• 01/15/2007 (12:51:50 pm)
  • Press Release



Special thanks to IYH Fan Rios Granillo for the recap.

This past week on In Your Head with Jack, OIB and Barbie Richards they interviewed independent talent and current OVW trainer, Tank Toland, also know as James Dick of “The Dicks” in the WWE. He was here to talk about his former tag partner Chad Wicks (Chad Dick), his role in OVW, The Independent scene, Jim Cornette and his run in the WWE as apart of “The Dicks“. Be sure to listen to the actual interview located at
www.inyourheadonline.com. In Your Head can be heard every Wednesday at 6:00 PM EST and be sure to also check out past interviews in the archive section and sign up in the IYH message board were you can post questions to future guests.

The show starts out with a call in from OVW trainer and former IYH guest Eric Langley calling in just to say “hi” and see how Tank is doing as the amateur class trainer at OVW. He says he is doing really well and that Danny Davis gave him the opportunity to be an instructor at OVW. He also said he is having a blast breaking in new guys just breaking into the business.

Jack asks if someone who is a fan of wrestling has a better chance at being successful as a wrestler, as apposed to someone who enters the business for money? Tank says of course, but if you don’t have a general respect for the business you wont be major successful.

Jack asks what the biggest mistake is a person can make when breaking into the business? Tank says the biggest problem is kids don’t know what they are getting them selves into and that wrestling fans are really impressionable when it comes to seeing some guys that don‘t look like wrestlers, wrestling for a promotion. He says the best way to get into the business, is to find a school that has a good reputation and just have the heart to be the best and you’ll succeed.

Jack asks who was most helpful when he was in OVW? Tank says Jim Cornette, because he was the man that brought him into the territory and put him in a tag team with Chris Cage. He goes onto praise Jim by saying he learned so much when it came to inside the ring, outside the ring and promo psychology.

Jack asks if Jim Cornette thought up any tag team moves for him? Tank said he came up with a lot and said he always had ideas about what to do in a match. He said that it was Paul Heyman’s idea to use the Vegamatic as “The Dicks” finishing move, a move Jim Cornette thought up years ago for the Rock ‘n‘ Roll Express.

Barbie asks from the Chat room, what’s the best advice Jim Cornette gave him? “Be patient” and “Don’t believe it, till you’ve been there, you’ve done it, you’ve seen it on TV, you’ve got the paycheck and it didn’t bounce”

A person from the Chat room asks, why did Tank punch his former tag team partner Chad Wicks in the face? Tank says it a long story, but says Chad had a lot of heat with the boys backstage, rubbing people the wrong way and so forth. One thing led to another and Chad sucker punched Tank and Tank said he just defended himself and he beat up Chad. A month later both were released from the WWE. Jack asks if the fight was the reason for the release? Tank said probably not, they were probably released because “The Dicks” was a terrible gimmick and him and his tag team partner Chad Wicks had zero chemistry. Tank compared themselves to oil and water. Tank went onto say he didn’t like the gimmick from day one, and was really concerned because of the limited self-life, he said he tried his best but it just wasn’t good enough.

Jack asks about wrestling for Ring of Honor? He says the crowd is awesome, cause they hate him so much. He said he knew going in there, the fans would boo him cause of his history in the WWE and his history with Sports Entertainment but he loves the atmosphere and the type of wrestling in general that ROH produces.

Jack asks since Jim Cornette is in TNA, has there been any discussion between the two to bring Tank into TNA? Tank says he has contacted them, but with TNA still a 1 hour show, him teaching in OVW and him taking independent bookings he thinks it would not be good for his career at the moment to go to TNA.

Barbie asks a question from the message board, “Do you ever look back at your matches on Smackdown, and cringe at all the gay jokes Tazz and Michael Cole would say?” Tank said it was alright it was done in good fun and he knew what to expect when he was doing promos covered in oil. “If you gotta be a dick, then you gotta be a dick”.

In Tank’s final moments on the show he plugs his myspace and he really appreciates the love and respect he gets from the fans everyday, and if it wasn’t for the fans he wouldn’t be employed in the business he loves. He says that if the only exposure fans get to see of him is of his time as a “Dick” then so be it, but the fans would be in for a surprise when they see him working a more physical type, international style in his matches on the Indy scene. For more information on Tank Toland please visit

Also don’t forget to go to
www.inyourheadonline.com and check out past interview in the archive section and sign up for the message board and ask all future IYH guests your personal questions or if you want you can always call into the show and ask a superstars yourself.

Go check out the Tank Toland interview everybody…and join us every Wednesday at 6:00 PM Eastern. Look for upcoming guests Luscious Johnny Valiant, SiNN and Baron Von Raschke!!
Don't forget to call in this week to enter the Royal Rumble contest !! Every caller will be given a random number from 1 to 30. That number will be your entry in this year's Rumble. The superstar who enters at your number will represent you !! The winner will get a random prize from the IYH bag o prizes !! If you cant make the show live, no need to quit your job, drop out of school, or break out of prison. Just call us anytime and leave a voice mail, we will play it live on In Your Head and you will be entered in the contest !!

508-644-8503 (long distance charges may apply)
---“IYH Rookie of the Year Candidate” Rios Granillo….Vote Rios

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