• 10/11/2005 (2:06:59 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

Let’s hear from you….

Here are just a few letters I have received about RAW last night.  PLEASE LET ME HEAR FROM YOU.  And what are your feelings on the firing of good ole JR???  I for one, can't visualize RAW without JR.  I sure hope they reconsider...

From Lauren:

Well, they really made No Mercy look better by comparison. Tonight's Raw was horrible. It looked like a show that had no life in it.

After all the craziness of last week's show., this looked like Nitro in its dying days. The Stephanie promo was rushed. The matches were lame. The first two live people out there tonight were Stephanie and Doink? Rob Conway was terrible tonight. No one cared about Chris Masters vs Tajiri. 

Does anyone realize the Trish-Micki James angle is an exact replica of Sable-Tori from years ago? Is everything on this show repeat material?  HHH's promo didn't make him uber heel, it just made him seem so 1999. He belongs on the Legends show, not in a modern day environment. Oh sure, they'll go crazy when Flair comes back, but they go crazy for Flair against anyone.  

So there's Stephanie in the beginning, HHH in the middle, and The McMahon Family at the end? 

The firing of JR was designed to put heat on the most wooden, lifeless person in WWE. Who cares if Linda is a heel?  The six man had a lot of good action, but was treated as secondary to the McMahon's. It's like now they got back on USA, they're trying to make themselves the stars again.

From Joey:
So the McMahon's are back on TV along with their BORING son in law, and JR is gone, I'm thrilled its Football season. Goodbye RAW forever.....
 Well they have finally done it.  Firing of JR last night has put a nail in the WWE coffin.  My household will no longer be tuning into Raw, Smackdown or any of their PPV's ever again.
Doink, The McMahon's, Masters or Hunter does not leave my family feeling good about watching Raw anymore.  Boring, Boring, Boring. 
We have been watching TNA and they by far have a better wrestling show, with lots of WWF stars who still have it.  So it's off to SPIKE TV instead of USA.
My daughter feels bad, as she is a big Shawn Michaels fan, but she will get over it.
Hope you guys wise up before its too late and everyone leaves.
We have been WWE fans for a long time and this hurts us.

From Dr Mike Lano:

Now shareholders on the 1/4 phone calls can fit in by booing Linda too...
Her old/lame UK 1989 era "it's Wrestlemania" theme music hopefully with be dropped in favor of some "heel" traveling, errr entrance music.  Ugh-being back on USA cable means we have to have the McMahon family power struggle on-camera for the rest of this year? 
What's next-admitting HHH is the son-in-law on their friggin' TV show?  The only highlight of the night-other than Angle being typically great was Michaels/Show/Cena in the hall "confronting" HHH who true to form said when it's time to take back his toy belt, he will.  Thank God for HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm repeat re-airing the same time as RAW.

Lessee-the show opens with Steph cutting a promo followed by 'Apollo the Doink'?  "What a way to start things off on RAW"

Even the densest fan had to figure Coach being "groomed" in the booth the past few months meant Jim was outta there because Vince has never cared for a three-man MNF type booth. 

SAD SAD SAD    Coach is still the shits at play by some ways more tolerable than Cole since he's play acting as a heel; but isn't a complete tool parroting everything in his headset.  How long before Lawler is outta there too?    Quadruple sad.  Well, I guess Mike Tenay will have an annual lock on Announcer of the Year from now on.  That's the end of WWE's two top people of perceived credibility on air to marks-well, if JR is gone from on-camera work (SNIFF);  and Linda gone as the perceived fans top babyface.... 
Shouldn't she be "fired" for being part of the lamest "stunner" in her story last week?

*Ron and Fez shock radio show on XM just now reviewed last night's RAW--hilariously. 

Fez said he didn't care for the show - that the McMahon's went on and on like at Homecoming.  That Stephanie is now bleached out and doing her Dad's power walk to the ring, that the McMahon's back on TV "will be hideous...they're just really bad actors," then Ron asked him if JR is fired again..."is it real this time or is he just going off to do another cook book and then return?  I'm not buying it....HHH is boring when all he does is talk."   Pretty perceptive from casual fans, and right on the air.

From Walt Wolansky:
I get the impression that they are leading to Hogan vs. Austin at WM with JR in Austin's corner and Vince in Hogan's corner.  Maybe they'll have the stip that if Austin wins, JR gets his announcing job back.


After RAW ended last night, Jim Ross grabbed the mic and was asked what he thought of being fired. Ross thanked the fans for being there for all the years and said even though he was from Oklahoma and they were from Texas, they were still Human Beings. This was just a rant thanking everyone.

He said the McMahon's could kiss his *** and walked up the ramp. He was then greeted by Jerry Lawler and the two went to the back.

Lita told Bischoff that she heard a rumor that he was being replaced by a legend.  Go over to to watch the video on WWE unlimited...
They also have some footage of Jr. saying goodbye to the fans after Raw went of the air.




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