• 04/22/2007 (2:16:07 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

 UWF – April 21, 2007
Harrisonburg High School
Harrisonburg, VA

Show had about 350 – 450 people.

Opened with Maven coming out with April Hunter. He heckles a few fans for being fat, dumb, and rednecks. Did a very good job of being a heel. Dave Hebner came out and gave him a match with J.D. Michaels. Lasted about 45 seconds, and ended with Maven rolling him up and holding the tights. After Hebner was alerted of this fact, he put Maven in a 3 way with Scott Steiner and Goldust, and if Maven lost, he would have to wear one of April's bikinis later.

The next match was a 3 way tag dance with the Diamonds in the Rough, Team Macktion, and two random black men. A semi-fast paced match with some fun spots. Scary moment when one guy from Team Macktion was doing a handstand in the corner, and random black guy 1 kicked him in the forehead hard and he fell hard to the mat. He wasn't up till the end with help. Impressive showing from Skipper and Young, who won the match with a double team maneuver.

Austin Starr vs. Jerry Lynn. A FINE encounter. Both men worked real hard. Austin Starr is a REALLY fantastic wrestler and heel. He is the man. Lynn also looked good, and ended up winning with the Cradle Piledriver. Went about 20 minutes and was really great.

April Hunter vs. Christy Hemme w/Lita as Special Guest  Referee. Short, not very good. April got on Lita's nerves the entire match until Lita eventually gave her a huge DDT. Christy then did a chest stomp that landed with her in the splits and pinned April with her leg on her left boob. Could've been SO much worse, but still nothing great.

Goldust vs. Maven vs. Scott Steiner. Crowd loved Steiner. Both Goldust and Steiner teamed up against Maven, but Scott turned on him after Goldust went for a pin on three occasions. Match went on for about 10 minutes, when Maven hit the Shattered Dreams behind the ref's back. Steiner took the  advantage and slapped the Steiner Recliner on Maven for the win. OK ring wise, but the crowd dug it.

Main Event: Team 3D vs. The Extreme Horsemen (Steve Corino and CW Anderson). CORINO CAME OUT WITH A SWORD. I love him. Corino put down the fans in a much smarter and pro-wrestlingesque manner than Maven. Team 3D came out to a HUGE pop…except for 3 fans in the front row, who Bubba berated and challenged to a fight for about 4 straight minutes. Crowd loved it. In the middle of the match they were going to be thrown out but Bubba stopped it by getting on the mic and they were merely moved to the back. Team 3D made it a Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight. They crowd brawled and hit each other with shit, which built to MOVES in the ring. Maven came out in Corino's robe and tried costing Team 3D the match, but they hit the 3D on Corino for the win.  The Horsemen were none to pleased, fed Maven to the wolves, and Team 3D put a bra and panty clad Maven through a table. By far the crowd was HOT HOT HOT for this match.  

Everyone loved the show, couldn't wait for them to be back. I give it a large thumbs up.

I also attended the Ultimate Experience before hand, which also gets a large thumbs up. Every wrestler was in attendance except Maven  (to perhaps not break kayfabe).

(Please credit Kevin Ford)

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