- 04/10/2018 (3:58:00 pm)
- Bob Mulrenin
Well day 1 of Wrestlecon went as expected…total chaos. I had high hopes at the beginning but they were quickly taken away. Here’s a quick breakdown.
Lines to get in weren’t too bad and the personnel were getting the entrance bracelets to people before the doors opened which was nice. Unfortunately the waiting area outside the convention hall wasn’t really setup for that type of crowd in mind so everyone was packed in pretty tight and it got hot quick. Also while in line we were given a program with great information including a map with table numbers and which superstar would be at which table. That would have worked great except when I got inside there weren’t any numbers on the tables and not everyone had a poster at their table so it was hard to tell who was where. After I got it figured out I was able to get the signatures I came for that day. On a good note the Wrestlecon personnel were all very friendly and helpful.
Eric Bishoff was super cool

Sid Vicious
A great guy, really nice

Wolf Studios (Pro Photos)
This was not fun at all! Based on their schedule and allowing for some issues I setup 4 pro photo ops each spaced a couple hours apart. After standing in a tiny hallway for over an hour because their system crashed I was finally close to the front of the line. One of the superstars I was in line for was about to start so they gave me a hand written ticket and put me in the photo line. Needless to say after my one photo op (had to wait another 30 minutes for photo itself) I had to get back in line for my other tickets. I finally got those but after waiting for awhile I realized I never heard a call for the next superstar. I checked at the desk and they said it had already been done. Because of the huge crowd and all the noise I never heard it. Their system was for one of their personnel by the door to the photo area to call for people…that system failed. I wasn’t the only one who missed their photo ops. I decided to skip out of the rest and see if I could get a refund later.
JSA (Certificates of Authenticity)
The personnel there were great. It was quick, easy and relatively inexpensive to my CoA
All in all it was your average Con experience. Despite all the negatives I’ll still go to the next one.
Scott Schroeder
Tags: Wrestlecon New Orleans,