- 04/17/2017 (11:53:55 am)
- Bob Mulrenin
K&S Promotions & Highspots Invade Icons of Wrestling on Saturday April 22 at the 2300 Arena!!
Go to www.Collectorfest.com for all show details!!!
Scheduled to appear and sign their BRAND NEW WWE Mattel Elite Figures are…
WWE/WCW Superstar BRUTUS “The Barber” BEEFCAKE! (Brutus will also be doing Dream Team photo ops with Greg Valentine)
We also go to the EXTREME at the 2300 Arena, as we present a once in a LIFETIME Photo Op from 1pm to 2pm ONLY and for only $30!!!!! get in a photo with these 8 ECW Originals!!!
Danny Doring
New Jack
Pit Bull Gary Wolfe
Joel Gertner
JT Smith
CW Anderson
The Blue Meanie
Also signing at the K&S / Highspots table will be..
Danny Doring
JT Smith
Pit Bull Gary Wolf
CW Anderson
We are not taking preorders for this show so it will be pay day of for all our talent at Iconscollectorfest…
Any questions be email us at wrestlefest05@hotmail.com