• 10/18/2005 (6:47:52 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

Let’s hear from you….

WHO IS WRITING THIS CRAP??  by Richie Barton 

      I have been watching Monday Night Raw for many years and I have been around the inner workings of the WWE for twenty years or more. I have never really been able to figure out if Vince McMahon is a smart man or a brilliant man. A smart man comes up with a lot of great idea's a brilliant man is one who is intelligent enough to listen to the advice of others around him and more times than not take the best of that advice and run with it. Of course no matter which one he might be there will always be error's in judgment (i.e.: The GobbledyGooker), The Goon, and any other number of mistakes over the years.


                With that being said, you don't get to be in this position that WWE is in lead by someone who isn't either smart or brilliant mixed in with who is also highly motivated. Who can perhaps at times be ruthless and has the natural genetics to just always have to win. It does appear though that whatever he has been in the past, he is certainly in a slump to say the least, great talent is being used very poorly, poor talent is being used way to often and there are to many people employed by the company who are either just their for a paycheck or to scared to death of a losing a paycheck to stop and say "Hey Vince, who in the hell is writing this crap".


               The WWWF, WWF and now WWE went through cycles and rebounded; when Buddy Rogers left Bruno Sammartino picked up the ball and ran with.  There was enough intelligence to book around Bob Backlund to make it appear dollar wise like he was carrying the ball and the company was successful, when that time was over Hogan took the ball and so on. It appears that the search to replace the Rock and or Stone Cold is not going well. If not for injuries, Shawn Michaels or Kurt Angle could have done it.  They are two incredible performers that everyone in the dressing room should watch every time they come through the curtain.  Perhaps they will retain one nugget of the intensity, brains and showmanship that those two men exhibit.  It’s just a shame that those two have got to carry the weight of an entire company on their shoulders since they are talented enough, to overcome the crap that is being written and by the way who is writing this crap?


              Of course the WWE is a strong money making company and should be commended for that.  They do many things right, but the first sign of disaster is when we stop listening and believe that we are invincible, reference Napoleon and Custer and any others who knew it all and wouldn't listen to those around them. I wonder if anyone wrote crap for them or if they did it on their own?  In the end the choice is all yours publicly traded or not the WWE has always and will always be a military dictatorship which is fine as long as you are always batting .400 but when your not it’s time to look at yourself in the mirror and stop seeing your favorite person and to start seeing someone who needs to step back regroup and come out fighting like a champion again.        


         I plead with you for the sake of Monday nights in my home if you aren’t ready to step to the side, please work with the talent you have, bring along the potential stars be patient, the Rock or Stone Cold of the future will fall into your lap as the others did, lets face it no one would have bet a plugged nickel that any of these guys would have been the stars they were and remember when Hulk Hogan was pressed way above the head of Tony Atlas in Madison Square Garden doing jobs in a couple of minutes. I mean my goodness it took Sylvester Stallone to figure out that there was money in Hulk Hogan. It will all happen sooner or later, word of some former WWF stars son will get to you. Or some poor guy like Stone Cold who didn’t get tired of the Indy federations nonsense will come along. In the meantime Vince I beg you please figure out who is writing the crap and get rid of them, even if its YOU, until you snap out of it. I don't know who will eventually get the blame but something tells me if you gave the Pencil to Paul Heyman or even Jim Cornette or anyone else with no personal agenda this email would have never needed to be written.

          There are people who can help you get the ship back on course, if you get your family out of your way. If you and your son want to be talent, by all means feel free to participate, both of you are extremely talented. I beg of you for the sake of everyone involved limit Stephanie and Linda's participation to minimal at best. Your wife should be the Jack Tunney of 2005 let her come in a few times a year and lay down the law. I for one am not sure what Stephanie can do that any one of the other gorgeous divas can't do, when it’s all said and done. Hmm wait a minute I know, how about stay in the back and run a multi million dollar publicly traded company to the best of her ability, let her husband be the star and get some respect back. Now there would be a novel concept, check their ego's at the door. You know what makes the Heyman's and the Cornette's real bookers with the main goal of the company at heart, they aren't thriving to be on camera every five minutes. They are doing what's best for a team giving that team a voice that they can rely on and have faith to guide them to the Promised Land.  If you wanted a cohesive dressing room, put Heyman in charge tomorrow and if you find any talent against that decision fire them on the spot, they are the first sign of cancer in your organization and they can't judge talent if its dropped in their lap. In closing Vince, let me say for the sake of all us, please snap out of it and the next time you have a MAJOR announcement to make let it be just this. I humbly apologize to the loyal WWE fans and the person who has been writing this crap is gone. At the point we can start a new era in WWE the intelligence era, where crap would be the occasional mistake and not a normal Monday night.  

Now to touch on your son-in-law for a minute, you know what skip it.  I believe it's self explanatory to everyone. If he wants your future grandchildren to eat from the fruit which you grew he had better look in the mirror a bit at himself and take his god given gifts and the medically enhanced ones and do the right thing. BTW, has anyone checked with him perhaps he knows who is writing this crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was sent in by Lauren (New Jersey):

Was that really Raw last night? It just seemed so lifeless. You have Foley out there, and yet it's Bischoff who announces Foley's return to the ring, not Foley himself with an emotional interview? They sacrifice the tv audience to build the web crowd? Isn't that backwards? I love the net, but more people have tv's, don't they? They spend the first hour making JR the biggest news story in the company, instead of the other issues that they need to sell worldwide? Austin gets punked out by Stephanie, who just laughs in his face after he insults her and doesn't even let people know Austin is offending her? And the crowd just seemed like they couldn't care less. Flair was ridiculous. It was so obvious he just cut himself before his promo. It was a cool visual until he was just covered in the blood. It hurt any blood he'll ever spill again, because in my opinion he made the blood meaningless, since it spills so easy. WWE is really off the mark right now.




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