• 12/13/2017 (7:59:52 pm)
  • Bob Mulrenin
SHIMMER – WOMEN ATHLETES News for Dec. 11, 2017

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– SHIMMER 100-104 tickets now on sale!
– Volumes 80 & 81 available for pre-order on DVD!


Saturday, April 7, 2018 (4PM bell time)
Pontchartrain Center
4545 Williams Blvd.
Kenner, LA 70065
Purchase tickets at

Friday, April 13, 2018 (8PM bell time)
Berwyn Eagles Club
6309 26th Street
Berwyn, IL 60402
Purchase tickets at

SHIMMER 101 & 102
Saturday, April 14, 2018 (2PM bell time)
Berwyn Eagles Club
6309 26th Street
Berwyn, IL 60402
Purchase tickets at

SHIMMER 103 & 104
Sunday, April 15, 2018 (Noon bell time)
Berwyn Eagles Club
6309 26th Street
Berwyn, IL 60402
Purchase tickets at

The next live event for SHIMMER – WOMEN ATHLETES is SHIMMER 100 at the Pontchartrain Center (4545 Williams Blvd.) in Kenner, LA, just outside of New Orleans! Bell time is 4:00PM. SHIMMER 100 will be a part of the WWN Live Experience weekend of events, taking place right after the PROGRESS event earlier that afternoon at the same location. Visit for more details, and to purchase tickets.

Then one week later, SHIMMER – WOMEN ATHLETES returns to the Berwyn Eagles Club (6309 26th Street) in Berwyn, IL on Saturday & Sunday, April 14 & 15, 2018 for SHIMMER 101-104! SHIMMER 101 & 102 will take place on Saturday, April 14, with a 2:00PM bell time. SHIMMER 103 & 104 will take place on Sunday, April 15, with a 12:00PM bell time. 

Beginning with the SHIMMER 101-104 weekend of events, there will be a new seating setup, with tickets available in four price brackets. The 166 “best seats in the house” in the first three rows are now available as reserved, numbered seats. These reserved seating areas are available at a cost of $100 (first row), $50 (second row), and $40 (third row) per full day of taping, which consists of two volumes worth of live matches in the SHIMMER series. General admission seating remains available as well, at a cost of $30 per full day of taping. The general admission seats are not numbered/reserved. 

Below is a look at the new seating chart, and the corresponding seat numbers for the revised setup. As you can see, with the new setup, the third row seats which are most centered on the ring are those which are now available as reserved seats, while those toward the ends remain general admission. We’ve also relocated some of the merchandise tables (which will only be used during intermission) to below the production stage, and eliminated general admission seating in Section D, due to hard cam blocking issues. Only holders of the reserved seats in Section D will be permitted in that area during the show from this point forward. 

Visit to purchase SHIMMER 101-104 tickets. For those buying reserved seats, if you have a preferred section send your request to when you place your order. We’ll do our best to position you where you’d like to be. As always, our regulars who always sit in the same seats for every show have first crack at their usual spots.
ORLANDO – Tis the season for giving! Major League Wrestling announced today that last week’s event, MLW: Never Say Never will be available in full for free on its YouTube channel effective immediately at:
See a wild no disqualification match featuring Jimmy Havoc and Darby Allin vs. Shane “Swerve” Strickland and John Hennigan. Plus, Matt Riddle vs. Tom Lawlor and so much more!
“It’s the time of the year for giving and we know fans have a lot of holiday shopping to do so we figured we’d hook them up with a gift,” said MLW CEO Court Bauer.
MLW returns in January with MLW: Zero Houremanating from Gilt Nightclub in Orlando, which hosted MLW: Never Say Never.
Ticket prices range from $15-$45 with a limited number of “Golden Ticket” VIP Packages also available.
The following wrestlers are confirmed for the MLW: Zero Hour event:
•Matt Riddle
•Jimmy Havoc
•Darby Allin
•Jeff Cobb
•“Filthy” Tom Lawlor
•Shane “Swerve” Strickland
•Seth Petruzelli
•Sammy Guevara managed by Salina de la Renta
•Jimmy Yuta
•Jason Cade
•Barrington Hughes
Matches and more wrestlers will be announced in the coming days and weeks at
MLW: Zero Hour is an all ages event.
MLW: Zero Hour will be available by January 18th on demand to stream or download with Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini calling the action.  Learn more about at:
GILT is located at 740 Bennett Rd. in Orlando.
Dress code: There is no dress code for this event. If you stay for the after party at GILT there is a dress code of no hats, shorts or tank tops.
Parking: The venue has a parking lot. Space is available on a first come, first serve basis. There is a small fee for parking at the venue’s lot. Valet parking is also available at GILT.
Another fan report on ACE Comic Con:
I woke up on Saturday morning after having a restless night.  I had the most awful dream.  It started out OK though.  I was on my way to meet the Hardy Boys. I was also hoping to possible meet the Undertaker as he would be at the same show.  The tickets had sold out quickly but I was hoping that maybe there might be some extra tickets to be bought at the show.  It was a dream within a dream.  Everything was sweet. 
I had made the drive through the stressful roads of New York and had arrived at my destination, the Nassau Coliseum, early.  I was third in line for the general admission.  I stood there for hours in the cold waiting.  I watched as the VIP line stood there.  I envied the fact that they would get in an hour earlier but then again they had paid the extra money to do so, so they were welcome to it.  However as three o’ clock hit, I noticed that they were not moving.  3:30 – no movement.  3:45 – a snail was crawling to the front of the line past all the VIPers. 4:00 – still nothing. 
Then at 4:15 everyone was being let in.  Yes!  But now we all had to go through security checks.  It took so long.  One person at a time.  One person at a time.  One person at a time.  But finally I was through the “gates of hell” as it were.  I immediately ran up to the first Nassau Coliseum and Ace Comic Con worker to ask where I should go to get my beautiful original and official promos signed by one of the favorite tag teams of all time – the Hardy Boys!  And this is where the dream began to take a turn.  To my surprise, the attendant said “I don’t know”.  Ok, just one worker who is new to the job.  No big deal, I’ll just ask the next one’  “Excuse me sir, can you point me in the direction of the Hardy Boys.”
“Who are the Hardy Boys” was the reply I received. Worker after worker, it seemed as if no one knew anything. I started to question if I was in the wrong place. Maybe the Hardy’s were not here?
I kept pushing on. Finally after doing some of my own exploring,  I found a table with black cloth. Could this be the signing table? I soon found out it was. Ok, I waited and waited. I was second in line. Oh by the way did you know that if you bought your tickets online you had to redeem them at a different table for actual tickets. No? Well neither did I, nor did the hundred other people behind me!!!
Once we the chaos was through, we all got the proper tickets and got back in line. We waited and waited. Finally at about 5:45, the Hardy’s arrived at the table. Yes! Finally, now I can get my promos signed and meet this dynamic duo.
Wait, what’s this? We all have to go through a security check again!!!!!!!!!!
Well of course we did. Why wouldn’t we? I mean probably after the first security check I guess someone could have made a bomb out of some old Jakks figures and maybe a couple Funko Pops.
We waited as everyone went through the security check again. I only had to go through five times. I was lucky.
But still all this would be worth it to meet the Hardy’s right? I mean the end was in sight. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel…well actually there was no light…literally. The Hardy’s were actually sitting in the dark. There was a bunch of guys trying to figure out which lights to turn on.  More waiting!!!
I watched as the Hardy’s sat there looking bored. But again I was now just feet from my goal. Here it was my moment. But why were we still waiting. “Um sir, can I go and meet the Hardy’s and have them sign my promos?”
“No, you cannot.”
“Why not?”
“Because they have nothing to sign with.”  At this my mouth dropped to the ground.  Surely this man was not saying what I thought he was saying.  This could not be happening could it?  I mean, a large scale show catering to the masses would surely remember that the talent that were there to SIGN autographs needed something to write with right? But alas, there were indeed no sharpies and so we waited some more, until finally one of the staff members brought back a lone silver sharpie.
There were many fans on line waiting to get an autograph.  They were promised a picture to have signed, but the staff members forgot those too, so since I had my own promos and all the people in front of me were still waiting for pictures, I got to go first.
I shook hands with both Jeff and Matt.  Really cool guys.  they made some small talk and I handed over my first promo to Jeff so that he could sign it.  I had been waiting for this moment for a very long time…literally!  He took the silver sharpie and…
It did not write well.  He signed my promo but his signature was barely visible!!!!!  What the hell!!!!!  My dream was in total nightmare mode now. Jeff felt so bad.  I explained that it wasn’t his fault but rather the fault of this stupid show but you could tell that he felt bad.  He wanted to sign it again over his original signature but at the point I felt like throwing up so I politely refused.   I pulled back my other three promos and held them.  I explained to the Hardy’s that I wanted to wait until they got SHARPIES THAT WORKED!!!!!
More waiting!  Finally a staff member arrived with some black sharpies that actually worked. (We tested them first.) I got my other three promos signed.  As I left the table, I felt like throwing up.  What an awful experience!  Except for the Hardy’s being totally cool, the whole thing was just absolutely awful!
I walked away and drove home.  Only had two hours of traffic.
I woke up the next day sweating and breathing heavy.  Phew…good thing it was only a dream.  As I proceeded to put my head back on the pillow I noticed something around my wrist.  I took a closer look to find an Ace Comic Con wristband securely fastened around my wrist.  OH NO!!!!  It wasn’t a bad dream after all.  IT WAS ALL REAL!!!!! 
The next day I went to my car to drive to my local shop rite for some breakfast.  My drivers side front tire was completely flat and resting on the rim.  It seems I ran over a very large nail.  Stupid New York construction!  Thanks Ace Comic Con!

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