• 01/09/2006 (10:52:17 am)
  • Press Release


1/7/06 NWAAnarchy's first national tv  taping results
By Maria Berry
ref.Speedy Nelson-  Patrick  Bentley defeated Adryan Hawkins
Murder 1 jumped over the  railing  prior to the next match and grapped the microphone from  Greg Hunter. 1 told the  crowd, for those that had been "living  under a rock", about what he had been  doing since leaving wildside/anarchy  a couple of months back. Murder 1 had  attacked a fan following  a match and then assaulted the fan's girlfriend,  slapping her  across the face. M1 disappeared from Wildside/Anarchy, main  eventing  in shows all over the southeast, showing up on ppv (Strictly Hardcore  featuring Murder 1 will be playing throughout the month of February,  so be sure  to catch it) and working on PWE. M1 said he did what  he wanted to do when he  wanted to do it and he would come and  go from Anarchy when ever he wanted to.
Look for exclusive comments from  Murder 1  later this week....
ref.Brent Wiley- Anrachy TV  title match-Jeff Lewis  retained  his tv title over Hayden Young after the match  went to a time  limit draw. Lewis was hesitant to begin the match with  Young, avoiding  a hook up and walking around the ring. However, Young finally  got his hands on Lewis and kept the TV champ on his toes for  a good part of the  match. Lewis gained control a few times during  the match and appeared to have  the match won before time ran out.  The crowd demanded 5 more minutes, just when  it looked like  Lewis was going to step back in the ring he headed to the back.  Leaving the crowd and the "Barely Famous" Hayden Young wanting  more. 
ref.Brent  Wiley- Onyx defeated  Big Henry Hoss via submission. The big man  held his own for a good part of  the match against the self proclaimed  powerhouse Onyx. Unfortunately, Onyx  caught him in a submission  hold leaving Hoss no choice but to tap out. Good to  see Hoss back  in the NWA Arena, look for big things from the big man in  2006! 
 ref.Speedy Nelson-  Anrachy Tag  Team Title match- Jason Blackman & Jeremy V defeated  Pomp & Circumstance- Ace Rockwell and Shaun Tempers to become  the new anarchy tag team  champions. P & C seemed to be in  control of the match until Rockwell was  dropped across the ropes  leaving him knocked silly. Tempers quickly went for P & C's  finisher urging Ace to help out. Ace was still a little unsteady,  V  knocked Rockwell off the top rope into his parnter allowing Blackman  to score  the pinfall and title victory. Post match- Rockwell  and Tempers argued until  they were stopped by Dan Wilson. The  leader of the Devil's Rejects said it was  breaking his heart  to see two men he had helped get into the business and one of  the  best tag teams fight. He encouraged the two men to stop fighting  and join  the family. Rockwell refused the offer, even after Wilson forcefully  asked.  Wilson said that Rockwell had signed his own death warrant  and called out  the Devil's Rejects to destroy him. The surprise  came when Rockwell's own  partner, Shaun Tempers joined with the  Devil's Rejects to assault him. Wilson  claimed that Rockwell  was the lamb to bring to slaughter and that's just what  the Rejects  did. Ace was cut from temple to temple and left laying motionless  in  the ring. The locker room cleared to help Rockwell to the back. I spoke with a battered  and bloody  Rockwell post show, next tv taping Ace is gonna give  his thoughts on the beating  and the break up.
 ref.Brent Wiley-  Ken Westbrooks  defeated Skyzto
ref.Speedy Nelson- The match to  determine  the number one contender for the tag team belts between the Urban  Assault Squad and Alabama Attitude was ruled a double countout. A tag team turmoil match, featuring  Alabma Attitude  and the UAS along with other teams from across  the country, will be held at the  next tv taping on 1/21/06
 ref.Speedy Nelson-  Devil's  Rejects with the returning Tank destroyed Rudy Boy's Texas  academy wrestlers.  Post match the Rejects continued to assault  the team until Brandon P entered the  ring with a kendo stick and  stopped the onslaught. Wilson told P that he would  be facing off  against one member of the Rejects at the next tv taping.
ref.Brent Wiley- Career  vs Title  match- Mikal Adryan retained his heavyweight title over  Todd Sexton in last  night's career vs title match. Sexton fought  a hard match against the One Man  Mafia, gaining control of the  match a few times duirng the night. Adrya tried to  capitlaize  by removing the covering off one of the turnbuckles, unforturnately  it backfired and he was sent flying into the corner instead. Adryan  then went  for the pumphandle slam which Sexton countered into  a submission move. The big  man refused to tap. Sexton then suplexed  Adryan from the top rope but only  scored a 2 count. Sexton attempted  another submission move and had the champion  tapping out. However  the referee was distracted by Jeff G. Bailey allowing Onyx  to  interfere and help Mikal score a 2 count of his own. Superkick by  Sexton  another 2 count, Adryan kicked Sexton into the exposed  turnbuckle with the back  of Sexton's neck bouncing off of it allowing  Mikal Adryan to score the final  pinfall and the win. Sexton's  career in NWA Anarchy was officially over. Post  match- Sexton  was ushered out with heartfelt goodbyes and cheers from the crowd  and locker room members. Jerry Palmer and Rudy Boy both made  comments about  Sexton's dedication and in ring ability. From  a crusierweight to a tag team  champion as part of TnT to a force  not to be defined in Wildside and Anarchy to  a wrestling academy  trainer, Sexton has had an unbelievable career in the sport  of  professional wrestling. Everyone at BodySlam This would like to wish  Sexton  only the best in his future endeavors and say thank you  for keeping the fans  entertained and giving so much to NWA Wildside  and Anarchy. You are one of the  best in the business and will  be missed.

NWA GCW Results for 1-7-06
By: Brian Slack

For tonight’s show, the smaller than usual  crowd was in for a good event  along with a huge announcement.  Before the event kicked off, promos concerning  the GCW tag team  title main event were shown on the big screen and later in the  show,  it was announced that GCW will be back on TV. The new TV show will  start  on January 21 at 7pm on WRBL Channel 3. Now for some inside  information. The  show will be called GCW High Voltage and will  be from 7-7:30. Also, live events  starting on that night will  begin at 8pm. Now onto the event.
The opening match was Damien  Steele taking on Frankie Valentine. This match  was all Damien  all the time, as Frankie could not get started. Steele starts  with  arm drag. Frankie tried to do an Irish whip, but Damien reversed  it and  then nailed a beautiful dropkick. Steele then knocked Valentine  with a shoulder  block, then reverses a arm drag, and starts to  work on the arm. Frankie tried to  get a couple of sneaky pin falls,  but only got a one count each time. Steele  hits Valentine with  a hammerlock slam. Damien showed surprising power as he  gorilla  pressed Frankie. Steele then climbed to the top and hits a flying  body  press for the victory. Winner in 5:01 Damien Steele.
The  next match put Cru Jones against the very talented Shaun Banks.  Cru  started with a backslide and then nails a huge dropkick. Banks  then challenged  Jones to a test of strength, but he took the short  cut, kneeing Jones in the  gut. Eventually Cru was able to reverse  the test of strength into a modified  Northern lights suplex and  hits a huge running shoulder block. However, Jones  could not keep  Banks down for long and after choking him, Banks puts a nerve  lock  on Jones. As it looked like Cru was fighting back, Shaun did a hair  pull  takedown and then went into doing a blatant choke. Banks  started to work on the  back as he locks in the camel clutch. A  few minutes later, Cru was able to hit a  sunset flip, but could  not get the three count and is with a huge clothesline  from Shaun.  Banks then locks in another camel clutch. Shaun eventually hits  a  huge dropkick and after a slam decides to go the top rope. Banks  hits a flying  elbow drop, but can only get a two count. When it  looked like Shaun had the  upper hand, Cru was able to reverse  a clothesline into a neck breaker. After a  slam, Jones then nailed  Banks with a huge clothesline for the three count.  Winner in 7:41  Cru Jones.
In the third match up, the fans saw the very popular  AJ Steele taking on a  new comer to GCW in the person of “Bio-Hazard”  Jacus Plisken. Plisken started  the action with a simple waist  lock takedown and then walked on Steele’s back.  Both wrestlers  then went about reversing each other’s moves; including AJ  hitting,  a spinning side slam. Eventually though Plisken was able to get  the  first advantage as he threw Steele shoulder first into the  corner turnbuckle. He  then whipped AJ into the corner, hits a  running jumping forearm, and then hits a  neck snap. Jacus kept  working on the neck with a neck crank. However, Steele  showed  his guts and started to fight back as he hits an atomic drop and  then  nails Plisken with a huge clothesline. Now Jacus did this  amazing punching move  where he was holding onto the ropes and  as AJ pulls him off, Jacus landed on his  feet, spins and punches  AJ. Plisken then went to the top, but Steele was able to  catch  him and hit a huge superplex. Jacus later would try for a side Russian  leg  sweep, but AJ reversed it into a power slam for a two count  after Miller  realized the Jacus has his foot on the rope. The  Plisken locked in a cobra  clutch and took Steele to the mat. Referee  Steve Miller counted a three count  with Jacus almost pinning himself,  but Miller said the match was to continue.  Bio Hazard then threw  Steele over the rope, causing Miller to call for the DQ.  Winner  of the match in 8:35 AJ Steele. After the match, Biohazard threw  Steve  Miller over the top rope.
The fourth match of the debut  match of Deep South Wrestling’s “The MVP”  Montel Vontavious  Porter took on the current GCW TV champion, Mike Foxx. After a  lot  of trash talking, especially on Porter’s part, both wrestlers  tried to show  off their amateur wrestling skills. Mike got the  advantage each time, and both  wrestlers kept exchanging holds  until Montel got the first advantage by hitting  a belly to back  suplex. After sending Foxx hard into the corner, Porter slams  Foxx.  Montel then nails a spinning boot scrape and as it looked like Mike  was  coming back, Montel raked the eyes. Porter then locks in a  surfboard submission  hold. Later he hits Mike with a snap suplex  and followed that up with a power  slam. Then Porter hits three  shaky shaky fist drops, but does not get a three  count. Mike after  a roll up for a one count nails Montel with a clothesline.  Porter  eventually hits a German suplex, but cannot get the pin fall. Mike  then  surprises Montel with a small package for the win. Winner  in 11:36 Mike Foxx
The main event was for the GCW Tag team  titles as the champions Erik Watts  and John Bogie took on the  Bad Company team of the GCW Heavyweight champion  David Young and  Chris Stevens. This match also showed intro videos on the big  screen.  Chris and John started the match with Chris hitting John with a  running  shoulder block. Bogie hits Stevens with a drop toe and  puts him in a headlock  but Stevens was able to reverse it into  a head scissors. John then puts Chris in  a headlock, is whipped  but knocks Chris down with a running shoulder. Stevens is  eventually  able to make the tag to Young who is met with a drop toehold and  is  put in a headlock by Bogie. David hits a slam, only to be met  with a headlock  takeover by John. After an eye rake by Young,  Stevens was tagged in, but Bogie  nailed him with an arm drag and  tagged in Watts. After some chops in the corner  and a clothesline,  Erik tagged John back into the ring. The champions did some  double-teaming  as the whipped Stevens into a double hip toss and then Watts  threw  Bogie on top of Stevens. Chris eventually ends up throwing shoulder  first  into the corner and tags in David. Young nailed Bogie with  a single arm DDT and  locks in an arm bar. After a dropkick, Chris  is tagged into the match. Young  holds Bogie’s arm, and Stevens  nailed with a flying knee drop. Then Chris wraps  John’s arm  around the top rope and while the ref was being distracted, David  grabbed John’s arm and jumped to the floor yanking the arm.  A couple minutes  later, Young is tagged into the match. Bad Company  does the double whip, Chris  goes down and David hits a dropkick.  Young wrapped Bogie’s arm around the top  rope and this time  it was Stevens who yanked down on it. Chris is then tagged  back  in and hits a double arm DDT. He followed that up with a hangman’s  neck  breaker and then tagged Young back in. John is whipped into  the ropes and hits a  double flapjack. After a hair pull takedown,  Young makes another quick tag to  Stevens. David performs the arm  wringer and Chris hits an axe handle from the  second rope. After  a Stevens’ suplex, Bogie started to fight back with a running  forearm. He went to the top rope and hits Chris with a flying  body press and  after hitting a clothesline, he tags in Erik. Watts  started to clean house and  sent Stevens to the outside. Erik goes  for the choke slam, but David hits a  dropkick to the knee. Then  the champions showed that they must be Irish because  luck was  on their side. Bad Company manager Greg Brown enters the ring as  referee Miller was distracted and tries to punch Watts with a  loaded fist, but  ends up knocking out Young. Erik makes the cover  for the victory. Winners and  still tag team champions in 16:23  Erik Watts and John Bogie.
Next week will be the TV taping  for GCW High Voltage. Talent being featured  will be the GCW TV  champion Mike Foxx, Brandon P, the NWA Anarchy TV champion  Jeff  Lewis and Bad Company’s Mike Knox from Deep South Wrestling.
Compete Card for 1/14
GCW first TV taping for WRBL Channel 3
Damien Steele (Former GCW TV Champion and GCW Tag champion)
Brandon P
AJ Steele (Former GCW TV Champion and  former tag champion)
Bobby  Sanford
Jeff Lewis  (Current NWA Anarchy TV Champion)
Cru Jones  ('s  most improved wrestler and also the owner of the best  website)
GCW TV Title Match
Mike Foxx (Current TV champion)
"MVP"  Montel Vontavious Porter (currently wrestles for Deep  South Wrestling)
Erik Watts and John Bogie (Current GCW Tag  team champions, Watts is a former  GCW heavyweight champion and  this is Bogie's third GCW tag title reign.)
Bad Company's  Chris Stevens and Mike Knox w/ "The Source" Greg Brown  (Stevens  has held the GCW Tag team championship titles with the current GCW  Heavyweight Champion and 4 time NWA Tag team champion David Young.  Young and  Stevens were also named tag team  of the year in the state of  Georgia. Personally I think Young  and Stevens should get a tag title shot at  AMW, but that is me.  Mike Knox also currently wrestles for Deep South  Wrestling.)

The holidays are over, the breaks are over,  and the show that's too hot for  TV is back on the net! With over  3000 viewers of the first edition of the  relaunch, Pirate TV hopes  to continue that roll into 2006.
Pirate TV Episode 2 will be  featuring Chad Parham vs. "The Urban Legend"  Murder-1 and in the  main event, a preview of the Tournament of Dueces, The  Slaughter  Brothers will take on Pomp & Circumstance!
Pirate TV should  be available for viewing soon as
You can paste the following link in your media  player.....
And don't forget next week's huge main event of Biohazard vs.  Siaki vs.  Iceberg(c) for the Evolution Wrestling Crown!
Winners in the fourth annual NWA Achievement  Awards (NWA VIRGINIA SITE)
2005 Wrestler  of the Year -  Samoa Joe
2004  Winner - Monty Brown
2003 Winner - AJ Styles
2002 Winner  - Spyder
2005 Tag  Team of the Year - The Naturals (Chase  Stevens & Andy Douglas)
2004  Winners - America's  Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm)
2003  Winners  - America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm)
2002  Winners - The Shane Twins (Mike & Todd Shane)
2005 MVP of the Year - Christopher Daniels
2004 Winner - Monty Brown
2003 Winner -  AJ Styles
2002 Winner - Jerry Lynn
2005 Rookie of the Year  - Black Tiger IV
2004  Winner - Petey Williams
2003  Winner - Michael Shane
2002  Winner - Madison & Slim J (Tie)
2005 Comeback of the Year - Rhino & Sean Waltman (Tie)
2004 Winner -  Monty Brown
2003 Winner - Sting
2002 Winner - Jeff Jarrett
2005 Match of the Year - AJ Styles vs.  Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe (TNA Unbreakable 9-11-05)
2004 Winner - America's Most  Wanted vs. Triple X (Six  Sides of Steel: 12-05-04 Turning Point)
2003 Winner - (Tie) Jeff Jarrett vs.  AJ Styles vs. Raven (06-11-03)
2003 Winner - (Tie) Triple X vs. America's  Most Wanted (06-25-03  - Steel Cage Match)
2002 Winner - AJ Styles vs. Jerry  Lynn  in the X Division Best of Three Series (08-21-02)
2005 Feud of the Year - AJ Styles vs.  Christopher  Daniels
2004  Winner - AJ Styles vs.  Petey Williams
2003 Winner - AJ Styles  vs. Jeff Jarrett
2002 Winner - AJ  Styles vs. Jerry Lynn
2005 Event  of the Year  - TNA Wrestling's Final Resolution (01-16-05)
2004 Winner - TNA Wrestling's Victory Road (11-07-04)
2003  Winner - 55th Anniversary Show
2002 Winner - NWA Florida's  Independent  Armageddon (11-30-02)
2005 Most Popular Wrestler of the Year - Samoa  Joe
2004 Winner - AJ Styles
2003  Winner - AJ Styles
2002 Winner - Spyder
2005 Most Hated Wrestler of the Year  - Jeff  Jarrett
2004  Winner - Jeff Jarrett
2003 Winner - Jeff Jarrett
2002  Winner - Vince Russo
2005 Inspirational Wrestler of the Year  - Chris Candido
2004 Winner - Monty  Brown
2003 Winner - AJ Styles
2002 Winner - Spyder
2005 Most Improved Wrestler of the Year  - Abyss & Bobby Roode (Tie)
2004 Winner -  Monty Brown
2003 Winner - David Young
2002 Winner - Spyder
2005 Women's Wrestler of the Year -  Christie Ricci
2004 Winner - Kiley  McLean & Kameo (Tie)
2003 Winner - Leilani Kai & Morgan (Tie)
2005 Referee of the Year  - Jeff  Capo
2004 Winner  - Jeff Capo
2003 Winner - Jeff Capo
2005  Promotion of the Year - NWA Virginia
2004 Winner - NWA Wildside & NWA  Virginia (Tie)
2003 Winner - NWA Wildside & NWA Virginia  (Tie)
2002 Winner - NWA  Florida
2005 Promoter of the Year  - Rick O'Brien
2004 Winner - Bill  Behrens & Rick  O'Brien (Tie)
2003 Winner - Bill Behrens & Rick  O'Brien  (Tie)
2002 Winner - Joe Price

Palisades - McKeesport, PA
 -  Devin Devine & Chris Taylor defeated  Sabotage & Teddy  Fine by pinfall
 - QB  Blitzz and Jake Garrett fought to a double  disqualification
 - Dan Miles defeated Eisen Drache by  pinfall
 - Bigg & Nikita Allanov defeated Armageddon  and Da Munchies in a tag team gauntlet match
 - Brass Knuckles Champion Devil Bhudakahn defeated  Sam Slej
 - Daron  Smythe defeated Paul Atlas in a "Best 2/3  Falls" match
 - Brandon K defeated Scott Venom by  pinfall
 - NWA-PWX Heavyweight Champion Crusher Hansen  defeated Three Rivers Champion Eric Extasy by pinfall
    NWA Pro Wrestling Express kicked off the 2006  schedule  with a another great and loud crowd at the Palisades in  McKeesport. 
    The show started with Eric Extasy bringing  out  his opponent in the main event, Crusher Hansen, for an interview  on "Club  Extasy".   Both men went back and forth on the mic,  with Hansen saying that  Extasy didn't deserve a title shot, and  Extasy vowing to pin Hansen in the main  event. 
    The first match saw 987's Devin Devine & Chris Taylor put together a solid win over Sabotage & Teddy  Fine.  The 987  team were scheduled to challenge for the tag team  championship, but half of the  tag team champions, Quinn Magnum,  was not able to attend, due to circumstances  involving the recent  birth of his son.  Sab & Fine really stepped up to the  plate  in this one, and went toe-to-toe with two of the top competitors  in PWX,  and held their own.  The fans were solidly behind Sab & Fine, who controlled  most of the match, but Taylor & Devin picked up the win when Devine got a  cheap shot on Fine,  and Taylor rolled him up from behind, and had help from a  handful  of tights.  A very solid opening match. 
    "Hammer" Sam Slej of the Tri Chi Fraternity  hit  the ring next, and demanded his match for the Brass Knuckles  Championship  against Devil Bhudakahn right now.  Bhudakahn & Apocalypse hit the ring, and  Bhudakahn said that his stipulation  for their scheduled match tonight, was that  he wasn't wrestling  Hammer, and Bhudakahn left the ring, heading to the back.    Hammer  said that Bhudakahn didn't have a choice, and he went after him.   Bhudakahn was lying in wait though, and nailed Hammer with several  nasty shots  from a stop sign.  Apocalypse members took turns  kicking Hammer in the head,  until fellow Tri Chi QB Blitzz hit  the ring.  Blitzz checked on his partner, and  tried to help him  to the back.  As referees checked on Hammer and helped him,  Blitzz  got the mic and said that since Bhudakahn was scared to defend his  title  against Hammer, that he should defend it against him.   Bhudakahn said no way,  that to get to him Blitzz had to go thru  "Satan's Assassin" Jake Garrett.   Blitzz and Garrett got into  a wild brawl in the ring, but constant interference  from Bhudakahn  and other Apocalypse members at ringside eventually led to  referee  Shawn Patrick calling for the bell, and disqualifying both men. 
    Dan Miles picked  up a solid win over  Apocalypse's Eisen Drache, in a match between  the two most recent graduates of  the Pittsburgh Wrestling Academy.   Drache laid in some very stiff offense to  Miles, who kept battling  back against his taller opponent.  Drache went for a  Matrix Powerbomb,  but Miles managed to reverse it into a Tiger Driver, and got  the  win, and a big pop from the crowd. 
    Bigg & Nikita Allanov came out next for a  tag  team match, but Scott Venom interrupted, and said that if Bigg & Allanov  wanted in the Iron City Classic Tag Tournament on the  21st, they were going to  have to do something to impress him,  because he really didn't like either one of  them.  Venom then  brought out their opponents, Apocalypse's Armageddon.  Jake  Garrett & CJ Sensation were at ringside, but referee Shawn Patrick sent  them  to the back, which allowed Armageddon to sneak attack.   Armageddon was shortly  on the end of a severe beat down by Bigg & Allanov, and  both men quickly  tapped out when both were  caught in submissions.  Allanov & Bigg then called  for venom  to get in the ring, but Venom said that was not enough to impress  him,  because Armageddon sucked.  Venom said this was actually  a gauntlet match,  because he had another opponent lined up for  them, and out came BC Steele with  Da Munchies.  Da Munchies wasted  no time hitting the ring and going right after  Bigg & Allanov,  and the brawl spilled over to the floor.  Referee Patrick  had  a hard time keeping control in this match, and both teams tried  to isolate  an opponent, to no avail.  Trimmins & Sheiky tried  to isolate Allanov after  Bigg made a tag, but after sending Allanov  down Bigg blasted both men with a  nasty double lariat.  Allanov  dumped Sheiky to the outside, and Bigg  impressively nailed the  400 pound Trimmins with a pumphandle slam, to get the  pinfall.   After the match Bigg wanted to know where Venom was now, and Allanov  got the mic and said that he said he was going to start taking  out PWX's trash,  and he wanted a piece of Venom right now.  Venom  came out from the lockerroom,  grabbed the mic, and then walked  to the lockerroom, refusing to speak. 
    During intermission, ring announcer Buff  Wilhelm and BC Steele read the winners for the 2005 Achievement  Awards, as voted  by fans on   After reading the  winner of the wrestler of the year award, BC  Steele announced that there was one  final award, for Manager of  the Year, and then he announced himself as the  winner, and pulled  out a beautiful plaque that commemorated the honor.  Wilhelm  told  Steele that there wasn't even voting for manager of the year, and  Steele  said that made it even more of an honor, because that meant  he was the fan's  only choice, and then he started to weep with  joy. 
    After  intermission, Cupid came to ringside,  dancing and laughing with  the fans.  He stated that he had searched high and  low, al over  McKeesport for a wrestler with the heart and desire of himself when  he was breaking into the business, and he finally found him -  Blue Dragon, who  was at Cupid's side shadow boxing, and taking  his anointment as Cupid's protégé  very seriously.  Cupid then  threw out an open challenge for anyone to fight  Dragon, and Scott  Venom came out.  Venom said that it was nice not having Cupid  around  the last four months, and that since he was in charge of PWX, that  was  going to continue, and he threw Cupid & Dragon out.   Cupid protested his  ejection as Dragon continued to warm up, but  referees and officials finally got  Cupid and Dragon to leave thru  the front door.  Venom then announced that he  came to a decision  at intermission: he would let Bigg & Allanov into the  Iron  City Classic tournament on January 21st, but that he was also going  to make  them face off with Da Munchies in a rematch in the first  round. 
    Devil  Bhudakahn come out for his Brass Knuckles  title match with Hammer,  with Apocalypse members at ringside.  Bhudakahn  demanded that  referee Kevin Tressler go thru the formality of counting Hammer  out, and awarding him the victory, when to everyone's surprise,  a heavily  bandaged Hammer started making his way slowly to ringside.   Bhudakahn was in  disbelief, but he went right after Hammer, and  zeroed in on his head.  Hammer  took a few nasty shots, but kept  managing to fight back, but eventually all the  blows to the head  were just too much, and he was down on the mat, and not  getting  up. Rather than get the pin, Bhudakahn demanded Tressler give him  the  win by ten count.  Blitzz was at ringside, concerned for  his partner, who kept  getting up.  Finally Bhudakahn went for  his Father Nelson Suplex, was not able  to get a hold of the much  bigger Hammer, and instead opted for a German Suplex,  which brought  the 350 pound Hammer down on his head.  Hammer was no longer  moving,  and Tressler was begging Bhudakahn to go for the pin.  Instead,  Bhudakahn tried to pick up Hammer, and when he couldn't, gave  him another stiff  kick to the top of the head.  Blitzz had enough,  and threw in the towel, and  came in the ring to check on his partner.   Tressler called for the bell, and  awarded the match to Bhudakahn.  Hammer  was out on his feet, and Nikita Allanov  came out to help Blitzz  and Trish take him to the back, to be examined by Dr.  Jim. 
     A mat  classic  was up next, with Paul Atlas facing off with Daron Smythe  in a "Best 2/3 Falls  Match".  This was a very scientific match,  with Atlas and Smythe trading arm  holds back and forth, and the  crowd hanging on every move.  Atlas tried to take  shortcuts like  holding the tights, and pulling hair, but Smythe was a step  ahead,  and took Atlas back down to the mat.  Smythe went for a ruining  knee in  the corner, but Atlas moved and Smythe nailed the turnbuckle,  and Atlas went  right after the injured knee.  Atlas managed to  slap on a figure four, and  Smythe held out, but Atlas got leverage  form the ropes behind the referee's  back, and Smythe tapped out,  rather than take damage to the leg that might cost  him another  fall.  Atlas ignored the rest period, and went right after Smythe's  leg, showing his ring generalship.  Smythe made it to his feet  but Atlas was  still in control, until Atlas went after the knee  and it backfired, and a quick  roll up earned Smythe the second  fall.  Smythe tried to shake off the leg pain,  and traded chops  with Atlas, and stayed on the arm.  Atlas was trying every  dirty  trick to stay on the offensive, but his arm was really bothering  him.  He  went for a DDT, and Smythe countered it into a double  chicken wing submission.   Atlas refused to give in, but the Smythe  managed to elevate Atlas and lock the  legs, and Atlas gave up,  earning Smythe the third fall, and the match.  This was  a huge  win for Smythe, as Atlas had only lost by submission one other  time in  the eleven year history of PWX.  After the match, Smythe  thanked the fans for  support, and asked fans to keep the miners  from past week's tragedy in West  Virginia in their minds, because  one of his best friend's father was one of the  miner's killed  last week. 
     One half of the PWX Tag Team Champions, Brandon  K got a win over  Scott Venom, and dodged another bullet from 987.  With his  partner  missing for the night, Scottie Gash sent packing, and Mad Mike missing  in action, K was the only member of Rage in the building.  Scott  Venom wanted to  exploit the situation for 987's benefit, and put  himself against K.  This was a  very back and forth match, with  two former friends having each other well  scouted.  K managed  to avoid venom's superkick, and reversed a Venom waistlock,  and  got the pin with a bridged O'Connor Roll.  987 hit the ring to  get some  shots in on K, but K grabbed his tag title belt and got  out of dodge. 
     The main event was up next, with Eric Extasy  taking on PWX Heavyweight  Champion Crusher Hansen.  Venom was at ringside with  Hansen,  and they were causing a lot of distraction for Hansen to cheat,  and stay  in control of Extasy.  Krystal Frost was trying to get  referee Shawn Patrick to  pay attention to Venom at ringside, so  Hansen just took the fight to the  outside, and really worked over  Extasy.  Hansen finally took the fight back in  the ring and went  for the pin, but as he has become known for, Extasy kicked out  of  everything the champ was hitting him with.  Hansen was becoming  very  frustrated, and Extasy was getting fired up, and the fans  were solidly behind  Extasy.  Extasy nailed Hansen with a bionic  elbow, and Hansen knew he was in  trouble.  Hansen went for a  Crusher Slam, but Extasy slid out and locked Hansen  in a Kata-Hajime.   Venom was up on the apron, followed by Frost, and Patrick  tried  to get both off the apron, and missed Hansen tapping out.  Extasy  broke  the hold to get Patrick's attention, and Hansen rolled him  up, but only got a  two count.  Extasy went for a clothesline,  but Hansen ducked it and when Extasy  turned around, nailed him  with a Jackhammer Suplex, to get the pinfall. 
    After the match Frost got in the ring to  check  on Extasy, and Hansen got the mic.  Hansen ran Extasy down,  and said that he  pinned him clean in the middle of the ring two  shows in a row.  He said that  since he had nothing left to take,  he was going to take his woman, and Venom  grabbed Frost.  Extasy  went after venom, and then both 987 members started  laying in  the boots, until Justin Idol hit the ring and cleared house.  idol  got  the Mic and said that he had been out for about four months  with a broken neck,  but that he had sat and watched this stuff  too long, and he had enough.  Idol  threw out a challenge for  him and Extasy to face Venom & Hansen for the  January 21st  show, but Hansen got the mic and said that Idol had a broken neck,  and if he was stupid enough to come back injured, he would more  than happy to  finish him off.  The reaction Idol got was unbelievable,  and the crowd was hot  the entire time Hansen and Idol were going  at it on the mic. 
     NWA Pro Wrestling Express returns to action  Saturday January 21st  with the 'Iron City Classic Tag Team Tournament".  Teams  already  announced for the tournament field include Tag Team Champions Brandon  K & Quinn Magnum, 987's Chris Taylor & Devin Devine, Da  Munchies, Bigg & Nikita Allanov, a team from Apocalypse, and  the Gambino Brothers.  Also  announced, PWX Heavyweight Champion  Crusher Hansen & Scott Venom square off  with Three Rivers  Champion Eric Extasy & Justin Idol.  For more information  on  the card and other breaking NWA-PWX news, check out the official  website at
Results  from IWA: NWA No Limits Wrestling - Saturday, January 7th, 2006  in
Muscatine,  Iowa
Impressive turnout, around  150 or so.  Before the show Ian Rotten came out
to inform  the crowd of two  things - Tito Santana missed his connecting
flight  from Chicago and would not  be here, and neither would Eddie
Kingston,  who had to tend to a family  emergency. Rotten promised the fans
that  they would still get their Fans  Bring the Weapons match, but now
Rotten  would face Corporal Robinson instead.
1. CJ Otis defeated  Jaysin Strife by pinfall with a Burning Hammer.  This
was a  good opening match with a lot of stiff strikes. Onis tried  playing
the  bad guy but both men received a fair amount of cheers.
2.  IWA-MS Tag Team Titles: Vito and Brandon Thomaselli (w/ Sal  Thomaselli)
defeated  the Midwest Mafia... um... twice? The "first" match  was
relatively  short, with Robert Anthony evidently getting pinned  while
applying  a Mexican surfboard on Brandon. The Thomasellis agreed to  restart
the  match and took over on offense. The Midwest Mafia made a good  comeback
(and  received a good amount of cheers from the audience), but  the
Thomasellis  would retain when Sal hit Tony Scarpone with his  crutch,
allowing  the Thomasellis to hit a tandem pendulum/guillotine leg drop  on
Anthony  for the victory.
3. Trik Davis defeated Bryce Benjamin by  pinfall with a Complete
Shot/Novacaine. A clean, short face  vs. face match,  with some nice chain
4.  Marek Brave defeated Josh  Abercrombie (w/ Sal Thomaselli) with  a
reverse hurricanrana. My narrow pick  for best match of the  night saw
Abercrombie trying to convince the referee  that Brave  was pulling his
mustache. Brave pulled out a sweet running  springboard  moonsault on
Abercrombie. Typical back-and-forth cruiserweight  stuff, until Sal
attempted to hold Brave so that Abercrombie  could wail on  him. Brave
moved, causing Abercrombie to knock  Sal off the apron. Brave then  rolled
up Abercrombie for a two  count, before hitting the reverse rana to  send us
to intermission.
After the first intermission...
Team  Underground  (Eric Priest and Chandler McClure) came to the ring and
cut a  promo on the Thomasellis saying that while they didn't care whether
the  fans  cheered or booed them, they did not approve of the Thomaselli
brothers'  cowardice and hyped an upcoming tag title match between the two
teams  in  Midlothian, IL.
5. This was supposed to be Eric Priest  vs. Larry Sweeney  in a ICW/ICWA
Tex-Arkana Television Title  match, but since Sweeney objected  to Priest
having McClure  in his corner, Sweeney announced the title would  still be
on  the line, in a tag match? His partner? The Mississippi Madman! So  now,
the match was...
Team Underground defeated Larry  Sweeney and the  Mississippi Madman when
Priest pinned Madman  with a flying elbow. This was a  fun comedy match,
with Sweeney  (who was blissfully unaware that his butt was  showing the
entire  match) treating Madman like dirt. Madman attempted  the
Mississippisault  but missed, allowing Team Underground to double team  him
for  the victory. Since Priest scored the pin, he was initially awarded  the
title. Madman turned on Sweeney after the match. Sweeney  then  announced
that due to a rule in the Tex-Arkana rulebook  (which he has  misplaced)
stating the champion has to be pinned  to lose the belt, he was  still
6. Title vs.  Title: IWA-MS Light Heavyweight Champion  Tyler Black defeated
IWA-MS  World Heavyweight Champion Jimmy Jacobs by  disqualification. Jacobs
flipped  off the crowd when they tried to chant  "Huss!" at him. Black
played  up his size advantage big time, but took the  sickest bump early  in
the match. He attemped a tope suicida to the outside on  Jacobs,  but missed
and BROKE a steel chair with his back and leg. Amazingly,  he continued and
didn't limp for very long. Jacobs then took  control for the  majority of
the rest of the match, using a  well-hidden pen to jab Black in  the head
with. Black finally  took control and went for his charging elbow  strike,
but Jacobs  pulled the referee in the way to take the blow. Black then  hit
the  small package driver but got no three count since the referee was  down
(earning him his loudest "Oompa-Loompa" chant of the night).  Jacobs  took
control with a low blow and attempted to punch  Tyler with a chain  wrapped
around his fist, but Black took  him down and applied a  reverse
sharpshooter. Skovel finally  revived to see Jacobs tapping out, and  called
for the bell,  giving the fans the impression that Black had just won  the
IWA-MS  World Heavyweight Title. However, Skovel clarified his  decision
that  due to Jacobs pulling him in the way of Black's elbow strike,  he  was
actually disqualfying Jacobs, allowing Jacobs to keep his  title.  Black
responded by punching Skovel in the face afterwards.  While  Marek
Brave/Josh Abercrombie was cleaner, this was still  a very good match.
Another intermission was taken to prepare  for the main event.
7.  Fans Bring the Weapons Match: Ian  Rotten defeated Corporal Robinson
with a  tombstone piledriver.  Basically your typical FBTW match, with the
focus more  on using  the weapons rather than one guy trying to beat the
other. To  pay  tribute to IWA-MS matches of years past, Robinson requested
that  the match be  started on the outside. The best spot saw Robinson
superplex  Rotten through a  "table" made out of chairs and florescent light
bulbs.  Robinson then brought  in a cross made of light bulbs, but Rotten
took  over and tombstoned him on  the cross for the pin in a short but
intense  match. Afterwards Ian talked  about how close he had become to
Robinson  over the years, and the two men  shook hands and embraced. Ian
then  spoke for a few minutes before looking at  Skovel and saying, "What
are  you still doing here?" Rotten then said he did a  fairly good job  for
someone who had only been refereeing "five or six  minutes."  Both men then
wished the crowd good night. End of show. The next  show will likely be on
February 10th or 11th, according to  Ian. 
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