- 07/26/2005 (7:23:53 pm)
- Georgiann Makropoulos
Brooke Hogan’s new site, Hogan on TV, Ratings, Hassan, Orton, Kane, Stocks, Ring for Sale and more…..
Thanks to DT Cutting: Randy Orton is scheduled to wrestle on August 27th at the Smackdown house show in Raleigh, NC, so it appears he is close to returning from his rotator cuff injuries. The complete lineup for that show features:
*WWE World champion Batista vs. Eddie Guerrero
*WWE United States champion Orlando Jordan vs. Chris Benoit
*Booker T vs. Christian
*Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton
*WWE Tag Team champions Heidenreich & Road Warrior Animal vs. MNM
*Steven Richards vs. Sly (Sylvan Grenier)
*Hardcore Holly vs. The Boogeyman
*Paul London & Scotty Too Hotty & Funaki vs. Juventud & Psicosis & Super Crazy
World Wrestling Entr'A' (WWE) | |
12.25 ![]() |
Montreal Gazette - canada.com network
August 1st Poughkeepsie, NY Mid Hudson Civic Center 7:30 PM Smackdown moved from 7/23
August 2nd Bridgeport, CT Arena of Harbor Yard on sale 7/9 7:30 PM Smackdown
August 5th Syracuse, NY War Memorial Arena on sale 7/9 7:30 PM Raw
August 6th Knoxville, TN Knoxville Civic Coliseum 7:30 PM Smackdown
August 6th Albany, NY Pepsi Arena on sale 7/9 7:30 PM Raw
August 7th Youngstown, OH Beeghly Center on sale 7/16 7:00 PM Raw
August 7th Johnson City, TN Freedom Hall on sale 7/9 7:00 PM Smackdown
August 8th Pittsburgh, PA Mellon Arena 7:45 PM RAW
August 8th Wheeling, W VA Wheeling Civic Center Smackdown
August 9th Columbus, OH Nationwide Arena on sale 7/9 7:30 PM SMACKDOWN
August 12th Kitchener, Ont, CANADA Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Raw
August 13th London, Ont, CANADA John Labatt Centre on sale 7/9 Smackdown
August 14th Owen Sound, Ont, Canada Bayshore Community Centre 7:00 PM Smackdown
August 15th Montreal, CANADA Bell Centre RAW
August 15th Peterborough, Ont Canada Memorial Centre 7:00 PM Smackdown
August 16th Toronto, CANADA Air Canada Centre SMACKDOWN
August 21st Washington, DC MCI Center 7:45 PM SUMMERSLAM
August 22nd Hampton, VA Hampton Coliseum on sale 7/23 Raw
August 22nd Richmond, VA Richmond Coliseum Smackdown
August 23rd Greensboro, NC Greensboro Coliseum Smackdown
August 26th San Juan, Puerto Rico Coliseo De Puerto Rico Jose Miguel Agrelot Raw
August 27th Fort Lauderdale, FL National Car Rental Center Raw
August 27th Raleigh, NC RBC Center Smackdown
August 28th Orlando, FL T D Waterhouse Arena Raw
August 28th Florence, SC Florence Civic Center 7:00 PM Smackdown
August 29th Tampa, FL St Pete Times Forum Raw
August 29th North Charleston, SC North Charleston Coliseum Smackdown
August 30th Jacksonville, FL Veteran Memorial Coliseum Smackdown
Razor Ramon slices along
Razor Ramon "Hard Gay" Sumitani's cutting humor parodying stereotypical homosexuals has made him a firm favorite of
Looking akin to an outcast from the Village People, clad entirely in black leather -- a body-hugging, sleeveless, shirt, micro-hotpants and a studded black cap -- and his every move accompanied by Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida Loca" blaring out in the background, 29-year-old Razor Ramon is fast becoming one of the most recognized faces on Japan's small screen.
Calling his brand of humor Haado Gei, which can be translated as either "hardcore art" or "hardcore gay," Razor Ramon HG first made a name for himself on the Saturday night TBS variety show "Bakuten."
Hosted by comic duo Bakusho Mondai, "Bakuten" screens at a family hour despite Razor Ramon HG's raunchy rolls and bondage rig-out that many deem to be "too erotic," the men's weekly says.
Razor Ramon HG has a corner on the program where he helps others, whether they want his assistance or not, suddenly springing up in front of them, holding his arms above his head, then wildly gyrating his hips and thrusting his pelvis forward while screaming out a piercing, "Whoooooo!" and announcing himself as "Haado Gei!"
Among those he has helped in his stints on the show include crying children, tissue distributors and old women he has piggybacked across pedestrian overpasses. He claims to gain his apparently boundless energy from memories of late Queen singer Freddie Mercury.
"While out filming, he manages to keep the tempo up well enough until we can record things. He really livens things up," a "Bakuten" insider tells Asahi Geino.
"When they're in the studio, everybody has got to take turns to have their say, so his handlers are keeping him away from that scene so he can be on his own. On a special program recently, the ratings went over 14 percent, which kept the show alive. As far as those making the program are concerned, he's our savior."
"People either love him completely, or absolutely despise him," a screenwriter says.
Razor Ramon HG made his performing debut under the same name in 1997. But he was not a comedian then. Instead, he was a professional wrestler.
"He was in the professional wrestling club when he attended
Some of the stunts were fantastic, but they weren't really that well received," an Osaka TV production staff member tells Asahi Geino. "In the Kansai area, you've got to be a quick talker and tell funny stories to make it big."
In 2001, Razor Ramon HG moved on to join
"He played a punk and a priest whose main laugh came about because his weakness involved having his nipples tweaked," the TV production staff member says.
Razor Ramon HG came up with the idea of the militant homosexual performer during a discussion among several Yoshimoto members, including Kendo Kobayashi, who told him that he made a perfect hardcore gay. Razor Ramon HG picked up "La Vida Loca" as his theme song and has rarely looked back.
His Haado Gei act gained more notice when he continued as a wrestler, making the semifinals of last year's R-1 Grand Prix while competing under the guise of a gay grappler.
Despite the raucous reputation regarding Razor Ramon HG, the real thing is apparently nothing like his public persona.
Asahi Geino 7/28 edition"He's an extremely well mannered gentleman. He says that he's probably the quiet type. He lives in a Nishinari-ku apartment in
Dr. Keith Lipinski