- 04/06/2011 (6:48:58 pm)
- Bob Mulrenin
I thought your readers may be interested in some pics from the Wrestlereunion event that took place just prior to Wrestlemania at the Atlanta Marriott this past Sunday. It was called "Last Call for Bruno" and was a special luncheon held in tribute to "The Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino, who has decided to only attend events in his hometown area of Pittsburgh from now on.
I was lucky enough to sit at Bruno's table for the private lunch, alongside 50-60 other fans who were each sat a table with wrestling superstars such as Scott Steiner, Lita, Christy Hemme, The Iron Sheik, Cowboy Bob Orton and Tatanka. Following lunch, Bruno made his keynote speech to the audience. He immediately silenced the room by telling the tale of how his family survived the Nazis by hiding in the mountains, (with his mother risking her life multiple times by sneaking down into their occupied town for food), and how he overcame rheumatic fever as a child. The tension was then broken up as Bruno told funny stories about his time in the business, such as the time he found himself being attacked by six thugs backstage after a former football player made a disrespectful comment about Bruno being "washed up". As Bruno tried to defend himself against the mob, the Iron Sheik apparently heard the commotion while taking a shower. According to Bruno, Sheik ran out completely naked and covered in soap to help his fellow wrestler, and it wasn't long before bodies were being suplexed and slammed by Bruno and the dripping wet Sheik. The whole room cracked up and applauded Sheiky Baby, who smiled at the memory and raised his arm in victory.
Following the lunch, I got the chance to speak briefly with Bruno, thanked him for the memories and wished him well. He was a class act, a soft-spoken gentlemen, and he was happy to stop and take a picture. It was an honor to meet him.Everyone at the lunch was super friendly and happy to take photos with the fans. Scott Steiner provoked a few laughs when he came away from the buffet with two giant plates, each stacked with a mountain of food. Tommy Dreamer and Tatanka were great, and I also caught "Cowboy" Bob Orton, who was on his way over to the Georgia Dome to watch his son. "That's only if he's on early enough, because I've got a plane to catch" said Orton. Lita was a sweetheart and it was great to finally meet her, she was my favorite diva during the days of the Attitude Era.
I recommend these Wrestlereunion shows to everyone and if anybody is thinking of attending one and has any questions, I'm happy to help them. My email address is [email protected], and I also have a small blog called "I Met A Wrestler" at where I write about my experiences meeting the ladies and gents in the business.
Thanks so much and keep up the great work, sir!
Daniel Donnelly
