• 02/02/2007 (1:59:03 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

Also Lance Storm tells why he is boycotting TNA..

Friday, February 02, 2007


Scott Bam Bam Bigalow

I need to start this email saying Good-Bye to very good friend of mine... Scott Bam Bam Bigalow... It took me awhile to write this email because I wanted to have all of my thoughts together about Bam Bam before I put them on paper... You see I've known Bam Bam Bigalow since he was 18 years old... and believe me at 18 he was Man... He stood 6'3'' about 340 lbs and everyone took him seriously. When Bammer was a HS heavy weight Champion some of his opponents would forfeit the match because they were afraid to face the Beast from the East... Now that's REPECT!

Back in 1980 I was running a night club called Xanadu... It was thee place to be... The place was off the hook... I remember Bammer coming in from time to time and trust me when I tell you Bam Bam ran with some BMF's... So I would always stroll up on Bam from behind gently putting my hand on his shoulder and say... Bam Bam... Bro... You're not going to start any sh*t in here tonight ... Right? He would always turn to me and smile and say...  Come on Page... you know I would never do that to you and we'd both laugh our ass's off... Then we'd head over to the bar and have a few shots... Sometimes more than a few... Some times waaay more than a few... Damn... Often we would talk about our childhood dream of being wrestlers... One night I was watching one of those cable channels and I'll be damned... there he was ... The Beast from the East Bam Bam on the TV in Texas... I'll never forget it... I flipped out... I was so proud of him... Later I would see him again when he showed up in the WWF... And what a push he got... They put the Hulkster right up against him to give him the big rub and right away Bam Bam Bigalow was a made man...

Scott Bam Bam Bigalow was with out question one of the Greatest BIGG men of all time... Even at 400 lbs he could move like a cat... Not many people know this but Bam was one of my personal inspirations... When I first got in the ring to head on my journey to be a top guy in Pro-Wrestling... There were many times Bam Bam was right there with me... not physically but he was there just the same... When ever I got down I would always say to myself... if Bam Bam could it... so could I... Now I know that may sound crazy to some of you who knew Bammer given the fact that he was way bigger and started way younger than I but it was about that to me... It was more about if Bam Bam could do it... If I worked hard enough... So could I...

I remember when I finally got "The SHOW" Ted Turner's WcW at the age of 35... at 36 I tore my rotator cuff and they fired me... When I finally got my job back at 37... Bam Bam called me and told me how proud he was of me for not quitting... He said it's going to happen bro... Just be you and he laughed... Don't let them take you out again... And I didn't ... Later I would help Bam come into WcW and along with Kanyon we would be the the World Tag Team Champions which completed the circle of the two bros from the Jersey Shore...

It was truly an honor... But it wasn't until Bam Bam turned on me when they were breaking up the Triad did I really get to see first hand just how good Scotty Bam Bam Bigalow really was... At 400 lbs he would come off the top rope and I would barley feel a thing... Wow... Trust me that's HUGE... I had The Macho Man Randy Savage come off that top rope on me for almost a year and I pissed blood for 15 out of 16 weeks... In Randy's case YOU COULDN'T FAKE GRAVITY... I felt every square inch of him... every night... But when The Beast from the East came down on me I barley felt him at all... I'm sure that it was just because he was looking out for me... just like I would always looked out for him...  Jersey boys always look out for each other...

His brother Toddy asked me the day of the funeral if I would get up and say a few words... Of course I was honored... My own brother Rory was with me that day and he asked me what I was going to say... I said I have know idea... I have nothing prepared... Rory said just speak from your heart bro that's when you're at your best... I watched some of the biggest baddest MF's get up to speak for Bam and one by one they all broke down... Coming to tears over the loss of a brother... So when it was my turn to go up there you can bet I was all choked up... I still had know idea what I was going to say ... So I grabbed the mic looking down at my my Biker boots and for that moment I was taken back to those days at Xanadu... back to when we were kids and I started to talk...  To those you who knew Scott Bam Bam Bigalow... You knew he had quite the... REPUTATION ... And then I just look out at the crowd and smiled and everyone blew HUGE... They wanted to laugh they could cry later... It broke the ice and I was on a roll getting to honor my friend one last time... When I finished speaking every clapped and thanked me for what I had said... It made everyone feel better and that's what Bam Bam would have wanted... He would want everyone laughing and remember how much fun they had around him... He was a gentle Giant... He was Man's... MAN... He was my friend and a brother and he will be sadly missed

Stay Strong...
Do... Your YRG!
Become Unstoppable... 

"Own Your Life!"

D. Dallas Page


Thanks to Mike Informer for sending the link

Lance Storm speaks from the heart and tells why he will be boycotting TNA for now....

StormWrestling.com - Commentary


February 2, 2007

I know I do this a lot but I am about to go on another TNA rant. I didn’t want to but I got so worked up and angry after watching this week’s show I had to get this off my chest. I can however promise that this will be my last TNA rant for a while because I am now officially boycotting TNA until Vince Russo is removed from the creative process. How a company with such an amazingly talented locker room can produce such an unwatchable show is beyond me. Actually it isn’t beyond me I watched Vince Russo do it in WCW. There is an old expression: “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Someone needs to explain the history of WCW to Dixie Carter.

I have come to the conclusion that TNA is to Wrestling, what Scary Movie is to Horror Films. It has become a comedic spoof of a wrestling show. No sane rational person would act the way people do in TNA. Chris Sabin in an effort to make fun of Jerry Lynn’s age shows up in a bathrobe, using a walker, and wearing depends. Is he six? Who would do this? It felt like a bugs bunny cartoon. Why would Jerry be mad that Sabin is making himself look like an idiot?

Ron Killings stuff looked like a bad SNL skit. He said he was going Hollywood and going to be a big star so we now get to see him doing bad movie trailer spoofs. What is meant to be accomplished by this?

Counting Cornette and valets there were 39 people on this Freakin show. How are we supposed to remember any of it? What purpose did Bob Backlund serve? Why is Sonjay Dutt now posing? Has Big Kev convinced him that he is on the gas?

The LAX thing was beyond unbelievable.
Mike Tenay is handed video footage of a horrific violent crime against innocent people he decides to:
A: Report said violent crime to police and hand over the video evidence.
B: Air the footage and act disgusted and mad.

After having close family members viscously attacked and assaulted, Team 3D:
A: Reports said violent crime to police sending the people who assaulted their family to prison.
B: Become so enraged that they track LAX down immediately seeking revenge.
C: Sends D-von to the weekly TV show to vow revenge next week.

Are we to believe that Sting now has magical powers, since he disappeared out of the back of the ambulance leaving only his “trade marked” baseball bat behind? That tiny cage behind James Mitchell during his promo, does the prison yard match take place inside that tiny thing? What was the point, was that incase we didn’t understand the concept of jail?

There were three matches on the show. All of them had outside interference and brawling after the match. We got a total of maybe 10 minutes of match time on the entire show, and they didn’t even bother to announce the result of the main event. Do finishes not matter? Doesn’t anyone care who won? I used to. To plug a PPV caliber main event then deliver a 3 minutes match with no finish is asinine. If that is a PPV caliber match I will never order a PPV. It is also insane considering the PPV caliber Main Event match that Edge and HBK delivered on RAW just over a week ago.

The show is called Total Non-Stop Action yet we get almost no action and when we do get some it is over shadowed by endless run ins, outside interference, and non-finishes. I am officially at wits end and will not watch another TNA show until they replace Vince Russo. Hopefully this will happen before TNA goes out of business, because if they do Vince McMahon will just end up with another video library and we will have to see all this nonsense again on 24/7.

Lance Storm



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