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SHOW #44








12/30 Season's Beating Report

By: Larry Goodman

NWA Anarchy’s Season Beatings drew a packed house at the Remember When Theater in Helen, Ga. The attendance of close to 600 set a company record. However, despite several truly excellent matches, it will not go down as one of Anarchy’s greater artistic successes.

As individual matches, Rockwell vs. Rave, Styles vs. Vain, Slim J vs. Rinauro and Devil’s Rejects vs. NWA Elite worked beautifully. They accomplished their intended objectives and were well received by the crowd.

Unfortunately, the booking and the pacing, which have been major strengths of the tapings in Cornelia, just weren’t up to snuff. The tag team turmoil and the main event were the main culprits. Neither match had heat and almost everything else did. Clocking in at 3:30, the show was a good 45 minutes longer than it needed to be.

Mary, the babelicious NWA Anarchy Angel was escorted around the ring by the owner of NWA Anarchy, Jerry Palmer. She had a very special Santa outfit for the occasion. By far the best looking damn Santa of the season. Palmer commented on winning the 2006 award as the best promoter in Georgia (in voting on the website) by saying that it belonged to the entire lockerroom.

The crowd popped for a great opening video by Kevin Marx.

(1) Ace Rockwell beat Jimmy Rave to retain the NWA Anarchy Television Title in 13:25. A fantastic opener. Major league in every way, the only downside being that it set the bar at a level at some of the later matches couldn’t possibly reach. It was built around a few key but great-looking spots that lead into an awesome series of near falls down the stretch. The crowd was amped from the moment Rockwell’s intro cranked up. Rave heeled. Rockwell mounted the ropes and hammered him with the 10 punches. Rave stepped through the ropes for a TO. Rockwell followed, and Rave dropped him with a uranage on the apron. Rave opened up on Rockwell at ringside. Rave choked Rockwell with his boot and loudly reminded the ref that he had a five count. Rave did a Russian legsweep into a grounded octopus. Rave pulled the ropes on Rockwell to thwart a comeback. Rave made good use of the rail here. The crowd chanted for Rockwell. Rave went for a high knee and tumbled over the top rope. Rockwell nailed Rave with a baseball slide. Rockwell showed great fire on the comeback. Rockwell used a spinning fisherman suplex for one near fall, then a classic double A spinebuster for long two count. Rockwell hit a superplex and Rave kicked just before the three. Rave turned the tide with a spear for a two count. Rave hit Ghanrhea and the Doppler Effect. Rockwell barely kicked out of both. Rockwell was setting up another superplex. Rave blocked it, but Rockwell bounced right up and brought Rave off the top with Aces High to score the pinfall. Mutual respect in the postmatch. Rave ended up raising Rockwell’s hand.

(2) Brodie Chase & Brandon Phoenix won the Tag Team Turmoil in 43:52. This match was moved to the second slot due to some late arrivals. Following Rave/Rockwell made portions of this feel like Return to Indieville, and the heat dropped off bigtime. Adam Roberts & Jason Blackman started out with T. C. Carnage & Adrian Hawkins. Roberts avoided his former partner, Carnage like the plague. Carnage eventually propelled Hawkins over the top rope onto Roberts and pinned Blackman with a guillotine leg drop at 8:02. But Roberts laid Hawkins to waste and used a chair on the leg of Carnage. Shatter & Truitt were next. They destroyed Carnage’s leg. Truitt submitted Carnage with a single leg crab at 10:10. Next was Team Macktion (Krazy K & T. J Mack). Shatter inadvertently nailed Truitt. K connected with a enzuigiri to the back of Shatter’s head. Macktion hit a double 619 on Shatter to score the pinfall at 15:38. Sweet finish. Hayden Young and Austin Creed came out to great pop. Fast-paced action with these four. Heat on Young. He hit Thermal Shock to get the hot tag, but the crowd wasn’t buying Creed’s offense here. Young and Creed pinned K with a back suplex/neckbreaker combo at 23:31. Brodie Chase & Brandon Phoenix were the next team to enter. This segment was the highlight of the match. Creed did a superman plancha over the top rope. Young followed with an amazing flip dive. The guy has springs for legs. Finishing sequence saw Chase powerbomb Young with a save by Creed. Phoenix hit an exploder on Creed and Young made the save. Phoenix went for a TKO. Young countered. Young nipped up and sprung to the top rope. Chase shoved Young off the top right into an STO from Phoenix for the 1-2-3 at 34:37. Heat on Delay. Bentley cleaned house off the hot tag. Unaware of a blind tag by Delay, Bentley hit the Full Articulation on Phoenix. Delay dumped Bentley off the pin attempt and hogged it for himself. No go. Moments later, Phoenix pinned Delay. Bentley and Delay argued. Bentley decked Delay and walked off. The finish and postmatch got a tepid reaction, as fans were a) beyond caring at this point and/or b) or lost because there was no tease of the split during the match to clue them in. Just too damn long for something that didn’t have major story focus. The ring entrances not only bogged down the pacing, but they made zero sense in the context of the match. Wouldn’t it be more realistic for guys to hit the ring ASAP to take advantage of worn down opponents?

(3) Urban Assault Squad (Nemesis & Shadow Jackson) beat Justice Served (Jason Justice & Mikki Free) via DQ to retain the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Titles in around 12 minutes. A good match, but having to follow the tag turmoil diluted the impact. It was just what the fans didn’t need, another tag match. Special ref Palmer had one hell of time maintaining any semblance of order. UAS cleared the ring. Nemesis did a dive off the top onto Free and Jackson and almost went headfirst into the floor. Justice did a flip dive onto all three. He’s an awfully big man for that stuff. He’s also the proud owner of one of freakiest looking heads in wrestling. UAS got heat in Free. Nemesis threw his super loud chops. It was attack of the bionic elbows by Jackson for a near fall. Free used a jawbreaker to get the tag. Justice leveled Jackson with a bicycle kick and squeezed his head like a pimple. Justice Served doubled up on Jackson. Nemesis was about to lose it when Justice taunted him with “We’re testing your G, #####.” Justice busted out his springboard twisting legdrop and the Psycho Slam for near falls. Justice used Free’s back as a springboard into a corner splash. Nemesis saved with a backsplash. Justice speared Nemesis. Jackson dropped Justice on his head with a high angle back suplex. Free made the save. Free clocked Jackson with the chain, but Palmer found the foreign object and called for the DQ.

(4) A. J. Styles beat Jeremy Vain in 14:29. To the surprise of no one, Styles was the most over performer in the building, garnering chants of “welcome back”, “A. J.”, and “TNA.” That Styles is athletically gifted is a given, but it was the precision of his movements that separated him from the other wrestler on the show. Vain brought his A game, no doubt, but Styles made him look like a million dollars. Vain spit at Styles to goad him into a chase. Vain tried to cut Styles off at the pass but no go. Styles did his trademark dropkick sequence. Vain ended up on the outside. Like a cat, Styles sprung from the apron the floor. Styles popped the crowd with a springboard forearm smash into the fifth row that was nothing short of phenomenal. Vain took a flip bump into the rail. The tide turned when Vain shoved ref Wesley Grissom into the ropes to upend Styles, who took a spectacular bump. Vain brought Styles in from the apron with a suplex turned facebuster for a near fall. Cool move. Vain used a hotshot to score another two count. The crowd broke out another “A. J.” chant. They traded big shots. Styles connected with the Pele kick. Styles followed up with more big moves to set up the Clash, but Vain escaped it with a backdrop. Vain hit a killer Gori Especial neckbreaker, but Styles kicked out. Styles roared back with a superkick and the Phenomenon, but he couldn’t put Vain away. Vain resorted to a low blow. Vain hit the VKO. Vain tried to finish with a DDT, but Styles blocked it and planted Vain with the Clash.

(5) Slim J beat Salvatore Rinauro via submission to retain the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title in 13:50. A f******* outstanding match, and the crowd was way into it. These guys worked their asses off. J is such a tough little SOB that his size is no longer an issue, and while he’s already way over as a babyface, this title run could be his Mysterioization into a main event guy. J got a monster pop and immediately started beating Rinauro’s ass. Rinauro’s skimpy trunks started to come down. The crowd was hating on Rinauro. Sal was wearing this skirt-like fringe over his trunks, so he got his share of ##### heat. Rinauro bit J’s fingers to break a snug headlock. The chain wrestling was really smooth here. Rinauro went for a bridging rear chinlock submission. J made the ropes. A “let’s go Slim” chant erupted. But Rinauro cut off J’s comeback and reapplied the submission. Rinauro viciously raked the eyes, hammered J with Muay Thai knees and then a high knee for a two count. J fired up bigtime. J hit his flying reverse DDT for a near fall. But Rinauro cut him off again. Rinauro hit his outside-inside middle rope suplex. J kicked out, so Rinauro throttled him in frustration. J fed off the energy of the crowd. J hit a superplex for a great near fall. Rinauro came back with his version of the Pele. J pounded Rinauro’s face from the mount and got a crossarmbreaker for the tap out. Awesome finish. Rinauro came out of it with a black eye and a busted lip. The violence made sense since Rinauro had busted a bottle over J’s head to set up the match.

(6) The NWA Elite (Jeff Lewis & Onyx & Mikael Judas & Kory Chavis with Attorney Jeff G. Bailey) beat Devil’s Rejects (Tank & Iceberg & Azrael & Shaun Tempers with “The Rev” Dan Wilson) via DQ in 19:02. This is where the booking excelled. Rejects entered first. Bailey came onstage with Lewis and Onyx. Judas got a special entrance. Bailey noted that it was 4 on 3 in favor of the “piss puddles,” but that was nothing to the Elite’s bottomless pit of talent. Out came an unadvertised Kory Chavis to a monster pop. Bailey said Chavis had drained more blood than the Red Cross. Bailey wished Wilson a Merry Christmas, except that’s not how he said it. The Elite hit the ring. Rejects scattered. Wow. A pure babyface pop for Jeff G. Bailey. I thought that day would never come. After initial resistance, Tank sold for Onyx and ran to his corner like a b****. Iceberg powerslammed Onyx. Onyx powerslammed Iceberg and cleaned house on Rejects. Iceberg took a double vertical suplex. Judas entered with nine consecutive corner shoulder blocks on Tempers. Chavis did this awesomely timed duck of Azrael’s high kick and hit an enzuigiri. Chavis hit a cool variation of a sitout facebuster for a near fall. Tank got dumped and stabbed by Judas. With Tank’s head draped on the bottom rope, Bailey started headbutting and biting him. Bailey had blood smeared on his forehead and cheek, a twisted savage in a trench coat. Bailey told Judas to make him bleed to death. At 10:30, Chavis caught a sneak knee in the back and Rejects got the advantage. Wilson used his staff on Chavis. Iceberg hit the Thigh Drop of Doom. Azrael kicked a field goal with Kory’s ribs and hit the Ted Bundy for a near fall. Wilson jabbed Chavis with the Staff and cackled with glee. But when Tempers tried for the Temperpedic, Chavis countered with the Dark City Street Cutter. Judas took the hot tag. Chaos ensued. Iceberg went low and leveled Judas with a lariat. Iceberg climbed. Judas went low. You could see it coming but couldn’t believe he was actually going to do it. Judas brought Iceberg off the top rope with El Crucifijo (Border Toss). The deformed freak Dominous squared off with Judas. Both of these guys are 6-6 or more legit. Judas chokeslammed Dominous. Iceberg nailed Judas. Iceberg and Dominous laid Judas out with a double chokeslam. Iceberg hit the Ground Zero splash on Judas. Tank clocked ref Jacob Ashworth a couple of times for the DQ. Rejects suspended in the air like human hammock and Tank delivered a double stomp off the top rope. Unreal. Rejects had the last laugh. Bailey assaulted the ref. Onyx gave a security guy a backbreaker.

(7) Todd Sexton beat Chad Parham in 17:11. Sexton was seeking revenge in his comeback from retirement. Strong arguments could be made for either Styles/Vain or Elite/Rejects in the top slot. Either would have worked, but I’m afraid this match left a bad taste in people’s mouths. A large number of fans left while it was still in progress. It’s not like the work was bad, although certainly not their best, but if this match needed to be in the main event position (a key part of the storyline with Parham), it was the wrong show in the wrong place. They wrestled. Deathly quiet and some catcalls of “boring.” Parham took a timeout and got on the mic to complain about Sexton bringing his family and his friends. Sexton ran up on the stage and clubbed Parham. Sexton continued to pound away inside the ring, so referee Brent Wiley intervened. When Sexton turned to yell at Wiley, Parham capitalized. Parham ripped the pad off of a turnbuckle. Parham went for his 15 second stalling suplex, and in a death defying spot, both men ended up landing outside the ring. Sexton appeared to have a hardway cut on the forehead. Back inside the ring, Parham hit an enzuigiri from the apron, a double stomp, and finished with a senton backsplash for a near fall. Sexton rallied with a hotshot onto the exposed turnbuckle. Sexton superkicked Parham for a near fall. They traded. “Eat s***, Todd,” Parham bellowed. Sexton got a two count with a shining wizard. Parham tried a cheap pin with his feet on the ropes. Sexton locked in the sharpshooter. The crowd came to life chanting for the tap out. Sexton switched to the Sexton Stretch, but Parham managed to get to the ropes. Parham clipped Sexton from behind and he slammed into Wiley. Parham gave Sexton a piledriver but no ref to count. Second ref Grissom hit the ring to start the count, but Sexton kicked out at two. Parham tossed Grissom out. Parham went for the piledriver again, but Sexton reversed into a jackknife cradle. Wiley made the three count. The babyface dressing room came down to the ring to congratulate Sexton on his successful comeback. Parham failed to earn his title shot. He stomped Grissom. Palmer came out to confront Parham, who exited through the crowd.

NOTES: NWA Anarchy is back at the NWA Arena on 1/6 for a TV taping with all of the champions in action and the announcement of the year end awards…Anarchy will return to the NWA Arena for their next major show, Hardcore Hell in March…Mikael Judas is headed back to Puerto Rico on 1/3 for the Three Kings weekend has begun announcing their Year-End Awards and NWA Anarchy is thus far well represented, with winners in 5 of the 8 categories announced...

2006 Georgia Referee of the Year... Randy Ray
NWA Anarchy is among the many, many promotions Randy Ray has served as an official for through 2006.

2006 Georgia Storyline of the Year... Team Anarchy vs. The Devil's Rejects
The most emotional feud in Anarchy history (if not NWA Arena history) brings this award home for the second year in-a-row.

2006 Georgia Reporter of the Year... Larry Goodman
For the 4 year running, Larry Goodman takes the award for his reporting throughout the state and it's well deserved.

2006 Georgia Show of the Year... NWA Anarchy Fright Night
The biggest event in Anarchy history (until Saturday's Season's Beatings) takes home award.

2006 Georgia Promoter of the Year... Jerry Palmer
For only the 2nd time in four years, this award resides in the NWA Arena, as our own Jerry Palmer takes top honors.

Congratulations to you all and to all the other winners as well (you can see all the winners thus far announced at And thank you to all the fans of NWA Anarchy for making your voices heard on behalf of the Church of Southern Wrestling!

See ya' at Ringside,
Greg Hunter,
Play-by-Play Commentator, NWA Anarchy
1/2 of the BDATP 

NWA: Midwest and Central States Wrestling would like to announce that NWA World Champion Abyss has forfeited the NWA: Missouri State Championship. This is due to Abyss’ ever increasing schedule conflicting with the only dates CSW is able to legally secure through the Missouri Athletic Commission. We look forward to Abyss’ return to CSW on February 3rd, 2007 as CSW debuts in Ottawa, Kansas at the National Guard Armory. In order to fill the now vacant Missouri State Championship, Central States Wrestling will be holding a “Four Corner Survival” match with the following competitors: Kraig Keesman, Jeremy Wyatt, Dingo, and the current NWA: Kansas Champion Mark Sterling. This match will take place on Friday night, January 19th as CSW returns to St. Joseph, Missouri at the Mayes Memorial Armory located at 301 N Woodbine St. For more information, please visit our website at

Joseph McDonald
Central States Wrestling

----------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

NEXT EVENT: Friday Night January 5th at The Sports Connection located at 3000 S 13th Street in Milwaukee, WI. (13th Manitoba, 1 block north of Oklahoma Ave) Bell time is 8 p.m. All tickets are $15 dollars and are available by emailing midamwrestling@..., by leaving a message at 414-777-3941, or by using PayPal (Use ID - [email protected] )
Remember to include your address and telephone number along with the
number of tickets you'd like. You will not be charged any shipping,
handling or processing fees. Depending upon when you purchase
tickets, they will either be mailed to you or left for you you at the

MAIN EVENT! Return Match - MAW Title
"Roughneck" Jay Ryan (c) vs Skullkrusher

NWA Wisconsin Tag Team Titles vs The MAW Tag Team Titles - (Both
Championships On The Line!)
"The Wiseguys" Brandon Thomaselli Tony Scarpone vs Esteban Molina
Ricky Thomas


MAW Jr Heavyweight Title Match
"Too Phat" Jason Dukes (c) vs Marco Cordova

NWA Midwest Heavyweight Title Match
"Machine Gun" Karl Anderson (c) vs Hardcore Craig

That's four title matches in one night! Plus much more!

That's Friday Night January 5th at The Sports Connection located at
3000 S 13th Street in Milwaukee, WI. (13th Manitoba, 1 block north of Oklahoma Ave)
Bell time is 8 p.m. All tickets are $15 dollars and are available by
emailing midamwrestling@..., by leaving a message at
Remember to include your address and telephone number along with the
number of tickets you'd like. You will not be charged any shipping,
handling or processing fees. Depending upon when you purchase
tickets, they will either be mailed to you or left for you you at the


Quickie Results 11/17

MAW Champ Skullkrusher came out before the event to announce that his
opponent, "Wiseguy" Brandon Thomaselli would not be appearing. He then
stated that he is taking it upon himself to wrestle the winners of the
night's first three matches in Gauntlet match.

1) Marco Cordova pinned Irish Mickey McCoy

2) "All That" Steve Boz pinned MAW newcomer, Curse.

3) "Roughneck" Jay Ryan destroyed Tony T-Bird with a vicious 2nd rope

4) "Too Phat" Jason Dukes regained the MAW Jr Heavyweight Title by
pinning Esteban Molina. MAW commish, Jerry Maywald announced that MAW
was in negotiations to bring in TNA star, Chris Sabin as Dukes's
opponent for Jan 5th.

5) In a No DQ, manager vs manager match, Joey Eastman pinned Carmine
DeSpirito after throwing a fireball in the face of MAW's owner.

6) In the Gauntlet Style Main Event for the MAW World Title,
Skullkrusher pinned Marco Cordova...Then pinned "All That" Steve
Boz...Then, in possibly the greatest upset in MAW history, Roughneck
Ryan upset Skullkrusher for the title. Ryan secured the pin with his
feet on the ropes, after bashing SK in the head with a cowbell for the

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(414) 777-3941
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President, Show Business, Inc
PO Box 941787
Atlanta, GA 31141


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