photo and will be guaranteed the shots you want!!!

It is Crunchtime!  We have less then 20 Supertickets remaining for this event! It is truly a great value and convenience for you on what should prove to be a very busy day!

Earlybird Supertickets for LOTR 13 are now on sale for the October event taking place on Oct 8th at the  Crowne Plaza Monroe,NJ

These tickets are 150.00 until May 1st ONLY!

after this date they will return to the regular price of 225.00.

Act today and save!
*************************************** has released two new podcasts this week. 

Formerly Creative with Alex Greenfield

Alex Greenfield (@alexdgreenfield) was on the WWE creative team in 2005-2006 including a run as the lead writer of WWE Smackdown.  He joins David Lagana to talk the creative process, what being married is like on the team, and the breaking point that caused him to walk away.  If you loved the Boogeyman, Jillian’s mole, and ever wanted to know how the creative time passed the time, this is the episode for you.

Promote This with Chikara Founder Mike Quackenbush

On the heels of one of the biggest weekends of the year for Chikara – King of Trios. I had a great conversation with Mike Quackenbush.  We talk about the origins of the Chikara product, tv shows we grew up with, position of the company in the market place and so much more.  If you’ve never checked out their product or are a fan, there is something in this podcast for everyone

All podcasts can be found at 


Hoosier Pro Wrestling who the last 13 years has brought you stars like Tommy Rich, Sabu, Sid Vicious, Doug Gilbert, Dutch Mantell, Bill Dundee, Jillian Hall. Brian Christopher, Tracy Smothers, Ricky Morton, Eugene, Rob Conway, Rip Rogers,Steven Dunn, Jamie Dundee, April Hunter, Diceman Ronnie Vegas, Buddy Wayne,Flash Flanigan returns to the HPW Arena at the 4-H Fairgrounds in Columbus, In on Saturday May 7th for Derby Day Destuction. With 7 big matches. Belltime is 7:45PM and doors open at 6:45PM. Tickets are $12 Adults $10 kids 10 & under,,,,,,,Flash Flanigan vs Sexy Shawn Cook plus Diceman Ronnie Vegas, Pastor Pain, JD Marioni, Donny Idol, Tom Van Zant, Loose Cannons, Cousin cooter, Ricky Ruckus, Dylan Bostic, Damien Cole, Cruel Intentions, Lady Wrestlers Cameron Star vs Niki plus a whole lot more. HPW has the best concessions around along with a great gimmick table plus a whole lot of great wrestling action and the best fans in there is. Don't miss it Be there!!!!!   info or check out the website http://hoosierprowrestling.bravehost,com/




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