- 06/30/2005 (10:05:37 pm)
- Jimmy
Smackdown report from Anaheim, CA
SmackDown opening to beginWe are not live from Anaheim, California!
Our hosts are Michael Cole and Tazz
We are joined immediatley by Muhammad Hassan and Daivari. Muhammad complains about the 4th of July, and then some how segues into bad-mouthing The Undertaker. Taker takes (har har) offense and slowly walks out. Hassan backpedles, but get's ready to be chokeslammed. Davari chairshots Taker to stop that, but Taker no-sells, and chokeslams Daivari while Hassan leavees. Good opening segment that helps add interest to the 6 man title match.
Paul London vs. Chavo Guerrero for the WWE Cruiserweight Title
Cole tells us to check out tonight for trades. Ohhhh....intrigue.Paul sends Chavo to the outside with his double stomp kick, but back in Chavo takes over. Backdrop suplex gets 2. Paul fights back, but a slingshot is blocked, but he gets a dropkick as Chavo comes off the top. ANNNNNNDDDDD here's the Mexicools, this time on their own indivisual lawnmowers with inflatable beer bottles. Mexicools come in and beat down Chavo and Paul, as Super Crazy and Juventud work over Chavo and Psicosis beats down London. I'm guessing this is a no-contest. Psicosis knocks out Timekeeper Mark Eaton with a microphone shot for no real reason. Juventud says we're all fat and lazy, I think. He doesn't specify who he thinks are fat and lazy. Maybe he's talking about all haberdashers. Juventud introduces Psicosis, Crazy, and himself to all of us. I'm already sick of this gimmick...
ECW ONS DVD promo. Did I use too many abbrevations there?
Jared thinks you're stupid if you eat anything other than Subway. Are you going to take that from some former-fatty? Huh? ARE YOU!?
We review Eddie vs. Rey from last week.
Backstage, Josh Matthews interviews Eddie Guerrero.
Backstage, Melina talks about all the celebrites coming to see her match, and tells MNM to stay in the back. "MELINA OVER THIS SIDE MELINA TURN TO YOUR RIGHT MELINA MELINA!"
Brief video about Smackdown going to Europe.
Melina vs. Michelle McCool
Michelle beats on Melina while Melina screams a lot.Dropkick, but Melina kicks out after 1. Melina cheapshots McCool and they scream some more. Scentillating, no? Michelle goes for the 10 punch, but Melina knocks her off, and puts her feet on the ropes while covering for the win. -*
Melina tells MNM to give Michelle the SnapShot, and they comply. Heidenreich comes out for the save, about 20 seconds too late, the dope.
Backstage, Benoit is putting tape on his wrists for a match that isn't happening for atleast another half hour.
Eddie joins us in the ring for a promo. He shoes us footage of Rey's son Dominick's playground. It gets downright creepy from this point. He says he's going to tell Dominick a secret, but we don't find out what it is. Rey comes out to prevent Eddie from saying it, but Eddie holds it over his head and beats Rey down a bit, and leaves without revealing the secret.
It's now time for the 5-Man Elimination Title match. The 5 men come to the ring, and afterwards Teddy Long comes out and announces that the 6th man is the newest draft pick...Christian! Cool.
JBL vs. Muhammad Hassan vs. Booker T vs. Chris Benoit vs Christian vs. Undertaker
Taker does his lights go and and I'm in the ring deal, but Christian doesn't back down and takes the fight to Taker. Taker dominates Christian to start, with the Snake Eyes, followed by the big boot and legdrop, brother. Christian tags Muhammad in as we go to a commercial.
Aw man, Fair Enough is another re-run.
We're back with Taker working over Hassan. That goes on for a while. Taker gets Old School on Hassan, although he's of course too cool to yell out "Old School!" anymore. JBL tag himself into the match by pushing Taker, and Hassan tags in Benoit. Benoit brutalizes JBL with some chops.They go at it for a bit. Benoit gets the Triple Germans on JBL for 2. JBL tags in Hassan, which upsets him much. Northern Lights Suplex gets 2 for Benoit. Benoit tags in Taker, and he goes nuts on Hassan. They go to the outside, and Taker is DQ'ed when he hit Hassan with a chair. Cole tells us Hassan is out as well, for no adiquietly explored reason. And we go to a commercial.
We come back with Booker T and and Chris Benoit going at it.Benoit chopes Booker a bit, and knees him in the gut, twice, for a 2 count.Benoit goes to the abdominal stretch, totally macking the psychology. He breaks that and delivers more punishment to Booker. Booker gets a suplex and takes over on Chris.Small package gets 2 for Benoit, and he follows up that with an enzuiguri.Benoit goes for the Sharpshooter, and gets it. Benoit goes to the Crossface, but JBL makes the blind tag and goes to work on Booker T. Benoit tags himself back in, and I look away for a minute and Benoit is eliminated. Oops. Anyway, if you don't know who's winning by now, you have no right to be watching wrestling. We go to a commercial.
We return with Booker fighting back against JBL with kicks. Christian finally tags into the match, and immediatley goes to the chinlock. C'Mon Christian, you're better than that. Booker fight back, but gets dropkicked for 2, and Christian goes back to the chinlock. Christian gets flapjacked as Booker fights back again JBL tags in for Christian and goes to work on Booker. He goes for a powerbomb, but Booker reverses, but he gets knocked back down with a big boot. Christian makes a blind tag for Booker, and a crossbody-thing gets gets two on JBL. JBL back body drops Christian, but Christian gets a tornado DDT for 2, as the crowd clearly cheers for Christian. JBL gets a neckbreaker on Christian for 2. Booker tags in for Christian and pounds on JBL. Missle Dropkick gets 2 for Booker. Booker gets the Book-End on JBL for 2 as we go to another commercial break.
We return with JBL going to the top rope but Booker T powerslamming him on the way down for 2. Christian makes the bling tag and rolls up Booker T for the pin. This is the 2nd time WWE's ended an elimination match with two heels, which always seemed incredibly stupid to me. JBL gives Christian the Clothesline from Hell for the pin. Match was decent, but way to god damn long. ***
Teddy Long comes out right after the pin and tells JBL that he's not the SD Champion, but that's he's the #1 contender for the the title of the last draft pick, World Champion Batista. Batista does his happy dance to the ring, and poses in the ring a bit.
Overall Thoughts: Ugh. I was really looking foward to Smackdown, but the lack of an undercard and the near 50 minute Main Event killed that enthuaism. So now we're looking at Batista vs. JBL, which is effectively the same as Batista vs. HHH IV. Oh well, here's to hoping some trades occur tonight.