- 11/14/2006 (11:19:33 pm)
- Georgiann Makropoulos
Yes..I did attend this event here is the report on it!!
November 13th, 2006 Eric Bischoff book signing.
We arrived at Borders in Torrance CA around 7pm..Just as we were coming in Eric Bischoff books were displayed in front of the store with a banner that "says". Eric Bischoff signing.So as we cruising the store trying to figure out what section he is in I finally went up to one of the employees and asked him where the signing was?. He told us its all the way in the back by the green wall. I said thanks! So me and my three siblings walked all the way in the back and as we were walking over There he was Mr. Eric Bischoff...taking pictures with one of his fan.The staff stopped us to ask who the book is being made out to(I accidentally said "ME".she said that's you're name is Me" I was like "Ohh NO!! and I gave her my name because they had a specific page that Eric is going to sign on! My Lil' Brother Jon was next and we stopped for a second..Jon said to my sister Melissa to take his book and let him sign it so that you can get a picture of him and I'll go look around the store for my book. So she took his advice and got in line with me. Surprising we thought that the line would be long but it wasn't only like a few people were in line.How sad is that! A guy went up to Eric saying that he's nervous so Eric asked him to take a seat. Bischoff asked him where he was from.he said just 5 minutes away from here Bischoff said it wasn't too far then! The guy then asked bischoff that he's on myspace and Bischoff said that they're alot of people portraying him online..saying that someone emailed him saying that they've been talking to him for like 2 years now and he announce his own Next were two Asian girls being all bubbly and Bashful>>>One of them asked if he can sign the book saying Love The Boss Eric Bischoff..the girl was talkative except one..Eric said that she was shy and she was shaking...then he asked her how old she was and I think she said 22 or 23..( he then told her to seat in his lap and says Now were talking(everyone starts to laugh) then the girls leave. A guy comes up and says Hi to Eric and asked for a picture....takes out money because he stated since the book is controversy creates cash..then says that he's a stripper. Bischoff asks him to put it away..then put his arms around Eric's neck to do the headlock(good picture i might say!) Two Guys comes up to bischoff..signs the book and takes a picture with him..(had disposable camera with flash but the flash couldn't go on so Eric asked to take another one and Eric ? "says" If it doesn't;t work out go to my website and I'll try my best to do something! A man around his 40-50 were next in line just chatted with Bischoff and signed his book..Next was Me and my sister Melissa..i said Hey Eric and how are you?? He said good...My sister Melissa told him when he's coming back to be GM because he's the best manager ever! He told her that he's done his time and if they can bring him back as god then I will! Then he said Vince is all about Gm right now and I told him yeah..Vince Sucks!!(he agreed with me) I then asked him about Kfed storyline Eric Bischoff said personally that the storyline is bad he was supposed to approve it saying yea its good but instead he disagrees..(I told him that Kfed will get his ass kicked!) He asked my sister who the book is being made out too..she said its Jon and he said you're brother sent u up here to sign the book(he starts yelling out his name "saying"...(JON...HEY JON I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE U SENT YOU'RE SISTER TO GET MY AUTOGRAPH..IMMA KICK YOUR ASS!!) We started laughing and we told Eric that we'll get him! as we got our autograph we took a picture and said thank you...we said thanks for coming!! SO we got our other brother Jonathan (he said..You!!!! Are u Jon we said NO this is my other brother Jonathan. and I asked him if he can get a picture of him which we did(the picture came out great!) so Finally we got Jon...he said OHHH!!! You.....what were u doing looking at FHM(its okay he said you're still young and I used to do that!!) got a picture of them also and we said thanks! and Bischoff signing was done!! The experience was great>>Not alot of people were there but we all had a Blast and Eric Bischoff is such a hilarious, Fun, Loving guy and we cant wait to meet him again if he ever has another signing here in CA!!
here's the report on the signing hope u enjoy!
<3 Clelea