• 01/03/2006 (11:05:30 pm)
  • Media


Thanks to Mike Informer for this article on site: - News - City Honors Eddie Guerrero

City Honors Eddie Guerrero

POSTED: 8:01 p.m. MST January 3, 2006

El Paso's entire city government is honoring home grown hero Eddie Guerrero.

Tuesday city council presented Eddie Guerrero's widow, Vicki, and their daughters with the keys to the city in recognition for the pride he brought to El Paso.

As KFOX reported, the El Paso native and pro-wrestling super star was found dead from heart complications in a Minneapolis hotel room in November.

Tuesday's ceremony was bitter sweet for Eddie's wife who also calls El Paso home.

"I was born here, it brings back a lot of memories," said Vicki Guerrero.

"Little did I know that Eddie would become a great star and a professional wrestler, I mean I befriended him back in high school, only because the person he was, the heart that he had. His family took me in like one of their own," said Eddie's friend Hector Rincon Jr.

WWE representatives were also present to talk about a possible movie highlighting Eddie's wrestling career.


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