- 04/01/2015 (1:18:35 am)
- Bob Mulrenin
Hi once again wrestling fans;
A few of you know him as a former
The man is a legend, not only here in Québec but all around the globe, and particularly in the
''Mad Dog and Maurice were 2 completely different entities'' Hebert says. ''Mad Dog was violent, aggressive and mean. Maurice was kind, generous and funny. He helped so many wrestlers get started, most notably Roddy Piper and Pat Patterson.''
In 2013, Laprade and Hebert also wrote ''Mad Dogs, midgets and screw jobs'' which received the book of the year award from the wrestling Observer newsletter.
Even though the 300 pages book is all in French, it contains 16 pages of exclusive pictures and is an easy read. You can order it online at amazon.ca, or directly from the Libre Expression publishing house. Here are some photos I took at the press conference in Montreal, held Tuesday March 31st.
Thanks for reading
Following Photos are of authors Bertrand Hebert, Pat Laprade, Laprade & Hebert and Paul Leduc.