- 10/10/2021 (12:38:28 pm)
- Bob Mulrenin
The crowd came out big time on Saturday at the New York Comic Con. Fortunately, I still got to meet a few wrestlers.
John Cena had a huge line at his photo-op. Unfortunately, there was the thin plastic shield separating fans from Cena. It’s understandable given the circumstances, but it really takes away from the experience and the picture. I did manage to tell him that the legendary horror host Svengoolie really wants to meet him at C2E2. I hope it happens.
I returned to the Highspots booth to talk a bit more to Danhausen. He is so incredibly nice. It was good to see him have a long line of fans and he made everyone feel special.
Orange Cassidy stayed in character as expected. While he wasn’t quite on the MJF kayfabe level, he was close. Some fans didn’t like (or maybe understand), but most appreciated his old school way.
Last, I made another stop at Michael Kingston’s Headlocked booth to meet Jake “The Snake” Roberts. We talked a bit about his WM match with Rick Martel and DDP Yoga.
The folks at Headlocked and Highspots ran a smooth meet-and/greet. In the middle of much con chaos, both teams really went above and beyond to create good experiences.
I heard NYCC was a bit scaled down due to the pandemic, but it still was packed and lively. It was an awesome experience.
Johngy Wroblewski

Tags: Danhausen, John Cena, MJF, New York Comic Con, NYCC 2021, Orange Cassidy,