- 10/06/2021 (12:41:34 pm)
- Bob Mulrenin
American Championship Entertainment
Teaneck, New Jersey
In life our inner demons, and our greatest passions must come to the surface. They must, Awaken!
ACE Pro Wrestling Returns with: Awaken! Saturday October 16th, from the Knights of Columbus in Teaneck New Jersey. Witness the return of one of the cornerstone promotions in the state of New Jersey
Featuring the ACE Champions including!
#Absolute Alvin Alvarez defending the ACE Heavyweight Championship against “The Jurassic Juggernaut” Vince Steele
-Diamond Division Champion, “Wrestlings Richest Prize” Darius Carter goes one on one with Azrieal
-Kaide Lothbrook does battle with “The Brooklyn Outlaw” Mike Donovan
-“Mr. All Day” Kenny Bengal takes on Rob Vegas
-Lucha Underground Star Ricky Reyes, squares up against Bulldog Pittman
-Fight For Flight Champion Mouse defends his title!
Also appearing!
-“The Cult Classic” Prince Akkannattan. -Love Jones
-“Slamburglar” Rob Chase
-“Saint of Brutality” Brolly
This and more as ACE and the #ACENATION return to live pro wrestling. Be there on Saturday October 16th for the Awakening!
Tickets available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ace-pro-wrestling-presents-awaken-tickets-174295641957?aff=ebdssbeac
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Twitter: @acewrestling
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Email: acewrestlingnj@yahoo.com
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Tickets: AceProWresling.com