• 01/08/2007 (11:19:19 am)
  • Press Release






SHOW #45










1/6 NWA Anarchy Report   By: Larry Goodman

NWA Anarchy kicked off the new year with a kick ass TV taping. Coming off a record crowd for Season’s Beatings in Helen one week ago, they drew 175 to their home base at the NWA Arena. During most of their run in Cornelia, Wildside was lucky to draw 100 for the first taping after a big show.

Mary, the Anarchy Angel was introduced. Most women look better with a reasonable amount of clothing on their bodies. Mary isn’t one of them.

Anarchy owner Jerry Palmer thanked the fans for a successful 2006 and told them to fasten their seatbelts for 2007.

Palmer announced the results of the 2006 NWA Anarchy Fan Poll. Match of The Year: War Games at Hostile Environment, Tag Team of the Year: The Urban Assault Squad, Rookie of the Year: Adrian Hawkins, Feud of The Year: Devils Rejects vs. Team Anarchy: 2006 Breakout Star of the Year: Ace Rockwell, Manager of the Year: “The Reverend" Dan Wilson, Most Popular: Austin Creed, Most Hated: The Devils Rejects, and Wrestler of the Year: Chad Parham.

Right on cue, Parham emerged from the dressing room to give Palmer grief. Parham said his award was no accomplishment given Anarchy’s roster of no talents. Parham said he intended to use the award to upgrade the décor of his guest bathroom. Parham reminded Palmer that he had a title shot coming. If they gave an award for the most improved promo guy on the planet, Parham would be the hands down winner.

(1) Austin Creed & Hayden Young beat Anger Incorporated (Jason Blackman & Adam Roberts) in 8:50. The intense heel/face dynamic gave this match major heat. Babyface dominance early. Creed scored with his somersault lariat on Blackman for a near fall. Young slipped on a springboard spinwheel kick but was able to make the adjustment in midair. Pretty amazing. Young then popped the crowd with a top rope springboard Thesz press for a near fall on Roberts. Blackman took advantage of a blind tag to level Young with a stiff lariat. Good move, but the sequence felt fake because ref Jacob Ashworth never signaled Blackman into the match. Blackman knocked Creed off the apron. Creed lost his cool, and Young suffered for it. Young hit a double lariat with a flip on the end but didn’t go for the tag. Blackman cut him off with a middle rope lariat. At another point, Young ended up so close to his corner that he wiffed to avoid a premature tag. Young nailed his spinning enzuigiri, and what a great move that is. Finally, the hot tag. Creed did a variation of the Montefisto on Blackman and Young landed the frog splash a split second later for the pinfall.

A backstage segment was shown on the big screen. Seth Delay tried to get Patrick Bentley to lighten up about what happened at Season’s Beatings. Delay said he acted in the heat of the moment and urged Bentley not to live in the past. Bentley was stone-faced. Delay sat down next to Adrian Hawkins. Delay complimented Adrian Hawkins on his water bottle. Hawkins was elated that Delay liked his gear.

(2) Brodie Ray Chase & Brandon Phoenix beat Seth Delay & Patrick Bentley at 13:50 after Delay walked out on Bentley. Delay and Bentley opened up working on the arm of Phoenix. It didn’t long before the heels were doing a number on Bentley’s back. Bentley’s selling has improved dramatically. Chase used a Texas cloverleaf. Phoenix hit an exploder suplex for a near fall. Chase hit a fallaway slam and went back to the submission. Phoenix hit a head and arm suplex. Bentley saw daylight. Delay chose that moment to walk to the back. Chase mocked Bentley by crying for Seth to help him. Hawkins got in Bentley’s corner to take the tag. That got the Poodles to squealing. Chase and Phoenix continued to destroy Bentley. But Bentley connected with the spring-action kick. Delay magically reappeared. He talked Hawkins into walking out with him. Well, nobody ever accused Hawkins was the brightest guy in Cornelia. Bentley made one last ditch comeback and was still looking for the tag. Phoenix finished him off with an STO. You knew where this was going, but it sure was a fun way to get there. The thing with Hawkins was inspired.

(3) The NWA Elite (Onyx & Jeff Lewis with Attorney Jeff G. Bailey) beat Shatter & Truitt Fields in 14:36. Shatter and Truitt looked good on offense and the Elite gave them plenty. After some initial heeling by the Elite, Onyx went down on a shoulder block and took a TO. Shatter and Truitt worked on Lewis. At the 6 minute mark, Onyx clubbed Fields from behind to start the heat spot. Elite hit a flapjack on Truitt. They did the no-tag switch. Truitt made a tag but Lewis made sure ref Harold James didn’t see it. The crowd was hot to see Fields make the comeback. Problem was they didn’t care about Shatter once he got the hot tag. He spinebustered Onyx and powerslammed Lewis. Nothing at all wrong with the work, he just lacks babyface appeal. Shatter and Truitt mounted the ropes and reigned down the 10 punches in stereo. But Onyx locked in the full nelson on Shatter and that was that.

“The Reverend” Dan Wilson hit the ring with two of his Rejects, Iceberg and Tank, to further decimate the losers. Tank hit a sick spinning Go 2 Sleep on Truitt. Iceberg gave Shatter the Ground Zero splash. Wilson said Rejects could beat up newbies, too, and it only took them seconds. Wilson said the Elite should have learned their lesson after what happened to Mikael Judas and dared them to come out. They did. But Shaun Tempers ran out to give Rejects a 3 against 2 advantage. Out came a massive masked man, close to 7 feet legit. He towered over the Rejects. The masked giant headbutted Tank into oblivion, gave Iceberg a lariat, and then hit tossed Tempers like he was a small child with a Tree Slam. Enter Dominous. He climbed up on the apron to confront the giant, but Wilson called it off. The Rejects retreated.

Bailey introduced his newest monster as Abomination. Bailey said the NWA Elite ruled the building and they would run through Wilson’s people like Kleenex in a peep show booth. Bailey said the Elite would the end the Rejects stinking lives. Bailey reminded the Rejects of his twist on an old adage. “We don’t get mad. We get stabby.”

(4) Salvatore Rinauro beat Brian Cage in 7:40. I know nothing about Cage except that he’s from California, and first impression is that he has good athletic ability and limited experience. Rinauro used a bridging hammerlock in the opening minute. Rinauro did the old school move of spreading the fingers and trying to snap them in half. Rinauro hooked the ropes to short-circuit a flurry by Cage. Rinauro choked Cage over the ropes and used a basement dropkick for a near fall. Rinauro locked his legs behind Cage’s head in a full nelson position. Rinauro ate it charging in. Nice leg lariat by Cage. Cage did a quebradora for a near fall. Rinauro ripped at Cage’s mouth. Cage hit a pumphandle facebuster, but Rinauro got a foot over the ropes. Rinauro did his bicycle kick off the turnbuckle. Cage came back with a TKO, and Rinauro rolled out to the apron to save himself. Moments later, Rinauro caught Cage with a lucha style roll up for the three count. Decent match.

On the big screen, we saw Palmer trying to clear things up with Justice Served. Palmer said they had put him in a bad position at Season’s Beating with the chain and all, but there were no hard feelings. Mikki Free accused Palmer of taking sides and told him that in the future, he could talk to their representation. Palmer looked perplexed.

(5) Justice Served (Jason Justice & Mikki Free) & Jeremy Vain beat Urban Assault (Nemesis & Shadow Jackson) & Ace Rockwell in 13:54. Rockwell is so over it’s ridiculous, and the his match with Jimmy Rave at Season’s Beatings only made it worse. On the other end of the spectrum, Vain is a rat bastard and everybody knows it. UAS has been booked as the babyface team in their feud with Justice Served, but the Arena fans are still split to some degree, witness the dueling chants for Jackson and Free. They no sold a shoulder block collision. Jackson got the upper hand, but Free responded with a back suplex that had his fans barking their approval. V screamed like a girl and ducked to avoid the wickedest chop in Anarchy. That would be from Nemesis. He tagged to Rockwell. V did the Flair flip bump over the top and walked along the apron right into the chop from Nemesis. Creative and totally hilarious. Jackson debuted a new tribute spot, a “Whoo!” kneedrop. They pulled off a great sequence to start the heat. Rockwell ducked a springboard Stinger splash from Justice, and it appeared that all was well. But V stunned Ace with a superkick, Free nailed him with a Wrestling II kneelift, and Justice sealed the deal with a clothesline from Hell. All kinds of heat on Rockwell here. The heels made Ashworth look like a complete imbecile. The big spot saw Justice counter a spinning headscissors with a devastating sitout powerbomb. The “Ace”: chants kicked into overdrive. Rockwell hit his Double A spinebuster. Both men down. V spit at UAS. Things quickly disintegrated. It ended up Rockwell and V in the ring and Justice Served battling UAS on the outside. Rockwell set up for Aces High. Justice grabbed at Rockwell. V, being the all-time most opportunistic SOB in Anarchy history, capitalized with the VKO and a DDT.

Wilson and Dominous accompanied Azrael to the ring for his title match against Slim J. Bailey came out on the ramp with Abomination. Palmer intervened. He said this title match shall not be tarnished, and banished the whole lot of them to the back.

(6) Slim J beat Azrael to retain the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title in 11:32. With their track record, it was lock that this was going to be good and it was going to be stiff. This wasn’t as brutal as some of other previous encounters. There was no blood loss and thank God, no concussions, but it was a very good match. J got a fantastic pop. Well deserved I might add. J went to his favorite control strategy, the super snug side headlock. J blasted Azrael with a flying shoulder block. Azrael started pounding on J. Azrael hit the most explosive move in his arsenal, the running knee to the face. A fan got off the line of the night. “He (J) looks so innocent, but yet so guilty.” Azrael acknowledged it. Azrael went for the Ted Bundy. J countered with something like an elevated body scissors german suplex for a near fall. J applied the STF. Azrael got a ropes break. J flew from the top and tasted Azrael’s boot. Azrael cold-cocked J with a punch. Big collision for an eight count. J started flailing away with windmill punches. Azrael gave J the one finger salute. J’s response was a roundhouse upside the head. J took a big bump on a missed flying koppo kick into the corner. Azrael hit the Ted Bundy (vertical suplex into a uranage). I mean he NAILED it, but J kicked out. Azrael tried for to end it with the cutthroat piledriver. J escaped. J hit his flying reverse DDT. J put Azrael away with the screwdriver Ace crusher.

Parham came out and announced that he had decided to cash in his title match.

(7) Chad Parham defeated Slim J to become a two-time NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion in 3:33. This was hot. Parham started to dismantle a badly worn down J. Slimmy caught Parham out of nowhere with the cross armbreaker. Rinauro tried to interfere and got bumped off the apron. Parham and J each came within a split second of getting the three count. But it proved to be J’s last hurrah. A collision of clotheslines left both men down. The refs hauled Rinauro to the back. Parham hit a double rope double stomp and a senton backsplash for a pair of killer near falls before finishing J with a cold-blooded cradle piledriver.

Parham acted like a total dick in the postmatch. He stood with one foot on J while he held the belt over his head. He high-fived John Johnson and did a lap around the ring. The arrogant ##### went on and on. The more Parham celebrated, the more the people were hating on him. To top it off, Parham climbed up on top of the announcers’ booth so he could literally look down on the fans.

NOTES: The next TV taping on 1/20 will feature the return of Texas Treats (Chris Marval & Don Juan)…PWE, SAW and Chris Long have joined forces to form a new promotion that is as associate member of the AWA. Naming the company AWA South got them off on the wrong foot with Jody Peterman and understandably so, since his AWA World 1 South is the Georgia AWA member. In a later post on the message board, Peterman said the issue had been resolved, and he was looking forward to running joint shows with AWA South. Peterman said that AWA South had agreed to a name change after their first show in Trion last night. It will be interesting to see how this plays out…Meanwhile, AWA World 1 South their annual big show in Valdosta on 1/14 with Roderick Strong vs. Tully Blanchard in the main event…Rinauro vs. Delay in a TLC match for FIP in Crystal River, Fl on 1/13…Jason Cross vs. Vordell Walker headlines for Dropkick Pro Wrestling in Macon on 1/13…Palmer announced that Anarchy had past the one year mark for their syndicated television show…Mikael Judas made his return to IWA Puerto Rico for the Three Kings Weekend with his first match on 1/4.

NWA ANARCHY TV (Georgia listings)




And various other times each week


WBEK-TV16 SATURDAY 9PM (following TNA Xplosion)



By: Ca$hflow X

NWA Anarchy TV Report
Episode 44
January 1, 2006

OK, ladies and gentleman, before we head on this week’s TV report, NWA Anarchy put on one hell of show on December 30 in Helen, GA. If you missed it, shame on you. It was hands down the best indy show I attended all year, including ROH. A road report and Fright Night ’06 DVD review will be forthcoming later in the week.

WRESTLING: (n.) ’res-ling A sport of contest in which two individuals face off in unarmed combat.
ANARCHY: (n.) an-ar-key (1) A state of lawlessness due to absence of authority. (2) A complete lack of order.
What happens when you mix the two together? NWA-Anarchy!

- We start off this week’s episode of Anarchy with a replay of the Urban Assault Squad winning the tornado tables tournament to face the Devil’s Rejects at Fright Night 2006.

- Greg Hunter and John Johnson recount last week’s edition of Anarchy when Dan Wilson laid out the challenge for a casket match against Team Anarchy. This week we will find out from Jerry Palmer who the mystery partner is and Jeff Lewis defends the NWA Anarchy Title against former NWA Anarchy TV champion Krazy K.

1. Justice Served (Mikki Free & Jason Justice) vs. Christian Hayme & the Windwalker.
THE MATCH: I feel sorry for Hayme & Windwalker this week because their carcasses will be handed to them on a silver platter. Hunter asks Johnson, “what is the Indian translation for Windwalker” and Johnson is at a huge lost of words. He finally figures that is means “Chief Running Dummy.” Great! Meanwhile, Windwalker literally lives up to his name when Justice catches him with a chestdrop. Hayme runs in and gets whipped into the corner with Windwalker. Justice Served squashes both wrestlers in the corner. Justice kills Windwalker with the Psycho Slam and tosses him to tag Hayme. Remember the Road Warriors used to do that during their squash matches on TBS. Hayme gets his ass whooped as well. The only person missing is the Mid-Atlantic Ass Kicking Machine Damien Wayne to deliver one his patented five star piledrivers. John says that Indians don’t have TV’s, but they do have #####s. Don’t forget the Seminole Nation owns the Hard Rock Café! Justice Served puts Hayme out of his misery by running over him.
WINNER: Justice Served.
COMMENTS: This was a fun squash reminiscent of wrestling shows back in the 80’s. Props to Hayme & Windwalker for taking a beating and making it look good.

- NWA Anarchy owner Jerry Palmer heads out to talk to Justice Served. Palmer accepts Dan Wilson’s challenge to a casket match. He tells Wilson that the only thing he needs to be concerned is his narrow behind going to fit in that casket. I don’t think that’ll be a problem. Dan Wilson might be an evil little troll, but believe me he can fit in there despite his big mouth. Palmer tells Wilson to also be concerned about having enough bodies to tote his rear end out of the casket. Uh oh… what do we have here? It looks like the Welcoming Committee just headed out from the locker room. Yep, it’s that little evil heathenistic troll Dan Wilson and his Rejects. Well, Palmer is glad that he is out so he can now reveal who the mystery partner is… Well to fight fire with fire, you hire a monster and that’s exactly what Mr. Palmer did… The Monster Abyss! Dan Wilson throws a little hissy and Rejects begin soiling themselves. Palmer leads the charge on the Rejects and the Battle is on! Azreal waffles Palmer with a chair, but UAS makes the save.

- Greg Hunter is out to interview NWA World TV Champion Brandon Phoenix. As soon as he is about to defend himself for not defending the title, Ace Rockwell heads out to confront him. Rockwell scorns Phoenix for ducking him. Ace tells Phoenix that he can pack his bags and start running to Helen. He promises to beat him one-on-one. Phoenix tells Ace that he doesn’t have a match at Fright Night because Ace hasn’t proven anything yet. Phoenix attempts to nail Ace with a belt shot, but Ace ducks goes for the Ace’s High. Phoenix escapes and slithers away like the egg sucking snake that he is. As Phoenix retreats, Hunter announces that he will defend the TV title against Ace at Fright Night.

2. Brett Thunder & Adrian Hawkins vs. the Texas Hitmen (Skitzo & Bigg Dogg)
THE MATCH: The faces dominate the early going with double team maneuvers. Meanwhile, Hunter and Johnson argue about what broadcaster duties they have. Johnson accuses Hunter of hurting Grandma Phoenix’s feelings, so he apologizes. LOL! Thunder displays some in ring brilliance, but Big Dog bulldozers him. Meanwhile, they continue to argue about Phoenix’s title reign. Hunter asks Johnson, “Have you ever held the Television Title?” John Johnson is a modern day Bobby Heenan. The Hitmen gains some measure of revenge against Thunder for leaving the Texas Wrestling Academy. Johnson comments that Hawkins is wearing silver and gold trim. He could be the Oakland Raiders of NWA Anarchy because they’re winless. Hunter apologizes to their viewers in California, but Johnson notes that even California hates the Raiders. Back to the match, Thunder moves out of the way of a second rope legdrop from Skitzo. Hawkins receives the hot tag. They use double team tactics to take control of Bigg Dogg. Skitzo pulls Hawkins to the floor, which allows Bigg Dogg to perfectly catch Thunder flying off the top rope and finish him off with an Oklahoma Stampede. Finally, the TWA gets a win over Thunder.
WINNER: Thunder & Hawkins
COMMENTS: This was good tag match featuring two midcard tag teams. It’s funny how Thunder defeated TWA in every conceivable way and now he is jobbing to everyone, including the TWA.

3. NWA Anarchy Title: Jeff Lewis (ch.) w/Jeff G. Bailey vs. Krazy K.
THE MATCH: Krazy leads the crowd in a “Lewis sucks” chant. Johnson notes, “If Krazy K is my new addiction, then I’m checking into a methadone clinic.” OK, that’s a good one. The ring introduction lasted longer than Krazy K’s NWA TV Title reign. That’s even funnier. Krazy sends to Lewis retreating after scoring a near fall with a crucifix. Krazy dominates the early going by outquicking and outwrestling Lewis. Lewis finally takes advantage when catches Krazy leaping off the middle turnbuckle with a dropkick and a nice back suplex. Late in the match, Krazy finally makes his big comeback. Krazy lands a series of kicks for a near fall. Lewis catches Krazy with a uranage for a two count. Lewis boots Krazy in the corner. Lewis catapults Krazy out of the corner, but Krazy catches him with a pair of knees for a two count. Krazy goes for a top rope inverted DDT, but Lewis catches him with the Final Curtain.
WINNER: Jeff Lewis retains.
COMMENTS: This match was disappointing considering the talent in the ring. Overall, this was a decent match and gave Lewis a win over a name opponent before heading into Fright Night. Unfortunately, Lewis’s confrontation with Slim J was cut out and it was most likely due to time constraints.

- OVERALL: This episode was on par for Anarchy TV. The wrestling was good as usual, the Texas Hitmen scored a rare victory and the commentary was insanely funny. This show is definitely worth the download.

Lebanon, TN

Jan 3, 2007


NWA Top Rope Promoter Mike Sircy announced today that an NWA Women's World Title Match will take place in Lebanon TN on January 27th at the National Guard Armory when current Women's World Champion Christie Ricci defends her NWA Womens World Title against Ms Chef from NWA Mid West.  Ms Chef is a former NWA Mid West Women's champion and has earned her title shot to be held in Lebanon TN on this night.


This night will also provide 2 other NWA Championship matches, when the NWA National Heavyweight Champion Kory Williams will be in action defending his title in a handicap match against the NWA Tennessee Heavyweight Champion Kasey Cage and the NWA Top Rope Jr. Heavyweight Champion Mr. IBM Jason James.  This feud has been building for over 3 months now, and NWA Top Rope plans to put an end to this once and for all.    Williams won his title against former champion Big Bully Douglas in Oct 2006.  Additionally, the NWA Top Rope Southern Tag Team Championship will be on the line when the champions Will Owens and Neil Taylor defend against Cruzin 4 Pain.


Other matches that night include Tasha Simone locking it up in the squared circle against Fi Fi. Pokerface takes on a mystery opponent.  From the information we have at press time, it is understood that this mystery opponent carries a bag to the ring with him.  We don't know what that means exactly, but I am sure we all will find out on the 27th.



NWA Main Event Results from Smyrna, TN 1/5/07  


Match 1

“Nerdy White Boy” Jay Jacobs     vs.     Shady Grady

Shady started off with a clothesline then a big suplex on Jacobs.  He also went for a splash however, Jacobs was able to move out of the way.  Jacobs was able to gain the advantage and was trying to do damage to Grady’s legs and back.  Somehow, Grady was able to fight back to his feet but Jacobs did not want it last too long.  “Nerdy White Boy” picked up his book.  Grady spotted him, grabbed him from behind and planted a butt buster on him.  Shady Grady was able to get the win in 5:45.

Match 2

      "The Syndicate Crew" Karnage w/DeAngelo     vs.     GQ w/White Trash  

 GQ had control at the beginning of the match.  He tossed Karnage out to the floor.  One of our fans gave GQ a huge leather strap which he gladly used on Karnage.  Karnage wasted no time getting himself back into the ring to avoid that beating.  Karnage was able to dominate the match once back inside the squared circle until GQ tripped him and he landed on the ropes.  GQ kicked him between the legs to slow him back down.  DeAngelo did not like what he was seeing so he tossed a baseball bat into the ring for Karnage.  Unfortunately, GQ was the one who was able to get it first.  He planted the bat into the forehead of Karnage then slid the bat to the floor before the ref turned around.  GQ was the winner by pin fall in 4:06.

Match 3

Mr. “Mean” Mike Woods     vs.    White Trash w/GQ

Woods was arguing with the ref and many of the fans that Trash was pulling his hair.  The fans did not agree with him and the ref claimed not to be a witness to this action.   Trash was able to back Woods up in the corner by continuously punching him in the chin.  White Trash ran in for a splash but no one was home.  This knocked the wind out of Trash.  Woods then took Trash to the floor for a little hardcore fight.  The ref made them return to the ring.  White Trash was able to fight back with a clothesline.  Woods tossed Trash into the corner again to knock the breath out of him.  Mike Woods was able to roll Trash up for the pin in 7:12 with a little help of pulling his tights to make sure he got the win.

Match 4

"The Syndicate Crew" Psycho Medic, Karnage & DeAngelo


Shady Grady & 2-Bit

Karnage and 2-Bit started the match for their teams.  2-Bit worked on the arm of Karnage.  He tagged in Grady who continued on his arm.  Karnage was able to get the tag to DeAngelo so he could let his arm rest a few minutes.  DeAngelo tossed 2-Bit to the floor so Psycho Medic helped out the other members of the “Crew” by kicking and punching 2-Bit while the referee was distracted.  Shady Grady was able to interfere to avoid the three count on 2-Bit.  Grady was taking on Karnage and DeAngelo while 2-Bit was regaining his energy.  When 2-Bit came back to help Grady, Karnage tossed him back to the floor and then followed.  The official was trying to break them up so he could focus more on the legal men in the ring.  This allowed Psycho Medic time to get into the ring and hit Shady Grady with the Tag Team belt.  DeAngelo covered and when the ref finally turned around he announced "The Syndicate Crew" as the winners in 5:56.

Match 5

"Mr. Impact" JT Quest w/Xstacy


“American Nightmare” Johnny Demento

Demento gave Quest a huge shoulder tackle to take him off his feet.  Quest retaliated by pulling Demento’s hair to try to slow down the American Nightmare”.  Demento did not let it get to him and followed up on Quest with 2 clotheslines but was only able to get a two count.  Quest then tossed Demento to the floor to give himself a break.  Xstacy gave Demento a gruesome stiff kick right in the rib cage.  Quest landed an elbow off the top rope to the crown of Demento’s head.  Demento tried to fight back.  Quest gave him a vicious low blow and a swinging neckbreaker to take him back off his feet.  Quest missed a belly splash on Demento. The fans were behind Demento as he was fighting back.  He climbed to the top rope but Xstacy shoved him off before he could hurt Quest.  JT capitalized and got the win in 11:15 thanks to the help of his valet.  After the match, Quest hit Demento with “Lil’ Impact” (the crowbar) in the chest. 

Match 6

Mark Anthony      vs.     Steve-O

Anthony chopped Steve-O in the chest the put him in a chin lock.  Somehow, Steve-O set himself free.  He tried a drop kick but Anthony seen him just in time and was able to step out of the way.  Anthony dropped a knee to Steve-O but was painfully surprised to find out that Steve-O moved and he hit hard on the ring knee first.  Anthony choked Steve-O then tossed him to the floor.  Mark Anthony led Steve-O to the concession stand and wanted to crack his skull on the concrete wall.  Steve-O blocked and slammed Anthony’s head into the wall.  Anthony bounced off and when he turned around he lost his balance and fell straight into the trash can face first and flipped in and out of the trash can.  Anthony did all he could to get out and in the mean time the trash emptied all over the floor before he escaped.  Back in the ring, Anthony also missed a belly splash off the top rope.  Steve-O gave Anthony a massive suplex which landed Anthony on the floor.  Mark Anthony was climbing back in over the ropes so Steve-O hit the ropes which gave Anthony a devastating low blow.  Steve-O could smell the win and Anthony knew he had to act fast.  He suplexed Steve-O then rolled him up quickly and held him down by his tights to get the 1-2-3 in 15:53.  Steve-O and the fans could not believe that the ref did not see what Anthony had done.  However, the ref would not reverse his decision since he did not witness Anthony holding the tights. 

Match 7


"The Syndicate Crew" Psycho Medic w/ DeAngelo & Karnage (Challenger) 


“Outlaw" Lee Condry w/Pam Condry (Champion)

Condry is proud to be the Mid America heavyweight champion.  Psycho Medic wants to become the next title holder.  He had his eyes focused on the belt the entire time as Condry proudly wore it to the ring and when the ref held it up to show the fans the gold was on the line in this match.   Condry went to work on Medic’s arm.  Psycho Medic jumped out of the ring but was followed by Condry.  Lee Condry slammed Medic’s head into the mat.  Back in the ring, Condry continued to work on Medic’s arm by using an arm bar and pulling it as hard as he could trying to pull it out of the socket.  Psycho Medic left the ring once again.  Only this time he told the Karnage and DeAngelo that he had enough and was going home. "The Syndicate Crew" talked him into staying since he had a chance at the gaining more gold.  Condry was still leading the match until Medic intentionally gave Condry a low blow.  Medic covered Condry with his feet on the rope.  Karnage pushed them off just before the ref spotted his cheating tactics and ended the match.  Condry was able to kick out.  Medic gave Condry many spear hands to the top of the head.  Lee Condry was stumbling in the center of the ring.  As he was falling, he kicked Medic between the legs.  Now both men were down.  Condry was the first man trying to get back to his feet.  DeAngelo and Karnage leaped on the ring apron.  Condry back elbowed them both and they found themselves back on the floor.  Pam Condry ran around the ring and kicked both of them in the gut to make sure they did not interfere anymore in the match.  Lee Condry caught Medic with a sphere.  He was able to get the win by pin fall in 9:55.


“Nerdy White Boy” Jay Jacobs w/Broadway Rose 


  “American Nightmare” Johnny Demento w/Sexy Jessi

Jacobs fell over the ropes when climbing into the ring.  Then, he became upset when the fans of Columbia laughed at him.  Jacobs tried to take out his frustration on Demento but the arm bar was reversed.  Jacobs requested a time out.  He tried to slide out of the ring backwards but much to his surprise he ended up straddling the pole.  Demento and the fans now laughed at the “Nerdy White Boy”.  Jacobs was able to catch Demento with a clothesline and a suplex to take over in the match.  Demento then ducked the next two clotheslines and came back with a flying clothesline on Jacobs.  Demento then planted Jacobs in a face buster for the win in 6:11.

Match 2

      "The Syndicate Crew" Karnage & DeAngelo w/Psycho Medic


   Shady Grady & “Outlaw" Lee Condry w/Pam Condry

 DeAngelo and Lee started off the fight.  Condry hit a powerful shoulder tackle on DeAngelo to knock him off his feet.  DeAngelo scurried to the floor and to his corner.  The fans began the “chicken!” chant.  Grady and Condry worked on the arm of DeAngelo.  Grady was able to get a two count before Medic and Karnage stopped the ref’s count.  Psycho Medic kicked Grady in the back when Karnage threw him into the ropes.  Medic then sucker-punched Lee when he was on the ring apron wanting a tag from Grady.  DeAngelo and Medic double teamed Shady Grady when the ref was holding Condry back to keep him from being disqualified since he was not the legal man.  DeAngelo gave a ravaging head butt to Shady Grady.  Psycho Medic missed an elbow and Grady was able to tag in “Outlaw”.  Condry was fighting all three members of the Crew and doing well until he was thrown to the concrete floor.  Medic followed to keep him occupied.  Karnage and DeAngelo double teamed Grady.  They hit the Gangsta Lean and DeAngelo covered for the win in 9:37.  Once Condry was told by Pam what they did, Lee chased "The Syndicate Crew" back to the locker room. 

Match 3

"Mr. Impact" JT Quest w/Xstacy & Manga w/Miss Opium


Antonio & “American Nightmare” Johnny Demento w/Sexy Jessi

Manga wanted to be the first one on his team to wrestle since he seen that Antonio was started for his side.  Manga and Quest were swapping in and out of the ring without tagging.  They were trying to take out Demento so they could double team Antonio and be declared victorious.  Demento fought back with a belly to belly suplex on Manga then they clotheslined each other.  Quest jumped off the turnbuckle onto Demento with a double axe handle.  Quest then held the “American Nightmare” in the center of the ring with a reversed chin lock.  Demento finally was able to break out and tag Antonio.  Quest slung Demento to the floor from the top rope.  Demento hit hard and was knocked out.  Manga grabbed Antonio and hit the “Spider’s web”.  Quest then planted Antonio with the “Deep Impact” (spinebuster).  Antonio was out for the three count.    After the match, Manga nailed Demento with the nun-chucks in the mid section as he was trying to stand up. 



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