• 10/19/2005 (8:52:33 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

An answer to Eli’s letter….

I would like to say that I, although I may be in the minority, completely disagree with the two letters you have published on your site.  These people obviously have no idea what it is like to run a wrestling company, which Mr. McMahon has done successfully for years on end.  Sure, he has made some bad decisions, i.e. Invasion, but truthfully, the good outweigh the bad.  If he is so out of touch with the fans, he would not be using any of the former WCW and ECW stars he is using today.  If he was so out of touch with the fans, he would be trying to bury Cena, Batista and all of the mainstream "crossover stars" not allowing to branch out into other projects.  He would not bring back legends, many of which he has burned bridges with in the past, for the old-school fans, like myself.
And, as far as re-using angles, obviously, he has a grasp of what worked in the past, and so what if he rehashes the same angles, if they worked, why not?  At least he's not having say, Candice Michelle give birth to a foot or something.  And if you find watching Raw and Smackdown to be a chore...how can you honestly call yourself a true wrestling fan? 
So, before you lay the bad mouth on Vince McMahon, ask yourself a question, if you ran WWE, would there still be a WWE?  I honestly think the answer would be no.
Sincerely,   Eli Parish
I wish to respond to Eli Parish's letter questioning whether I am a
"true wrestling fan."  I just want the product to be better, don't you?
You do agree that business is DOWN?  House show and TV taping attendance is down.  PPV buys are down. TV ratings are down.  In general, overall business for the WWE is down.   I mean, WWE is doing something wrong.
There has to be a reason this is happening. 

The reason, in my opinion is that the fans are NOT  happy with the
product.  It is as plain as the nose on your face.   I mean, the product
has suffered lately , mainly due to terrible writing, and poor booking,
and poor, rehashed storylines.  I mean, you said, "So what if they are
rehashed?"   Well, my personal objection is that WWE is stuck,
storylinewise, in 1998 (heel boss vs baby face good guy).  I mean, the
"Austin vs McMahon" storyline was awesome during 1998, but it is the
year 2005...it is not 1998 anymore and the heel boss is so passe.   It
is time to move on is all I am trying to say.

A "true wrestling fan", in my opinion, wants to see their favorite sport
flourish, and do well.




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