RAW Results 9/19/05
  • 09/20/2005 (12:09:49 am)
  • Jimmy

Jimmy reviews RAW for 9/19

RAW Opening

We are joined by Eric Bischoff with the WWE Title (not Cena's) and he introduces Kurt Angle. He strips Cena of the title...and Vince McMahon joins us and puts an end to that. He plugs the October 3 RAW, and announces Cena vs. Bischoff for the October 3 RAW. Lame announcement.

Torrie Wilson w/PMS 2005 vs. Trish Stratus w/ Ashley for the WWE Womens Title
Ashley takes care of Vicky and other girl. Torrie rollup with feet on ropes gets 2, Trish rollup gets 3. Heel beatdown afterwards. Match gets DUD.

Trevor Murdoch w/ Lance Cade vs. Hurricane w/ Rosey
Stalling to begin. Back in Murdoch works the neck. Hurricane fights back with the Hurricane Blow and top rope dropkick for 2. Cane gets rammed into the turnbuckle and DDT finish for Murdoch. 1/2*

Backstage, Todd Grisham interviews Carlito who promises to win back the IC Title from Flair.

Backstage, Edge complains to Bischy about Hardy. He makes Edge vs. Hardy for Money in the Bank in a loser leaves RAW match for the 3rd.

Tyson Tomiko vs. Jobber
Tomko wins via KO from Big Boot. DUD

Carlito vs. Flair video

Carlito vs. Ric Flair for the Intercontinental Title
Lockups to start, and Ric goes to work on the knee quickly. Flair pounds on Carlito for a bit. Flair chops Carlito around. Flair grabs Carlito's apple and spits in his face. Flair's eye is horribly screwed up. He necksnaps Carlito and a suplex back in is blocked and he rams Carlito into the post and we go to commercial. We return with Carlito working over Flair. Carlito spinebuster gets 2. Carlito suplex gets 2. Flair fights back, raking the eyes. Flair gets the axe handle and chop block. Lowblow by the rope and Figure 4 finish it. Match was technically sound, but felt like an eternity. **3/4

Backstage, Todd Grisam interviews Matt Hardy. Shawn, Big Show, and Cena come in and do some stuff. Oh for fun.

Backstage, Melina interview Ric Flair and Carlito interrupts, and they brawl. Masters helps Carlito beat down Flair.

Kurt Angle, Snitsky, Edge, and Chris Masters vs. Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Matt Hardy, and John Cena

TNA Commercial

Show and Masters go at it. Matt gets the tag and quickly tags in Cena. Masters gets 2 off of something I missed. Matt gets the tag and Shawn comes in, but gets Military pressed. This is just way too much action to do a complete play by play on. Matt side effects Edge, but gets Masterlocked as Masters is the legal man. Show breaks it up with a headbutt as we go to commercial. We return with Edge and Matt and Snitsky gets the tag. Corner clothesline by Snitsky. Matt gets the Twist of Fate on Snitsky. Shawn gets the hot tag. FLYING BURRITO! Kurt gets the tag, Angle Slam, and Ankle Lock on Shawn. Show comes in but gets thrown over the top as we go to commercial. We return with Masters working over Shawn's knee. Kurt comes in and sleepers Shawn, which HBK gets out of with a backdrop suplex. Show gets the hot tag and cleans house until Edge spears him for 2. Things really breaks down here. 5 Knuckle Shuffle followed by the Chokeslam finish as all the faces cover Edge for the pin. Fun tag match. ***

Overall Thoughts: zzzzzzzzzz....Wake me up when they move to USA.

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