• 01/29/2007 (5:59:13 pm)
  • Press Release




AL GETZ w/JUSTICE SERVED will be heard




ADRIAN HAWKINS in singles competition







And more!!!!!










NWA Anarchy TV Report
Episode 47
January 22, 2006

WRESTLING: (n.) ’res-ling A sport of contest in which two individuals face off in unarmed combat.
ANARCHY: (n.) an-ar-key (1) A state of lawlessness due to absence of authority. (2) A complete lack of order.
What happens when you mix the two together? NWA-Anarchy!

- Greg Hunter & John Johnson have returned to the NWA Arena and they are all decked out in designer suits. Johnson reflects on Parham’s vicious attack on Todd Sexton at Fright Night 2006. Tonight, Parham will provide his explanation and Patrick Bentley battles Onyx.

1. Brody Ray Chase & Brandon Phoenix vs. Ace Rockwell & Sal Rinauro
THE MATCH: Rockwell begins the match by poking Chase in the eye and outquicking him. Phoenix and Rinauro catches him with a cross bodyblock, sending the heels to a speedy retreat. Rinauro has fun torturing the former TV champion by working over his arm and reversing all of his maneuvers. The faces perform some shenanigans and land a double dropkick. After a commercial break, Chase and Rinauro lock up. Johnson claims that Rinauro has never faced anyone the caliber of Chase. ¿Que? Didn’t he wrestle for Ring of Honor? I swore he lost the ROH Tag Titles to Aries & Strong. Wait a minute. I was at that show in Edison, NJ. Damn, Johnson is just great as a heel color commentator. Phoenix & Chase take over using double team and heel tactics. Chase connects with a nice pump handle suplex. He makes a nonchalant cover for a near fall. Johnson finally admits to Rinauro’s accolades. Phoenix humbles Rinauro. The crowd starts a “Brody sucks” chant. Rinauro responds to the crowd by breaking up a double team and making the hot tag. Rockwell cleans house. He whips Phoenix into Chase and follows up with the Stinger splash. Chase headbutts Phoenix in the groin. Rockwell mounts Chase, but Phoenix tosses him to the floor. Rinauro uses Chase as a catapult to catch Phoenix Sliced Bread #2. Chases uses the distraction to nail Rinauro from behind. Rockwell sneaks back into the ring and finishes Chase with the Ace’s High. Afterwards, Chase and Phoenix blame each other for the loss.
WINNER: Rockwell & Rinauro.

2. Jeremy V vs. Dexter Poindexter.
THE MATCH: Dexter is a blind squirrel and he finds a nut here and there. The crowd trade dualing “Jeremy sucks” and “no he don’t” chants. Poindexter calls V a spoiled brat by putting his thumb in his mouth. V charges in, but meets a drop toe hold onto the bottom rope. V takes exception and shoves Dexter. Dexter responds with a slap and an offensive flurry. Vain outquicks Dexter by catching him with a chokeslam backbreaker. Vain focuses his attack on Dexter’s back. The crowd chants “Jeremy sucks,” but he continues his offense with a vertical suplex. He chokes Dexter with his own suspenders. Great! Johnson demands Hunter to shut his mouth when he is talking to him. Dexter leapfrogs on a backdrop attempt and lands a dropkick. He backdrops V. Johnson calls V a preinual contender, not a perennial. V lands the VKO, but Dexter eludes the VDT. V escapes Sliced Bread #2 and finishes Dexter off with the Hot Shot… with his feet on the ropes.
RESULT: Jeremy V.
COMMENTS: This was an entertaining match that got V over as a slimy and sneaky heel.

- Greg Hunter interviews Chad Parham concerning his attack on Sexton. Hunter says he provided an opportunity for Todd to spend time with his family. He commands NWA Owner Jerry Palmer out to the ring. Palmer obeys him. Palmer is fully prepared to suspend Parham. Parham thought that was exactly what he had to say. He has footage to show Palmer as the crowd chants “Fire Chad!” They air a clip of Sexton nailing Parham. Parham says he has full authority to protect himself from non-wrestlers. He commands Palmer to suspend Sexton. The crowd loudly chants “Fire Chad.” Palmer says he doesn’t like it, but he suspends Sexton from his managerial duties from NWA Anarchy. Parham is not done talking, but it seems like he just might have to when UAS and Justice Served head out. Parham wisely slithers back to the locker room. Palmer congratulates the new tag team champions, the Urban Assault Squad. He thanks Justice Served and AJ Styles (not in attendance) for their aid against the Rejects. Palmer says Justice Served can do anything they want to do. They want a shot at the tag straps. UAS asks the crowd and they happily oblige. Palmer asks do they want it tonight and both teams agree. Don’t test out G, baby!

3. Onyx w/Jeff G Bailey vs. Patrick Bentley w/Seth Delay
THE MATCH: Bentley slaps on the Masterlock, but Onyx easily escapes. He sends Onyx to a retreat and unwisely gives chase. Back in the ring, Onyx stomps Bentley heading in. Johnson talks about knowing the rules of wrestling. Hunter comments that Johnson knows every rule in the book and has broken every last single one. Surely, the truth shall set you free. Bentley is able to escape the full nelson because he uses three cases of oil in his hair every day. Johnson never ceases to amaze me. Why isn’t this man working beside Jim Ross or Mike Tenay? Onyx sends Bentley through the ceiling with a 57 foot high backdrop. Either Bentley has amazing spring in his legs or Onyx is just that strong. Onyx slaps on an abdominal stretch. Bentley fights out and lands a series of punches. Onyx laughs off a pair of clotheslines, but Bentley takes him down with a bulldog. Bentley plants Onyx with his knees to the chest. Bentley heads to the Penthouse, but Onyx eludes a clothesline and slaps on the full nelson. Bentley separates the fingers, but Onyx cinches it back in. Bentley gets very close to the ropes, but Delay throws in the Homer Hankie? The referee calls for the bell.
COMMENTS: This match was featured good storytelling and sowed the seeds for Delay’s heel turn. Delay has tremendously improved and deserves a singles run. Onyx is great and deserves a shot at the big time.

4. NWA Anarchy Tag Titles: Urban Assault Squad (Nemesis & Shadow Jackson) (ch.) vs. Justice Served (Mikki Free & Jason Justice).
THE MATCH: Jason Justice used to be Scotty Wrenn, a former Wildside Tag and Heavyweight Champion. Justice gains an early advantage by avalanching Nemesis several times. Jackson catches Justice with a huge spinebuster. Justice sends Nemesis to the floor and Jackson sends him flying. Free confronts Jackson, but he ends up flying to the floor. All four begin to brawl at ringside until the referee counts both teams out. After the bell rings, both teams continue to stomp multiple mudholes in each other until they head back to the locker room.
RESULTS: UAS retain on double countout.
COMMENTS: The outcome was rather predictable given the circumstances. In order to make this a huge feud, one of the teams is going to have to do something extremely dastardly. It might have to be something on a higher level than what Parham did. I’m not a big fan of two power teams fighting each other, but these two teams are good enough to make it work.

- OVERALL: Today’s show was good as usual. New storylines were created while old ones continued. I’m tired. It’s time to go to bed.

New NWA Women's World Champion Crowned

On Saturday Night Jan 27th in Lebanon TN, 162 people witnessed as Ms Chef defeated Christie Ricci in the middle of the squared circle to become the new NWA Women's World Champion.

As the match was going back and forth between the two contestents, Tasha Simone who had words with Christie earlier in the night had to interject herself and distract both Christie Ricci and the referee. When Christie turned around Ms Chef sprayed the green mist but Christie ducked and it hit the referee directly in the face blinding him. As Christie was trying to assist the referee, another referee came to ring side to assist also, and Ms Chef caught Christie off guard and as she turned, Ms Chef sprayed the green mist once again and hit Christie dead on. Christie fell to the mat holding her eyes and screaming and Ms Chef rolled her up for the 1 - 2 - 3. And a new champion is crowned! 


NWA Wrestle Birmingham's upcoming
February 9th could be called the "Night of Title

The Zamora Shrine Temple will be rocking on February
9th when Wrestle Birmingham has their First show of
2007 and what a show it will be. The "Bullet" will be
taking on Tommy "Wildfire" Rich in a Loser Leave Town

"Brickhouse" Brown and "Mad Dog" Dan Sawyer will be
going head to head with the masked duo of The Ulitmate
Dragon and El Mexicano.

In one of FOUR title bouts will see "Primetime" Elix
Skipper and David Young defend the Wrestle Birmingham
Tag Team Titles against The Fire & Flame, is this the
beginning of a Memphis Invation?

Finally, "Action" Mike Jackson gets his chance to
regain the Wrestle Birmingham Jr. Title from current
Champion, Daffney, with "Tennessee Stud" Robert Fuller
in her corner and "Rock & Roll RPM" Alan Martin as
Guest Referee.

Just when you thought the action could not get any
hotter, Wrestle Birmingham will be debuting the
Wrestle Birmingham TV Title, that is ight, "Loverboy"
Dennis Condrey will take on Brad Armstrong in this
historic match.

The action does not stop there, McNasty, Wrestle
Birmingham Heavyweight Champion is going to have to
defend that title in a Alabama Street Fight, against
one of the best street fighters and ex-champion B.G.
James, this match is sure to be a classic match, after
the dust is settled and the bell rings we will see who
is the Champion.

And finally, a Main Event in any arena in the World
and Wrestle Birmingham brings it to you, Jake "The
Snake" Roberts takes on one of the hottest young
fighters in TNA, "Cowboy" James Storm.

The weather will be cold, but the Action from Wrestle
Birmingham will be hot. Make your plans to come and
see one of the best shows of the year.

Tickets are available by calling 205-970-0333 or get
them at the door, day of the show. Bell time is 7:30
p.m. and doors open at 6:30 p.m..

For more information, keep checking  Card Subject to Change.

***Wrestle Birmingham prides its self with promoting
the best wrestling in the area and is proud to be
affiliated with the National Wrestling Alliance.
Wrestle Birmingham's TV Show is on every Saturday
Night at 11:30 p.m. on WTTO CW21***


Here are the results from the 1/20/07 NWA Pro/EPW
Perth show "Hot Summers Night" in Maylands, Australia.

Results :
Main Event
4-Way for #1 Contendership
Devlin Reeves defeated Shane Haste, Mikey Nicholls &
Davis Storm

Non-Title Match
Jimmy Payne defeated Jamie Jurah

Grudge Match
Chris Vice defeated AZ Vegara

James Street defeated 'The Allstar' Brad West

Psychofett defeated Rusty Evans

6-Man Tag Match
The European Union defeated Richter, Chris J
Lazareth & Jose Del Santo

Kiel E.Lectrifying defeated Nate Dooley




Joe's Gonna Kill You: Night One

Mayes Memorial Armory

St. Joseph, Missouri

Attendance: 508 (CSW record)


Domino Rivera beat Nick Tyson and Tyler Cook

Brett Young beat Darrien Sanders

Jason Fullz beat Derek Stone

Dingo beat Mark Sterling and Jeremy Wyatt and Kraig Keesman to become the Missouri State Champion

Samoa Joe beat Michael Strider 



Joe's Gonna Kill You: Night Two

CSW Arena

Lawrence, Kansas

Attendance: 201 (in the worst snow storm in 2 years)


Domino Rivera beat Ben Sailer and Tyler Cook

Dingo beat Nick Tyson

Brett Young beat Corwin Star

Kraig Keesman beat Darrien Sanders

Mark Sterling beat Hype Gotti to retain the Kansas State Championship

Steve Fender beat Jeremy Wyatt w/ Steve Girthy by DQ when Wade Chism interfered

Steve Fender and Samoa Joe beat the Girthy Management Group - Wade Chism and Jeremy Wyatt 



-----"Controversial Since 1993"-----

[This is a message from the Mid American Wrestling Mailing List. This is
NOT unsolicited E-mail. If you do not wish to receive future
mailings, simply send an E-mail to
midamerican- unsubscribe@ yahoogroups. com and you will be immediatelyremoved. The following message may contain objectionable language,
descriptions of violence, or other offensive, sick, twisted material
that just might encourage you to go out and buy a ticket to a future
MAW event and see it all with your very own eyes. If you are a minor,
or are easily offended by such things, unsubscribe yourself from the
list. All material in this mailing is strictly the opinion of the
author and may not necessarily reflect the views of Mid American
Wrestling or its management. Thank you.]

Visit the MAW web site! http://www.midameri canwrestling. com

Become a Friend of MAW on MySpace!  

Join the MAW Message Board and Comment on the Shows and DVDs!   

Call the MAW Hot line!
------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------


Wanna be in the wrestling biz? Here's your chance to start. We are
currently looking for some able bodies to join our ring crew. Both setup
and tear down would be required. In exchange for your assistance, you'll
recieve FREE tickets for MAW events. If interested, email us at
[email protected]  
------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

We encourage fans that they buy tickets in advance. Tickets can be purchased in advance by using (User ID - kayfabe@webtv. net) All tickets for Fri, 10/13
are $15. You will not be charged any shipping, handling or processing
fees. Depending upon when you purchase tickets, they will either be
mailed to you or left for you you at the door.

If you have further questions, email us at midamwrestling@

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

NEXT EVENT: Saturday Night February 3rd at The Sports Connection located at 3000 S 13th Street in Milwaukee, WI. (13th Manitoba, 1 block north of Oklahoma Ave) Bell time is 8 p.m. All tickets are $15 dollars and are available by emailing midamwrestling@..., by leaving a message
at 414-777-3941, or by using PayPal (Use ID - [email protected])
Remember to include your address and telephone number along with the
number of tickets you'd like. You will not be charged any shipping,
handling or processing fees. Depending upon when you purchase
tickets, they will either be mailed to you or left for you you at the

The National Wrestling Alliance NWA Midwest Presents Mid American Wrestling: MAW and ICW- LET THE INSANITY BEGIN!

Mid American Wrestling and Insane Championship Wrestling team up for a night of the craziest action you'll ever see:


Esteban Molina vs Justin Dredd


Dysfunction vs "2 Phat" Jason Dukes


Corporal Robinson vs Silas Young


Skullkrusher vs Brandon Thomaselli


Bobby Valentiono vs Arya Daivari vs Troy Walters

That's Saturday Night February 3rd at The Sports Connection located at
3000 S 13th Street in Milwaukee, WI. (13th Manitoba, 1 block north of Oklahoma Ave)
Bell time is 8 p.m. All tickets are $15 dollars and are available by
emailing midamwrestling@..., by leaving a message at
414-777-3941, or by using PayPal (Use ID - kayfabe@...)
Remember to include your address and telephone number along with the
number of tickets you'd like. You will not be charged any shipping,
handling or processing fees. Depending upon when you purchase
tickets, they will either be mailed to you or left for you you at the


Mid American Wrestling is brought to you in association with the National Wrestling Alliance, the oldest governing body in professional wrestling.


Check out for tons of tapes form the Mid
American Wrestling library! More are being added all the time so
check back often! JUST ADDED: The MAW 13th Anniversary Show DVD featuring the main event of Samoa Joe vs Abyss along with the whole night of spectacular action featuring all of your MAW favorites! As a bonus this show also includes the COMPLETE April 7th show featuring the main event of Ian Rotten vs current ECW star Balls Mahoney! And if that's not enough, as an internet special anyone purchasing this MAW DVD will get a free MAW 13th Anniversary t-shirt. The free t-shirt is only available in size XL and quanties are limited, so head to and order your copy for the low price of only $20.00!!!

MAW is presented under the authority of wrestling's oldest governing body -
the NWA, "The National Wrestling Alliance"

Check out photos from all of the MAW action with our new MAW Photo Gallery 2! This photo album contains photos from every show from the second half of 2004! And don't forget to check out MAW Photo Gallery 1 which features photos going all the way back to 1999 including ALL of the Hardcore Cup shows! Check it all out at!

Call the Mid American Wrestling Hotline!
(414) 777-3941
Visit the Mid American Wrestling Web Site!




Sat March 24th Streamwood, IL


Streamwood Park District Recreation Center
Bartlett Road
Streamwood, IL

7 pm Bell


Former partners of AMW "Wildcat" Chris Harris VS "Cowboy" James Storm
Bracket Match for the NWA MW Heavyweight title
"The Mississippi" Mad Man VS Jay Ryan


Bracket Match for the NWA MW Heavyweight title


The NWA MW Central States Champion
                  Michael Strider      
The NWA MW Heartland Sates Champion                     
      Karl "The Machine Gun" Anderson
Grudge Match
"The Latin Heartthrob" Estaban Molina VS Ricky Thomas
NWA MW Tag Team Title Match
The " Extreme Dream Team" "Hrdrcore" Craig & Corporal Robinson
"Blacklisted" Marco Cordova & Jason Reign with Michael Starr & Ms Eryn


For the NWA MW Women's Championship
MsChif VS Josie


More to be announced


For tickets email [email protected]
or call 630-539-4541


NWA Midwest Rankings as of January 16, 2007

NWA Midwest Overall Rankings

1. Johnny Candido
NWA Midwest Champion
2. Jason Dukes
NWA Midwest X Champion
3. Karl Anderson
NWA Heartland States Champion
4. Dinty
NWA Wisconsin State
5. Michael Strider
NWA Central States Champion
Mark Sterling
NWA Kansas State
7. Matt Sydal

8. Marco "Stylz"
NWA Illinois State
Marek Brave
NWA Iowa State
10. El
NWA Indiana State


NWA No Limits

Join us February 2nd for our Fairfield, Iowa Debut!
Held at the Old Armory at 122 E. Burlington Ave
(Corner of B Street & Broadway) this match will not
only star TNA's Inspirational Wrestler of the Year
2006 "Showtime" Eric Young but will also feature
Fairfield's own A.J. Smooth and Montoya X! Featuring
the stars of MTV's Wrestling Society X Tyler Black and
"The Anarchist" Arik Cannon. PLUS see Mississippi
Madman, NWA Iowa Champion Marek Brave, NWA Central
States Champion Michael Strider and MANY MORE!!

Doors open at 7 p.m. and bell time starts at 8 p.m.
All seats are $15. Tickets are available at the door,
and advance tickets are available at Spud's Emporium
at 225 E. Main Street in Ottumwa by calling
641-472-3444 or by e-mailing
[email protected].

Come see our return to Muscatine on Saturday, February
3rd! Also featuring TNA's Intspirational Wrestler of
the Year 2006, this show will also feature Muscatine's
own Knight Wagner making his wrestling debut!
Featuring the stars of MTV's Wrestling Society X Tyler
Black and "The Anarchist" Arik Cannon. PLUS
Mississippi Madman, NWA Iowa Champion Marke Brave,
Nate Bash, Ben Sailor and MANY MORE!!

The Muscatine show on February 3rd will be held at
Central Middle School at 901 Cedar Street in
Muscatine. Doors open at 6, bell time starts at 7 p.m.
Advanced ticket sales are available at Aarons's at
1700 Park Avenue in Muscatine or by e-mailing
[email protected].



NWA Hawaii Rankings as of January 15, 2007.

N.W.A. Hawaii rankings

N.W.A. Hawaiian Heavyweight Title

Champion: Kapu

2-J.T. Wolfen
3-Bushido X
5-Ricky Thunder

N.W.A. Hawaiian Tag Team Title

Champions: 939 Connection (Ricky Thunder & Jody "J-Lo"

1-East Coast Connection (J.T. Wolfen & Sickdog)
2-Manu Samoa (Tui & Ativalu)
3-Kapu & Bushido X

N.W.A. Hawaiian Jr. Heavyweight Title

Champion: Title vacant

2-Super Typhoon
3-Bushido X
4-Ricky Thunder


NWA Hawaii results:

Let me just start off by saying what a way to bring
the New Year with the first big card of 2007!!! The
NWAHawaii put on Jamming January and WOW!!! What a
show!!! Here's a rundown of the match results.

Match #1: Ricky Thunder vs. Sickdog
A fast paced match in which both participants never
really took total control. Although Thunder is
classifiedas a Jr. Heavyweight, he more than held his
own against the former NWA Hawaii Heavyweight champ. A
truly back and forth contest with both wrestlers
pulling out the stops. Even Sickdog's Missle Dropkick
of the top rope wasn't enough to keep Thunder down.
The turning point came when Thunder attempted and
missed a Shooting Star Press. Sickdog took advantage
and hit the "Sickdog Drop" for the hard fought
victory. In a show of respect, Sickdog helped Thunder
up and raised up his hand. On a side note, Thunder
apparently dislocated his shoulder during the match.
We'll keep you posted on his condition.

Match #2: Super Typhoon vs. The Amazing Spiderdude
Super Typhoon continues to improve with every match.
Although Spiderdude had his moments, Super Typhoon got
the Schoolboy roll-up for the win.

Match #3: "J-lo" Jody Lopez vs. Mr. Wrestling 3
Flying in from Atlanta, Georgia, Mr. Wrestling 3 went
toe to toe with one half of the NWA Hawaii tag-team
champions. Each gained control of the match at various
times, but it seemed that Lopez had the upper hand for
a better portion of the contest. The end came as Mr.
Wrestling 3 caught Lopez with a devestating knee lift
and got the 1,2,3.

Match #4: Waz vs. Tui (With Haggis)
2 more young wrestlers who continue to make strides in
the ring. Tui dominated the beginning of the match
by using his power advantage over Waz. I must say that
for a big man, Tui is exceptionally fast. It looked
like this would be an easy win for Tui, hitting Waz
with high impact blows, but Waz managed to make a bit
of a comeback. Seeing the turn in the tide, Tui's
manager Haggis began to distract referee Scott
Stryker. As Strykers attention was on Haggis, Haggis
slipped Tui's hair pin into the ring. Tui used the
hair pin to Waz's throat and got the victory. Tui
continued to attack Waz after the match until Stryker
told Haggis he would disqualify Tui if he didn't stop.

Match #5: NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Championship:
Kapu (c) vs. Bushido X
Title match between 2 of Hawaii's most hated wrestlers
AND tag team partners. Bushido X got the title shot
after last months controversial win over Sickdog in a
#1 contenders match.
Before the match started, GM Rich Miyamoto told Senior
Referee Scott Stryker that he would not be
officiating the contest, and that he had a Special
Guest referee. That referee was none other than
Sickdog! What amazed me as well as the fans is
that Kapu and BX went at it during the match. Both
even brought chairs into the ring at one point. The
end came when BX looked like he was going to hit Kapu
with a chair, but instead lobbed the chair to Kapu and
fell on his back. Kapu then hit Sickdog with the
chair, pinned BX and counted the 3 by himself. The tag
team partners celebrated in the ring after the match.

Match #6: #1 Contenders Match: Sickdog, Jody Lopez,
Tui, Kapu
As Kapu was celebrating in the ring, he was screaming
that he could beat 3 people at once. GM Miyamoto,
hearing this, and already not happy with the ending of
the last match, made the decision to make another
match. He called 2 other wrestlers from the back along
with Sickdog to have a #1 contenders elimination
match. If Kapu won, there would be no #1 contender for
his belt, but if one of the other 3 won the match, he
would face that person at the next show. Lopez was the
first to go out when Tui hit the Samoan Drop on him.
Kapu was next. As Kapu was holding Sickdog, Tui
attempted to hit Sickdog with a chair. Sickdog ducked
and Kapu was hit instead. With Kapu knocked out,
Sickdog hit Tui with a knee.
Tui fell on Kapu and got the pin. Sickdog and Tui went
at it for a while. As Tui attemped a bodyslam on
Sickdog, Sickdog slipped out the back and hit the
Sickdog Drop for the win. Sickdog is the new #1
contender for the NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Title.

Announcers: Rich Miyamoto and Don "The Rock" Muraco
Attendence: approx. 100

The matches for the Saturday 1-20  postponed NWA Universal show have been rescheduled for Saturday, March 3rd at the Tahlequah Community Center Ag Building. Any tickets purchased for the 1/20 show will be honored on 3/3 or you can get a complete refund for your tickets. More details to be announced regarding tickets for the 3/3 event to be announced soon.

NWA Universal Championship Wrestling will return to the Tahlequah Community Center Ag Building again on Friday, March 19. More Information coming soon.




Here are the results from Friday 1-26 evening's NWA/ECCW show in Surrey, BC in front of 250 fans which saw the return of former NWA/ECCW Champion and 2003 Super 8 standout CHANCE BECKETT: 


Ice over Mikey DaSheezits


Azeem the Dream over Volcano


Harv Sihra over Gurv Sihra

- Harv becomes the new NWA/ECCW Jr Heavyweight Champion but then throws down the title and declares it dead


Aurora over Nikki Matthews

- non-title match for the SuperGirls Championship, Matthews remains champion


Seth Knight over Fast Freddy Funk by DQ

- Funk remains NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion


Chilltown (Scotty Mac & DK Roc) over Cremator

- Chilltown becomes the new NWA/ECCW Tag Team Champions in the Handicap Match


Models Inc. (Memphis Raines & MR2) over El Phantasmo & Amazing Halo


Aaron Idol over Cole Bishop


Nelson Creed over Randy Tyler by DQ

- Tyler remains NWA/ECCW Champion 

Next shows:

Friday, February 23, 2007 - Squamish Rec Centre, North Vancouver, BC

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - Russian Community Centre, Vancouver, BC



Comments are closed.