- 08/26/2018 (11:55:48 am)
- Bob Mulrenin
Day 2 at Wizard World featured more interaction with the wrestler guests.
Billy Gunn looked in great shape and was a proud papa as his son worked the booth with him. Austin is embarking on his own career in wrestling.
Mike Pankow and I met Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer talked to us about his great career, his daughters, the House of Hardcore and more.
We also got a picture with Christian. In the photo op area, you don’t get much time for chatting, but Christian was fan-friendly given the constraints.
Lastly, I visited Velvet Sky again. Once is just not enough with Velvet and she was even sweeter than yesterday. I might just visit her tomorrow, too.
Once again, I spent some quality time with some legendary wrestlers. I had the chance to talk to most a bit beyond the confines of a quick selfie. This was one of the best wrestler lineups in recent years.
John Wroblewski