Pros and Cons…..
Hey guys, Kate here
I just got home from seeing "The Marine". Just thought I would give you guys a little review. Now this will not contain any spoilers. I know how many of you, including myself, give away the ending of movies and what not. I am here to just give an opinion not spoilers. So with no further adue, here we go!!
Movie all around was short, but I really enjoyed how it all flowed. I wish we saw more of his time in Iraq tho. John was a moderatly alright actor throughout the movie. He is not the next Arnold or Stalone, but he did a good job, better than I thought. Kelly Carlson was great in this movie. Beautiful and kick ass. Mr. T-1000 plays villains very well, very slick. My fave character in this movie, other than John lol, had to be Morgan, one of Rome's henchmen. So funny! Lots of fighting, lots of pun lines.
There were 2 times where something blew up and people thought John was in there. I think that was a bit much. The background music did not suit this movie all that well. They played one song that I knew which was something that went like "I can call you my baby boy, you can call me your baby girl..." I dunno the title of the song lol. And in my opinion, the ending was not what I expected.
A decent amount of people were in the theatre with my friend and I, we were at the first showing, so we got a poster (woot) and all in all a great movie, something for both guys and gals.
Soo, I hope this didn't give anything away, I don't think it did. I suggest going to see this movie.
Just thought you were interested in other points of view.... I just got home from the theater .I am glad I went to check it out! For a 7:05 showing, I don't think there were too many people in the theater, considering it is only a hop, skip, and a jump to Johns hometown.
I thought John did a great job in his role. Ladies, he was smokin' hott! The movie itself moved right along and held your attention. I think alot of the movie was unrealistic, but none the less, I enjoyed it! There were a few differences if you had read the book prior seeing the movie but the basic outline was there.
I think the movie could have been expanded in a few areas to show why he was so passionate about being a Marine, which would have given the movie goers more emotion in the movie.The ending credits music choice was cool though!
I do feel, IMO,that unless the fans stick by him and go see this movie, the movie will flop in the theater. It is worth seeing John for $9.50 as a marine, but for the movie, I would wait for DVD...
I just got back from seeing The Marine and loved it. I thought the movie as a whole was good, and John's acting was good especially considering this is his acting debut. The fighting scenes looked great, and the last part of the movie was really good. overall I would give the movie an 8/10. the theater was pretty much full and there was a good applause when it was over which I thought was pretty cool, that's only happened a few times when I've been at the movies.
Whether you're a cena fan and just want to stare at him for an hour and a half, or someone who likes a good action, keep you on the edge of your seat, type movie, I definitely suggest checking it out!