• 07/24/2005 (9:18:04 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

ROH announced a return to Philly, PA for October 2nd……

JULY 22, 2005
By Dennis Smith
Old Bridge, New Jersey
I attended ROH's return to the National Guard Armory in Philadelphia and once again the ROH wrestlers worked their collective asses off. Unfortunately, the cracks in Gabe Sapolsky's booking are really starting to show. The crowd left majorly pissed off. I read some reports about last week's show in Connecticut, where people were arguing if the crowd left pissed or if it was just a few frustrated fans. I can attest to the fact this crowd was pissed and vocal about it.
The show opened with El Generico pinning Kevin Steen with a backslide. Decent opener.
Some weird angle that came off like a Muhammed Hassan wannabe segment. Gary Capetta informed Prince Nana that abuse of Jade Chung will not be tolerated any longer. Nana was yelling about sending her back to Thailand. This went on and on and ended with Nana putting a leash on her and treating her like a dog. I don't come to ROH for this crap.Sapolsky needs to remember his audience and stop worrying about giving so many statements glorifying people to the sheets and net crowd. It's backfiring.
In a match for the ROH Tag Team Titles,  BJ Whitemer and Jimmy Jacobs beat The Carnage Crew. They tried hard but it didn't click too well.
ROH announced a return to Philly for October 2, 2005.
Low Ki, Homicide, and Ricky Reyes defeated Samoa Joe, James Gibson (Jamie Knoble) and  Jay Lethal. The finish saw Homicide use a Lariat Clothesline with a chain wrapped around his arm to pin Gibson. Crowd just hated the bullshit finish. Lots of Jamie chants afterwards.
With the crowd pissed, matters got worse when The Ring Crew Express match with Davey Andres and Shane Hagdom never took place because Carnage Crew attacked Ring Crew and destroyed them wiith weapons.
Alex Shelley  joined the Embassy, and his partner was Fast Eddie Vegas. They defeated Roderick Strong & Jack Evans. Shelly pinned Aries after Jimmy Rave hit him with a chair. AJ Styles hit the ring to make the save and in Gabe's tribute to his mentor Paul Heyman's style booking, the street fight would take place right here and now.
AJ Styles was defeated by Jimmy Rave when Alex Shelly interfered on Rave's behalf. How Gabe thought this would satisfy his crowd is beyond. It's a mostly internet crowd, and these bullshit finishes are going to cut it.
ROH Champion CM Punk wrestled Christopher Daneils to a 1 hour Draw, and the crowd didn't like that too much. This CM Punk angle may give Sapolsky a lot to talk to the media about, but it's time to cut it off. This match didn't work. at least not to what Sapolsky had to be expecting. Afterwar the 1 hour draw, CM Punk had incidents with both Gibson and Samoa Joe. Puink laid out Gibson and Daneils with belt shots until Samoa Joe ran him off. The crowd left pissed at the finish and at the proliferation of bullshit finishes in what was supposed to be a clean finish type of promotion.
ROH is losing it's magical touch with its audience because Sapolsky is no longer listening to his crowd.



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