• 08/26/2015 (10:43:41 pm)
  • Bob Mulrenin

Piper Hollywood Memorial Event A Moving, Family Affair
By Invited Attendee, Dr Mike Lano(

Was honored to have been part of Monday's event at the historic Comedy Store on Sunset Blvd along the strip in the western portion of Hollywood.   Drove the 8 hours to make the trip and was asked to bring down my photos of Piper from 1975 to current.  Had photographed his very first match in my home base Los Angeles/Lebell territory in January of 1976 just months after Chavo Guerrero arrived, followed soon by his legendary dad Gory.   He debuted as a bland baby face and our area fans sadly had no clue who he was.  That he had some history in Winnepeg, Montreal, K.C. and Houston to name a few places.  It was interesting to hear RP's son Colt and daughter Ariel(budding actress herself in Hollywood) say that Roddy's bagpipe instructor when he was a kid reassure him that he didn't have to practice as hard as others around him.  "He was already ranked as the 3rd or 4th best bagpiper on the planet for his age and he was really worried that he didn't seem to have to practice for hours on end daily like the others who weren't as good as he was had to do.  His instructor told him it comes naturally to some, others have to work harder at it.  So he was always great on his bagpipes."

But when he came into our Mike Lebell territory, sent to just work a few dates for us(I was one of the long time ringside program photographers who also shot for nearly all the newsstand magazines) by Houston co-booker Red Bastien and then head up to either Portland(Papa Don Owen) or San Francisco(Roy Shire) to work full-time;  he didn't even bring his pipes into the ring that night.  He had a face/face "scientific" draw with the more famous at the time Tony Rocco(who I believe was already making New Japan and Houston/Paul Boesch dates of his own besides all his West Coast work in one of the openers.  Our 22 man battle royal was always the last match on the card, and Roddy was eliminated fairly early in that main event.  

But within 3 days(at one of our satellite house show venues in San Diego) and most of you know this story, our genius booker(after our absolute best bookers Jules Strongbow with Charlie "Mr" Moto) Leo Garabaldi told RP to bring the bagpipes, take forever to take off his kilt and infuriate the crowd.  He saw major young HEEL in kid Piper who had bleached blonde hair at the time, and was skinny with backne.  He was soon cutting helacious promos and Mike Lebell was finally convinced after having told Leo to "leave him as a face."  Piper would stay nearly three years and within 1 1/2 years was not only main eventing at all our venues including our crown jewel: the Olympic Auditorium, 18th and Grand, Richmond RI9-5171 is the "number to call to get your tickets before we sell out,"  but also for Shire at the Cow Palace along with his best friend at the time in the late, great Lonnie "Moondog" Mayne who worked briefly for Vince Sr in '73, managed by Albano.  I can't think if anyone except touring attractions like Andre, Calhoun, Dusty who could main event in two circuits at the same time.  And not just for one-night "pit stops" but on a regular, continuous basis.  It broke KF because Los Angeles syndicated Spanish Int'l Network SIN Hispanic "Lucha Libre"(we had both this Wednesday night show taped at the Olympic with mostly HIspanic commentary but also the other primo weekly show mostly in English taped Saturdays at KCOP/TV 13 right off Fairfax near Hollywood Blvd that ended in 1975 with Greg Valentine po'ing off KCOP brass by over-promoting the Olympic Aud major shows after having been warned to "cool it."    I digress and sadly KCOP was history before Roddy could work these shows with former major actor Dick Lane doing the commentary often with our top ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Sr and Gene Lebell handling interviews.

Piper almost immediately seemed to go into our main events and again, a nearly 3 year feud with the Guerrero family. Done in stages to sell out the place: first with Chavo(losing his hair, putting on a mask and pretending like he/Piper still had all his hair), Gory, Mando and finally Hector(he lost his hair a second time to him).  Soon after losing his hair in yet another hair v hair match at the Olympic, Piper lost a loser leaves town match to Chavo.  He'd return the following week as "The Masked Canadian" and not speaking at all.  Lonnie Mayne, by then his heel tag partner, did the talking.  Back to our Syndicated 90 minute SIN show, it not only aired weekly in NY, Miami, Boston but also on the top Hispanic tv channel in San Francisco and the Bay Area.  Which ruined KFabe and arguably and unintentionally began the destruction of Shire's territory since fans would see them team in L.A. but baby face Mayne was battling Piper by this point, at Cow Palace main events and at some of their spot city towns like San Jose, Reno, Sacramento, etc.

I'll see if Bob will allow me to post the text from my planned speech(there were way too many speakers Monday after a lone bagpipe player played mournfully on the stage of the main room to begin the event, then a mix of WWE's Piper video tribute and tons of home movie footage along with some of my photos of Piper all over the place from 1975 until he started in WWF for his permanent stay beginning in '84 I think the year was.  As nice a job as WWE did with that short video tribute, it really just centered on his WWF '84 and beyond work in WCW, etc.  Like he hadn't accomplished a ton of magic in Winnepeg, Montreal, K.C., Houston, L.A., San Francisco, Portland, Mid Atlantic including Crockett booking the shows for Tunney at Maple Leaf Gardens and of course when he finessed even further in Georgia for Ole's GCW.  His heel promos as Meltzer said were outstanding in Charlotte but even more 5 star was his work as first national heel color commentator alongside Gordon Solie and all the must-see-tv he did in Georgia Championship Wrestling including the turn with his old friend Don Muraco.   

Planned to say something like "and for you industry film and tv execs, it's comforting to know that RP had several projects completed at the time of his passing with Straight Outta Saskatoon garnering $56 million over the weekend(drumroll).   Then would go into serious mode the rest of the speech about the WWE video that aired on RAW and was simply repeated on Smackdown only focusing on his 1984 Piper's Pit, etc and beyond work(and that was it with no mention since really other than them storming out a Piper special edition magazine that should've been proofed(again, he started in Los Angeles for us 1/16/76 and was NOT in Los Angeles at all in 1973 or at any time prior).  All the stuff he did from the time he debuted full time in or about 1984(not the lone MSG '78 appearance where my shot of Piper was on the MSG program cover) was ground-breaking, historic, superb.  The Snuka Pit, coconut and feud.  Really all the Pits.  And there would've been on War to Settle the Score, Rock n' Wrestling Connection or Wrestlemania 1 without Roderick George Toombs heel aura shining everywhere including all those major talk show appearances from the AM Good Morning America type shows all the way up to the Late Night major talk shows and beyond.  Roddy never said no to doing any p.r. for Wrestlemania 1 or 2 and in a classic one, brought lovely wife Kitty with him back in '85.   

WWE fans(what they've named their "universe"), history fans of the biz, etc will keep RP alive in their hearts by never forgetting him.  Even when presented with garbled "history."  As Judo Gene Lebell who also taught Piper and later his son Colt MMA moves and how to protect/defend oneself said Monday night "you never die until you're forgotten.  Roddy Piper will never die because no one will ever forget him."  Decades from now at wrestling schools around the world, greenies will still be watching and hopefully studying tapes of him at work.  "WWE may want to move on thinking they paid their homage, but many fans won't allow it. They'll continue to reflect on this shocking loss.  Even TMZ and TMZ Live continue to report on it and show footage of him today as I write this, 8/19/15.

Was also going to mention yet another incredible Piper-ism.  The close, lifelong friendship/bonds he formed with others in the biz starting with the Hennigs or at least initially Larry in Winnepeg(Curt later in Portland circa '79).  Sure there were tight bonds like Buddy Rogers, Billy Darnell, Johnny Valentine, Johnny Barend, Ernie Roth/The Wiz and Magnificent Maurice in the grand older territory days.  But one didn't come across that often. Many of the boys(and girls) were loners.  Piper made lifelong friends early in his career with Maurice and Paul Vachon in Montreal after the Winnepeg days(Tony Condelo his initial trainer, promoter Al Tomko who recommended Piper allegedly to work some for Verne Gagne because of Tomko's AWA ties.  Piper was close to K.C. promoter/later NWA prez Bob Geigel who he did jobs for before doing some in Houston and really making a lifelong connection with promoter Paul Boesch and booker Red Bastien.  Bastien in turn referred him to his own lifelong pal in former wrestler Leo Garabaldi who'd just taken over our book in Los Angeles.  He was hoping Leo would give Piper some dates for a week or so" as he was ultimately sending Piper to either Don Owen(Portland) and/or Roy Shire(S.F.) for long-term work.  Instead, Leo "was so impressed with the kid," as he told me "that I literally stole him and told him he was going to work instead for us full time. That the other territories could wait."

In Los Angeles, Piper again cultivated strong friendships with Gene Lebell of course and workers Keith Frankes(later becoming Adrian Adonis) who Piper managed and feuded with, then "Cowboy" Ron Bass(same) and of course his older total mentor Moondog Mayne.  Lonnie made sure his "protege" Piper finally made it to San Francisco and the two were best friends until Lonnie died in that horrible car crash, making trans between L.A. and S.F. since again, Mayne and Piper were basically main event and top-tier guys for Shire and Lebell at the same time.  Piper became pals with foes like Dean Ho and Jimmy Snuka in S.F. and then as much as he'd bloomed in L.A. and S.F.,  he really matured in Portland.  He was allowed a lot of latitude by promoter Don Owen who Piper at times nicknamed "Papa or Pop."   Where booker Leo Garabaldi and Gene Lebell had been initial father figures in L.A. according to RP,  "Don Owen really was the guy when I got to Portland.  I loved that man!"  he told me.   Piper also formed the same life-long friendships there with Mean Mike Miller, Rip Oliver, booker/pal Grappler Lynn Denton(RP did the intro for his new book BTW), Buddy Rose, Ed Wiskowski, Dave Sierra and others.  Flash to MidAtlantic and the birth of the American "3 Muskateers" in Piper, Flair and Steamboat.  Enough said.  Those three were absolutely close and I was happy to get shots of them together again in San Jose and Santa Clara for the huge Wrestlemania weekend last March.  Piper had already met Don Muraco in L.A. in '76 before they did anything together in either Georgia for Ole, or even Piper's brief time in Florida where he formed a major bond with Kevin Sullivan too.

Towards the end of the video they showed with the Portland suburb, "house on the hill" home movies, Piper signing a song about his WWF buddies was played and many were crying big time if they weren't crying already.  He sang about Snuka, Kimala, Hillbilly Jim, JYD and others.  That "if you don't jump off that top rope, you'll never know what you can accomplish."   There was also footage and stills of him with each of his kids from when they were babies on.  Just moving for any of us who knew him but didn't really know the full family story because we'd never been to his famous "house up on the hill in Hillsborogh, Oregon."

Those were the points I wanted to make.  That he was of course an incredible and devoted family guy as most already know.  But also a tremendous, dedicated  life-long friend making those friends in each circuit he worked.  And that from the purported 1973 year to when he finally went to work full time for WWF which WWE's video failed to show, Roddy Piper had amassed an incredible body of work already. If he never even made it to WWF in '84, he would've been a total legend for what he did in all those territories preceding WWF, and not even getting into his few Japan tours.   WWE just didn't make those important points known other than being kind of vague about an actual bond with Flair that nope, didn't begin in WWF 1991 or 92 when they faced off nationally as hinted,  but went all the way back to MidAt/Charlotte/Crockett early 80's.  And that while the WWE machine may have to move on, hopefully fans won't forget about Piper.  You can't just seem to say, "hey, we did our tribute, he's gone. Let's move on to whatever PPV or Network thing is upcoming or Divas, Tough Enough.  Real human beings should hopefully continue to think about Piper/Toombs and all he did for the biz.  Keeping his memory alive, again keeps him alive.  And we haven't even gotten into his film work(starting with They Liv & Hell Comes To Frogtown obviously) or all his tv stuff(the aborted weekly Highwaymen show which would've been great with Jesse Ventura-well, at least that pilot looked great) for so many shows like Married with Children and the more recent Piper episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia that seems to replay almost weekly.  Or Lauper's great Goonies music video.  Or Heaven forbid-the Hulk Hogan cartoon show(I don't mean the current sex tape and racism one but the actual mid 80's Saturday morning cartoon show.  Or Piper on the Pee Wee Herman 1985 CBS prime time special, Joan Rivers Fox late night show, etc.

RP had a major body of work outside of the wrestling industry.  So to see amongst the first to arrive last Monday, his co-stars from They Live was great. Going to ask that the family put that home movie with Piper singing to acoustic guitar and harmonica online somewhere.  What a treat that was!

MONDAY NIGHT, 8 PM:  The organizers asked me to arrive early and put my photos of RP up from 1975 to current, all over the entrance way and answer any q's from arrivees, right from the front door on(where 3 hired Bagpipe players played RP music with a ton of fans and uninvited-in media having to just stay outside.  I'd photographed the WWE HOFame Red Carpet and of course Roddy and Kitty came right up to me when they arrived allowing us to get great shots.  Roddy's best friend, producer Mitch A was right behind them as he's been the last nearly 35 years.   We were told only Roddy's actress daughter Ariel would probably be the only family member to make it but Kitty, eldest child Ariel, son Colt("Dad told me, Mitch and several others that we were his only friend when in fact he had many who were devoted to him"), youngest daughter Falon Danika flew down!   The only one who couldn't make it out of their 4 kids was middle daughter Anastacia Shea who was reportedly stuck back east going to school.   The Toombs family was the last to speak and each took a turn.  Colt said his middle name was Baird after his grandfather, and that he'd name his first born "George" after Roderick's given middle name.  Colt brought his new fiancé with him and she said a few words. 

I'd remained close to Roddy from his 1976 days(having to drive him a few times from the Olympic Aud to either LAX or Burbank Airports post L.A. house shows) and besides Mitch A, Colt was usually by his side.  So it's been a great experience watching Colt and the other kids grow up and change each time I'd see them.   The Toombs arrived early and were ushered not through the main door where I was welcoming attendees entreating, but through a private back entrance.  I broke away and spoke to them and they said this night, just last Monday 8/17 would be far less stressful for them than the actual service itself back near their Hillsborough, OR long time home on Tuesday 8/11 with the WWE's, Chyna, etc attending.  Colt remembered that when he was first thinking many years ago about also becoming a wrestler and then perhaps an MMA athlete, Roddy called me to ask me to send each month any/all of the Japanese wrestling and MMA newsstand magazines like Shukan/Baseball Pro, KamiPro, etc that I also worked for as a writer and photographer so Colt could study them.  Colt said he was training and I believe he said now wrestling for some major Oregon indies(not for Rikishi's Knox-Pro group, as I certainly asked and where I thought he'd trained for pro when he wasn't training with Gene Lebell).  Told Kitty how devastated we all were to lose RP.


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