• 10/19/2005 (6:58:20 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos



I would like to comment on the letter to VInce McMahon.  I agree with every word that guy wrote.  Watching RAW and Smackdown to me is a chore sometimes.  It really is.  It really kills me to watch how the WWE either screws up angles, or keep on with the same old angles since 98, or ruining wrestlers' careers. 

I mean, that Hardy/Edge angle was well, as Edge would say money in the bank as an angle, and the WWE managed to screw that up.   The Invasion angle screw up is another example.   Putting the World Title on Randy Orton before he was even ready and THEN on top of that rushing a face turn on the guy.  That is another example of WWE's ineptitude.  I think Orton is ruined.  I hope not.  Nice guy too.   Now, we see the same old storyline of "Heel boss against the baby face top guy."   It just kills me. 

The firing of JR really got my goat.  Here is the best Play by play man in the history of the wrestling business being fired and humiliated just so the McMahons as heels can stand united and LInda can have her heel turn.  Unbelieveable.  The WWE are out of touch with their fans that is for sure.

From Terri

We would like to hear from YOU.  Send your letters to [email protected]

I will also forward them to the WWE.....



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