- 07/02/2018 (3:50:53 pm)
- Bob Mulrenin
Fireworks aren’t just for the Fourth of July! There are fireworks going off at the WWN offices with talent and match announcements. Let’s get to it….
July 2nd: Matt Riddle vs. Shane Strickland for the EVOLVE Championship in a Hardcore War has been signed as the main event for EVOLVE 108 at the famous 2300 Arena in South Philadelphia. This has become the hottest feud in EVOLVE. We will finally see a decisive winner when EVOLVE goes back to the roots of Philly wrestling by contesting this championship match under hardcore rules! Tickets are now on sale at TicketFly.com.
July 2nd: August is shaping up as the biggest month in EVOLVE history with an EVOLVE/PROGRESS double header tour. Please note each event is a separate ticket. We have news on all four events right now. You can always go to the WWNLive.com Events section for more info. Let’s take a look at how the EVOLVE cards are shaping up:
EVOLVE 108 – Philadelphia, PA – August 4th – 4pm – Tix & Info
EVOLVE Championship Match – Hardcore Rules
Matt Riddle defends vs. Shane Strickland
Plus more to be signed with:
-WWN Champion Joey Janela with Penelope Ford
-EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Chris Dickinson & Jaka with Stokely Hathaway & Dom Garrini
-FIP World Heavyweight Champion Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly
-AR Fox with Ayla & The Skulk
-Darby Allin
-JD Drake
-Anthony Henry
-Tracy Williams
-Josh Briggs
-The End
-Saieve Al Sabah
-Jon Davis
-Plus more to be added!
EVOLVE 109 – Melrose, MA – August 5th – 4pm – Tix & Info
Stipulation To Be Determined
EVOLVE Champion Matt Riddle vs. FIP Champion Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly
Tracy Williams & Josh Briggs will go to war vs. Catch Point!
Plus more to be signed with:
-WWN Champion Joey Janela with Penelope Ford
-EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Chris Dickinson & Jaka with Stokely Hathaway & Dom Garrini
-AR Fox with Ayla & The Skulk
-Darby Allin
-Shane Strickland
-JD Drake
-Anthony Henry
-The End
-Saieve Al Sabah
-Jon Davis
-Plus more to be added!
EVOLVE 110 – Chicago, IL – August 11th – 4pm – Tix & Info
Announcements coming with:
-EVOLVE Champion Matt Riddle
-WWN Champion Joey Janela with Penelope Ford
-EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Chris Dickinson & Jaka with Stokely Hathaway & Dom Garrini
-FIP World Heavyweight Champion Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly
-AR Fox with Ayla & The Skulk
-Darby Allin
-Shane Strickland
-JD Drake
-Tracy Williams
-Anthony Henry
-Josh Briggs
-Saieve Al Sabah
-Jon Davis
-Plus more to be added!
EVOLVE 111 – Livonia, MI – August 12th – 4pm – Tix & Info
Stipulation To Be Determined
FIP World Heavyweight Champion Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly vs. AR Fox with Ayla & The Skulk
-EVOLVE Champion Matt Riddle
-WWN Champion Joey Janela with Penelope Ford
-EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Chris Dickinson & Jaka with Stokely Hathaway & Dom Garrini
-Darby Allin
-Shane Strickland
-JD Drake
-Tracy Williams
-Anthony Henry
-Josh Briggs
-Saieve Al Sabah
-Jon Davis
-Plus more to be added!
July 2nd: PROGRESS announced its first talent roster for the August events in Philadelphia, Melrose, Chicago and Detroit. EVOLVE and PROGRESS together make these all destination days in each area! PROGRESS also has events in New York City and Seattle! Tickets for PROGRESS are now on sale at TicketFly.com. Already signed for these events are:
-PROGRESS World Champion Travis Banks (4th, 5th, 7th August only)
-PROGRESS Tag Team Champions Grizzled Young Veterans
-PROGRESS Women’s Champion Jinny (4th, 11th, 12th August only)
-WWE UK Champion: Pete Dunne
-Moustache Mountain
-TK Cooper
-WALTER (9th, 11th, 12th August only)
-Flash Morgan Webster
-Mark Haskins (4th, 5th, 7th August only)
-Jimmy Havoc
-Mark Andrews
-Eddie Dennis
-Jack Sexsmith (7th, 9th, 11th, 12th August only)
-Toni Storm (4th, 11th, 12th August only)
-Plus more to be added!
July 2nd: The Seminar/Tryout with Gabe Sapolsky this Friday in Seattle is sold out! We thank everyone in advance for their participation and look forward to this being a valuable experience. The next WWN Seminar/Tryout is September 7th in Joppa, MD. Go to the WWNLive.com Seminar/Tryout page for info.
July 2nd: The WWN Training Center & wXw Wrestling Academy have entered a working agreement to benefit their students. Go here to read the press release.
July 2nd: Thank you for reading today’s WWN Alerts. We’ll be back next week with lots of match announcements for EVOLVE in August, FIP info for July 13th in Ybor City, FL plus more news! Have a great July 4th holiday!