• 02/06/2007 (10:58:42 am)
  • Press Release






SHOW #49










2/3 NWA Anarchy Report

By: Larry Goodman

NWA Anarchy taped two hours of television Saturday night in Cornelia, Georgia. In the ring, it turned out to be an extremely average show. In fairness, it was intended to be more of a set up and storyline advancement deal, and with Salvatore Rinauro, Seth Delay, and the Mack Brothers booked elsewhere, the card was lacking some of the first string talent to begin with. Then, there was the matter of key talent canceling out, which required last minute rebooking of several matches.

The 165 in attendance at the NWA Arena was the quietest crowd of that size in recent memory. The crowd reaction was different as opposed to negative. The people appeared to be keenly interested in what they were seeing. They popped for the big spots, but there was no consistent heat outside of the main event.

Mary, “The Anarchy Angel,” was introduced looking fine as always. She doesn’t seem to have much to do once the show starts, and is that ever a crime.

Ring announcer Eddie Rich introduced Justice Served and their newly acquired representation, Al Getz. This was the fashion plate version of Getz, complete with the latest edition of the Wall Street Journal. The bleacher fans chanted “Al’s my hero.”

Getz cut a promo explaining the motives for his return to Anarchy. Getz claimed that there would be no Anarchy if it wasn’t for him. He and Sal Rinauro should start a club. Getz said that after telling him he couldn’t do it without him, Jerry Palmer stole all his ideas and then kicking him to the curb. Getz said Urban Assault Squad couldn’t get the job done, so Palmer brought in Justice Served. Getz said Palmer sided with UAS when he was supposed to be an impartial referee (at Season’s Beatings), so Palmer had screwed them, too. Getz said UAS would still be curtain jerkers if not for him. Getz said UAS were like Oreos, black on the outside but white on the inside. Getz said there would be no rematch for UAS, and Palmer was in for an ass whipping. “We’re here for justice, and one way or another, justice will be served.” Getz got into a heated discussion with a girl in the first row. The fans were hot to see them go at it, hotter than they were for many of the matches.

On the WrestleVision screen, Patrick Bentley was backstage in a state of emotional torment. Bentley talked about the betrayal of his trust, first by Seth Delay and then by Adrian Hawkins. “You made me mad. Big mistake.” The combination of low audio and loud Poodles made it impossible to make out much of what Bentley was saying, so it wasn’t very effective. This was unfortunate because it was described as being an outstanding promo. I guess we will have to wait for the TV version.

(1) Brodie Ray Chase & Brandon Phoenix beat Andrew Pendleton III & Venis DeMarco in 8:35. DeMarco was in from APW California along with the Bloodline team in match #2. The crowd was split on Chase and Phoenix. They didn’t care one way or the other about the other guys. Pendleton was getting the advantage on Phoenix, so BRC told him to put the brakes on. Chase took over, but he got too cocky and ate a couple of dropkicks. Just lulling the jibronis into a false sense of security I guess. Chase hit a swinging side slam for a near fall and the heat was on. Chase beat up Pendleton on the outside. Phoenix hit an exploder suplex. Phoenix paid the price for telegraphing a backdrop. Pendleton made the tag. DeMarco got very little offense before he was cut off by an Ace crusher by Chase. Phoenix pinned him with an STO.

(2) Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) squashed Bloodline (Michael Rayne & Billy Blade) in 3:48. Hot opening. UAS made a beeline for the ring and laid out Bloodline before the bell. “I’m servin’ justice,” said Nemesis. The crowd ate it up. Bloodline got in a double team hotshot and that was about it. Nemesis hit a double underhook suplex and used the old Wildside foot tag. Jackson smoked Blade with a chokeslam. Nemesis pinned Rayne with a slice ‘n dice top rope kneedrop.

UAS cut a promo on Justice Served. Jackson said they lost the title because he wasn’t mean enough. Nemesis said he wasn’t gorilla enough. Jackson said they were going back to the old ways. Nemesis brought out the nooses. Jackson said it was time to hang some crackers. The crowd was down with that. “Justice is served, and it’s gonna be served cold.”

(3) Devils Rejects (Iceberg & Shaun Tempers & Dominous) vs. NWA Elite (Onyx & Jeff Lewis & Abomination) ended as a no contest in around 13 minutes. “The Rev” Dan Wilson and Jeff G. Bailey were barred from ringside. This match didn’t have much heat, as fans seem torn between the two factions. Referee Harold James continues to get a pop from the Poodles. Dominous and Abomination, the two masked monsters, never took their eyes off each other. Onyx got knocked on his ass by Iceberg’s shoulder blocks. His punches had no effect. But Onyx got the superman spot, where he fought of Tempers’ interference to hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Iceberg. The big man bailed. Lewis put into high gear against Tempers, but he ended up ramming shoulder-first into the turnbuckles. Rejects picked the shoulder apart. Iceberg used the Thigh Drop of Doom and flying headbutt to the shoulder. Tempers hit a divorce court for a near fall. Iceberg clubbed Onyx. Onyx hit a colossal powerslam on Berg. Four-way pandemonium ensued at ringside. Dominous and Abomination entered the ring for the first time. The two giants squared off. They cast the ref aside. Iceberg wacked Abomination in the back with two stout chairshots. Abomination didn’t even flinch. When Abomination turned his attention towards Berg, Dominous signaled for the chokeslam, but Wilson ran to ringside screaming. “Not now!”

But without Bailey to rein him in, Abomination was out of control. He destroyed both of his partners with tree slams. Job guys started hitting the ring. Abomination laid out Chris King and two unknown trainees. Security tried to surround him but they were just asking for it. Even Rodeo got knocked down. Finally, Abomination stormed out the front door, fans scattering in his wake. Onyx and Lewis needed help getting to the back.


(4) Azrael (with “The Rev” Dan Wilson) pinned Austin Creed with the Green Manalishi with the Three Pronged Crown. This was changed to singles because Hayden Young called in sick. Creed didn’t get much offense before Azrael cut him off. Azrael dropped an elbow for two. Wilson said Creed had no chance. Azrael applied a choke submission where he had Creed’s arm wrapped around his own throat. Wilson told Creed to go back to that crappy movie of his. Azrael went for the running facecrusher knee, but Creed flipped him over the top rope. Creed brought Azrael back inside the hardway for a near fall. Wilson provided distraction. Azrael used a roll up with the handful of tights, but Creed kicked out and got an inside cradle for a near fall. Wilson tried to interject himself again, and Creed decked him with the Montefisto. That got a pop. But Azrael capitalized by demolishing Creed with his cutthroat piledriver to score the pinfall. Wilson was checking for loose teeth after the match.

(5) Adrian Hawkins beat Kid USA in 7:49. Hawkins is a babyface no more. With that distinctive superstar stance and the diminutive yet chiseled physique, Kid USA looked vaguely familiar. He garnered mild USA chants. Kid extended his hand and Hawkins kicked him in the gut. They traded pin attempts. Kid blitzed Hawkins with a flurry of offense leading to an Oklahoma roll. Hawkins nailed Kid with an elbow on the break. Kid came right back with a dropkick and a monkey flip and climbed to the top. But Hawkins shoved referee Wesley Grissom into the ropes to upend him. Hawkins heeled. The crowd was split on Hawkins here. Hawkins cut off Kid’s comeback attempts and applied a surfboard. Kid made a full-fledged aerial comeback. Kid pulled the straps down and hit a middle rope legdrop to the back of Hawkins neck. Kid donned his cape and flew from the top with a splash. Nobody home. Finish saw Hawkins use Grissom as a shield to set up a sucker punch and an Unprettier for the three count.

The lights went out. The lights came on momentarily illuminating Bentley in the ring. Lights out again. Lights on and Bentley was nowhere to be found. Hawkins got freaked out and checked under the ring.

(6) Phil Shatter beat Adam Roberts in 4:19. Match was made into a singles because Jason Blackman wasn’t there. It turned into a heatless attempt to get Shatter over as a babyface. Shatter outpowered and outwrestled Roberts. Shatter avoided a high knee and used a nice fist drop for a near fall. The action spilled to the outside where Roberts rammed Shatter into the ringsteps. Roberts threw a chop, and Shatter went down on the hardwood floor like he had been shot. Ouch. Shatter fired back with gutshots. Shatter hit a nice spinebuster that got scattered applause. Shatter went for a DVD. Roberts raked the eyes and got Shatter up for his finisher. Shatter countered with a small package.

Postmatch, Chase and Phoenix attacked Shatter. Truitt Fields rescued his partner, but he paused to play to the camera and Roberts clubbed his foolish ass. Chase and Phoenix proceeded to leave both Fields and Shatter laying with their Ace crusher/STO combo.

In a true Bert Prentice moment, Rich announced that hot dogs were now available for $1 at the concession stand.

(7) Ace Rockwell & Slim J beat Chad Parham & Jeremy Vain when Rockwell pinned the NWA Anarchy champion Parham at 11:03. Now for this the crowd got HOT. I should hope so with the most beloved babyfaces and the most hated heels in the company. Great spot early in the match where Rockwell gave V six straight arm drags with J adding a seventh. J went for the submission with a cross armbreaker and a Kimura. The heels used chicanery to get the advantage on Rockwell but not for long. V then did a number on J’s gut and the almighty f****** Parham graced us with his presence. 15 count vertical suplex and a powerslam for near falls. Parham and V busted out a sweet double gordbuster for a near fall. J’s huracanrana made it a genuinely hot tag. Rockwell hit a pescado on Parham. Rockwell was on fire. J hit his flying reverse DDT on V but Parham saved. Rockwell and Parham each blocked other guy’s finisher. Parham almost got Rockwell for the three count. Rockwell turned Parham’s momentum into a pinning combination, and V couldn’t get there for the save. Megapop for the finish. Supbar stuff on the undercard matters so much less when the main event comes through like this one did.

Palmer came out and made the title matches for 2/17. Palmer said it didn’t matter what Parham wanted. Palmer said Rockwell would get to choose Parham’s opponent in the heavyweight title match, AND Parham would decide Rockwell’s opponent for his TV title defense. Palmer advised them to choose wisely.

NOTES: Along with the above, 2/17 has the debut of Hollywood Brunettes and the return of Texas Treats…Wilson received high marks for his work at the IWA Mid-South show. Wilson did commentary as well as managing Tank & Tempers…Jason Blackman, Hayden Young and Tank canceled due to illnesses…Seth Delay and Salvatore Rinauro were in Florida for FIP…NWA Anarchy will return to the NWA Arena for their next major show, Hardcore Hell on 3/31…APW ran their first show at their new home in Royston on 2/2. They drew 75, which was better than they had generally been doing in Bowman. Blackman was stripped of the APW title to set up a battle royal on 2/9 with the final survivors to meet in a title match.


NWA Anarchy TV Report
Episode 48
January 29, 2006

Congratulations to MsChif for capturing the NWA Women's Title from Christie Ricci. She should make a great champ.

WRESTLING: (n.) ’res-ling A sport of contest in which two individuals face off in unarmed combat.
ANARCHY: (n.) an-ar-key (1) A state of lawlessness due to absence of authority. (2) A complete lack of order.
What happens when you mix the two together? NWA-Anarchy!

- This most certainly doesn’t look like a very friendly fight. The Urban Assault Squad and Justice Served are brawling in the parking lot and the whole locker room has to head out to separate both teams. What a way to start Anarchy.

- Welcome to another edition of NWA Anarchy. Last week the NWA Tag Champs got into a whacky fight with Justice Served. Johnson rejoices in the Lord because Todd Sexton has been indefinitely suspended. Lord have mercy on Johnson’s soul. This week on Anarchy we have a pair of rematches from Fright Night 2006, TC Carnage battles Adam Roberts and Jeff Lewis defends the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title against Slim J in a submission only match.

- Before we even start the match, Dan Wilson is dressed in street clothes. Holy #####! Today is Wilson’s birthday and the crowd celebrates. He admits to disappointing fans and has a lot of personal home issues: his wife left him (no wonder he wants slit your doggie’s throat) and he went bankrupt (so maybe somebody’s grandmother embezzled his money and wants to slap her dentures out). He proclaims the war is over. OK, as a fan, I’m beginning to get suspicious about Dan Wilson; some evil plot has to be brewing tonight. He admits that Jerry Palmer deserves to be owner of Anarchy after all the hell he has put him through. I’m still not buying this. Wilson is leaving, but some fans don’t want him to leave. He has one thing to finish before he is done in Anarchy. I guess that would be to wipe out one attorney/agent Jeff G Bailey.

1. Adrian Hawkins vs. Seth Delay
THE MATCH: Johnson says that Bentley suffered from a coroneted artery last week after Onyx slapped on the full nelson and that is the reason Delay threw the white towel in. You know the coroneted artery is not a condition. LOL! Jacob Ashworth is the referee and as usual Johnson hurls insults at him. This time Johnson accuses Ashworth of needing an abacus to count to three. That’s low. Oh, wait a minute Onyx is a cruiserweight. That’s even lower. OK, the match itself is pretty good, but the crowd doesn’t seem to respond to a battle of two faces until late in the match. Delay clotheslines Hawkins over the top rope to the floor. Earlier in the contest, Hawkins held the ropes so that Delay could reenter the ring. Delay returns the favor, but adds some spike to the pinch with a DDT for the victory.
WINNER: Seth Delay.
COMMENTS: The seeds continue to be sowed for Delay’s soon to be heel turn. It’s time he received a singles push.

2. Adam Roberts vs. TC Carnage
THE MATCH: Carnage runs out of the locker room and unleashes Holy Hell on Roberts. Johnson admits that he is grammatically incorrect and visually challenged. Carnage continues to run buck wild all over Roberts until the referee stops him. Roberts pulls out a pair of brass knux and outsmarts Carnage with a rollup after commandeering the knux. It seems like Carnage doesn’t have any good luck when he battles his tag partner.
RESULT: Adam Roberts.
COMMENTS: Old school wrestling is still in effect. This was short, but had a fun ending.

3. Truitt & Shatter vs. Hayden Young & Austin Creed
THE MATCH: Young & Creed begin the action with dualing tope suicidas on Truitt & Shatter. I’m surprised Johnson didn’t try to throw in a taco quesadilla reference here. Creed tags in and launches off the top rope with a long fistdrop for a two count. They Men in Orange immediately take over with a bodysplash and knee combo. Creed fires back with a rolling clothesline for a near fall. Truitt counters with a facebuster into a spinning neckbreaker for a near fall. Creed plays the face in peril until he lands a top rope bodypress. Young receives the hot tag and makes Truitt feel like Superman as he goes flying to the floor. Creed unleashes a flurry of punches on Fields and Young finishes him off with the Flying Squirrel frogsplash for the win.
WINNER: Young & Creed.
COMMENTS: Young & Creed got a deafening face pop when they headed out. The fans definitely love them. It’s good to see them get a clean win. I’ve seen Truitt & Shatter outside of Anarchy once and am impressed with them. They will definitely fit in Anarchy once the fans become familiar with them.

- Jeff G Bailey and his champion Jeff Lewis have scheduled a public service announcement tonight. Bailey is reveling in the humiliation of a vanquished foe after Lewis forced Slim J to submit to his own move. Bailey calls Lewis the brightest star, magnetic, luminous and incandescent. What a way to describe the heavyweight champion. Bailey anoints Lewis… the submission expert. Now it appears that our interview is over, but Wilson gets the bright idea, no pun intended (so I lied), that he has something to say to Bailey. Wilson admits that Bailey is his mentor and thanks him for everything he has done. They shake hands and DAN WILSON TRANSFORMS BACK INTO KEVIN SULLIVAN MODE~! Like I said, I smell evil. Wilson goes back into his vicious tone and accuses of Bailey’s former clients, AJ Styles & Abyss, of foiling his plans at fright Night 2006. Wilson says that the new dog might need to take Bailey behind the shed and put a bullet in his head! Oh, God, this is a five star interview. Bailey snaps at Wilson, but Tempers and Azreal grabs him. Wilson pulls out the ether rag and sends Bailey straight to the Dark Abyss. Oh, Wilson is as evil as ever and he leaves Bailey slobbering like an adder. To Wilson, there’s no greater evil than extracting revenge and making sure that Bailey is not able to second his client at ringside. TEN STAR INTERVEW~!

4. NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title, submission only match: Jeff Lewis (ch.) w/Jeff G. Bailey vs. Slim J
THE MATCH: Well, the rules are simple here, there are no pinfalls and you must make your opponent submit. I can’t believe what I am hearing; Greg Hunter says that we owe Jeff G Bailey for bringing in Abyss. Johnson criticizes the NWA Board of Directors, but he changes his attitude when Hunter by subtly hinting they could fire him. Johnson switches gears in mid-flight and sucks up to the Board like a straw. The crowd trade dualing “Let’s go Lewis” and “Let’s go Slim” chants. Johnson reminds us that Slim J is 60 pounds under the heavyweight level stipulation. Hunter counters that Cassius Clay aka Mohammed Ali aka the Champ Is Here never fought as a true heavyweight because he weighed under 200 lbs and was outweighed by most of his opponents. Well, that’s something I never knew. Guess this dog learned something new today. Slim J gains the early advantage by slapping on various submissions on Lewis’s arm. Lewis steals Slim in the face. Meanwhile, Johnson accuses Hunter of drinking too much Grey Goose when he compares the circumstances surrounding Slim J and Ali. You know I could go along with some vodka right about now, but I think I’ll teetotal it until after Anarchy goes off. Slim fights back with a clothesline and returns to working over Lewis’s arm. Slim wins a fist fight with Lewis, but falls prey to a powerslam. After a commercial break, Lewis slaps on a painful looking submission. The Feature Presentation focuses his attack on Slim’s back, which causes the ladies to beg Lewis to show mercy. Slim slaps on an ankle lock. The crowd commands Lewis to tap, but he refuses to tap and takes over with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The crowd continues to insult Lewis by saying that he sucks, but he laughs by slapping on a chinlock. Moments later, Bailey stumbles to the arena and pulls out a chair to sit in. After delivering a back suplex, Lewis stunned to find Bailey is literally knocked out. Slim takes advantage of the situation with a short arm clothesline and slaps on a triangle choke. Lewis reaches it to the ropes to break the hold. Meanwhile, Bailey crawls to ringside, but collapses at the ring apron. Lewis slaps on a bridging chinlock, but Slim makes it to the ropes. Lewis sits Slim on the top turnbuckle and pounds on him. Lewis sets up for a superplex, but Slim tosses him aside. Slim lands a cross bodyblock and slaps on a butterfly lock, but Lewis forces the break. Slim bounces off the ropes and wins by switching a Sunset flip into the Roach Clip to obtain the tap out victory.
RESULTS: Slim J captures the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title and first Grand Slam champion.
COMMENTS: This match appeared to come off better live than on television. It was well fought and had good submission wrestling. It also got across the point that Lewis desperately needs Bailey at ringside for him to have any chance of winning.

- OVERALL: The seeds were planted a little while back when Palmer took Bailey aside. The Rejects vs. the NWA Elite should be feud of the year for 2007. There are quite a few major storylines that were established tonight to help build up to Season’s Beatings 2006. Johnson’s lunacy was so funny, it caused Hunter to break character a few times.




Abyss d. Brett Young after Referee Adam gets KTFO'd
and Martin T (who was in Abyss' corner) made the

Michael Strider d Dingo in a BRUTAL match with more
chops than a meat shop to retain the NWA Central
States Heavyweight Title

Mark Sterling retains the NWA Kansas Heavyweight Title
in a high-paced 3-way match against Jeremy Wyatt &
Steve Fender

Hype Gotti d. Wild Wade Chism

Kraig Keesaman d. Darrien Sanders

Tyler Cook d. Domino Rivera



On March 17th, 2007, the National Wrestling Alliance's Midwest branch
will welcome its newest member into the fold, as Fight Sports Midwest

will present its debut event in Portage, Indiana! The Camelot
Sportsplex, located at 5201 U.S. Highway 6, just 40 minutes outside of
Chicago, will be home to the birth of Fight Sports Midwest, beginning at
7:00 PM that night.

FSM isn't around to make ridiculous claims about "taking over any
scenes" or "changing the foundation of wrestling". All we promise to
you, the wrestling fan, is to bring you professional wrestling shows
that will not insult your intelligence while bringing you your
hard-earned money's worth in hard-hitting competition and entertainment.

We do thank NWA Midwest, all of its members, and its President, the
honorable Ed Chuman, for allowing us to come into the fold and hopefully
we can do all of the members, Mr. Chuman, and the entire National
Wrestling Alliance proud with the competition and battles bred in the
ring of Fight Sports Midwest.

As of right now, we have announced five matches for the inaugural event
on March 17th, including what should be a ridiculously hard-hitting main
event, as TNA Superstar and the longest-reigning Ring of Honor World
Champion of all-time, Samoa Joe, will face former Combat Zone Wrestling
Heavyweight Champion, "The Last of a Dying Breed" Eddie Kingston for the
first time ever!

Samoa Joe made a quick name for himself on the West Coast independent
scene soon after debuting, tearing through everyone who came through his
path. Before even leaving his home state of California, he became the
longest-reigning Ultimate Pro Wrestling Champion of all-time, defeating
a man who would become a future in-ring enemy of his in Christopher
Daniels, as well as scoring a victory over current ECW Extremist Tommy
Dreamer. He made his mark on the East Coast wrestling scene soon
thereafter, fighting Low Ki in what was considered to be, at the time,
one of the hardest-hitting bouts to ever take place in the fledgling
Ring of Honor promotion, a Fight Without Honor at ROH's first Glory By
Honor event in October of 2002. Joe won the ROH World Title from Xavier
in March 2003 and proceeded to hold that belt longer than any other man
since, going through grapplers such as Jay Briscoe, Homicide, AJ Styles,
Colt Cabana, "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, and CM Punk to help
legitimize that belt as one of the top titles in pro wrestling today.
From there, Joe went on to take TNA by storm, going undefeated for over
sixteen months and winning their X-Division Title in the same calendar
year that he debuted. Samoa Joe is one of the most respected and feared
competitors to grace a professional wrestling ring in quite some time.

His opponent, Eddie Kingston, took a much different path to this
contest. While Joe came up through some of the best gyms and dojos in
the country, Kingston made due on the streets in "The Home of the
Brave", The Bronx, New York. He eventually ending up in the Chikara
Wrestle Factory, where he was trained by "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush
and Reckless Youth. Kingston started off his career as an exclusive tag
team wrestler, teaming with long-time friend "Black" Jack Marciano. The
two formed one of the most successful teams in promotion history, The
Wildcards. At one point, the two held the IWA Mid-South Tag Team
Championship, defeating both Tank & Iceberg and the then-champions, Brad
Bradley & Ryan Boz, in a three-way bout at the 2004 Ted Petty
Invitiational weekend. Unfortunately, Marciano suffered a career-ending
knee injury, ending the Wildcards' reign of success on the independents.
Kingston went on to join Blackout in Combat Zone Wrestling, alongside
Sabian, Ruckus, Joker, and manager "Primo" Robby Mireno, to which he is
a member to this day. As a member of Blackout, he both won the CZW Tag
Team Titles with Joker, as well as defeated a man whose path has crossed
with Kingston's way too many times for comfort, in Chris Hero, to win
the CZW Heavyweight Title on a memorial show for the late Chris Cash in
September 2006. Outside of CZW, Kingston overcame some of the
hardest-hitting competitors on the independent pro wrestling scene to
win three matches in a row and the 2006 IWA Mid-South Revolution Strong
Style Tournament. Kingston also just concluded one of the most violent
feuds in the history of Chikara, as he battled "Sweet 'n' Sour" Larry
Sweeney all over the state of Pennsylvania, concluding with a
Yellowbelly Strap Match as Chikara's year-end event, "Talent Borrows,
Genius Steals".

Though these two share very different paths to the successes they've
achieved in professional wrestling, they share a common tendency to be
dangerous strikers in the squared circle. The accolades and
championships held between the two men would practically fill a book! On
March 17th in Portage, these two bulls of very different woods will
collide to determine the dominance of one in the world of pro wrestling!

You can check out a preview video we've made for this massive battle
here: (We hope to get a
director's account in the next few days, in which case the video will
also be loaded on there).


Getting his start in the Midwest, Austin Aries rose through the
independent scene like a bullet in 2004, going for relative obscurity to
becoming a finalist in the prestigious East Coast Wrestling
Association's Super Eight Tournament, then gaining a regular roster spot
with Ring of Honor as a member of Generation Next before capping off his
break-out year by becoming the only man in almost two years to defeat
Samoa Joe, gaining his first ROH World Title. Since then he, along with
his partner Roderick Strong, became the longest-reigning ROH World Tag
Team Champions as well as becoming a featured player on Spike TV's TNA
Impact program on Thursday nights.

One young man whose career currently looks to be modelling the beginning
of Aries' meteoric rise is Josh Abercrombie, who much like Aries did,
has been burning up in the Midwestern independent scene for the past two
years, first exclusively in the Michigan independents and then going on
to become the longest-reigning IWA Mid-South Light Heavyweight Champion,
a belt that Aries challenged for at one point, but could not obtain.
Abercrombie has torn through almost any light heavyweight who's come in
his way, such as Jamie Noble (Gibson), Delirious, Matt Sydal, Jerry
Lynn, Tyler Black, and Ruckus. Rarely in the past year has Josh met his
match in the squared circle.

On March 17th, 2007, in Portage, IN at the Camelot Sportsplex, these two
dominant junior heavyweights will collide! Josh Abercrombie will face
Austin Aries!

Here's a preview video that's been made for this upcoming bout:


The independent wrestling world has been a-buzz since this past Saturday
night, as the word has leaked that Claudio Castagnoli's negotiations
with World Wrestling Entertainment had hit a snag, and at least for the
time being, he wouldn't be signing. Castagnoli has exploded in every
promotion he's set foot in since his return to America in Fall 2004, as
fans, wrestlers, and promoters alike can't help but see the immense
wrestling ability that Claudio possesses. That ability has also led
Claudio to becoming one-half of the first Independent Triple Crown Tag
Team Champions, as for a period of time this fall, he and ex-partner
Chris Hero held the Combat Zone Wrestling Tag Team Championship, Ring of
Honor Tag Team Championship, and the Chikara Campeons de Parajas
simultaniously, a feat many teams can only dream of. On March 17th,
Claudio comes into Fight Sports Midwest alone, with a massive test
standing in front of him...

His opponent has dominated the tag team scene in the Southeastern region
of America for the better part of five years now, holding Wildside tag
team gold on five different occasions with three different partners,
then becoming NWA Anarchy Tag Team Champions with fellow Devil's Reject
"The Sleeper Cell" Shaun Tempers. He and long-time tag team partner
Iceberg are also consistantly in the tag title hunt in Alabama-based
promotion IWA Deep South. That's not to say he hasn't been a prominent
singles competitor, as he burst onto the deathmatch scene at the 2004
IWA Mid-South King of the Deathmatches in Oolitic, Indiana, following
that up with strong showings in the next two KOTDM's, as well as winning
IWA Deep South's Carnage Cup in 2005. He's also proven himself as a
worthy grappler, putting in excellent performances in singles bouts with
competitors such as Ian Rotten, Ryan Boz, and Brad Bradley, all
sanctioned under National Wrestling Alliance rules.

On March 17th, Reverend Dan Wilson will lead his monster into
competition, as it will be "The Strong Style Psycho" Tank going
head-to-head with "Double C" Claudio Castagnoli!


Since the fall of 2003, "The Anarchist" Arik Cannon has been a staple of
the Midwestern independent scene, competing in four consecutive Ted
Petty Invitationals, including winning the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight
Championship from Petey Williams in the 2004 tournament, and being a
finalist in the 2006 competition. Cannon was sidelined with a collarbone
injury during the fall of 2004, right after winning the IWA Title, but
came back and won the belt once again, this time from Jimmy Jacobs, in
January 2006.

The success he's garnered has led to MTV's new wrestling promotion
Wrestling Society X recruiting him as one of the stars of their program.
During his travels to Los Angeles, he's had to deal with one of WSX's
top tag teams, Do It For Her, consisting of the previously-mentioned
Jimmy Jacobs and a man whose path had never previously crossed with
Cannon's directly, in Tyler Black.

Black exploded very early in his career, winning the IWA Mid-South Light
Heavyweight Championship just months after his debut match. His feud
with Josh Abercrombie for that belt, which included a brutal TLC match
and a 30-Minute Iron Man Tables match that saw Tyler dive off of a
basketball goal at one point, is one of the more talked-about rivalries
in recent IWA history. Ever since that feud, Tyler's been touted by many
fans and experts as being a can't-miss future star in professional
wrestling, as he has great size for a junior heavyweight, has proven to
be skilled beyond his years, and can adapt to any style, as proven by
the vicious battle he had with former partner Marek Brave in a
barbed-wire match at All-American Wrestling's "Windy City Classic II"
event in November.

Though Tyler and Cannon had shared a locker room many times before in
the Midwest, tempers really flared at Wrestling Society X, where there
was more of an on-screen emphasis on the cultural lifestyles of the
competitors. The heat really esculated when Cannon, a devout follower of
the punk rock sub-culture, privately aired his distaste with Tyler's
preference for emo music, which he sees as a less-masculine bastard
child of the music that he loves. Of course, Black didn't take kindly to
those words, and a rivalry of bickering has taken place, although due to
not being around one another much due to physical location, they haven't
gotten to air these grievances face-to-face.

Both Cannon and Black have asked for the match, and on March 17th at
Fight Sports Midwest's debut event, "The Anarchist" Arik Cannon will
face Tyler Black!

On top of all of that, we at Fight Sports Midwest have noticed a
resurgeance in tag team wrestling over the past year, an aspect of this
great sport that sadly was almost lost at one point. Thanks to fine
promotions such as Pro Wrestling Guerrilla in California and Ring of
Honor, tag team wrestling is climbing its way back into the professional
wrestling limelight. FSM is not about to be left behind this trend, as
one of our goals is to bring some of the best teams in the country and
give Midwestern wrestling fans a tag team division of their own to be
proud of!

To launch the division, at our first event, we will be holding a
five-team gauntlet bout where two teams will start and after one teams
loses, another team will replace them until all five teams have entered.
The winner of the last fall will be proclaimed the winner of the entire
match. The news of this division forming spread amongst some of the
competitors over the past couple of weeks, and there's already been
talks with both current tag teams and brand new teams, as some singles
wrestlers are looking at this as a hot commodity that they need to hop
on. Over the weeks leading up to this event, more teams will be
announced as they're confirmed. As of now, we can announce the first
team, as they've officially signed their names on the dotted line.

The first team in the gauntlet will be "The All Star" Chuck Taylor, one
of the hottest stars on the indy scene today and the current IWA
Mid-South Heavyweight Champion, and Truth Martini, one of the most
prominent wrestlers to come out of Michigan in years and the man who
trained such stars as Jimmy Jacobs, Alex Shelley, and Zach Gowen. Truth
sees Chuck as having nothing but the utmost potential, but needs
guidance in which Truth feels he can provide to help mold the youngster
into a complete professional wrestler.

On March 17th, Truth & Chuck will join a field of five to determine
preliminary tag team supremacy in Fight Sports Midwest!

As of right now, here's the official card for Fight Sports Midwest on
March 17th in Portage!

"The Samoan Submission Machine" SAMOA JOE vs "The Last of a Dying Breed"

"The Wrestling Machine" AUSTIN ARIES vs "The Trendsetter" JOSH

"Double C" CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI vs "The Strong Style Psycho" TANK (w/ Rev.
Dan Wilson)



"Pure Dynamite" BILLY ROC
"Sweet 'n' Sour" LARRY SWEENEY
"The Psycho Shooter" DRAKE YOUNGER
"The Old Timer" JEFF KING



For those of you who are unable to attend our inaugural event, the fine
folks at Smart Mark Video will be filming this for DVD release, with
expert commentary and analysis from Dave Prazak & Joey Eastman. You can
check out Smart Mark Video on the web for almost all of your independent
wrestling video needs at!


We are thrilled to announce that from 2-4 PM on the afternoon of our
debut event, Samoa Joe will be offering a seminar to trained
professional wrestlers to help better their in-ring skills. This is an
opportunity to get hands-on advice from one of the best wrestlers on the
planet and a great opportunity to improve your game. The seminar will
cost $50, and spots are limited. Please contact
[email protected] for more information.

Come check us out on MySpace at,
where you can get exclusive information on ticket sales, new matches,
and everything FSM! Also, for exclusive interviews from Fight Sports
Midwest competitors, you can go to
Currently up are taped comments from Eddie Kingston discussing his
injury and the main event on 3/17, and new comments from many other FSM
combatants will be up on there soon.

Keep an eye on the FSM MySpace, as we will be releasing the info to
order your tickets to this event in the near-future!

SATURDAY, March 17, 2007
Camelot Sportsplex
5201 U.S. Highway 6
Portage, Indiana



There will be a NWA World Womens title defense on
March 24, 2007 in Streamwood, IL.

MsChif, the new NWA World Womens champ, will be
defending her title against the current NWA Midwest
Womens champ Josie. This match was originally to be
for Josie's NWA Midwest title. Since MsChif defeated
Christie Ricci for the NWA World Womens title this is
now a NWA World Womens title match. The NWA Midwest
Womens title will not be on the line.





Two big NWA-SW  title matches will take place at the VFW Hall in
Houston on Feb. 9, as JT LaMotta will defend his Texas Junior Heavyweight
belt versus challenger David Stahr, and Texas Tag Team champs Poc n' Loc
will be tested by challenger Blacktinos.  Bell-time 7:30 p.m.

 NWA Texas Heavyweight champion, Chaz, will also be making a title
defense up in Oklahoma in March accompanied by NWA-SW promoter Ken Taylor





*Congratulations to ADAM FENWICK of Pembroke, NC, the winner of the UCW turnbuckle pad autographed by such stars as Mason Hunter, Slam Shady, Jessi Jersey, Rocco Valentino, Brent Albright, “Cowboy” James Storm and more……….

*Tickets for the March 3rd makeup show in Tahlequah, OK will go on sale next Tuesday,
  February 6th.  Any ticket purchased for the January 20th show will be honored at the
  show as well.  Tickets will be available at:

  TULSA, OK-Starship Records and Tapes, located at 12th & S. Lewis.  Telephone is

  TAHLEQUAH, OK-RPM Paintball, located at 208 S. Muskogee. Telephone is

  MUSKOGEE, OK-Gametraders, located at 300A W. Shawnee.  Telephone is

  Or online at
, credit card only, service charges apply.

  Ticket prices for the March 3rd event:

  General Admission-$7.00
  Kids 12 & Under GA-$3.00
  College Students/Seniors GA Day Of Show-$4.00

March 3rd-NWA Universal Championship Wrestling, Tahlequah, OK
Community Center Ag Building, 908 College Street
Doors open at 6:00pm with Belltime at 7:00pm

See the return Tables, Ladders and Chairs match for the NWA Universal Tag Team
Championship as the champions MASS DESTRUCTION (Spoiler 2000/Bash) vs.
The Devils Rejects

NWA Universal Champion Rocco Valentino WILL defend the title with Charming
Charles at his side…..

Return girls match as Lily McKenzie vs. Jessi Jersey

See NWA U X Champion Justin Lee, Slam Shady, Timothy Rockwell, Chance
Christopher and more stars LIVE!

“The Shooter” Brent Albright decides on the HATE INC contract…..

Plus a major announcement regarding NWA Universal Championship Wrestling!

*2 big videos are up on the OFFICIAL NWA Universal myspace page
  See the big TLC elimination match between MASS DESTRUCTION/TEXAS INC/
  THE DEVILS REJECTS, the match that crowned the tag team champions
  AND see “The Broken Arrow Bad Boy” Justin Lee defeat Gary Gram for the NWA
  Universal X Title. 

*NWA Universal INTENSE TV is returning, dates and stations to be announced soon!

*”Universal Madness” Volume One is close to being completed.  The new DVD will
  feature matches from the Madness in May show back in May of 2006.

*The merchandise page is close to being finished and will be up and running soon!

*Check out the new and revised NWA website at

*NWA Texas Champion Chaz Taylor has made some comments recently about how
  the Texas Championship is far above any Oklahoma Title and welcomes ANY
  challenges from a “boomer sooner”

*NWA Universal Championship Wrestling returns to Tahlequah, OK again on
  Friday, March 23rd.

*Congratulations goes out to NWA-U's Christopher Fox and his wife as they
  announced the arrival of their daughter Alexandra on January 22nd!

Universal Championship Wrestling is looking to add street team members!
Locations include:

Tulsa, OK
Wagoner, OK
Muskogee, OK
McAlester, OK

What we need from you:
-distribution of posters, flyer's and other advertising materials
-promote NWA Universal Championship Wrestling!

What you get from UCW:
-Discounts on tickets to live events!
- Free tickets to select live events!
-Discounts on UCW merchandise
-Official Street Team membership card
-Private meet and greets with UCW talent
-Use this on your resume as a part of being a UCW promotional team member!

Send the following information to [email protected] subject: street team
-City, State, Zip
-Date of Birth
-Shirt Size
-Phone Number

or mail to:

Universal Championship Wrestling, LLC
2608 West Kenosha PMB#250
Broken Arrow, OK 74012

Be a part of the winning team with ATTITUDE! NWA Universal Championship Wrestling!

NWA Universal Championship Wrestling
“Attitude IS Everything”

As of February 1, 2007

Champion: Rocco Valentino
1) Brent Albright
2) Justin Lee
3) The Spoiler 2000
4) Slam Shady
5) Mark Sterling
6) Mason Hunter
7) Chance Christopher
8) Timothy J Rockwell
9) Chaz Taylor
10) Bash

Champion: Title Vacant
1) Rocco Valentino
2) Slam Shady
3) Brent Albright
4) The Spoiler 2000
5) Mason Hunter
6) Justin Lee
7) Chance Christopher
8) Bash
9) Timothy J Rockwell
10) Romero Conteras



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