• 03/14/2017 (6:24:31 pm)
  • Bob Mulrenin
We are back with the complete lineup for EVOLVE 81 on Friday, March 31st at 4pm EDT and more. Let’s get to it….
March 14th: We had the complete WWN Supershow lineup yesterday with PROGRESS vs. EVOLVE matches. In case you missed it, you can read it here. We will have the complete lineup for EVOLVE 80 on Thursday, March 30th in tomorrow’s WWN Alerts.
March 14th: Go to for info on all the Wrestlemania weekend events including EVOLVE, WWN Supershow, PROGRESS, CHIKARA, Game Changer, Kaiju Big Battel, SHIMMER, Beyond Wrestling and the Hardy #BrokenTailgate Party.

March 14th: Lio Rush is back in EVOLVE! We’ve seen this young, exciting competitor a few times in past years in EVOLVE. Now he has put the EVOLVE roster on notice. He’s starting back with one of the toughest opponents possible. It’ll be Lio Rush vs. Drew Galloway at EVOLVE 81 for Rush’s return to EVOLVE.
March 14th: It’ll now be Timothy Thatcher with Stokely Hathaway vs. ACH at EVOLVE 81. Originally, ACH was supposed to face Drew Galloway. However, Thatcher’s agent Hathaway says that Thatcher wants to “teach ACH a lesson” after getting involved in the post match at EVOLVE 79 when Thatcher was going to hand the title belt over to Zack Sabre Jr. as is tradition with EVOLVE Title changes. We do have to note that Thatcher could have saved Zack from the attack of Ethan Page, but instead chose to drop the title belt to the canvas and leave.
March 14th: Darby Allin is still missing so we are unable to announce any matches with him. The new EVOLVE Mini-Doc shows that The Gatekeepers actually carried Darby out into the streets of Queens, NY in a bodybag.
March 14th: Here’s how things shape up for EVOLVE 81:
Friday, March 31st, 2017
4pm EDT Belltime
Orlando Live Events
6405 S US Hwy 17-92
Fern Park, FL 32730
Tickets available here
Watch live on
Non-Title Challenge Match
EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Michael Elgin
Catch Point Implodes Challenge Match
EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Fred Yehi vs. Matt Riddle
Heavyweight Challenge Match
Keith Lee vs. Donovan Dijak
Catch Point vs. High-Flyers Challenge Match
EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Tracy Williams, Chris Dickinson & Jaka vs. Jason Kincaid, Sammy Guevara & Austin Theory
Style Clash Challenge Match
Drew Galloway vs. Lio Rush
Special Challenge Match
Timothy Thatcher with Stokely Hathaway vs. ACH
Plus more with Ethan Page & The Gatekeepers and others!!!
March 14th: There are still a few spots open for the WWN Creative Seminar on March 31st in Orlando at 8pm EDT. This is for anyone who ever had any interest in the writing, booking or promoting side of wrestling. The Seminar will be conducted by WWN VP Of Talent Relations Gabe Sapolsky, who will share his 23-years of knowledge. Sapolsky was Paul Heyman’s personal assistant in ECW, created ROH, DGUSA and EVOLVE. He has learned from some of the greatest minds in wrestling and will pass those lessons on in the WWN Creative Seminar. This will be a valuable seminar for all experience ranges from people looking to break into wrestling to those who are running their own promotions. These WWN Creative Seminars are rarely done, there was only one last year, so don’t miss this opportunity. Go here for info.
March 14th: ATTENTION ALL MERCHANTS- We have an opportunity to sell your stuff on WrestleMania day, April 2nd, at The Hardy #BrokenTailgate Party outside of Saddle Up on 100 N. Orange in Orlando from 10am-6pm.. This is only 1 1/2 miles from WrestleMania! This event is sure to draw a huge crowd with an appearance by the entire Hardy family including Matt, Jeff, Rebecca, Senor Benjamin and even King Maxel! In addition, there will be BBQ with Ethan Carter III as the guest bartender and pro wrestling action with FIP and ACW featuring top independent names! The price is only $125 per table for the entire day. Email if you are interested. This is your chance to make money on WrestleMania day!
March 14th: Thank you for reading today’s WWN Alerts. We’ll be back tomorrow with the EVOLVE 80 lineup! We appreciate all your support!

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