- 04/21/2007 (6:03:01 pm)
- Georgiann Makropoulos
I just wanted to drop you an email and let you know that the TNA show in Louisville, KY. was a complete hit with the fans.
Close to 2,000 fans made there way into the historic Louisville Gardens and brought LIFE back into professional wrestling. For the first time in many years the Louisville Gardens erupted with the sounds of real wrestling fans booing and cheering their favs. No sound pumping involved in this event. From the moment the doors opened it was HOT!!!!!
When the lights went down and the bell rang the crowd was electric.... Chants of TNA filled the halls of the Louisville Gardens and shook the very foundation that was once a haven for such greats as Jackie Fargo, Jerry Lawler, The Moondogs, Jim Cornette, and yes the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett. But this is a new era with new faces and still the game has not changed.
Lets first start with the meet and greet. The guy who ran the meet and greet was awesome, he was having fun with everyone and joking around, he had told us all that the meet and greet was to have 6 TNA talents, the fans were stoked. However, due to a delayed plane Kurt Angle would not be signing until the intermission. Just as we started to get our passes , which by the way were awesome (TNA HOOKED ME UP), to everyones surprise including, the guy running what looked to be the whole show not just the meet and greet, here comes Kurt Angle. Because of the time constraints we could only get one thing signed per person and no pictures which was cool because of who we got to meet.
They did give us an 8x10 of all the talent in the meet and greet. Here is the list of TNA talent that was in the meet and greet, Kurt Angle, Rhino, Samoa Joe, Gail Kim, and on the other side of the room for some reason was the NWA World Champion Christian Cage and A.J. Styles. The meet and greet was awesome, everyone was very respectful and said "thank you for coming." I will get the tickets for the meet and greet everytime I can, this was a great experience, bar none...
Now onto the show. At the start of the show Jeremy Borash announced that Abyss will not be there do to the injuries he had suffered at the Lockdown PPV. However Rhino has still issued an open challenge to anyone in the back becuse he promised a Derby City Street Fight to the fans of Louisville, KY and they were going to get one. The crown popped. Did I mention how great is was to see wrestling back at the Gardens.....
Anyway the show it self was awsome many a chants during the night from TNA TNA TNA to This is Awsome, to PPV PPV PPV..... Let me get into that a little bit. Jeremy introduced Louisville's own Jim Cornette to the ring who had a standing ovation. The crowd was nuts shouting, everything from Thank you Jimmy, to Welcome Back. Anyways that man can talk, he had all of us in the palm of his hand. He had said that TNA Mangement and himself have been on the phone for the last hour or so and that the TNA Managment was wanting to know how the show was doing. Jimmy said to management that he wanted them to hear for the selves and held the phone up and from the reaction of TNA Management according to Jimmy he said TNA said we are coming back to Louisville tell the fans of TNA that TNA will be back in Louisville sometime in the FALL. The crowd chanted PPV, PPV, PPV and the powers to be in the back sent word that might just happen.. Total shock to the all of us and the building went nuts. I means crazy nuts. Jimmy then said the only place in Louisville to have the PPV would have to be right here in The Louisville Gardens, and that Millionaire up North was going to stop them from having a real wrestling show in Louisville, Ky. At this point in time Jimmy wanted to get on to other things such as his specia guest tonight and the crowd started chanting Jarrett, Jimmy then said please welcome my guest at this time Eric Young, the crowd was shocked but totaly cool with it Eric was over... I told you he had us in the palm of his hand. Anyway Jimmy was askin Eric about his new friend and Jimmy was wanting him to answer who it was between Eric and Jimmy and a couple of thousand of Eric's friends no one would tell. And the crowd chanted "Don't Fire Eric" about this time Jimmy told Eric not to worry no would tell Robert Roode and his assitant who looked like she needed to be in Shivley where Robert could use her to make a little mmoney if you know what I mean. The crowed was rolling. Anyway, here comes Robert and Mrs. Brooks out to the ring and demanded to know the truth who had been helping Eric out. Eric did'nt say a word, then he grabed the microphone and said listen here BOB, the crowd erupted and started chanting BOB BOB, which made Robert angry enough to layout Eric. Robert then went outside the ring and grabbed a chair brought it in the ring, and started to hit Eric with the chair until the MUSIC of JEFF JARRETT hit. Jeff hit the ring with the guitar and started kicking the crap out of Robert Roode. Then Mrs. Brooks went to give a low blow to Jarrett and Eric made the save, as Jeff turned around he hit the guitar over the head of Robert laying him out cold and Eric bent Mrs. Brooks over his knee and spanked her. Awsome Segment......
Crowd went nuts for Jarrett and Eric.
Crowd went nuts for Jarrett and Eric.
To the street fight, Rhino came out with the open challenge, and no one was coming out, until the MUSIC of The Damajia hit thats right here in the hometown of the Bashems, Doug Bashem and The Damajia( Known as Danny Bashem up there) hit the ring.. The crowd was nutts.... They got the micrphone and said that in case Rhino didn't know it the ruled the Gardens for years and know they can't think of a better way to POP their CHERRY in TNA then to take Rhino..... So the question still remains who do you want to fight??? Rhino grabs the mic and says first of all your mother doesn't know how to dress you (Damajia) and second of all your mother doesn't like you (Doug) becuse she told me last night at the hotel its on Doug and Rhino had a great match they went all over the arena, aka moondog days, just awsome. Then The Damajia had enough and jumped in the ring just to get thrown out on his a** and the table was set in the corner great false finishes and out of no where GORE GORE on Doug into the table. 1,2,3 your winner in about 15 min Rhino. AWSOME match for Doug and Damajia to come back home and fight Rhino. I can't understand why WWE would let such great workers go. Their loss TNA's gain for sure.
The next match put AJ vs Samoa Joe which was plain and simple the best match of the night. The crowd was into this match big time. I will give a full report later. Lets just say at the end of the match The crowd was standing chanting that was awsome.......
Main event Kurt Angle vs Christian Cage for the NWA world Title. Great back and forth match, these guys did one hell of a job. They controlled the crowd like poetry in motion... Top notch match.. Highlight AJ Styles did a run in on Kurt and cost him the match just as Christian and AJ were starting to bet the hell out of Kurt the music of ABYSS hit and the crowd went nucking futs(lol) Abyss hit the ring and cleaned house the two men left standing face to face were Kurt and Abyss and they had the stare down and Abyss just shook his head up and down to Kurts smile.
Great show really, really just an awsome wrestling event. I talked to a guy who was next to me who traveled from Canada to Louisville by Greyhound to see the show now that is dedication. Thank you TNA.
Can't wait to see you in Louisville in the Fall.
T. Craig
T. Craig