• 05/26/2006 (7:10:34 pm)
  • Eric Hall


OVW Spoilers
And preview for this weekend's tv show
by Eric Hall
OVW returned to The Davis Arena (4400 Shepherdsville Road in Louisville) on Wednesday night (May 24) with the final tv show before next week's June 2nd Summer Sizzler Show at Six Flags.
In the biggest news of the night, Kurt Angle has accepted the challenge as issued by Idol Stevens and they will have a one-on-one match at Six Flags on June 2nd. Excellent match by Idol, who soundly defeated Chet The Jet Jablonski. The match with Angle vs Idol should be very good.
In a major upset, Shad Gaspard and The Neighborhoody defeated KC James and Roadkill for the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles. I guess KC and Roadkill are on their way to Smackdown.
Miz and Roni Jonah have hired Charles Evans to be their Security Guard. Miz introduced Charles Evans, who came out to the ring accompanied by Kenny Bolin, who has not been seen except on those lousy pizza commercials for months. Evans is the most impressive wrestler in the OVW Amateur class. Bolin offered nothing except the same old BS he's done for years. Seth Skyfire and Shelly's feud with Miz and Roni has been excellent. Everytime Shelly and Roni get near each other, the crowd goes crazy.
CM Punk defended the OVW Heavyweight Championship against Spirit Squad Johnny, aka Johnny Jeter, the former OVW Heavyweight Champion. This was an excellent match, even better than Punk's match last week with Ken Kennedy. The Anaconda Vise is what secured the victory for Punk, who has done great lately with Brent Albright,  Kennedy, and now Jeter.
OVW returns to the Davis Arena next Wednesday night for another tv taping. Directions and information are available at www.ovwrestling.com.

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