- 07/26/2017 (5:17:29 pm)
- Bob Mulrenin
Evolve Mini-Doc on ACH
We hope you are enjoying your summer! We have been taking it slow with the WWN Alerts for the past couple of weeks, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot going on. We are back with more match announcements, a new EVOLVE Mini-Doc, the latest on upcoming Seminars for talent and creative, plus the biggest clearance sale in WWN history and more! Let’s get to it….
July 26th: WWN is preparing for a “Super Week” starting next weekend. Here’s the lineup:
-Friday, August 4th: Style Battle S1:E6 in Ybor City, FL
-Saturday, August 5th: FIP Heatstroke 2017 in Ybor City, FL
-Sunday, August 6th: ACW Retribution 2017 in Port Richey, FL
-Friday, August 11th: WWN Creative Seminar in Joppa, MD
-Friday, August 11th: WWN Seminar/Tryout For In Ring Talent In Joppa, MD
-Friday, August 11th: EVOLVE 90 in Joppa, MD
Click the links for info on each event. Watch Style Battle, FIP, ACW and EVOLVE on!
July 26th: EVOLVE officials have decided to further the punishment of ACH and Ethan Page for their actions at EVOLVE 89 in Atlanta. This time, all punishment will be in the ring. ACH and Ethan Page will be forced to team against the former EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Chris Dickinson & Jaka at EVOLVE 90 on August 11th in Joppa, MD. Dickinson & Jaka are angry after the shocking upset at EVOLVE 88 that saw Anthony Henry & James Drake win the EVOLVE Tag Team Championship. Tickets are available here.
July 26th: It will be Ethan Page vs. ACH on August 12th at EVOLVE 91 in Queens, NY. This time, there will be no comedy or shenanigans. They must wrestle the type of match that made EVOLVE’s reputation. It will also be the opening bout. For more background on this, please watch the new EVOLVE Mini-Doc on ACH.
July 26th: Mark Haskins will make his EVOLVE debut at EVOLVE 91 in Queens, NY. EVOLVE officials have waited a long time to finally get the exceptionally talented Haskins in EVOLVE. It will be Mark Haskins vs. Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly. Haskins did challenge Zack Sabre Jr. for the EVOLVE Championship at the WWN Supershow earlier in the year, but this is his first time in an EVOLVE ring. August 12th is going to be a huge day with the EVOLVE and PROGRESS double header. Please note both events are a separate ticket. Get tickets now at
July 26th: WWN is moving into a new training center, so we have to clear out our storage. This means we are having the biggest clearance sale in WWN history. All EVOLVE, Dragon Gate USA and FIP DVDs are now only $4 each in the Shop. Once a title is sold out, it’s gone forever! This includes some of the greatest WWN cards ever with stars like Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan), Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose), Claudio Castagnoli (Cesaro), Chris Hero, CM Punk, Johnny Gargano, Ricochet, El Generico, The Young Bucks, all the stars of Dragon Gate and many others including several WWE/NXT stars! Please browse the Shop for all the available titles and match listings.
July 26th: There are still a few spots left in the WWN Creative Seminar on August 11th in Joppa, MD. This is a unique learning experience for any existing promoters/bookers who want to enhance their skills or anyone who was ever interested in the creative side of wrestling. It will be hosted by the co-creator of ROH, DGUSA, EVOLVE and the current WWN VP Of Creative Gabe Sapolsky. You will be given the lessons Sapolsky has learned as Paul Heyman’s personal assistant in ECW and more recently with the WWE relationship with EVOLVE. Go here for all the info on this opportunity.
July 26th: We will be back later this week with the brackets for next Friday’s Style Battle, more matches for next Saturday’s FIP, the latest on EVOLVE and more! In the meantime, check out our $4 DVDs and get some of the greatest matches and shows of the past decade! Don’t miss out! Thank you for reading today’s WWN Alerts.

Tags: ACH, ACW, American Combat Wrestling, Evolve, FIP, Full Impact Pro, Style Battle, WWN,