• 05/15/2007 (11:26:07 pm)
  • Press Release

Show: 3 Count Wrestling  courtesy of
Guest: "The Genius" Lanny Poffo
Date: 5/14/07
Your Hosts: Chris Furguson & Brian Luquette
Produced By: Chris Furguson

The Wrestling Epicenter is back up and running - forums, store, and shows combined - after a short hiatus. And, we're back with one of our favorite guests!

After a show where host Chris calls out all "hardcore original ECW fans" and Brian admits that he was on drugs during the previous show, we proudly present the latest interview with the one and only Poet Laureate of professional wrestling, "The Genius," "Leaping" Lanny Poffo.

This 54-minute interview begins with Curt Hennig's "Perfect Twist" WWE theme song.

*Lanny's thoughts on his Classic Superstars 15 "doll," which comes out in a few months.  "I'm very excited and thankful to Jakks Pacific and the World Wrestling Entertainment for the allowing me to have a doll out, finally.  I just got, through e-mail, the pictures of what the doll...  I'm very happy with how the doll came out, although I will admit I will never live up to those shoulders and arms!."

*We then get philosophical as we talk about how many stars of the 80's did not live past 40.  "There is a philosophy that I disagree with, which is 'life fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse.'  For people who feel that way, I don't understand that mentality."

*Lanny goes off on a tangent about ten-year olds and peer pressure in regards to smoking, not to mention the effects of sitting hunched over Microsoft Word while typing his book "Tales from the Heart (and Lungs)."

*Lanny wishes he could have attended the WWE's Hall of Fame induction of Curt Hennig.  He was not invited, but he did volunteer and understands why he wasn't there.

*Lanny's father, Angelo Poffo, turned 82 on April 10.  "About a month and a half ago, he collapsed and hit his face.  He looked like a raccoon... but not as cute because those raccoons are really cute!"  Lanny then gets serious and talks about a decision that he, Angelo, his mother and brother, Randy Savage, made.

*Lanny recites "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" every year for children in Florida and goes into his love for poets Shel Silverstein, Dr. Seuss and Charles Dickens.  "The Grinch" was a particular favorite of Lanny's daughter, who wanted to hear it even in July!

You can view a recital of Lanny Poffo performing "The Grinch" at his website, in the "Videos" section.

Lanny Poffo goes into his movie, "Curse of the Wolf" and how he changed his character, the method of which must be heard to be believed.  You can find clips of "Curse of the Wolf" at as well as purchase the DVD.

On the other hand, Lanny has no idea about his role in "Card Subject to Change."

Chris, the interviewer, makes the blunder to end all blunders as he gets the date wrong on Lanny's "Saturday Night's Main Event" victory over Hulk Hogan in 1989.  Lanny then shares the poem he gave after his win.

Lanny then goes into how his most proud moment wasn't getting the win over Hogan but how he was on the top of the marquee when two box office records fell, one in Los Angeles and one in Oklahoma City.

Did WCW pay Lanny Poffo for 3 years for doing nothing?  "Yes."  (The one word answer was because of a "Democrat Presidential Debate" which aired that day.)  Lanny then goes into detail about the situation regarding his WCW paychecks.

Lanny, however, was NOT "Wild Cat Willie," contrary to internet reports, and has no idea who that was.

Lanny says he had not seen the "Black Machismo" gimmick that Jay Lethal uses in TNA, but says that "If he can make money with it, I'm sure Randy's not against it because he believes that more than one person can sit at the table and feast."

What saved Lanny's two books, "Wrestling With Rhyme" and "Limericks From The Heart (And Lungs), was PayPal!  He's received so many orders for books, pictures, DVDs and whatnot that he's backlogged.  "I've finally got out of the 19th century and got PayPal!"

We get into a few word associations, including

Regis Philbin - "I wish I could go on again and plug my books!"

Sherri Martel - "I wish her nothing but the best."

Rick Martel - Lanny goes into a spiel about another of his videos on his website ( where he talks about surprising Rick on his 50th birthday, and then recites the poem he wrote.

Wayne Bloom - "Who?"  Lanny then explains that he could never tell the Beverly Brothers apart and knew them as "Bo and Blake."

Jacques Rougeau - "I am the Mountie!"

Ole Anderson - Lanny goes into how his poems for the WWE ( includes one about the Four Horsemen that has Ole's name in it.  Lanny then goes into books and other things involving Ole.

Rob Van Dam - Lanny goes into a story about how Molly Holly (Nora Greenwald) told him that RVD was a huge fan of Lanny's.  Lanny then explains that the "student has surpassed the master" and that "I am his biggest fan."

Tony Little - A lot of caffeine, right?"

Randy Savage - "If I were a fan, I'd be a fan of his."  Lanny then talks about the Savage/Steamboat match in a way that must be heard.

- - -

Lanny Poffo's website is and his WWE poems may be found at  3CW thanks Lanny Poffo for such a great interview and his compliments at the end.

For this, and other interviews from the Wrestling Epicenter, please go to  Recent interviews include the Christian Cage TNA Teleconference before Lockdown, "Classic" Colt Cabana and Buff Bagwell.

Also check out the "Piledriver" and our newest show, "Hour Slam Wrestling."

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