- 04/20/2007 (7:05:02 pm)
- Georgiann Makropoulos
Also photo of Austin in AZ, and on radio Live tonight…
Former DSW/WWE developmental wrestler Kevin Matthews has posted a blog on his MySpace page in which he shoots on former DSW Trainer Bill DeMott and talks about his experience in DSW when he was there.
My Time in Deep South Wrestling R.I.P
Link to Original article from 4/19
*** Note To William Demott and Others - When I write "Letters" I Sign my name to them and my name is not "Anonymous" ****
As I got online to check my mail yesterday I was literally flooded with instant messages from anybody and everybody all informing me of the same thing.. "DSW is done". Now myself being a very outspoken individual on my opinions of Deep South and ESPECIALLY Bill Demott I feel the need to finally shed some light on my "time served" in Hell... I mean Deep South.
Over the past year I have noticed rumors & reports online about the ongoing occurances that would happen behind the closed doors of DSW, They would state how Demott would run us into the ground, make us do a "boot camp workout" and ultimately when the day was complete we learned a whole bunch of nothing about "Professional Wrestling". Now the one thing I have to say about all of these reports was each and everyone that I saw were all almost 100% accurate.
In My opinion and many others Billy was not in no position to be a head trainer of ANYTHING unless it was training for upcoming all-you-can-eat contests. Now I'm not using this to trash DSW by anymeans, because DSW belonged to Jody Hamilton who was and is a Great man. He treated me extremely well and looked after me during my tenure there. When I speak about my time in DSW I'm speaking solely about Mr. Neck fat himself Bill Demott. What I found funny about training is we would spend so much time getting annihilated by his useless workouts that when It came to ring time all he could do was drill you till your knees started buckling underneath you. Again I don't blame Bill because he had to figure a way to kill 4-6hrs every day and god knows he doesn't have a clue about how to "work" so how can he teach THAT? (Don't believe me, watch ANY of his matches)
On a daily basis there were 2 classes, there was Dave Taylor's 9-12am class (The good/fun class) and then there was Demotts class from 12-Whenever you couldn't move anymore (usually 5 o'clock) . I can honestly say that I spent more time injured then I did training and the funny part is never once did I get injured in Dave's class. Come to think of it when you look at all the injuries that occurred in DSW (hernia surgeries, several knee surgeries, My bicep surgery, amongst COUNTLESS others) ALL occurred during Bills Kill Drill Class.
In my opinion even though it was several months after his release the ultimate fall of Deep South was on Demott as he made that place a living hell for anyone who wasn't part of his clique. Unless you bowed to him and kissed his ass chances are you were gonna be buried. From anyone who went to both Developmental's they said the comparison was like "heaven and hell". Some people told me he was just bitter because he was no longer a talent on the road while I myself believe it made him feel like a bigger person to bully others. There have been countless incidences where I thought for sure He would be replaced but it never happened. How a "trainer" can get away with trying to break a talents ankle and nothing happens to him is beyond me. How come no letters from OVW were sent to the office yet it almost seemed like letters exposing Bill were mailed weekly from Deep South? Again and nothing happened. So In my opinion this was a long time coming and Bill is to blame for the demise of DSW. Instead of making talent he got his rocks off on "mentally breaking" talent and making them feel like a piece of shit.
Now myself I'm a thick headed son of a bitch I can honestly say that but I will also admit I was broken down in a big way. I went into Deep South with confidence and left a shell of the person I came in as.
And the truth is if there weren't reasons that I felt the need to stay I would of asked for my release and or transfer 2 weeks in. Billy and myself butted heads almost immediately and I was consistently refereed to as a "talker backer". When Demott doesn't like you for whatever reason (never having to do with how talented or not you are) he goes after you and either A)Trys to mentally break you to the point you quit or B)Buries you to the office until you get fired. I remember one time he got in the ring with me and told me to give him a fireman's carry takeover to which he then just plopped down on top of me which I took as a shoot which I was pretty much waiting for because at this point I couldn't fucking stand this guy. 2 Times he did it and both times I threw him off of me, And I have to admit coming into DSW I was slightly intimidated by his rep but it turned out to be all hot smoke. From that point on he lost any credibility as a tough guy that he had me believing he was coming in. Wasn't afraid of him then, Most definitely not afraid of him now I think he's a rather disturbed, delusional, Bi-Polar man who needs to seek professional help ASAP.
Now he had his clique of guys who basically did what drills they felt like doing and got cut ALOT of slack.You had people with no training come in who buddied up to Bill and then walked and talked like they owned the place it was just insane.Then you had his sorry cronies the ones you just look at and nod you head at how pathetic they really are.. The 2 that stand out are Eric Perez & Bradley Jay. First off Perez is by far one of the sadest, sorriest, sons of bitches I ever met in my life and apparently asking around people overseas arent to fond of "Eric Alexander" themselves. And Mr Bradley Jay or Brad Bradley better known to you midwest fans as he has a very big mouth, both used for Ass Kissing & Running. Time to get exposed Bradley.. When I got injured and tore my bicep he made it a point to say "IF THEY RELEASE YOU MAKE SURE YOU THROW BILL UNDER THE BUS", (I know your reading this Billiam, Kinda sucks finding out "your boys" say this behind your back eh?). BUT once I was release good ol brad with those lovely ass kissing lips also made it a point to bury me to try and "get over".. Touche' Brad helleva job! Now How people like this can look in the Mirror and actually be proud of themselves and feel like there "real men" is beyond me. Newsflash YOUR A FUCKING PUPPET. But at a solid $500.00 a week I mean its worth it who can turn down an opportunity like that.
There are people who I would like to see make it from DSW and hope its not over for them. Derrick Neikirk & Mike Knox both helped me out a lot when I needed advice or when Bill was trying to mentally fuck me about one thing or another. Not sure what Knox deal with ECW is but I really hope Neikirk gets a good run on TV, I think hes awesome to watch in the ring. It sucked to see Mike & Tracey let go, they made me killer gear!! lol.. Mike to me was probably then best talent in both developmentals and they lost out big not utilizing him.
Now speaking of Mike & Tracey it reminds me of there partner Mr. Poetry himself Tony Santerelli. Now everyone who knows me mainly on the east coast knows me for my mouth, whether its good or bad they know I don't lie, sugercoat or beat around the bush if I catch heat for it so be it. That brings me to a "Letter" that was written that was never sent to the dirtsheets, never sent to the office and was sent to 3 of 4 talents in DSW. In the letter it basically was poorly written and kept saying "Bill cusses at us", It said nothing, exposed nothing and basically had no reason whatsoever but at the end said "If DSW doesn't change this letter is going to the office and all the dirtsheets". Now me apparently being public enemy #1 with the nice bullseye on my head... wanna guess who the letter was pinned on?? Now I have 2 problems with that, #1 If I were to write a letter it would be either to ask for a transfer or ask for my release. #2 Why would I write a letter bitching about a whole bunch of nothing when I was out injured? .. Never the less the a certain individual decided to tell everyone (after I was already released) he played detective and the anonymous email was by me. Now I have no animosity twards this person because I actually don't believe he thought I wrote it for 2 seconds but the heat was on him as long as the mystery wasn't solved and if you pin it on a guy no longer in the company.. guess what? CASE CLOSED! But never the less I thought I'd shed some light on that. And By the way if he really did play detective it would of be extremely easy to relieze it wasn't me. So Anyways Tony, How ya doin?
Now don't get me wrong this is all slightly upsetting because I like most were a child with a dream to one day work for the WWF/E and I got that chance but because of one waste of life it turned into a nightmare. I really wish it would of worked out different but I lived my life never regretting nothing and always look straight ahead to the future!
And for the record I was a very big Greg Gagne supporter, He was one of the only people who made it fun along with Dave Taylor. Its good to see Dave doing good back on the road where he belongs and I really hope Greg is doing well too, He's one crazy son of a B !!!
I still do this day cant fully understand how Bill was able to manipulate people and was almost surprised at who couldn't see through him. Kudos to my buddy Kenny Omega for holding his ground and not letting that place break him. Man I miss the way he used to make Bill look so stupid, He was/is amazing at what he does and can do. Bill attempted several times to break Kenny O but just couldn't and he left on his own conditions while others ultimately became part of Bill's puppet show. But that's the way it went there, If He couldn't control you then you were his enemy and he then goes after you like a shark smelling blood. In a lot of ways He was EXTREMELY immature and acted like a 14yr old girl with a lot of things.
I tip my hat to MVP & The Gymini both were who they were, never changed did what they had to do made it to TV and did/are doing great.
I hope they utilize Dr. Tom Pritchard the best they can because that is one mind you do not want to waste. My 1 regret was not being apart of Deep South under Dr. Tom's training.
In closing I want to Thank Jody Hamilton, Dave Taylor, Tommy Dreamer, Greg Gagne, Nick Patrick, John Laurinitis and everyone else who contributed to DSW in a POSITIVE way.
Thanks to Bob for sending us this info:
Stone Cold Steve Austin will be on Tom Green Live @ tonight. Talk to Stone Cold live on the phone @ 11 pm est. 8 pm pst. You can call in @ 323-845-9976.. If you can get through....
Also thanks to Arl04 for sending us this picture of Stone Cold Steve Austin at 98 KUPD Radio Station in Arizona.
