• 03/15/2007 (10:14:19 pm)
  • Press Release


On Saturday March 17, 2007 Jersey All Pro Wrestling will present their latest installment of Wild Card. This year the stakes are even higher as 8 competitiors will do battle for the JAPW Heavyweight Championship in an elimination style guantlet match. Who will emerge victorous and bring stability back to the JAPW Heavyweight Championship that has been thrust into turmoil with the last 2 championship reigns.

Jersey All Pro Wrestling officials have chosen the eight wrestlers who will compete that night. The order will be random and chosen moments before the Guantlet Match will take place. Here are the 8 competitors.

1. Low Ki
2. Ruckus
3. B Boy
4. EC Negro
5. Chris Hero
6. Davey Richards
7. Jonny D's Mystery Wrestler
8. Delerious

In true Wild Card fashion, the JAPW NJ State Champion Frankie Kazarian and JAPW Tag Team Champions Jay Lethal & Azrieal will defend their championships against unnamed and random opponents chosen at the beginging of the night, the champions will not know until they reach the ring.

Due to the actions of the returning Slyk Wagner Brown last show, Monsta Mack has challenged him at Wildcard.

Wrestlers appearing that night and eligable for all Wild Card matches as well as regular matches are as follows:

Human Tornado
El Generico
Grim Reefer
Sexxxy Eddy
Beef Wellington
Bandido Jr
The Outkast Killaz
Danny Demanto
Daizee Haze
Kevin Mathews
Cha Cha
Melissa Stripes

Also remember that bell time is a special 7:30PM so our fans can enjoy the rest of the St Patricks Day evening after our show.

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