• 12/19/2005 (10:00:02 am)
  • Press Release


The NWA WEBSITE has be relaunched and improved...check it out at
The BIOS at the NWA WILDSIDE Site have been updated to reflect what's been going on in NWA ANARCHY (NWA Anarchy shares WILDSIDE's site), plus new pictures have been added to the NEW  GALLERY under PHOTOS...go to to see the updates.
Former multi-time NWA WILDSIDE Tag Champion and current IWA Mid-South, PWE and Anarchy star, The Strong Style Psycho, TANK has a new website at
Also former NWA WILDSIDE Junior Champion and ROH Tag Team Champioon and the only 2 time Rookie Of The Year in Prpofessional; Wrestling, SAL RINAURO has a new website at

December 17th, 2005 results
ref. Speedy Nelson- Brandon P & Kory Chavis defeated Jeremy  V & Jason  Blackman
The opening bout of the show featured  the tag teams of Jeremy V & Jason  Blackman facing off against  Brandon P & Kory Chavis (formerly known as  Rainman). The team  of P & Chavis worked well together, proving to be a good  solid  tag team match. Post match- Chavis and P were attacked by the Devil's  Rejects (Iceberg & Azrael) led by Dan Wilson. Owner Jerry  Palmer had seen  enough and placed the Devil's Rejects in a match at Seasons Beatings against P & Chavis.
ref. Brent Wiley-  Jeff Lewis defeated Big Henry Hoss
The returning Hoss faced  off against the self proclaimed soon to be 2 time tv  champion,  Jeff Lewis. Lewis used the ropes to score a pinfall over the big  man.  Post match- Slim J ran to the ring to stop the beating Lewis  was handing out to  Hoss. Lewis then grapped Slim J and delivered  a vicious drop which landed Slim  on his neck. J who appeared to  be injured was helped from ringside by Bill  Behrens.
ref.  Speedy Nelson- Pomp & Circumstance defeated Alabama Attitude's  Adam  Roberts
Alabama Attitude's music hit but only one member  of the team was in the  house, Adam Roberts entered the ring and  told the crowd and P&C that TC  Carnage was not in attendance  but that he could take both Tempers & Rockwell  on his own.  This proved untrue when Shaun Tempers scored the pinfall over  Roberts,  however there appeared to be some mixed emotions on the part of  Ace  Rockwell after his partner stole the pin and seemed to showboat  after the  victory. Could there be troube brewing between Rockwell & Tempers.
Jeff G.Bailey along with the Anarchy heavyweight  champion, Mikal Adryan made  his way to ringside to talk about  Seasons Beatings on 12/30. Bailey commented  that Adryan would  completely destroy Chad Parham in the heavyweight title match  and  that Onyx would prove to be sensational with a victory over Jay  Fury.  However the big surprise came when Bailey revealed the opponent  for Todd Sexton,  none other than the orignal XTC Jimmy Rave.
ref.  Speedy Nelson- Urban Assault Squad defeated Gentleman James Blvd & Ron Jordon
Both Jordon & Blvd are currently wrestling  in Mid-Atlantic Xtreme  Wrestling and proved to be no match for  the Anarchy tag team champions, Shadow  Jackson & Nemesis.  Post match, Adam Roberts returned to ringside to offer  his congrats  on well fought match and to demand a title shot for himself and  his  partner TC Carnage. Jason Blackman & Jeremy V also came  to ringside and  demanded a match at Seasons Beatings. Ace Rockwell  and Shaun Tempers thought  that Pomp & Circumstance deserved  a title match too. So all four teams will  face off at Seasons  Beatings for the Anarchy tag team titles.
ref. Brent Wiley-  Main Event- Ken Westbrooks & Hayden Young defeated Seth  Delay & Patrick Bentley
Good match between four of Anarchy's  young lions. Westbrooks and Young have  exploded on to the scene  in recent months and Delay & Bentley having proven  to be a  team to watch in the new year, even without Salvatore Rinuaro's  guidance. Great match with a clean victory for Westbrooks & Young. Post  match Mikal Adryan entered the ring and with the mafia kick on Bentley and took out Delay too,  however referees flooded the ringside  area to stop the beating. Bailey called  out Chad Parham, Parham's  music hit and Parham appeared to enter the arena.  However, the  impersonator turned out to be Todd Sexton, Parham was already in  the ring dressed as a referee. Parham quickly went for Adryan  who bailed out of  the ring and headed to the back. The two men  will face off in a heavyweight  title match at Seaosns Beatings  on 12/30







12/17 NWA Pro Wrestling Evolution Report
           By: Larry Goodman
Biohazard and Jacob Ladder won the “Tournament  of Deuces” to become the first  PWE tag team champions last night  by defeating the former NWA Wildside  champions, Tank and Iceberg  in the finals.
The thirteen team tournament also featured the  PWE debut of former WCW star  Allen Funk doing the “Kwee Wee”  gimmick. Funk teamed with ex-TNA star Sonny  Siaki. Funk looked  great in their first round match, but suffered a bicep injury  severe  enough to force them out of the tournament.
Buff Bagwell produced  a solid performance in the main event where he put  rising babyface  Scott Steel over huge.
A crowd of 175 at the Canton National  Guard Armory (doubling the attendance  at the November event) was  treated to a good show. Not the hottest of crowds by  any means,  but I can’t fault the product for that. Quality-wise, this was  the  most consistent show that PWE has produced. There were none  of the dead spots  that have plagued their previous efforts. It’s  not like every match was a mat  classic, but at a minimum, but  each of them had some redeeming entertainment  value. The booking  of the tournament left any number of teams as legitimate  title  challengers. They got the whole thing done in three hours which  was also a  major plus. There are still some issues to be addressed  on the production side.  It has a barebones vibe ala IWA Mid-South.  The sound system was woefully  inadequate, and the lag time between  ring introductions was annoying.
Ring announcer Jenn Holbrook  opened the show with a 10 bell salute to Eddie  Geurrero. She was  joined by Executive Consultant/ ex-referee Carl Wilson with  the  “actual factuals”. Wilson said the NWA BOD had lifted Tank’s  suspension.  Iceberg and Tank (introduced as the non-existent NWA  Georgia champions) had  entered the tournament and their credentials  had earned them a spot in the  finals. Wilson said that Murder  One would be allowed to have a partner of his  choosing pending  the arrival of Kory “Rainman” Chavis (jetting to Canton after  working the NWA Anarchy show in Cornelia).
The first round  of the tournament consisted of four three-way affairs.
(1)  Slaughter Brothers (Johnny & Joe) beat “Nightmare” Ted Allen & Ranger Ross and Notorious D. O. G. & Lamar Phillips  in 12:58. Slaughters  were the blatant heels. D.O.G. and Phillips  were somewhere in between. They  double teamed each other. The  pairing of Ross and Allen as a babyface legends  team worked like  a charm. They dominated the early going and the crowd was  popping  for their offense, especially Ross, who looked very good here. Allen  busted out a twisting flying bodypress on Johnny. That was a shocker.  Both  Slaughter brothers got tagged into the match to set up a  clever spot. One  brother went for a pin on the other brother and  the opposing teams had to jump  in to break it up. Finish saw D.O.G  dump Ross. But Slaughter dumped D.O.G. and  hit a Cradle Shock/top  rope elbow combo on Phillips for the pin.
Allen got into a  dispute with Ross in the postmatch. Allen turned heel and  did  so without laying a hand on Ross or using the mic. It was all done  with  gestures and the way the thing was staged. Nice. They set  up a return match with  Ross saying he was taking Allen’s mask,  and Allen threatening to scalp Ross.
(2) Biohazard & Jacob Ladder beat Darrin Childs & Sidd Murder  (with Rachael  Putski) and Regular Guys (Tyler Smith & Billy Hill) in  15:38. Putski (formerly known as Rockin Robin) is now billed as the  granddaughter  of Ivan. She’s a good bit taller than her “grandfather.” This  was  a good match when Biohazard was in and not so hot otherwise.  They kept it  interesting via the storyline where Childs is feuding  with Ladder and Bio.  Ladder is a walking freak show. He’s tatted  up like mad, has gaping holes  pierced into his ear lobes and “666”  on his t-shirt. Regular Guys looked like,  well, regular guys and  very green ones at that. The match was booked to minimize  the  negative effects of their inexperience. Hill’s t-shirt read “Tokin’  White  Guy.” Biohazard and Ladder beat up Guys for most of match.  Childs made a blind  tag and Ladder ran away. The woman I call  Monkey Lady (she used to bring a toy  monkey to Wildside and make  obscene gestures with it) pulled Ladder’s beard. Bio  got heat  on Tokin’ Guy. Childs ended a hot exchange by dropping Bio on  his head  with a German suplex. Smith was taking it from both teams.  Childs hit his  finisher on Smith. Ladder went after Childs’  woman. Putski screamed. All hell  broke loose. In the confusion,  Biohazard pinned Smith with a springboard senton  bomb.
Scott  Steel entered the ring with Mercedes and cut a promo to set up the  main  event. He’s looking like Ultimate Warrior minus the face  paint these days. Steel  was humility personified. Steel talked  about Bagwell being one of his favorites  and seemed pretty much  in awe of the dude.
(3) Murder One & Scott McKinzie  beat Hollywood Brunettes (Andrew  Alexander & Kyle Matthews  with Ken Wallace) and Kid Ego Jr. & Nick  Rampage in 10:30. McKinzie, a Texan with good size, was the chosen stand in  for  Chavis. The few things he did looked solid. Wallace said Chavis  had pulled a  Michael Jackson by turning white. Wallace’s mic  work got “shut the hell up” type  heat. Wallace introduced  the Brunettes. Naturally, they came out to the intro  music that  Austin and Pillman used for the Hollywood Blondes gimmick. The early  part of the match was a showcase for Ego’s flashy offense. Ego  gets it. If only  he had a modicum of size. Matthews caught Ego  with a turnbuckle hotshot.  Brunettes worked over Ego’s neck.  Matthews hit a sweet corner dropkick. Ego came  back with the move  that Jimmy Rave called the Disco 2000 when he was a face. But  there  was nobody home for Ego’s spectacular corkscrew moonsault. Good  build to  the hot tag here. Rampage was a suplex machine. Ego and  Rampage saw their  finisher foiled when Wallace knocked Ego off  his perch on the top rope. Rampage  went after Wallace. Meanwhile,  M-1 and McKinzie dispatched with Alexander and  Matthews, and M-1  pinned Ego with the Blazin’ Lariat. The replacement deal  pretty  much gave away the outcome, but this was a good match.
(4)  “Kwee Wee” Allen Funk & Sonny Siaki beat Double Deuce (Frankie  Capone & Marcus Dillon) and Black Pegasus & Raddick in  6:20. Funk  was in awesome shape and his work was very sharp.  He looked like Mr. Clean with  the shaved head. Funk showed no  visible signs from the incident where he  basically had his face  crushed (in a match against Siaki) two years ago. Siaki  got off  his feet bigtime for Pegasus’ aerial attack. Siaki hit a push  up press  slam for a near fall. Pegasus took a stiff beating from  Siaki and Funk. Double  Deuce (Pro Wrestling Warfare) got a laugh  with their goofy hats, but they didn’t  have a stellar night  in the ring. Dillon’s stuff looked really weak. They put  heat  on Siaki, who came back with an Ace crusher. Siaki and Funk tossed  Deuce  out. Finish saw Siaki superkick the daylights out of Raddick,  and Funk finished  him with a jumping piledriver. Funk and Siaki  made an impressive team. I didn’t  see anything to account for  Funk’s injury. It was shame that were unable to  continue.
Wilson  announced that an unknown assailant had beaten Funk to a bloody  pulp  during the intermission. As a result, Funk and Siaki were  out of the tournament,  and Blackout would receiving a bye to the  finals.
(5) Biohazard & Ladder beat Slaughter Brothers  via DQ to advance to  the finals (8:55). This was heel vs.  heel but fans had a lot more hate for  Bio and Ladder. It opened  with a solid exchange between Johnny and Bio. Then it  was Joe  and Ladder’s turn. Ladder went to the outside. Monkey lady momentarily  joined Joe for a double team on Ladder before security intervened.  Funny stuff.  Slaughters hit a legdrop/sideslam combo on Bio. Johnny  followed up with a german  suplex. Joe went for a series of pin  attempts on Ladder. Ladder was late getting  out of a backslide.  Bio and Ladder were in deep trouble when they were attacked  by  Childs and Murder. They brawled to the back. The ref DQed Slaughters  due to  outside interference.
(6) Biohazard & Ladder  beat Blackout (Murder One & Kory Chavis)  and Tank & Iceberg  in an elimination match to become the PWE tag team  champions in  19:35. Ladder and Bio came out selling injuries from the brawl  that ended the previous match. Chavis did nothing but sell for  Tank and Iceberg  for the first five minutes. Not my idea of fun.  Iceberg took a charging Rhino  chest bump into the turnbuckles  and then a flip bump into the opposite corner.  Iceberg managed  to roll out under Biohazard’s swanton bomb. Double tags. Tank  and M-1 traded bombs. M-1 hit an Ace crusher. Siaki ran out and  blasted M-1 with  a chair. M-1 tapped out to Tank’s Anaconda  Vise at 9:58. Iceberg took over on  Bio with a sidewalk slam and  stiff right hand to the jaw. Iceberg hit a quarter  ton splash  off the middle rope and Bio kicked out~! It broke down into a wild  brawl. Bio superkicked Iceberg but the ref was nowhere to be found.  He was busy  watching Ladder bash Tank with a cookie sheet. Tank  started bleeding out of a  hole in the middle of his forehead.  Bio kicked the crap out of Iceberg for a  near fall. Bio came off  the apron with a double axe on Tank. They switched dance  partners.  Tank and Bio sat down in chairs ala Necro Butcher and they smacked  the  s*** out of each other. It ended with Tank scoring a KO on  Biohazard. Ladder got  Iceberg up for a german suplex. Ref Joe  Dollar got squashed in the corner. Tank  hit a Kevin Steen-style  package piledriver on Ladder but no ref to count.  Biohazard nailed  Tank with a chair and made the cover, as Dollar made the groggy  three count.
Wilson said the title belts would be presented  to Biohazard and Ladder at the  January show.
(7) Scott  Steel (with Mercedes) beat Buff Bagwell in 15:35. Bagwell  did  a great job (so to speak) in the role of the bitter, used up ex-hero,  and  made this about as good as they could have hoped for. Best  heat of the night. It  wasn’t going to be a wrestling clinic  under any circumstances. When the bell  rang, Bagwell called for  the mic. Said this was his old stomping grounds  (Bagwell started  out North Georgia Wrestling), but the crowd was giving the love  he deserved to that idiot Steel. Bagwell ridiculed Steel’s “golly  gee whiz”  promo. Bagwell said Steel wasn’t Buff and he wasn’t  the stuff. Bagwell  confronted a scary looking woman that was giving  him hell and threatened to slap  the last tooth out of her mouth.  Bagwell said that after drooling all over him  for fifteen years,  the fans were choosing this chump and it was their fault that  he  was going to take a beating. Bagwell bumped for Steel’s power  offense.  Bagwell signaled for a time out. Steel fell for the handshake  trick, but Steel  came right back with a sidewalk slam. Buff bailed.  At 8:40, Bagwell got his  first offense, a snap neckbreaker, and  Steel powered out of the pin. Bagwell  started to choke off the  big man’s air supply. Bagwell blocked a sunset flip and  struck  a double biceps pose. Steel pulled Bagwell’s tights down. Bagwell  showed  off his ass. Steel countered a seat drop with a double  knee to the groin. For  the second match in a row, we had a ref  bump, as Bagwell got whipped into Johnny  Boone (the former WCW  official who is several cuts about PWE’s other refs).  Steel  speared Bagwell and hit an FU but no ref to count. When Steel went  to  Boone’s aid, Bagwell went for the knucks. Bagwell connected.  Mercedes hit the  ring to prevent the count. Bagwell brought a  chair in. Mercedes grabbed it on  the backswing and konked Bagwell.  1-2-3. Finish wasn’t the smoothest but it  worked. Bagwell put  Steel over huge in the postmatch. Said if he had Steel’s  height,  the sky would have been the limit. Steel admitted that he hadn’t  wrestled many high profile opponents, and called it his best match  ever. If  Steel were to develop his talking and wrestling to the  level of his physique, he  would be ticketed for stardom. Steels  said Bagwell was once on top and now he  (Steel) was on the rise.  Steel raised Bagwell’s hand to close the show.
NOTES: PWE  returns to the Canton National Guard Armory on 1/14 with “Disco  Inferno” Glen Gilberti on the card…PWE plans to run a building  in Rome every  other Friday night with a tentative start date of  1/24…PWE is also exploring the  possibility of getting television  in Rome…Phil Heffner’s NAWA has resurfaced in  Trion, Ga running  Thursday night shows at the Thompson Auction Center… in what  promises  to be one of the stiffest encounters of 2005 or any other year,  Tank  faces Samoa Joe on 12/30 at IWA Mid-South’s Strong Style  tournament…Jenn  Holbrook has a birthday coming up on 12/22...There  was a rumor circulating that  Siaki had signed with WWE.

NWA  Wisconsin now an Associate member!
We want to congratulate  NWA  Wisconsin's Jason Jerry on
becoming an Associate member  of the NWA Midwest.  We've
seen alot of great things happening  in Wisconsin over
the last few  years. Back on September 6th,  2003 in
Denmark, WI we crowned our first NWA  Midwest X
champion.  Wisconsin is where we got our first look at
'Kamakaze'  Ken  Anderson (now known as Ken Kennedy on
WWE's Smackdown) who went  one to  become our NWA
Midwest Heavyweight Champion at an NWA/MAW  show  in
Milwaukee on 7-16-04 until defeated in Milwuakee on
11-12-04  by Chris  Candido. We here at the NWA Midwest
are thrilled to  have Jason on  board!

NWA Virginia  Heavyweight Title  Match Focus of This Week's  Episode!
(Chesterfield,  Va) NWA Virginia's weekly  internet show THE ACTION ZONE features  another in a series of matches between  Heavyweight Champion 'Heatmiser'  Scotty Blaze and former Champion 'Mr. Mid  Atlantic' Damian Wayne.  The match originates from Roanoke at the Star City Skate  Center!  It is the ONLY match of the episode, as it takes up over 30 minutes  of  action!
Scotty Blaze won the belt from Damian Wayne in Sugar  Grove, and has  successfully defended it against Wayne in rematches,  as well as against fellow  Old School Empire members 'Simply Perfect'  Preston Quinn, and Frank 'The Tank'  Parker, as well as The Barbarian,  'Vindicator' Mike Vaughn, ICE, 'Mourning Star'  Brandon Day and  Stan 'The Man' Lee. Blaze and Wayne wrestled in NWA Virginia's  very  first cage match, which took place in Atkins during the final stop  of the  Great Virginia Bash Tour, '05.
Many experts predicted  this was Wayne's last  shot at regaining the belt as the contenders  behind Blaze, including Alpha  Champion 'Mourning Star' Brandon  Day, were anxious to get rematches, or even get  first cracks at  the title.
The match was turned into an anything goes, no  disqualification  match, and as is the norm between these two, was as violent as  allowed  in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
To download the episode, go  to and click on The Action Zone. Follow the  instructions and  enjoy a very physical and violent match, courtesty  of NWA  Virginia.

NWA Upstate from Saturday 12/10 in Rochester, NY: John McChesney  b Mastiff,  McClouds b Jake n' Bake (does Jake bake the stuff?) & Freddie Midnight,  Vince Beach won elimination scramble match,  J.P. Black b Eric Everlast-DQ, Dunn & Marcos won three-way  over Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid and Olsen Twins  (what kind  of a guarantee did it take to get them?), Triple X & Spazz & Big Cat b Charisma & Gabe Saint & Kid Justice, D to the  Icky b Derek  Duncam, Brodie Lee & Kanyon b Glenn Spectre & Jerk Jackson (thanks to  Todd Brantley)
Results  for NWA: WI Burnin' Down the House
From the Firehouse Bar and  Grill,  Marinette, WI
NWA: Wisconsin continued to roll through  the state with a  strong crowd
of over 150 paid at the door.  The raucous crowd was treated to  some
great action, two title  changes, and some surprises.
Tejas def.  Busty Loads
Scotty  Pride vs. Mikey McCoy - No Contest
Jack  Berzerker and Tommy  Courageous def. Spanish Stew (Dinn T. Moore and
"El Vato"  Jose  Guerro). Berzerker and Courageous new NWA: Wisconsin Tag
Team  Champions
Cadillac Nick Collucci w/ Shortstack def. Diego  Corleone w/  Greaseball
Paulie Palermo in a submission match
Adrian  Serrano vs.  "God's Gift to Women" Kevin Krueger w/ Matt Byron,  No
Irish Mickey  Doyle, Spec. Guest Ref
Dana  Hilton def. Miss Katie
Ruff Ryder  Rashaan def. Justin Dredd  w/ Miss Anne. Ruff Ryder Rashaan
takes the NWA:  Wisconsin X  Division Title
Adrian Serrano and Irish Mickey Doyle def.  "God's Gift to Women" Kevin
Krueger and Adrian Lynch /w Matt  Byron
"New Year's Knockout" - December 17,  2005
Palisades - McKeesport, PA 
 -  Sam Slej won  a battle royal to earn the last  entry into 'Burgh  Brawl '06 on March 4th
 -  Dan Miles, Sabotage & Teddy Fine defeated  Mantis666, Eisen  Drache and Jake Garrett by pinfall
 - Brandon K defeated Armageddon and Da Munchies in  a  triple-threat handicap match to retain the NWA-PWX Tag Team  Championship
 - Scott Venom defeated Sam Slej by  countout
 - Bigg defeated Chris Taylor by  disqualification
 - NWA-PWX Heavyweight Champion Crusher Hansen  defeated Three Rivers Champion Eric Extasy, Nikita Allanov, Devin  Devine, Brass  Knuckles Champion Devil Bhudakahn, Brandon K and  Paul Atlas to win the "Ultimate  Resolution" match, and retain  the championship.   
    Pro Wrestling Express made it's long awaited  return to the Palisades in McKeesport on Saturday December 17th  with  the final  event of the 2005 season.  A great crowd turns  out for the show, which was very  vocal all night long.  The management  of the facility was very happy with the  great crowd on hand, and  the professionalism of the lockerroom and staff at the  event,  and the partnership between PWX and the Palisades this winter looks  to be  a great one!
     The first match of the night was a battleroyal,  with the winner  earning the last entry (more than likely 30th) in the upcoming  'Burgh  Brawl on March 4th.  Almost the entire lockerroom was involved  in this  fight, and current PWX Heavyweight Champion Crusher Hansen  was on hand to  observe the match.  The final four men in the  match were the Tri Chi  Fraternity's "Hammer" Sam Slej, the Armageddon  tag team, and 987's Scott Venom.   Armageddon attacked Hammer  as Venom waited, but Hammer quickly disposed of the  duo with a   double clothesline over the top rope. Hansen made his way to  ringside  as Venom went after Hammer, but Hammer eventually just caught Venom  as  he attempted a flying body press, and dumped him to the outside  with a fallaway  slam.  The crowd popped great for Hammer, who  has been proving to be a very  popular singles competitor in recent  weeks.   
    After  the match Scott Venom returned to the  ring with the rest of 987  in tow, and said that him and Damien Stockholm had  decided a few  things.  First, he said that Hammer cheated his way to winning  that battle royal, so they were going to square off again later  in a singles  match.  Venom guaranteed he would win this, to show  Hammer's victory was only a  fluke.  Venom then said that it was  sad to hear that Quinn Magnum was not there  to defend that tag  team titles tonight, because his wife had recently given  premature  birth to his first son.  Venom said that Magnum had his priorities  completely screwed up, and that he was going to force Brandon  K to defend the  titles by himself against Armageddon and Da Munchies.   Venom said that if  Apocalypse wanted to prove they deserved main  event caliber matches, then they  had their shot tonight.  Venom  also stated that if Da Munchies wanted a shot at  getting their  titles back, they were laid out on a silver platter tonight. 
    A trios tag team match was next, pitting  a  group of emerging fan favorites against Apocalypse.  Dan Miles,  Sabotage, and  Teddy Fine came to the ring to a great reaction,  followed by the entire  Apocalypse stable, who circled the ring.   Devil Bhudakahn and Armageddon walked  away from ringside to the  entrance way, leaving Jake Garrett, Mantis666, and  Eisen Drache  in the ring.  The match started out with some solid chain wrestling  from Miles, Sab, Mantis and Drache, but when Fine and Garrett  squared off they  traded some sick forearm shots and the match  started to break down into a  brawl.  After a ton of dives to  the outside, Apocalypse was in control of  Sabotage, and started  to work him over in their corner.  Drache and Mantis would  continue  to try to hit fancy moves on Sab, with Garrett demanding they go  for  the pin, and them just blowing him off.  Bhudakahn yelled  for Garrett to take  control, but Mantis and Drache continued to  tag back and forth with each other,  and feeding Sabotage to CJ  Sensation at ringside.  Finally Sab countered out of  a hold by  Drache and made the tag to Miles, who started to clear house until  Drache took him out with a knee kick.  Rather than work on the  knee, Drache  continued to just play around with Miles, and Garrett  was visibly pissed.   Finally Miles made a tag to Fine and the  match started to break down, and  referee Shawn Patrick had trouble  maintaining order.  Drache attempted to  powerbomb the bigger  Fine, but was unable to get him up, and was met with a  nasty missile  dropkick from Miles, and Drache at the pinfall.  Garrett  and Bhudakahn  blasted Drache for the loss, and as the fan favorites celebrated,   Armageddon attacked, and all of Apocalypse joined in. 
    Nikita Allanov walked to the ring, and  Bhudakahn and Garrett bailed.  Allanov took out Armageddon with  a double  clothesline, and then laid out Drache and Mantis.  Allanov  got the mic and said  that he had undergone an attitude change  after a lot of thinking, and decided  that a lot of people had  a lot of hell to pay.  Allanov then called out 987, and  asked  the fans if they wanted to see him take the Heavyweight Title from  Crusher  Hansen, which got a good reaction from the crowd. 
    The Triple Treat Handicap Tag Team Championship  match was next, with Brandon K defending the titles against four  men.  The first  pinfall wins, and K started out against Rapture.   Dick Trimmins made a blind tag  to K and got in the ring, and both  Da Munchies and Armageddon effectively worked  to freeze K out  of the match.  K distracted the referee as much as he could from  ringside, and the fans tried to get behind him, but he was just  not involved  much in the match.   Armageddon looked very sloppy  in the match, and they tried  to isolate Trimmins, but Trimmins  finally made the tag to Sheiky Hassan, and he  cleaned house with  Rapture and Revelation.  Sheiky stumbled back into the corner  and  K tagged himself back in.  He quickly nailed both Rapture and Revelation  with leg lariats, then knocked both Trimmins and Hassan off the  apron.  K went  up top and nailed Rapture with a swan dive headbutt,  and got the pinfall to  retain the titles.  987 immediately hit  the ring and started to work K over, but  with Magnum and Mad Mike  both missing, no one from Rage was able to help him.   Da Munchies,  who have issues with both 987 and Rage, hit the ring and went at  it  with 987, which allowed K to slide out and hobble back to the  lockerroom as Da  Munchies fell to superior numbers in the ring.   After 987 left, Trimmins got the  mic and demanded the same thing  that Quinn Magnum has been asking for - a  weapons match with 987  and Rage, only with Da Munchies in it as well, and the  tag titles  on the line. 
     After intermission, Scott Venom took on the  "Hammer" Sam Slej  in a match that saw the crowd solidly behind Hammer the whole  way.   Damien Stockholm and Crusher Hansen were at ringside with Venom,  so QB  Blitzz was at ringside with his fellow Tri Chi to even things  out.  Hammer had  superior size and strength to Venom, and it  showed early with Hammer dominating  Venom.  Venom however dipped  into his bag of dirty tricks to even things out.   Stockholm continued  to distract official Shawn Patrick at ringside, while Hansen  got  in as many cheap shots as he could, before Blitzz would break things  up.   Finally Venom got caught and Hammer took back over, and  after nailing Venom with  the overhead slam for the second time  that night, was setting him up for his  double powerbomb finisher.   Suddenly Devil Bhudakahn ran out from the lockerroom  and blasted  Blitzz from behind with a stop sign, and Bhudakahn and Armageddon  laid a beating into Blitzz.  Hammer came to the aid of his partner,  and a brawl  ensued on the outside.  As the Tri Chi's and Apocalypse  brawled to the back,  Venom got the win in the ring when Patrick  counted Hammer out. 
     Bigg had been trying to get his hands on a  member of 987 for awhile,  and he finally got his shot against Chris Taylor.   Taylor started  off trying to control Bigg, and as usual Damien Stockholm was  interfering  every change he could, but Bigg looked really sharp and was a raging  bull, just tossing Taylor around every time he had his hands on  him.  Stockholm  slipped Taylor a foreign object, and as Bigg  went for a his pump handle slam  finisher, Taylor clocked him with  it and got the pinfall.  Taylor was in a bad  position to get  the object back to Stockholm though, and he tried to just lay on  top of it.  When referee Shawn Patrick went to raise his hand  though, he saw  Taylor try to kick the object away, and picked  it up, and immediately reversed  the decision, awarding the match  to Bigg by disqualification. 
    The main event of the evening was the "Ultimate  Resolution"  match - featuring seven wrestlers in a unique elimination match.   Nikita Allanov started off against Devin Devine, and after an  exchange of holds,  Devin took control of Allanov's arm.  Allanov  managed to get on top of Devine,  hitting a double stomp to the  chest before locking on an octopus hold.  Two  minutes were up,  and Paul Atlas hit the ring, and went right after Allanov.   Devine  and Atlas then went to town on Allanov for two minutes, until Brandon  K  hit the ring, evening the score.  K was a little slowed by  his exchange form 987  earlier in the night, but he was house-a-fire  and cleared the ring quickly.   Atlas went back after K as Devine  worked over Allanov in the corner.  The match  would stay as a  four way until a pinfall was earned. Atlas took control of  Allanov  after a nasty kneelift, and dumped him to the outside.  K tried  to fight  off Atlas, but Devine managed to nail K with his Aborted  Fetus Drop, and got the  first pinfall of the match.  Brass Knuckles  Champion Devil Bhudakahn hit the  ring and was immediately met  by Atlas, who went toe-to-toe with him on the  outside while Devine  worked over Allanov in the ring.  Allanov managed to bust  Devine's  mouth wide open with a Russian Sickle, but Bhudakahn went for the  pinfall.  Allanov broke it up, but Atlas went for a superkick,  which Allanov  ducked.  Allanov nailed Atlas with a bridged German  Suplex, and got the pinfall,  which brought Three Rivers Champion  Eric Extasy into the match.  Extasy went  right after Devine,  who was bleeding big time from the mouth, and Bhudakahn went  after  Allanov.  Allanov was completely gassed at this point, having been  in this  very physical match since the beginning.  Bhudakahn's  speed was keeping Allanov  down, but somehow he managed to nail  the "Anti-Christ Luchador" with a massive  powerbomb, but was unable  to capitalize.  Extasy went for the cover, but Devine  broke it  up.  Extasy and Bhudakahn then began to fight, and Devine, who  was half  out on his feet, staggered over to Allanov for an exchange.   Bhudakahn was on  the offensive, and Extasy somehow turned a rana  attempt into his patented STD,  and got the pinfall, bringing Heavyweight  Champion Crusher Hansen into the  match.  Hansen's title was on  the line here, and he went right after the weakest  man in the  match, Allanov, with his 987 mate Devine.  Extasy then went after  Devine, and Hansen lit up Allanov in the corner.  Allanov chopped  back, but  Hansen dumped him to the floor.  Hansen started playing  to the fans, and it gave  Allanov a chance to go after Hansen.   Hansen suplexed Allanov on the floor and  then left him for dead,  going after Extasy in the ring with Devine.  Extasy was  on the  receiving end of some nasty chops from Hansen, who was fresh as  a daisy,  and just pounding on the "Sexual Icon".  Allanov managed  to make it back to the  apron, and Hansen went after him, and Extasy  hit Devine with a brutal chokeslam  out of nowhere, and got the  pin on Devine, who was nearly out cold.  Hansen drug  Allanov  back in the ring and nailed a brutal lariat, followed by a Crusher  Slam,  and Allanov was pinned, leaving the Three Rivers Champion  alone in the ring with  Heavyweight Champion Hansen.  Damien Stockholm  was at ringside with Hansen, and  Krystal Frost with Extasy.   Extasy was exhausted, but the crowd rallied behind  him, and Frost  pounded the mat to get the fans making as much noise for Extasy  as possible.   Hansen and Extasy had a brutal exchange of chops,  and was giving  back just as much as Hansen was giving.  It is  impossible to describe just how  physical these two men were, as  they just began hitting some of the stiffest  exchanges in recent  memory.  Finally Hansen seemed to have Extasy down, and laid  in  with a Garvin Stomp.  Extasy staggered to his feet and Hansen nailed  a brutal  lariat, and called for a Crusher Slam.  Somehow Extasy  managed to slip out of  the slam, and rolled Hansen up, but only  got a two count.  Hansen nailed Extasy  with a brutal kick, and  then managed to nail him with a nasty powerbomb.  Extasy  somehow  managed to kick out, possibly earning the loudest pop of the night.   Hansen continued to brutalize Extasy, and attempting another powerbomb.   This  time Hansen couldn't hold Extasy up, and Hansen crashed to  the mat.  Extasy  managed to get a two count by virtue of being  on top, but had nothing left.   Extasy somehow staggered to his  feet, but an attempted at an STD just led to  Hansen nailing Extasy  with a Jackhammer, and getting a pinfall, to retain the  title.   Both men were on their backs as the bell rang.  987's Chris Taylor  and  Stockholm helped Hansen from the ring, and Krystal Frost tended  to Extasy in the  ring.  This was a brutal and physical match,  and is a clear indication of what  is expected of a Pro Wrestling  Express main event - physicality. 
    NWA Pro Wrestling Express kicks off the 2006  schedule  on January 7th at the Palisades in McKeesport, PA.  Tickets to  the  event are $10 for ringside, $9 for general admission, and  $6 for kids under 12.   Adult beverages are available to fans  21 years of age with proper  identification.  Matches already  announced for January 7th include NWA-PWX  Heavyweight Champion  Crusher Hansen versus Three Rivers Champion Eric Extasy in  a title-versus-title  match, and Paul Atlas versus Daron Smythe in a 2/3 falls  match.   For more information, check out the official website of NWA Pro  Wrestling Express at         
NWA Central States returned to the National Guard  Armory in Lawrence, Kansas  last Saturday, December 17, with "Deal  with the Steel II". Results  saw:
- Paul Diamond  def. Tony Morales with a  front-flip piledriver
- Ace Steel  def. Mason Hunter and Derek Stone in a Triple Threat match with  a  school boy on Mason to become #1 contender to the NWA Kansas  title
- "#1" Brett Young def. Delirious after throwing powder  into his face
- Payday Patterson def. Michael Strider in  a Russian Chain match after three  brainbusters in match 3 of 7
-  Jaysin Strife def. Sonjay Dutt after rolling through a top rope  Frankensteiner into a sunset flip
- Darrien Sanders and  Matt Sydal def. Jeremy Wyatt and Wade Chism w/ Steve  Girthy. Afterwards,  Sanders got Girthy in the ring for 5 minutes and beat him  down
-  NWA Kansas Champion Mark Sterling w/ Ginger Gordon and Tyler Cook  def.  Abyss w/ Spookshow in a Ladder match
NWA  Central States returns to action in early 2006. Go to  for updates.
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