- 08/18/2005 (1:02:10 pm)
- Dan Wills
Paul Heyman & Company topped last week’s bloody angle…..
By Dan Wills
I don't know how to describe the atmosphere at The New Davis Arena in Louisville, Kentucky last night but Paul Heyman and company delivered a show that even topped last week's bloody angle involving Johnny Jeter and Matt Cappotelli. You have tohear the whole story to understand it, but this may be competition with last week's angle for best one of the year.
All I can say is that I've never seen people crying like they were last week when Capotelli got hurt, and last night there was some real heat on Johnny Jeter and the best shoot style angle at the end of the night I have ever in my life witnessed because of the way it built and kept going and seemed just so real.
The show opens with highlights from last week's show, with the vicious beatdown an already injured Matt Cappotelli took from Johnny Jeter. The crowd was very interested in hearing what Cappotelli's status is, since there has never been a bloodletting like this in OVW history.
Johnny Jeter comes out and starts a promo. Jeter now has real heat. Both Dean Hill
and Al Snow show their dislike for Jeter, who talks about how Capotelli is a cripple and how Jeter is a champion, but everyone still talks about Capotelli. Then Jeter says no more title shots for Brent Albright, which brings out Albright, who gets in Jeter's face. Albright says the only reason Jeter is standing there instead of getting beaten up is that Albright wants a rematch, and he knows Jeter would hind behind an injury. Jeter confirms that Albright has no intention of hitting him, and then shoves Albright by the face. Albright and Jeter lock horns, with both men and Al Snow going to the ground. The locker room empties, and they are pulled apart.
As Jeter and Albright are being pulled apart, Jeter starts yelling at Albright. This enrages Elijah Burke, who leaves the crew pulling out Albright and walks up to Jeter, and delivers a great babyface promo challenging Jeter for the title. Jeter says he's sorry for everything and he's caused enough trouble, and he's just going to leave. Elijah puts the mic down, and Jeter cracks Elijah with the title belt, knocking him out.
Throughout the night, everyone talks about Jeter and the things he's done lately. Lots of good stuff on the show, including an excellent MMA style match with Daniel Puder (Introduced from the locker room by Mr Ken Anderson) vs Robert Fury; an interesting heel vs heel match with Aaron "The Idol" Stevens (with Beth Phoenix and Shelly) taking on Mike Mondo, using an old school basic finish that actually worked and fit the storyline; and an OVW TV Title
Match with Nick Nemeth challenging Ken Doane, with the Doane-Lashley storyline being forwarded, and the crowd really into it, all on the show.
Then it comes time for the update on Matt Capotelli, who calls in from the hospital.
Capotelli cuts a great promo, swearing to come back after Jeter. But Jeter comes out to the desk and pulls the phone out of the socket and disconnects Capotelli. But here comes the bizarre angle that looked like a shoot and sure felt like one, too.
First, Jeter starts this promo, where he speaks every syllable slowly. This was so great.
Then Jeter compares himself to Capotelli, and says, "on hand, cripple. On this hand,
Jeter starts saying, "cripple, champion. Cripple, champion. Cripple," and then Dean Hill mutters something that sounded like "asshole." The crowd started to buzz, because Dean Hill is a 25 year veteren of the police force, has been in OVW forever, has never really shown anything but happy emotion, and is this big tall loveable lousy announcer. Jeter turns to Dean, and asks "what was that?" Dean says, loudly, "I called you an asshole!" Now everyone is starting to stand, because this is coming off real as real can be. Jeter starts to say something, but Dean, with no mic, starts to throw a temper tantrum. Al Snow tries to console Dean, but Dean pulls his arm away and just berates Jeter about what a punk he's become and how last week Jeter was out of control, and then takes out his earpiece, throws the ring bell hammer down, and starts to storm off, and it sounded like he said "Fuck you" on the way out. Jeter said something, which I couldn't hear over everyone going crazy, and Dean turned around, blood red in the face, and stormed up to Jeter and gave him the finger and screamed "Fuck you!" at Jeter. Dean storms off, and the place is in a uproar.
Jeter turns to a ringside cameraman and says, "do you believe this?" and the ringside cameraman puts down his camera, says something to Jeter, and walks off as well!
OK, it sure looks like a shoot. People are buying it. Me? I don't care, this is just great stuff!
Jeter turns to Al Snow, and says, "you gotta problem too?" And now Al Snow starts taking off his watch, and stands up. It's going to be Al who fights Jeter! But from the locker room
comes Brent Albright who is being restrained by seven or eight guys, and Albright is dragging them. Jeter is mouthing off, and Albright breaks free and they start slugging away like Edge and Matt Hardy's first pullapart. And then came the next surprise.
With everyone pulling back Albright, in which Albright's arms are being held, Jeter grabs Dean Hill's empty chair and just demolishes Albright with it. This was shocking. Albright is knocked out, and a few guys stay with him, but the rest of the guys start to walk towards Jeter, who is trapped. Jeter gets in the ring, but everyone surrounds the ring. The guys get into the ring, and it looks like Jeter is in a for a fight with someone when Danny Davis comes running out into the ring and tells everyone to stop. Danny tells all the wrestlers in the ring to leave. He tells the wrestlers on the floor to leave. He tells the other ringside cameraman to leave. Then Danny tells Johnny Jeter to stay. The place is going nuts like I've never seen here, and for the first time, every single person is standing.
Danny Davis is alone in the ring with Jeter and is just berating him with no mic and no ringside cameramen and Danny just starts slapping Jeter and slapping him hard. Jeter puts up a hand to defend himself and Danny just decks him. This is a fight. Danny Davis starts throwing Jeter around when Jeter grabs the title belt and cracks Danny with a thud everyone in the building heard. Jeter then took the title belt and whipped Danny Davis. Anyone who has ever gone to the Davis Arena knows Danny's wife Julie Davis works the front door and concession stand, and she runs up to the ring screaming for Jeter to stop. As vicious as Jeter beat on Capotelli last week with a chair, he beat on Danny Davis with that title belt.
Julie runs out the side door, where all the wrestlers and cameramen went, and screams for help, and everyone rushes back in, and Jeter takes off running. They tended to Danny for a long time, and people could see the belt marks and the fact he had to be legitimately knocked out because they couldn't get him to his feet. Maybe he was working, but it was great.
After a long time, they finally got Danny to his feet, and he looked very embarrassed, which got a huge "Danny Danny" chant. The wrestlers had looks of real concern on their faces. Tommy Dreamer came out and appeared shook up and got on the house mic and announced there would, for the 2nd week in a row, be no dark match after the show tonight, but thank you for coming and please come back next week.
I hung around after the show in the parking lot because like last week, a lot of people stayed in the parking lot talking about the show. Lots of discussion about whether things got out of control again. Lots of people were shook up over the beating Davis took, and some people even claiming they know Capotelli really is in the hospital and that Jeter is out of control and that he can't be fired because he's under contract and that's why took advantage of Danny Davis. Other people just into the whole story right now, and really into these OVW TV shows.